1: |
Sophtspot Glitterati (JW, CH), Christie Mrs J |

1: |
Mapplewell Limited Edition, Richardson, Mrs R |
2: |
Doodledally Nancy Drew Am Dalseren, OConnor, Mr G K |
3: |
Alphadals Sweet Dreamer Of Naracoopa, Thorner Mr & Mrs L |
Res: |
Mapplewell Just My Style At Dalmaigheo, Baker Mrs M |
VHC: |
Gatfulls Honey Bee Of Lyndalla (Imp Swe), Pratt Mrs W & Miss E |
1: |
Ellemstra Tough Cookie at Shacarlu, Burrows Mrs C |
2: |
Checkmate Iz Terletskoy Dubravy By Sophtspot (Imp) (JW), Christie & Scott, Mrs J & Mrs M |
3: |
Daedalus Grand Finale, Peterson Mr D & Mrs J |
Res: |
Dallyador Secret Addiction, Tingey Mr & Mrs RS |
VHC: |
Miragua Heart to Heart, Hartley & Griffiths, Mrs FCT & Mr JM |
1: |
Chizzmic Carry On With Cubalibre (JW), Mrs B Quayle |
2: |
Malbreow Wish Upon A Star, Morgan Mr S &Mrs D |
3: |
Pandamax Lady Martini To Nospar (JW), Stocks Mrs T B |
Res: |
Keiradal Mel's Destiny, Cole Mrs E |
VHC: |
Dalcatori Morganite Rosa Del Brondelvcede, Pace Miss N |
1: |
Sophtspot In A Heartbeat Of Lyndalla (Sh.CM), Pratt Mrs W & Miss E |
2: |
Roadcoach Rejoice With Dalesbred, Dinsdale Mrs D |
3: |
Tamilanda Valentina Lilly At Dotsadaisy, Miss N J Wareham |
Res: |
Millbelle My Precious At Ribot, Probert Mr K & Mrs C |
VHC: |
Tamilanda Continental Song (JW), Watts & Jackson-Peatling Miss J, Mr JR & Whincup Mrs DL |
1: |
Sophtspot Glitterati (JW, CH), Christie Mrs J |
2: |
Dvojica Chilli Chutney For Wrendragge (CH, JW), Dr WJ & Mrs JM Gardner |
3: |
Gwynmor High Five To Hunacres (JW, CH), Wilkinson Mrs S |
Res: |
Dalticino Interlagos From Dallydyl (JW, Sh.CM), David & Saunders |
VHC: |
Dalpetro Diamond (JW, CH), Mrs R Lamb |