VD: (12, 1 absent)
1.Johnston’s Ch/Ir. Ch Leaveslake Limerick at Clonheath. Outstanding 8-year old liver dog, with quality written all over him. Medium sized, excellent liver markings, very good construction and movement. A real showman, which took my eye from the start of the class.
2. Kenyon’s Ch/Ir. Ch Marricdale Mr. Millionaire. 8-year old black-spotted male which is slightly longer cast than the winner, though still well balanced. Very attractive head and expression. Good black and white markings both in colour and distribution. Stood completely square behind and used his hindquarters to advantage on the move.
3. Croft’s Gemmont Mystical Night. 8-year old liver and white, whose markings were heavier than those above him, although still evenly spread. Lovely eye colour. Slightly taller than the other two and not as positive behind as them when moving.
PD: (6, 1 absent)
1. Kay’s Kaytian One Kool Kat. A gorgeous liver-spotted dog, which is balanced both standing and on the move. Well –distributed markings of a good colour. Very attractive head, although I would prefer a slightly darker eye. Moved with drive and purpose and showed off his attributes to the full.
2. Hartley & Griffiths Creaganbrec the Favourite at Miragua. Though only a month or so younger than the winner, he looked immature compared with him and this finally decided the result. Otherwise, a really sparkling black and white with a lovely head and expression. Quality construction and movement. Very much at one with his handler.
3. Nisbet’s Dalmatas Hercules. A black-spotted puppy with much to admire about his construction. Good bone in front and well-shaped stifles behind. Matched the other two in movement but his coat was not at its best and so he had to be content with a third.
JD: (4, 1 absent)
1. Smith’s Dalminshi Starcluster. Lightly-marked black -spotted male, whose handler certainly made the most of the dog’s virtues. Lovely, clear white coat and jet-black markings. Excellent head and expression, framed by well-broken ears. Soundly constructed overall. Stood four-square all the time when standing and moved properly both in front and at the rear.
2. Gates-Raw Jabbawock the Sorcerer at Ribblehill. Very sound liver and white but, today, he wasn’t quite at his best. In particular, he flew his ears almost all the time, which spoilt his expression, and he had some “Dally” rash on his head. Excellent construction, particularly at the rear, where he has very good stifles and second thighs.
3. Baker’s Oneowun Ohio. A black and white male, which stood correctly but showed with less enthusiasm than the other two. However, he really strode out on the move. Appealing head although I would prefer a little more white on his ears. Good front and a balanced construction.
YD: (16, 2 absent)
1. Jubb’s Dalmark the Double Agent. One that I have admired from the ringside and he did not disappoint me today. Very striking liver in every way, especially in terms of his markings. His excellent make and shape enables him to move correctly both in front and behind. His show personality really strikes you, whenever you look at him, and his empathy with his handler is obvious.
2. Whiting’s Dalesbred Djamaica at Cragvallie. Fully deserved his placing in a class where more than 5 cards would have been justified. Really attractive black and white markings, both in colour and distribution. Very good overall construction and balance, which allowed him to show off his admirable movement. I feel that he still needs more time to mature but he and the winner will change places on more than one occasion.
3. Oatridge’s Dalehouse Chatanooga. Very well-named for he moves with all the power and smoothness of a train, especially at the rear. Perhaps a little “chunky” for my ideal type, but he has balance and sound construction. These qualities are especially noticeable when he is standing, for he presents an excellent picture where nothing is overdone and everything is in its correct place.
PGD: (18, 3 absent)
A really challenging class to judge headed by 1. Cromwell’s Mapplewell Black Magic by Liverdals. He certainly worked his magic on me, for he was a serious contender for the ResCC. An outstanding black and white dog, which oozes quality in every department. Lovely head and expression, clean neckline down into well-laid shoulders. Totally balanced body, good stifles and excellent movement. Very much my type of dog.
2. Lamb’s Dalpetro Dettori. He pushed my winner right to the finish. In the end, I felt the clarity of the spotting on the first just tipped the balance. Otherwise, this was another black and white spotted animal of pure quality, both in make and shape and in movement. Excellent overall balance, real drive on the move. Elegance with strength.
3. Kazana’s Dalzana King of Joppa. A slightly smaller, more lightly marked black and white than the above but sharing many of their attributes, especially their overall balance. Good depth of pigment on a clean, white background. Very sound movement, both front and back. At times, tends to spoil his expression by flying his ears.
MLD: (9, 1 absent)
1. Rose’s Candidals to Boldly Go. Boldly is the right word – this black and white has personality plus! A real sparkler which showed his heart out but which has all the other virtues needed at this level. Everything is in the right place – very good front, well-balanced body, good stifles. His movement is a delight to watch.
2. Brookes Hispot Hispirits. Unfortunately lacks the “oomph” of the first and, faced with the exuberance of the winner, the difference tells. That said, he is very soundly constructed throughout, his black spotting is very good in both colour and distribution and he moves correctly both in front and behind.
3. Hammett’s Bryedal Mayan. Very appealing liver and white male, with spotting of good colour and distribution. Attractive head and expression, balanced body and sound movement. Handler and dog very much in harmony.
LD: (9, 2 absent)
1. Bolt’s Fakenham Flash Gordon. Looked the winner from the moment he entered the ring. An outstanding liver and white dog with superb make and shape and a movement that is a model for everyone to try and emulate. Everything about him is right – his hard condition, his overall balance, his head and expression, his spotting and his showmanship. Lost one of the top two honours by a whisker.
2. Ely’s Wintermine Commando. Elegant black and white animal that is a fraction tall for my personal taste. Very good balance, really attractive markings, very sound movement both coming towards you and going away. Clearly loves the show ring.
3. Fort’s Shulune Double Fantasay. Attractive liver and white with well distributed markings of good colour. Good construction, especially at the front.
Moved soundly and never gave up showing.
OD: (23, 6 absent)
Wow, what a class which, ultimately, was won by 1. Stocks’ Ch Dalmark the Shaded Moon at Nospar. Just exceptional in every respect! Medium-sized liver and white dog which has everything I look for in a Dalmatian. From the nose on his very attractive head to the tip of his tail, he personifies quality throughout. He has outstanding construction and movement, excellent spotting in both colour and spread and showmanship in abundance. Dog CC.
2. Clarke’s Ch Kalokairie Lord of the Livers by Klarkeson. ResCC and pushed the winner very hard indeed. Slightly taller than the first and a little longer in loin. Beautiful liver and white markings, a gorgeous head and expression, elegant neckline arching down to well-laid shoulders. Well-developed hindquarters with the muscles in hard condition. Very sound movement both in front and at the back. Just preferred the type of the winner.
3. Moore’s Ch Fincham Trade Wind. Black and white which completed a superb trio. More like the second in type and shared all his qualities. Very good stifles and general construction. Deep pigment in his black spotting set off by a clear, white coat. Perhaps not quite the controlled animation of the two above.
Good Citizen D:(6)
1. Kembrey’s Dalmark The Showstormer. Very good black and white spotted male of medium build. Good, balanced construction and particularly well-developed stifles. Striking movement. Won this class comfortably. This owner is to be congratulated on the high quality of all the dogs of her breeding, which were shown under me today.
2. Bryedal Mayan. Third in Mid Limit
3. Cotterill’s Polydot Vanilla Ice. Slightly taller and longer in back than the winner. Really deep black pigment in the spots on a clean white coat. Attractive head but he did have a tendency to fly his ears. Showed with animation.
VB: (16, 3 absent)
1. Dinsdale’s Ch Dalesbred Doodle Bug. Tall, elegant black and white bitch. Just over 7 years old and would have made a strong showing in the Open class. Excellent spotting, very sound make and shape. Especially good stifles. Moved really well, with plenty of reach in front and drive behind.
2. Richardson’s Dalmark Moon Europa. Lovely 7 year old black and white which, like the winner, didn’t seem old enough to be in veteran. Stockier in type than the first but well-balanced and well-constructed. Moved very soundly and showed with verve.
3. Goff-Leggett’s Ch Washakie Indian Sunrise. At nearly 10, this black and white was one of the older exhibits but she certainly showed some of the younger ones how to move. Very good front construction and good stifles. Very attractive head and expression, enhanced by dark eyes. Good overall balance.
PB: (14)
1. Wright’s Angelic Aphrodite for Millbelle. A stunning black and white animal that was celebrating virtually her first birthday by winning BP. Intense black pigment in her spots set against a very white coat. Lovely head and expression, excellent front and really well-shaped stifles. Totally self-confident in everything she did, whether standing or moving.
2. Christie’s Sophtspot Snap Crackle N Pop. Very well-constructed and very impressive young black and white puppy. Very good shoulders and stifles, well-developed hindquarter muscles, resulting in movement of the highest quality. On the day, I felt she was carrying just a touch too much weight over the loin.
3. Haywood & Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Tart. Elegant liver and white with spotting of very good colour and distribution. Lovely head and expression. Good construction throughout. Moved soundly and never stopped showing.
JB: (6, 1 absent)
1. Moore’s Manchando Choc Chip Cookie From Fincham. Fabulous liver and white which has everything she needs to go right to the top. Still only 15 months old – only lack of maturity stopped her today from being a genuine challenger for a higher award. Her overall construction, balance and movement are all of the highest quality. A real showgirl, whose future I look forward to with great interest.
2. Harrison-Stratford’s Dalkereve Dark N Divine. Another very appealing bitch, with black and white spotting of good colour and distribution.
Shorter coupled than the above but presents a balanced outline and moves with drive. Attractive expression, enhanced by well-broken spotting on the ears. Really at one with her handler.
3. Garton’s Jabbawock Pepper up Potion. Younger than the two above her and, at this age, it shows. Very attractive black and white bitch with spotting of good colour and distribution. Appealing expression and dark eyes. Moved soundly both in front and behind.
YB: (20, 2 absent)
1. Rance’s Olbero One to Treasure. Lightly marked liver and white with spotting of a very good colour. Absolutely sound and balanced in every respect, good construction in front and well-developed stifles. Her movement, whether coming towards you or going away, fits the Standard far better than many in this class.
2. Dodds & Pearson’s Camargue Gucci Envy. Bitch with black and white spotting of a good colour but which didn’t have quite the substance of the winner. Soundly made, and with good stifles although her hind movement wasn’t quite as good as that of the winner. Showed with energy.
3. Black’s Boval Budvicca. At first look, I thought she might be my winner for she really catches the eye. Unfortunately, today, she wasn’t as settled, either standing or on the move, as I have seen her previously. That said, she has a lovely head and expression, dark eyes and spotting of a good colour.
Good front with excellent tight feet and well-shaped stifles.
PGB: (16, 4 absent)
1. Story-Taylor’s Kesteven Rainbow Chaser. Lovely, compact, black and white bitch. Most appealing head and expression, with a spotty face, dark eyes and well-broken ears. Strong bone, soundly constructed and balanced throughout. Presented a very attractive picture standing and this was reinforced by her very good movement both in front and to the rear.
2. Lamb’s Dalpetro Desdemona. Lots to like about this black and white bitch which was in excellent condition. Very good spotting both in colour and distribution. Really used her hocks to drive on the move. Standing, she normally looks a real showgirl but, sometimes, she has a tendency to crouch behind and this affects her topline.
3. Smallwood’s Mapplewell Dancing Queen of Lascelles. A bitch with very clear liver markings on a sparkling white coat. Well-constructed and balanced overall. Standing, she shows with energy. Not quite as good in front movement as the two above.
MLB: (13, 2 absent)
1. Baker’s Dalleaf Japonica. Absolutely gorgeous liver bitch that epitomises quality in every respect. She has outstanding construction, is totally balanced throughout, and has an exceptional show personality. She moves with reach in front and a strong drive behind. Standing, all her many attributes are easy to see, at least partly because of the obvious empathy between her and her handler. Deservedly took the ResCC.
2. Cuthbertson’s Kalsidoni Garnet. A very showy black and white spotted bitch. Slightly longer cast than the winner but still balanced. Very good make and shape with particularly notable stifles. Her movement is very sound both ways, and is especially good behind. She must learn to carry her ears up all the time.
3. Lewis’s Hunterswood Razzmatazz. Much more cobby, compact type than the above with very deep, clear, black spotting on a clean white coat. Lovely broken ears carried correctly. Moved soundly though without quite the drive of the other two.
LB: (22, 4 absent)
1. Levy’s Motek Chelsea Chloe. A compact liver and white bitch, with spotting of a good colour and distribution. Very showy standing. Well-balanced overall with good, general construction. Particularly good, well-muscled, hindquarters and this resulted in her having lots of drive behind when moving.
2. Page’s Winflash Spring Angel. Very stylish, black and white bitch with lots to commend her. Very appealing head and expression, dark eyes. Good front and well-laid shoulders. Well-balanced body and good bend of stifle.
Moved very soundly. Standing, she was obviously in harmony with her handler.
3. Harrison-Stratford’s Acland Dark Daughter by Dalkereve. The third in a trio of quality bitches and one that I have admired previously from the ringside. Slightly more lightly-marked black and white bitch with even spotting. Good, overall construction and a balanced outline. Moved with purpose.
OB: (25, 7 absent)
1. CC and BOB. Dunnachie’s Ch Dvojica Voodoo. Just fabulous in every way, this black and white bitch needs every superlative in the book to describe her adequately. Outstanding in construction, perfectly balanced and the ultimate showgirl, here was an animal which I could not take my eyes away from for any length of time. To complete the picture, she moves around the ring with a controlled power that is a joy to watch.
2. Roach’s Ch Hebe Aleatory in Holderness. This is a really beautiful, and more feminine bitch than the winner. Taller and slightly longer cast than the one above, she has a very appealing head and expression, lovely black and white markings and really good, overall construction. She moves with soundness and grace. Ultimately, however, she had to give way to the overwhelming showmanship of her conqueror.
3. Forrest’s Choosespots Camelia by Spotswood. A beautifully marked liver and white bitch, which combines elegance with strength. Very good construction, well-laid shoulders and good overall balance. Very sound on the move and showed with energy.
Good Citizen B: (6)
1. Healey’s Hebemor Tumbling Dice. Upstanding black and white bitch with an attractive head and expression. Spotting of good colour. Moved soundly and showed well.
2. St. Aubyn Hubbard’s Mountsorrell Love and Kisses. VHC in Post-Graduate. Attractive liver markings on a clear white coat. Stood and showed with purpose. Moved soundly behind.
3. Burton’s Hameldal Sunshine Valley. L/w bitch with attractive markings. Good rapport with her handler when standing but not as sound as the other two on the move.
Lindsay Cutts (Judge)
Crufts 2008 Judged by Mr L M Cutts
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