Thank you the NEDC for the opportunity to judge dogs at this show but, most of all, thank you to the exhibitors for their entries.
As I have owned Dalmatians for nearly 40 years, and have been showing and judging dogs within nearly three decades now, and as someone who has tried to breed to the standard as much as is possible, I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the dogs presented today overall. I was generally very pleased with my class winners and particularly with my CC and RCC, who went BIS and RBIS. Both of these dogs exhibited good confirmation, demonstrated strong movement and have attractive spotting. Although different types, they could both do the job of a carriage dog with ease and cover the ground with drive. There were some other dogs who are very sound and attractive and their day will come. I found all the dogs temperaments to be very good and there were even a few who ‘smiled’, which is always delightful. As I stated three years ago, after judging Driffield Championship Show, spotting and the colour of livers has improved greatly over the years.
However my other comments remain pretty much the same; there are too many tall dogs who do not meet the standard. The variation in type is disconcerting; whilst it is inevitable that there will be some degree of variation in type, there are so many variants in the ring, it is becoming impossible to consistently place to type. The movement of some exhibits moving from behind can be extreme, it can range from crabbing, plaiting and some dogs can look cow hocked. Sometimes it is difficult to determine in some of the dogs whether elements of poor construction that cause this inappropriate movement, or whether the handlers just can’t run in a straight line! I also found some poor pigmentation in the younger classes and some bad bites in other classes. Tail sets remain variable - too high etc. There are still dogs being presented at shows who are in poor coat. These comments are general and are meant to be helpful in planning future breeding. I don’t like to comment on these issues naming specific exhibits, their owners should know who they are.
Special Junior Veteran Dog 5 (2 abs)
1 Neath-Duggan’s Tumbril True Blue Buffrey JW,
Nearly 9 years old and still looking like a youngster. Nice dark eye and pleasing head, in good coat and of correct size. Level topline on the move. Best Veteran Dog
2. Moseley’s Ch Loxleyvale Khartoum. Larger, liver spotted dog, good dark eye for a liver. Heavier over the shoulders than one
3. Emmetts’ Ellemstra Decorated Hero JW Sh.CM,
Special Veteran Dog 1 (1 abs)
1. Brookes’ Hispot Hicommand, A lively 10 year old, who showed well. Nicely decorated black spotted dog, he made it clear he was happy to be in the ring again; never stopped wagging his tail. A pleasing head and dark eye and well set ears made for a very appealing expression.
Minor Puppy Dog entries 4 (no abs)
1. Tingey’s Holderness Hill Billy By Dallyador, Attractively marked liver dog with good make and shape. Good feet, plenty of bone and for one so young he moved across the ring with drive and kept a good topline. Handled well and with happy disposition, he should do well. Best Puppy Dog
2. Goff-Leggett’s Washakie Aslan. Another liver spotted puppy. Slightly larger than 1. Nice white coat and well broken ears framed an attractive head. Good turn of stifle and well let down brisket for a youngster. Handled expertly, he moved well. Preferred 1 today but I expect that these two will change places in the cards over time.
3. Fleming’s Chandally Cuvee Du President,
Puppy Dog entries 6 (2 abs)
1. Goff-Leggett’s Washakie Nutcracker Prince. Litter brother to 2nd in MPD, I preferred this black spotted puppy to his littermate. Well proportioned and balanced. Bold black spotting, attractive head and expression. Moved with freely for one so young.
2. Coates’ Buffrey The Shaded Sun At Cubalibre. More heavily decorated than one, shorter coupled. Dense black pigmentation on clear white coat. Moved with purpose Needs to mature to gain his full potential
3. Precious’ Holderness Henry Higgins By Lupiac.
Junior Dog entries 4 (1 abs)
1. Hartley & Griffiths’ Creaganbrec The Favourite At Miragua,
Beautifully marked black spotted youngster, nearly 14 months and remarkably mature for his age. Well constructed with good brisket, plenty of heart room, good tight feet, and appropriately muscled, he moved with drive across the ring keeping a firm topline. This dog combines elegance with substance, truly well balanced . In exemplary condition he was very unlucky to meet with the CC winner, a different type, but will surely gain his title very soon. RCC. RBIS
2. Willis’ Cibrith Cosworth. Good colour liver spotting with nice head, dark eye and pleasing expression. Excellent outline with good deep chest and front.. Moved with balance and drive, taller than 1 but well proportioned. Overall a very promising youngster, he will do well.
3. Dodds & Pearson’s Camargue Eurovision.
Yearling Dog entries 5 (no abs)
1. Smith’s Dalminshi Star Cluster. Taller dog, more lightly, but none the less densely pigmented back spotting. Nice head and expression, attentive to handler. Good construction overall, good side profile and moved with purpose across the ring.
2. Willis’s Cibrith Cosworth. As before
3. Kay’s Kaytian One Kool Kat.
Maiden Dog 1 (1abs)
1. Goff-Leggett’s Washakie Nutcracker Prince. As before
Novice Dog 2 (1abs)
1. Rance & Brighouse’s Midnight Caller at Olbero. Well grown dog with lighter markings. Nice feet and bone. Attractive head and expression but still needs time to mature as he is still very much a baby.
2. Beevers & Wood’s Kimmikas The Boy Prince. Another upstanding dog . Lighter spotting but well broken ears and alert expression..
Graduate Dog 3 entries ( no abs )
1. Jubb’s Dalmark The Double Agent JW..
Lovely rich liver coloured spotting as is usually the case from this kennel. Evenly spotted, a dog of correct size and his overall outline is pleasing. Good deep chest and front assembly and moved with verve today. Best Liver Dog.
2. Baker’s Oneowun Ohio.
A nicely decorated black. Good head type and has a good overall shape with deep brisket and good tuck up. Longer in the loin than 1. Kept a good topline on the move. Just preferred 1 today.
3.Moate’s Major Sheer Will at Sundown.
Post Graduate Dog 9 entries ( 4 abs)
1.Whiting’s Dalesbred Djamaica At Cragvallie.
Eye catching dog with dense black spotting. Engaging expression. Very good overall construction and balance, which enables him to move correctly with reach and drive at the appropriate speed. At 2 years old has plenty of time to mature and reach his full potential.
2. Kazana’s Dalzana King of Joppa.
Another black spotted dog with nicely broken ears. Nice head and dark eye with well marked ears. Good overall construction with nice depth of brisket and side profile and moved at one with his handler across the ring.
3. Gibbs’ Phadante Supatroupa.
Limit Dog entries 11 (5 abs)
1. Lewis’s Man About Town at Hunterswood JW .Sh.CM..
Well constructed dog, well balanced with good bone and correct feet. Attractive spotting and in good coat. Good front and rear angulation as he drove across the ring. Good tail set. Was interested to find he has the same sire as 2.
2. Lamb’s Dalpetro Dettori JW.
Another very nice dog, unlucky today but on another occasion the positions could easily be reversed. Deepest black pigmentation on to a lovely white coat. Nicely constructed and of correct size with good profile standing. Good level topline on the move, good turn of stifle and moved with drive. Both this one and 1beautifully handled.
3. Kembrey’s Jabbawock the Conquistador at Dalmark.
Open Dog 8 entries (5 abs)
1.Hoie, Ivarsson & Jacobsen’s Multi Int Ch Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy.
Standing this dog looked every inch to meet the standard and on the move he did not disappoint. A stallion type dog, well muscled with enough length of loin to power his well constructed and proportioned rear quarters forward to do the job of a carriage dog. His excellent spring of rib, depth of brisket and correct front angulation were all it needed to take the top honours on the day C.C. BIS.
2 .Dunnachie’s Ch Sophtspot Sugar Daddy At Dvojica JW.
This dog has a lovely outline, is nicely decorated and is expertly handled. Good head leading into clean neck and defined withers. Appealing expression, correct ear set and level topline, all present a lovely outline from front and side. Today he moved across the ring with drive and really took my eye.
3. Goff-Leggett’s Ch Washakie Chief As Great As JW.
Special Beginners Dog 2 entries (1abs)
1. Lamb’s Dalpetro Dettori JW. as above
2. Rosier’s Top Class Smiler of Sarsodots. Happy dog, enjoying his day out and showing well.
Brace 2 (3 Abs) Judged with Bitch judge Mr A Cuthbertson
1.Tingey’s Brace
Progeny 1 (no abs) Judged with Bitch judge Mr A Cuthbertson
1Roach’s Ch Hebe Aleatory in Holderness JW Sh.CM
Christina C Pickup Judge ( Dogs)
Many thanks to all who made this day possible. I enjoyed myself immensely. A thank you especially to my two very able Stewards who kept me on track but a huge thanks to all you exhibitors.
I found all exhibits in clean condition although some I liked very much had to pay the price for Dally Rash. All temperaments I found excellent.
Special Junior Veteran. (7)
1st Hipkiss’ Ch Dalkiss Isla of Iona JW. 7 ½ year old liver bitch of sound construction. Pleasing head with correct eye colour. Good overall shape and plenty of bone and substance. Strode out well.
2nd Gibbs’ Phadante Norweigen Wood Sh.CM. 8 ½ year old black bitch with a lovely feminine head, good eye colour and ear carriage. Moved around the ring with plenty of drive
3rd Pearson’s Medala Calamith Kate from Cannabee
Special Veteran. (3)
1st Ford’s Kayjule Princess Jasmin Sh.CM. 10 year old black bitch. Liked her head and pleasing expression with well placed ears. Still in good condition with lovely outline and shape, tight feet. Held her topline both moving and standing. Went around the ring like a youngster. Best Veteran & Best Veteran in Show
2nd Pilgrim’s Weaponess Bellbird. 12 year old liver bitch with a lovely feminine head, good eye colour and ear carriage. Still sound on the move with steady action.
3rd Hipkiss’ Dalkiss Black Magic
Minor Puppy Bitch(5.2)
1st Pearson’s Chandally Chantilly Cream for Cannabee . Outgoing 8 month old black spotted. Ideal size. Has a lovely head with dark eyes giving a pleasing expression. Plenty of bone and substance. Sound in all quarters. Held her topline on the move. Best Puppy Bitch & Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Roach’s Holderness Herb Roberta. Not as settled as first but plenty to like. Sound and balanced with substance and plenty of bone. Nice overall shape.
3rd Clarke’s Chandally Chardonnay.
Puppy Bitch(15.4)
1st Navarro’s Caldecacre Chuzzlespots Ideally sized nine month with deep black spotting. Lovely head and expression with dark eyes. Good front, sound body, Level topline, firm over loin. Moved with drive.
2nd Page’s Winflash Magic Mystery. Lovely head and expression. Good conformation. Strong bone and substance. Correct tail carriage. Moved with purpose.
3rd Tingey’s Phaeland Pheonix Phorever by Dallyador
Junior Bitch(11.1)
1st Christie’s Sophtspot Snap Crackle N Pop JW. Ideally sized bitch with good make and shape. Stands four square. Presented well in hard condition. Deep chest with well sprung ribs and level topline. Strong hocks. Moved with purpose.
2nd Navarro’s Caldecacre Chuzzlespots
3rd Alexander’s Offordale White Lady
1st Moore’s Manchando Choc Chip Cookie From Fincham Quality liver spotted bitch of correct size. Excellent head with correct ear carriage. Good dark eye. Reachy neck into well placed shoulders. Clearly defined withers and level, firm topline Well sprung ribs and deep brisket. Correct tail placement and carriage. Strength in hocks which she used to drive around the ring. Handled very well and pleased to award her the CC & BOS
2nd Haywood & Ridgway’s Luccombe Hazel Nut Cluster. Another nicely decorated liver of good colour. Soundly made with good angulations. Not as positive on the move as 1.
3rd Hoie’s Spotnik’s Diva Deluxe
1st Ward’s Frankish Moon Flower. Deeply pigmented black spotted youngster with darkest of eyes. Her positive movement won her this class.
2nd Kaal’s Caldecacre Celsie Heavily marked liver spotted bitch. Good eye colour, giving a kind expression. Reachy neck. Unsettled on the move.
3rd Cooper’s Caldecacre Couronne
1st Fletcher & Coupe’s Daedalus Madonna. Nicely decorated black with lovely head and expression. Reachy neck into clearly defined withers. Level topline. Good depth of brisket and ribs well sprung. Firm loin and well placed hocks used well. Positive striding action.
2nd Saunder’s Caprilli’s Genuine Gift to Dallydyl. Another black spotted bitch with deep pigment. Pleasing in outline and well bodied with plenty of substance.
1st Lamb’s Dalpetro Desdemona JW. Quality bitch of sound construction. Feminine head with pleasing expression. Well placed shoulders, withers clearly defined. Moved with purpose.
2nd Scott-Allen & Davis Tolutim Zaffre. Nicely balanced bitch, sound in all quarters. Plenty of substance with strong bone. Reachy neck into well placed shoulders. Ribs well sprung, plenty of depth to chest. Moved well.
3rd Rance’s Olbero One to Treasure
Post Graduate(17.7)
1st Munro’s Luiema Sea Lavender. Lovely feminine liver bitch. Soundly constructed. Head of good proportions with lovely spotted ears. Reachy neck into well defined withers. Good shoulder placement. Tight cat feet. Strong hocks. Her steady movement won her the class.
2nd Pilgrim’s Olbero One to Charm at Weaponess. Another quality liver bitch of good colour with correct eye colour. Soundly constructed with plenty of bone and substance but still very feminine. Not as positive when moving.
3rd Willis’ Cibrith Black Magic
Limit Bitch(14.4)
1st Storey-Taylor’s Kesteven Rainbow Chaser JW. Compact black bitch of excellent make and shape and shown in hard condition. Nicely developed head with kind expression and dark eye. Soundly constructed in all quarters. Firm topline held well on the move. Res. CC.
2nd Kembrey’s Dalmark Panda the Peach. Deeply pigmented black. Well spotted. Darkest of eyes. Different make and shape to first but plenty to like. Lovely head and expression. Strong front and level topline. Correct tail set and carriage. Positive action on the move.
3rd Clarke’s Mapplewell Doubletake by Klarkeson JW
Open Bitch (15.3)
1st Dunnachie’s Ch Dvojica Voodoo JW Soundly constructed, quality bitch. Shown in tip top condition. Firm muscles and strong bone. Well made front with strong, rounded bone. Tight feet. Well sprung ribs and firm topline. Powerful rear giving driving action.
2nd Heywood & Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Tart JW Another quality black bitch. Sound in all quarters. Lovely head with kind expression. Well constructed front and deep, well rounded chest with good depth of brisket. Strength over loin. Strong hocks she used well on the move.
3rd Page’s Ch Winflash Spring Angel Sh. CM
Special Beginners (8.3)
1st Storey-Taylor’s Kesteven Rainbow Chaser JW
2nd Lamb’s Dalpetro Desdemona JW
3rd Newton’s Tynevale Tuscan Tart
Alan Cuthbertson (Judge)
North of England Dalmatian Club 2008 Judged by Mrs Chris Pickup & Mr A Cuthbertson
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