BDC Ch Show 2022 Judged by Mary Sparks & Chris Oatridge

CHAMP SHOW 5/11/22


It was a great honour to judge the bitches at the Club Championship Show, and thank you for letting me go over your lovely Dalmatians. There were many split decisions to be made especially in the later classes where the quality shone forth. I did notice there were some narrow fronts and lack of bone apparent in some exhibits. Also, some nervousness seems to be creeping in although I do know if a season is imminent, it can affect the performance of a bitch in the ring - the standard says 'outgoing and friendly'. However, there were plenty of wagging tails around the ring and I was pleased with the overall quality of the entry.

Minor Puppy 0 entries

Puppy (6,3) Three lovely puppies.
1. Alexander: OFFORDALE KALINDA Almost a year old and maturing nicely. A handy size. She has an attractive head, defined wither, layback of shoulder and good bone. Her good angulation with bend of stifle enabled free and reachy movement. She was against her litter brother in Puppy challenge, but her overall maturity won out. BP
Close up to 1. A beautifully made bitch, she will have many wins I'm sure. Dense black spotting, attractive head with dark eye. Well angled fore and aft and well ribbed up with deep chest, straight forelimbs and cat feet. Liked her a lot.

1. Chance & Dodds: DOTLUN APACHE INCH PERFECT. Quality, well made liver bitch with good distribution of spots of rich colour. Has very attractive spotty head with well placed ears. Good return of upper arm, nice width of chest with plenty of heart room, well let down hocks into arched feet. Moved with purpose.
2. Vockings: BELLEOUD TIPPLE AT PORTUNES NAF Feminine liver with good sloping shoulder. and clean reachy neck into defined wither. Deep brisket, well ribbed up and strong loin into nicely rounded quarters and bend of stifle. Kept her good topline on the move.

1. Lamb: DALPETRO DOTTY JW Lovely cobby black bitch - balanced all through. Strong yet elegant. Dense black spots on clear white coat. Lovely forehand. Well let down hocks, good bone, tight cat feet, strong loin, elbows close to body. Should have a bright future.
2. Scott-Allen & Davis: DALLYDYL CODE BREAKER Liver of pleasing colour and defined spotting. Good overall construction with lovely forequarters, and clean lines. Well ribbed up, strong loin. In good muscular condition. She powered around the ring with long stride.

1. Kembrey: DALMARK BANANA-RAMA Classy feminine liver with lovely spotty face. Nice colour. Well proportioned head with amber eyes and strong muzzle. Good forechest, strong straight bone, cat feet. Moderate stifle, level topline which she kept on the move.
2. Collier: KALLIERBELLE PINK SAPPHIRE Pleasing young black spotted with balanced angulation. Pretty head with nicely set ears. Laid back shoulder, good reach of neck. Attentive to owner and moved steadily.

1. Collier: KALLIERBELLE BLUEBELLE A very nicely made black spot with well laid shoulder and return of upper arm. Strong loin, straight forelimbs into tight, well arched feet. Short coupled and with a nicely rounded rear end. Very well handled and gave a good account of herself in the challenge.
2. Derrick & Ryan: KALOKAIRIE'S HOCUS POCUS A lovely outline on this classy liver bitch. Pretty face with nicely broken ears. Even distribution of spots of a good colour. Good loin, rounded quarters, well let down hocks, arched feet, nice turn of stifle. Moved well.
3. Saunders & Davis: DALLYDYL HONEY TRAP JW

Post Graduate
1. Kembrey: DALMARK THE ASH BLONDE Balanced liver spot of good colour. Even distribution of spots. Not overdone in any way but all parts flowing together. Good head proportions, amber eye. Nice return of upper arm, arched cat feet and spring in pasterns. Lovely topline which she kept on the move. Her tracking was excellent and her correct conformatiion enabled her to move effortlessly round the ring. RBCC
An honest black spotted bitch with deep pigment on a clean white ground. Nice size and overall make and shape. She shows strength with elegance. One with a nice width to chest. Good bone and feet, strong loin, good width of thigh with nicely rounded quarters. Moved with purpose.

Mid Limit
1. Hartley & Griffiths: MIRAGUA HEART TO HEART Well proportioned black with the deepest black pigment. Very balanced throughout. Good bone down to cat feet and a lovely spring to pastern. Lovely topline into well let down hocks, good croup and tail set. Although not her day today, she will surely have a bright future.
2. Morgan: MALBREOW WISH UPON A STAR One I have always admired and gave her a Res CC a couple of years ago. Overall excellent make and shape,with lovely decoration. Feminine with darkest of eyes. Fit and well muscled she floated around the ring, but today she just wasn't playing the game.

1. Howard Riddle: SHYDALLY STAR ATTRACTION A quality classy black spotted bitch with great ring presence. Strong in bone and body yet retaining elegance. Great lay of shoulder and defined wither. Plenty of heart room and a good underline. Well ribbed up and with enough length in body to enable her to stride out on the move. Another one with a good future.
2. Pace: DALCATORI MORGANITE ROSA DEL BRONDEL VCEDE Very appealing liver bitch with the sweetest of heads. Lovely colour and decoration set off with amber eyes. Well set and held ears which are nicely spotted. Clean neck in to well defined wither and deep brisket. Strong loin and coupling.

(11,1) Another lovely class with super Dals to go over. Yet again, I was splitting hairs between some quality bitches who all deserved their titles.
1. Neath-Duggan & Baker: CH.BUFFREY HANKY PANKY BY DALLEAF JW Really classy black spotted girl who's a worthy champion. Headed a really strong class. Everything to like about her construction; powerful yet elegant and so well handled. Coming and going she tracked straight and true.
2. Whincup: CH.TAMILANDA CONTINENTAL GOLD CW21 Another quality bitch. Liver who excelled in type. Very feminine with lovely colour and decoration. Make and shape was excellent and again, moved very true going and coming. Enough length in body to enable reach and drive on the move.

Special Memorial Open
1. Hobbs & Whiting: SOPHTSPOT KNOCKOUT AT RAPANOOEY So much to admire about this young black spotted bitch. Just coming into her own, well schooled and attentive to her handler. I risk repeating myself with my class winners. Showing strength with elegance, you feel she could do a days work. Good forquarters, enough bone into well arched cat feet. Short coupled, good croup and tailset. Depth of thigh, moderate turn of stifle, defined hocks all set off in sparkling condition. Moved with purpose. Bitch CC, Res.BIS
Vhc in a larger previous class. A more lightly spotted bitch showing clean lines and good overall construction. Dark eye, pretty head with well set ear. Good wither and a deep chest, cat feet, good loin and depth of thigh. Moved out well with drive.

Junior Veteran
1. Cole: KEIRADAL MEL'S DESTINY Eight year old liver with a substantial well made body. Lots to like and she was looking on top form. Moved powerfully with reach and drive, keeping her topline.
2. McManus: BOSCHENDAL ASHES OF ROSES Elegant black of 7 years. Nice make and shape with good angulation. Attractive head with good neck. She has overall balance and moved very well.

Senior Veteran
(5,2) Two lovely veterans in this class, both worthy of first place.
1. Morgan: WINFLASH OLYMPIC STAR JW ShCM Black spotted of 10 years, but belying her age as she was in super condition. Good firm muscle tone. She's a good size with overall balance. Lovely dark eyes. A deep chest with good underline. She stormed effortlessly around the ring. Best Veteran Bitch.
Another quality veteran I liked very much. 11 years old. She was elegant and classy. Lovely lines and her correct body shape meant she absolutely floated round the ring.

- Judged jointly with Dog Judge, Mary Sparks.
1. COLLIER Two delightful, well matched Dalmatians in size and shape that were expertly handled and stayed together with matching footfall.

JUDGE - Mrs. Christine Oatridge


I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge the dogs at their CHampionship show It is always an honour to be ask to judge at a CH show and especially a club show.
on arrival I was welcomed by several of the committee, and taken to meet my stewards David and Brian who I'd like to thank for their excellent stewarding and for looking after me throughout the day.

I was disappointed in the amount of high tails which completely spoils the balance of the dog the standard states the tail should be carried with a slight upward curve, never curled. I also saw some questionable movement.
Some of the dogs in the early classes were not happy being gone over and having their teeth checked I personally am always happy to allow the handler to show the dogs teeth themselves Just ask.
Please pay more attention to the standard and research your dogs and bitches pedigrees before breeding we need to look after our beautiful breed.

Minor puppy Dog 1entry
1st Chance & Dodds. Dotlun Red Devil. A very sweet 7mth old liver of good colour and in good coat, nice even spotting, well balanced, Nicely presented and shown, moved really well, still very much a baby, be interested to see how he grows on. Lovely outgoing pup..

Puppy Dog 6entries.
1st & Best Puppy Dog Alexander's Offerdale Grenadier. Dense black spotting on a clear white coat, 11mth old dog handsome head good reach of neck, Lovely body and tail set, nice tight feet just needs to get himself together and that will came as he matures, beautifully shown and presented, moved well.
2nd Wilson's Decoda Trick or Treat for Travier. 11mth old liver spotted boy, nice make and shape, clean head, good shoulders & top line, well presented and moved well.
3rd Pilgrims Nospar Drambuie.

Junior Dog
8entries 1abs
1st Smith's Rapanooy Sugar Donut at Spotamour JW. Smart black spotted 17mth in good coat, clean head good neck and shoulders, level top line, Nicely angulated rear quarters , moved with drive and well presented , a nice class
2nd precious's Dalkiss the Thieving Magpie. Kind head nice dark eye colour, clear black spotting, good reach of neck,good depth of brisket and bend of stifle presented and shown well, moved freely round the ring just preferred the head of 1st.
3rd Christie's Sophspot Perfect Storm.

Yearling Dog
6 entries.
1st Sims Koroyza Hrafna Floki for Snowpeeder. Black spotted dog in good coat, nice head, neck and front good top line, tight feet moved soundly and well presented.
2nd Wooton's Tolkian Caliban. Another black spotted boy, pleasing head, good shoulders and hind quarters, in good condition and shown well.
3rd. Wilkins Gloriandus Petersburg at Salvadoran ( IMP RUS).

Novice Dog
6 entries
1st Davis & Richards. Hafwenna Totilas. 3yr old with dense black spotting, good dark eye colour, masculines head nice reach of neck, Shown well and moved ok.
2nd Arnold's Dalfellin Amour. Another black spotted boy, good lay of shoulder, top line and hind quarters, nicely presented , Didn't move as well as 1 today.
3rd Butler's. Skylosci Bilbo Waggins.

Graduate Dog.
11 entries 1abs.
1st Robbins & houseman's Jasquarella Edge of Winter. Smart black spotted dog, level top line held on the move good depth of brisket and body shape throughout, nice bone and tight feet, moved really well.
2nd Alexander's Offerdale Bennett. Another smart looking boy with evenly spread spotting, well balanced throughout, beautifully presented as I would expect from this kennel just thought the 1st place moved slightly better today.
3rd Wright's Milbelle Crazy Horse.

Post Graduate Dog
9 entries. 1 abs
1st Tingey's Dallyador Lockdown Legend. Very nice liver boy with good depth of colour on a clear white coat, handsome head, good reach of neck, level top line, nice make and shape throughout correct tail carriage and moved with drive around the ring shown and presented in lovely condition.
2nd Burke's. Hafwenna Painted Black. Smart black spotted dog nice head and neck good body and well Balanced from head to toe, Well boned and moved evenly around the ring.
3rd Gardner's Stone the Crows.

Mid Limit Dog
3 entries.
1st. Chappelle & Williams Tolkian Storm King from Phadante JW. Nice evenly spotted black, level top line held on the move, good tail set, nice depth of brisket and d balanced throughout good bone and moved with drive well presented.
2nd. Burke's Hafwenna Painted Black.
3rd. Wooton's Tolkian Caliban.

Limit Dog.
4 entries 1 abs
1st Croft's. Koroyza Viking Warrior. A very nice 3yr old liver spotted dog pleasing head, good reach of neck and nice topline, nice bone and forechest good bend of stifle, and tight feet, moved well and at one with his handler.
2nd Townsend & Pardoe's. Kaytoni Oh What a Night at Daymadals. Handsome black spotted in super coat , lovely depth of brisket, good topline, and rear angulation, Good bone and tail set. Didn't move and show as well as I know he can, we all have off days.r
3rd. Sampson's. Dalstorm Golden guinea JW.

Open Dog.
9 entries 1abs
1st and Res CC. Ch Mapplewell Pocket Rocket. Really nice black spotted boy, handsome head and expression, good reach of neck level topline held on the move, good depth of brisket and we'll angulated rear quarters correct tailset, and lovely bone, moved with drive and expertly shown in lovely condition.
2nd Christie's Sophspot Gold Dust JW. A liver spotted Ch dog, lovely head and well balanced throughout with good bone and correct tail set. Moved with drive around the ring by his very able handler.
3rd Hopkins Rapanooy Red Rose JW.

Special Memorial Open Dog
5 entries 2 abs
1st Green & Sears. Best Liver dog Alphadal Ain't Misbehaving. Lovely rich liver spotted dog in excellent condition, really nice make and shape, moved with drive round the ring and shown really well by his owner .
2nd Arnold's Dalfellin Amour.
3rd Quigley's Dalkiss Paperback Writer.

Special Junior Veteran Dog.
3 entries 1 abs.
1st dog CC, B.Black, B.Vet in Show. & BIS. Neath_ Duggan & Baker's CH Buffrey Incognito by Dalleaf JW. What can I say about this amazing dog, superb black spotting evenly distributed on a pure white coat and in fabulous condition throughout. At 7yrs old looking better than ever and moved with drive around the ring he has such presence and is always shown to perfection by his handler he well deserved the Best in Show.
2nd Goodsen's Alphadal King of Angels Shcm.
Another handsome black more densely spotted, never the less lovely make and shape good bone and moved really well, presented in excellent condition.

Special Senior Veteran Dog. 2 entries.
1st Stillman & Davis. Tolutim Yaffle. 10yr old, nice black spotting well distributed, nice head and neck, level topline held on the move, good body and bone, correct tail set still enjoying his time in the ring, nicely presented.
2nd Hurst's Philcarthon X caliber at Finnidal. Another 10yr old in nice condition throughout, moved and shown well. Very close between the two.