Thank you to all the exhibitors for this super entry which was the largest in the utility group and it was good to hear the applause given to my winners. A thank you to my stewards also for their help and kindness. A fuller overall impression will appear in spots of news.
Minor Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WHITING Mrs J & Mr S Cibrith Captain Kirk.6 months Very promising black spotted puppy with the ingredients of good bone and body he will need to grow into, Excellent feet. Lovely facial expression and very happy to be here. He moved on so well tracking correctly from his well rounded hindquarters. Just needs time to grow up on his front legs so he levels up in top line. Best puppy in Breed
2nd: INGHAM Mr A Risdonfarm Rocky. Finer puppy with good pigmentation and dark eyes. Moving and standing he was inclined to roach his back. Not the quality of the winner.
Puppy Dog (5 Entries)
1st: POLHILL Mrs C D Fincham Hurricane Jack at Kymvale. Classy very promising liver with strong bone and even spotting. I particularly liked his spotty face with correct stop and lovely sparkling eyes. Strong well muscled hindquarters. Moved the best in this class soundly and with correct driving action. Stood so well to be handled and happy but handler standing too close to him when being shown as he is inclined to cock his head backwards which spoilt his lay of shoulder in the challenge for best puppy.
2nd: GANTER, Mr K & THOMAS Miss L Jabbawock Jailhouse Rock. Stylish and very promising longer cast liver with kind expression and round eyes. Deep body and excellent feet. Long tapering neck and level top line and correct front angulations. Excellent hind angulations .I liked his balance. Sound but stilted on the move today.
3rd: TOWNSON, Mr G & PARDOE Ms S Buffer Follow That Star
Junior Dog (5 Entries)
1st: CROFT Mrs L Doubtwell Show Stopper. Strong boned even black spotted dog with level top line held when moving with huge strides. Good depth of brisket Typical Dalmatian head with dark eyes. Excellent tight silky coat. Just needs time to mature and develop more muscle on his hindquarters as he is very sound but needs more muscle condition and strength to compete in the challenge with the big boys.
2nd: BURROWS Mrs C Daedalus Deacon Blue At Shacarlu. Smaller type black spotted dog who won his place by using his power and driving movement from his well angulated hindquarter. Good length of stride holding his top line and carrying his tail with a nice upwards curve. Dark pigmentation and eyes. Needs time to body up.
3rd: KAAL Miss J M Dalmark the Sandman at Schunikka
Yearling Dog (9 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: STORY-TAYLOR, Mr S & STORY-TAYLOR Miss T Major Tornado at Kesteven. Cobby, striking well boned black spotted dog that put down a real challenge to win this class. Nicely balanced with ex tight feet. Correct ear carriage on attractive head. Very well handled and presented in an athletic condition
2nd: CLEMENT Mrs L Perdita's Right As Rain At Caldecacre (Imp).Longer cast, evenly spotted liver dog of correct colour, Lovely type with strong round bone and good depth of brisket and correct shoulder inclination. Kind facial expression with good stop and reasonably broad between the ears. He was raring to go and used his good turn of stifle driving on the move. Just mucked about and lowered his head on the move which spoilt his top line.
3rd: BEAUMONT, Ms D & CROFT Ms R Koroyza Candy Man
Post Graduate Dog (11 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WILLIS Mr K R Cibrith Cosworth. A good class to win this evenly spotted liver dog was the best moving on round holding his top line, sound with power and long length of stride. Completely free from coarseness with long tapering neck. Strong and muscular. Outgoing temperament. Lovely head and expression. So well presented completed the picture of the correct type for me to award him the Res CC
2nd: MOATE Mrs P Major Sheer Will at Sundown. Strikingly attractive black spotted dog with glossy coat, balanced, strong and in good muscular condition with excellent turn of stifle and second thigh. Level top line held on the move. Well sprung ribs and powerful shoulder. Did his best to push the winner hard.
3rd: ADDERLEY Mrs M Leiahart Chicago Bear
Limit Dog (10 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: CORCORAN HANDLEING FOR, Miss A & HARDY Mrs J A V Mountsorrel Crescendo of Shydally. A strong class won by a true carriage dog with a lot of quality and fitting the standard; of the correct type evenly balanced which reflected in his sound movement. Correct level top line held on the move.. Evenly placed black spots on dense silky coat. Attractive spotty facial expression and black eyes. Correct powerful shoulder inclination and ribs well sprung. Very laid back temperament and presented to perfection by his young handler. Dog CC.
2nd TODHUNTER Miss D Takesti Moon Dancer. Finer boned shorter coupled black spotted dog with good muscle tone which he used well to drive round the ring. Attractive head and expression and good reach of neck into level top line and correctly set on tail. Friendly outgoing temperament. Stood four square. Just coating and unlucky to meet 1 in such sparkling form.
3rd: TINGEY Mr R S & Mrs H Holderness Hillbilly by Dallyador JW
Open Dog (10 Entries)
1st: QUAYLE Mrs B Ir Ch Cubalibre Top Spot Sh.CM. Super class topped by five very worthy champions. Black spotted dog with dark pigmentation I liked when I judged before and he did not disappoint me today, He is longer cast and drove on soundly stretching his body with lengthy strides and correct piston action. Super tight cat feet. Correct body and chest and well sprung ribs. Just preferred the muscular build of my CC winner.
2nd: DUNNACHIE Mr M Ch Sophtspot Sugar Daddy at Dvojica JW Shorter coupled well presented dog whose competitive owner gets the best out of him on the move. Attractively marked black spotted boy shown in hard condition and with a very attractive head and long tapering neck, I gave him a strong puppy class when he was a baby and its good to see he has lived up to his early promise. Just lost out today on length of stride to the winner.
3rd: STOCKS Mrs T B Ch Dalmark The Shaded Moon At Nospar JW
Minor Puppy Bitch (7 Entries)
1st: HOBBS, Ms M & WHITING Ms M Winflash Loopy Loo. Very promising attractively marked black spotted delightful puppy, bold temperament pretty head and expression with dark eyes. Well angulated hindquarters and nicely balanced with good round bone down to tight feet. Correct front angulations. Moved soundly and with drive from her well rounded hindquarters A little roly poly at the moment but once she looses her puppy weight she will be one to watch with interest in the future.
2nd: GIBBS Mrs M Phadante Dixie Lily Shorter coupled pretty striking black spotted baby with darkest of eyes and excellent front angulations. Given all the help from her handler and shown to perfection with correct floating movement. She is such a nice type with clean withers. Just needs time to strengthen and level off in top line.
3rd: PAGE, Mr I & PAGE, Miss C & PAGE Mrs K Winflash the Final Magic
Puppy Bitch (6 Entries)
1st: NEATH-DUGGAN Mrs S A Buffrey Gift Wrapped. Shorter coupled beautifully presented black spotted well boned puppy. Holding her top line and using her well developed hind quarters to drive on the move. Correct tail carriage. Good depth of body. Shown to perfection. Best puppy bitch.
2nd: DODDS, Ms C A & PEARSON Mr S A Kelevra Mercury Rising. Bigger and stronger attractive black spotted bitch puppy with excellent front angulations and dark pigmentation. Plenty of heart and lung room and ribs well sprung. Good driving action and held her top line on the move. Just preferred tail carriage of winner.
3rd: BURTON Mrs J L & Mr A W Hameldal Athena
Junior Bitch (11 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: JOHNSON Mrs C Tynevale Take Three to Tango. Longer cast evenly spotted liver bitch with bone and substance. Level top line held on the move. Very pretty spotty face and long tapering neck. She really drove on well from her strong rounded hindquarters and good reach in front. So happy and attentive in the ring and really stayed the course with her owner who will have a lot of fun and success with her in the future... Res CC
2nd: THORNER Mrs L E Tolutim Drambuie. Taller shorter coupled young bitch with pretty expressive head. Good coat condition and dark pigmentation. Well sprung rib cage with plenty of heart and lung room Good turn of stifle and hocks well defined. Inclined to drop her head moving which spoilt her top line today.
3rd: DUNNACHIE Mr M Dvojica Voulez Vous
Yearling Bitch (13 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: JOHNSON Mrs C Tynevale Take Three to Tango, Won Junior
2nd: HUGHES, Mrs J & SMITH Mr M Tamilanda Pretty in Pink. Boldly marked black spotted bitch with dark pigmentation and eyes set in plain head. Good front angulations, strong hindquarters with well sprung ribs. Moved on with plenty of stretch and long striding action. Preferred the tail carriage of my winner.
3rd: THORNER Mrs L E Tolutim Drambuie
Post Graduate Bitch (18 Entries) Abs: 7
1st: TINGEY Mr R S & Mrs H Phaeland Pheonix Phorever by Dallyador JW. A liver bitch of excellent quality from this well renowned kennel. Full of substance and round bone. Well sprung ribs and strong loins. Very attractive facial expression. She is so well balanced throughout which became very evident when she moved with ease and the correct piston action. I had no hesitation in awarding her the CC and was so pleased to watch her represent the breed for the first time in a huge group and was awarded G2. Well done.
2nd: BURKITT, Mr O. M & WILDE Miss K.J Shacarlu Scentsational, Another quality exhibit of the same type as the winner, correctly balanced with good length of neck... Such a pretty face with the darkest of eyes. Evenly marked with black spotting. Well muscled hindquarters she used to drive round the ring. Just needs to settle on the move when she comes back in for the challenge; once she does she is one to reckon with in the future.
3rd: NEWTON Miss C Tynevale Tuscan Tart
Limit Bitch (11 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: BURKITT, Mr O. M & WILDE Miss K.J Shacarlu Scentsational. Winner of P.Graduate who came back to win this class with ease.
2nd: COOPER Mr M & Mrs J Caldecacre Couronne Under Charmindals.Shorter coupled strong boned black spotted bitch with long tapering neck. Good body and feet. Moved on with long strides and great freedom.
3rd: ADDERLEY Mrs B Phadante Follow That Dream
Open Bitch (15 Entries) Abs: 6
1st: CHRISTIE Mrs J Ch Sophtspot Snap Crackle N Pop JW. A super class to judge, full of quality and I just wished I had more red tickets. This worthy champion is a real star and won because she is a strong upstanding black spotted bitch with a lot of quality and substance yet feminine. Really shows her head off and a particularly good mover with long strides and so sound. A lovely type of bitch to own she is exceptional with such good conformation.
2nd: DODDS, Ms C A & PEARSON Mr S A Ch Camargue Gucci Envy. Feminine black spotted champion bitch with dark pigmentation and eyes. Good front angulations, correct pasterns and depth of brisket. Excellent hind angulations and moved on well with long striding action.
3rd: PAGE, Mr I & PAGE, Miss C & PAGE Mrs K Ch Winflash Spring Angel
Brenda Rance - Judge