MPD 2 (1)
1st Whiting’s Cibrith Captain Kirk-Blk spot, dog of good size, pleasing head, darkest of eyes, long neck flowing into well laid shoulders, cat like feet, deep chest, dense black pigment on a tight white coat, BPD
PD 3 (1)
1st Ashworth’s Jabbawock Jump the Gun,- Liver spot of reasonable size, dark eyes, well placed ears, level top line, well shown and presented.
2nd Ganter & Thomas Jabbawock Jailhouse Rock- litter mate of 1 and very similar in make and shape. L/w with a correct bite, long neck, cat feet, not as steady on the move, but I’ am sure they will change places many times.
JD 5 (1)
1st Gates-Raw & Garton’s Dalendale Quite Riot- pleasing head, correct eye colour, well placed ears; well off for bone, deep chest, with a good spring of rib.
2nd Townson & Pardoe’s Bufferey Follow That Star- black spot of reasonable size, tight cat feet, well rounded bone, level top line,
3rd Kaal’s Dalmark the Sandman at Schunikka
Graduate Dog 5 (4)
1st Storey-Taylor’s Major Tornado at Kesteven- well balanced black spot, well decorated, correct in head, long neck, correct shoulder placement, level top line, well angulated rear end which he used to his advantage.
Post Graduate Dog 7 (2)
1st Christie’s Sophtspot Abracadabra JW- Quality black spot, pleasing head with a moderate stop, correct eye colour, long neck, good front construction, well rounded bone, deep chest, level top line, good bend of stifle, with a well developed second thigh. RDCC
2nd McCarthy’s Kilndandy Old Copper- balanced dog smaller than 1, but still well put together, nicely decorated liver, correct shoulder placement, with a good spring of rib, deep chest, level top line which rises slightly over the loin, strong rear end which he uses to drive around the ring.
3rd Precious Holderness Henry Higgins by Lupiac
Limit Dog 10 (4)
1st Adderley’s Leiahart Chicago Bear- BD of a good size, well of for bone, balanced front and rear, deep chest ,with a good spring of rib, moved well for his handler.
2nd Tingey’s - Holderness Hillbilly by Dallyador JW- Liver spot pleasing outline, well rounded bone, cat like feet, level top line, with a good bend of stifle, which he used to move around the ring.
3rd Kay’s Kaytian One Cool Kat JW
Open Dog 4 (2)
1st Lamb’s Dalpetro Dettori JW-Black spot, I have watched this dog mature and improve with age, he is of correct size, having well defined head, correct length of muzzle, correct amount of stop, ears well placed, dark eyes, long neck which flows into well laid shoulders, deep chest, elbows tight against his body, good spring of rib, level top line with a slight rise over the loin, correct tail set, correct rear construction, with a well developed second thigh. Pleased to give him DCC BoB
2nd Fort’s Shulune Double Fantasay – another I admire, well put together, balanced front and back, well ribbed, cat like feet, powerful rear end which he used to drive around the ring.
1st Gibbs Phandante Dixie Lilly- Black spotted, very pretty little lady, feminine without being fine, presents overall well balanced picture, long neck which flows into well laid shoulders, level top line, well defined withers, correct tail set, well decorated, BPiB
2nd Whiting’s Winflash Loopy Loo – Another lovely puppy smaller than 1, but with plenty of substance, deep chest, good spring of rib, nicely rounded rear end.
3rd Goff- Leggett- Mullabouy Miss Chief of Washakie.
PB 2 (1)
1st Page’s Winflash the Final Magic- Black spot well presented puppy, pleasing head with well placed ears, darkest of eyes, long elegant neck which flowed into well laid shoulders, level top line, with a good bend of stifle, lovely puppy, but not co-operating with her handler today.
JB 5 (1)
1st Neath-Duggan Buffrey Gift Wrapped – Quality black spot, stood out in this class, well balanced, cat like feet, rounded bone, with a good spring of rib, good bend of stifle which gives her drive around the ring.
2nd Johnson’s Tynevale Take Three to Tango- Liver bitch of a good size, good front construction, well off for bone, level top line, well muscled rear end.
3rd Chance & Dodds Tynevale Take a Chance.
GB 6 (1)
1st Whincup’s Tamilanda Lilly the Pink – Lightly decorated black of a good size, correct bite, pleasing head, well set ears, dark eyes, correct front construction, level top line,
2nd Whiting’s Cibrith China Astor – Liver spot of a similar size to 1, dark eyes, well placed ears, deep chest, well ribbed, correct feet.
3rd Dinsdale’s Koroyza Candy Floss at Dalesbred.
PGB 9 (3)
1st Tingey’s Phaeland Pheonix Phorever by Dallyador JW – A well balanced liver spot, correct in head, long neck which flows into well laid shoulders, deep chest, correct spring of rib ,level top line, strong rear end which she used to move around the ring.
2nd Whincup’s Tamilanda Hot Pink – longer cast than 1, well off for bone, good front construction, well ribbed, and moved with drive.
3rd Swindells – Pjasdalals Cwite Sure
LB 15 (6)
1st Fort’s Shulune Fantazy on Ice JW SHCM – Well balanced black spot, correct eye colour, well proportioned head, correct ear placement, good length of neck, with a good spring of rib, powerful rear end. RBCC.
2nd Harrison-Stratford’s Dalkereve Dark N Devine – well made black spot slightly longer than 1, pleasing head, darkest of eyes, level top line, well off for bone.
3rd Wright’s Angelic Aphrodite for Millbelle JW SHCM
OB 5
1st Cuthbertson’s CH Kalsidoni Garnet JW SHCM Quality black spot, correct in head neck and shoulders, rounded bone, elbows tight against her body cat like feet, deep chest, good spring of rib, level top line, BCC
2nd Christie’s Ch Sophtspot Snap Crackle and Pop JW – another quality bitch, pleasing head and expression, balanced front and back, well off for bone with a good spring of rib, with a well muscled rear end.
3rd Alexander’s CH Offordale White Lady SHCM JW.
Judge Allan Talbot