My thanks to all the sporting exhibitors; the buzz round the ring was just wonderful. I enjoyed the whole experience of Crufts, even the very sore feet at the end of the day I was particularly thrilled to watch my BOB take Group 3 in the Utility Group. I am a breed specialist who has been fortunate enough to judge my breed at Crufts, with that comes the reality of having the best of the qualifiers to judge. I would like to say that they all pleased me but it would not be true. We still have problems with temperament, heads, shoulders and soundness. Temperament: “Outgoing and friendly, not shy or hesitant, free from nervousness or aggression” That is our breed standard, couldn’t be clearer, if you have a Dalmatian that is not sound in temperament, keep it at home, the show ring is not the place for it, nor does it have a place in a breeding programme, harsh words, no sir, just the opposite, if judges don’t condemn unacceptable temperament faults our breed will end up on the list of dangerous dogs. Heads: I deplore the alteration in our breed’s head shape; we have almost lost the proper flat skull, moderately broad between the ears, free from wrinkle, long powerful muzzle, with clean fitting lips. What we now have are two square boxes on a course round skull. How can a short square and deep muzzle be long and powerful? How can a skull that is round, broad and full of wrinkle be flat with a moderate amount of stop? The change in muzzle shape is very far reaching, already we have changes in jaw shape and dentition, carry on in this vein and in a decade or two you will have boxer heads. Shoulder placement and angulation have been a problem for many years now, forward placed fronts, upright shoulders, short upper arms cathedral fronts lack of fore chest are so prevalent that many judges just don’t know what proper movement looks like anymore.
The applause for the Dog CC winner was very genuine when he was moving round the ring and if that was the case, the reason was his superb movement, he moves like a Dalmatian should, he is built right so he can move with freedom of stride, please look to the future, as breeders use only stock that is anatomically correct, as judges, please please stop putting up Dalmatians that can’t move because they have wrongly made fronts. Remember there is nothing to hide in a Dalmatian, no heavy coat to conceal the construction, bad fronts are there to see, and short striding dogs are obvious. Find the ones that make your hair stand up and send a tingle down your spine, I did and it made my day.
Veteran - Dog
Entries: 7 Abs: 1
1.MARRICDALE RESURRECTION (MR & MRS BREDEN) Attractive and well made black spotted gentleman of 11 years, still sound fro his age, with balance and breed type.
2.CH HUNTERSWOOD TALK OF THE TOWN JW (MRS L LEWIS) 9years young, black of substance and correct size. Very sound with masculine head and dark eye.
3.CH/IR CH TOLLWOOD LIONEL AT KILNDANDY JW (MR & MRS J C & K E MCCARTHY) Lovely coloured liver of quality and substance, completed a trio of quality veteran dogs.
Special Puppy - Dog
Entries: 6
1.WINFLASH WILLE DO IT AT LEAVESLAKE (MR A & MRS L TALBOT) Thrilling young black dog with so much breed type and quality, flat skull of correct shape and proportions, powerful muzzle of correct length, arched neck into shoulders at the right angle, deep rib and fore chest, level topline and strong loin. Well placed and always wagging tail. He has solid round bone and is correctly muscled for age, masculine without any coarseness. Well marked with a really delightful spotty face which just enhances his character. Moved with a smooth, flowing action with the required reach and drive that is so lacking in our breed. Best Puppy in Breed.
2.JABBAWOCK JAILHOUSE ROCK (MR K & MISS L GANTER & THOMAS) Well marked liver, just a bit longer than one, but his overall quality and soundness could not be overlooked. Very attractive in head, long tapering muzzle, dark amber eye, good deep rib but he still needs to broaden in chest. Well off for bone and very good cat feet. Moved soundly with correct reach and drive.
3.CIBRITH CAPTAIN KIRK (MRS J B & MR S T WHITING Beautifully marked black, different type to one and two. Much shorter in back and did not have the scope in his movement that I was looking for, however he is an attractive dog, with a dark eye and good expression, well boned with cat feet and presented a pleasing picture.
Special Junior - Dog
Entries: 10 Abs: 1
1.KELEVRA HUDSON HAWK (MS C A & MR S A DODDS & PEARSON) Very sound and pleasing well marked black of quality. Correct for size, plenty of substance, deep rib and fore chest, well shaped masculine head with a really lovely dark and expressive eye, level topline and correctly placed tail. He has plenty of reach & drive, and I like him very much, but would have liked to see him with a bit more animation.
2.FINCHAM HURRICANE JACK AT KYMVALE (MRS C POLHILL) Liver of quality & substance, his head is glorious, with such a sweet expression in his dark amber eyes, well off for bone, good cat feet, deep rib and fore chest. Correct front angulation Strong loin, and well angled rear, with a happy wagging tail that was correctly placed. Moved with plenty of forward reach. I did think he was my winner but he is just not yet balanced in outline, gangly teenager phase but he will be one to watch.
3.DALMARK THE SANDMAN AT SCHUNIKKA (MISS J M KAAL) Well marked liver, very elegant, well up for size, attractive masculine head, very pretty ears, deep rib and level topline and strong loin, not the best of feet and his front needs to tighten, but a very pleasing dog.
Yearling - Dog
Entries: 9 Abs: 1
I really liked all these three dogs and am sure they will be placed together many times.
1.DALENDALE QUIET RIOT (MS J & MISS L GATES-RAW & GARTON) Liver of good colour, loved his balance and style, really scored in head, good length, flat skull, well set ears, muzzle long and powerful. Dark amber eye of good shape. Arched neck into shoulder of correct angle, deep well sprung rib, powerful level back, strong loin, well made rear, he was clean and muscular all over and very sound with lovely free movement
2.TAMILANDA PINK VIGILANTE FROM ALPHADAL JW (MRS PM & MR C P GOODSWEN) Well marked liver, lots of quality, balanced in outline, lovely head and eye, level topline and great tail, deep rib and good bone. Super temperament, really was enjoying himself. Not quite the reach of one, but a very pleasing youngster that should do well in the future.
3.KOROYZA CANDY MAN (MS D & MS R BEAUMONT & CROFT) This slightly bigger well marked black completed a trio of really good dogs, well off for bone and substance, attractive in head and eye, powerful all over, balanced and sound on the move.
Post Graduate - Dog
Entries: 10 Abs: 1
1.KILNDANDY OLD COPPER (MR & MRS J C & K E MCCARTHY) beautifully marked liver of good colour, well balanced and sound. Well off for bone & substance, deep rib, level topline and strong loin, well muscled throughout, Wish he had a bit more animation and looked like he was enjoying it.
2.HOLDERNESS HENRY HIGGINS BY LUPIAC (MISS PRECIOUS) Quite different type of dog, but one I like for his balance and soundness. Bigger, more boisterous, good deep black, most attractive head, eye and ears.
Cat feet, strong bone and lots of substance but not in any way coarse. Moved out well.
3.BUFFREY THE SHADED SUN AT CUBALIBRE (MRS B QUAYLE) Black, balanced with a good outline and topline. Attractive masculine head with dark eye and sweet expression. Strong loin, well muscled throughout with a lovely temperament.
Mid Limit - Dog
Entries: 5 Abs: 1
1. DALMINSHI STARCLUSTER (MISS C SMITH) Very attractive and stylish black, well marked, would have liked a bit more of him, but he is so well put together, and so very sound on the move with plenty of reach and drive. Correct head shape and proportions, lovely dark expressive eye, good shoulder placement and upper arm, level topline, and correct tail. Needs to broaden in front, but he has time.
2.LEIAHART CHICAGO BEAR (MRS M ADDERLEY) Black, well marked and with much merit. Sound and muscular, true on the move. Well off for bone, deep rib, level topline and good tail.
3. HAMELDAL TRIBAL SHADOW AT DEEFADAL (MR I & MRS K E MARTLAND) Bit of a handful this black, but when he eventually settled he is very sound and typical. Well off for bone and substance with a grand deep rib strong loin and well angled rear. Dark eye and great feet. Would perhaps like just a shade more elegance.
Limit - Dog
Entries: 13 Abs: 1
1. MOUNTSORREL CRESCENDO OF SHYDALLY ( MRS J HARDY) Balanced and sound well marked black. He scored in head, eye and ear, arched neck, level topline and good tail, well muscled throughout and moved with sound free stride.
2. TAKESTI MOON DANCER (MISS D E TODHUNTER) Black, well marked, in very good coat and condition, bit smaller in size, but balanced, liked his masculine but well shaped head, good dark eye and expression. Round bone, feet could be better, deep rib and fore chest, level topline and well set tail. Sound & stylish on the move.
3. KOROYZA GRIPPI IL MIRACOLO (MS D & MS R BEAUMONT & CROFT) Black, much to like, sound and strong, but not coarse, he has presence and style and scored in head, eye and ear, level topline, and correct tail. Not so positive in front today.
Open - Dog
Entries: 15 Abs: 1
1. EST/LV/RUS/FIN/AU CH ALPHADIRATO FUTURE BRAND [ATC AJ00144EST] (MRS L RATAS) What can I say about this outstanding Dalmatian dog, he is new to the ring in this country, and I have to say that he is a very, very welcome addition. Every inch the stallion dog, quality all through, presence, style and elegance. He is a good size and balanced all through, his construction is strictly textbook, head and skull is masculine and of correct proportions, muzzle is tapering and strong. Eyes dark, well shaped and with one of the best expressions I have ever seen. Well set and well used ears. Glorious arched neck into the perfect shoulder, clean and muscular, elbows close to deep and capacious chest, with just he correct amount of fore chest, round bone, forelegs perfectly straight and the best of feet. Ribs well sprung, level back and very strong and muscled loin, into the never still tail. He is the correct shape from any angle and this is reflected in his superb movement. Smooth, powerful rhythmic action with long stride. He is in top condition, his coat gleamed with health and his eyes sparkled with joy his black spotting is dense and even. This boy is built to go all day, and he enjoys it so much, he really took my breath away just watching him. His temperament is outstanding, and I, along with the ringside could have watched him move all day. I feel very privileged to have judged this dog as I suspect he is the nearest to our standard as we have seen in a very long time. I was delighted to award him the CC and later BOB, and then to watch him take Group 3 in the Utility Group. I do hope we see him back again; he has so much to offer the Breed.
2. MAN ABOUT TOWN AT HUNTERSWOOD JW SHCM (MRS L LEWIS) completely different type of dog from one, not so stylish or with the same presence, but a very sound and honest dog with much to like about him. He has a most attractive masculine head, with good ears, eye and expression, well shaped muzzle, and delightful spotty face, correct shoulder, straight forelegs, good cat feet, level back and well placed tail. Super temperament and moved with free and easy stride. Res CC
3. EST/LV/LT/BALT/RUS/BLG/URK/FIN/PL/CZ/INT CH ALDERISLAND CHOCOLATE COUNT [ATC AG00989EST] (MS P KORGE) Very attractive liver dog of quality, liked his head, and eye. Good sturdy body with correct shoulder although could do with losing a bit of weight of them, and well angled rear, deep rib and strong loin. Won his place on his very sound and free movement.
Good Citizen Dog Scheme - Dog
Entries: 6 Abs: 0
3. BRYEDAL MAYAN JW (MRS E HAMMETT) well marked liver, strong and muscular, cobby body and well off for substance, level topline and good tail.
Veteran - Bitch
Entries: 15 Abs: 3
1.CH HUNTERSWOOD TITTLE TATTLE JW (MRS L LEWIS) Lovely feminine balanced black of quality, most attractive head and eye, good shoulders and front, deep rib and well angled rear, moved very soundly.
2.MEDALA CALAMITY KATE FROM CANNABEE (MRS G PEARSON) Very similar to one, attractive make and shape, good breed type, and super head. Just not quite so good in front as one.
3. CH DALKISS ISLA OF IONA JW (MR P & MISS C HIPKISS) beautiful liver of good colour, feminine and elegant, very sound , three lovely bitches.
Special Puppy - Bitch
Entries: 9 Abs: 1
1 PHADANTE DIXIE LILY (MRS M GIBBS) Very exciting black, so much to like, very feminine in head, with correct balance of skull and foreface. Lovely arched neck into the best of shoulder placement, level topline, deep rib, well ribbed back, great hind angulation, super round bone, good cat feet, well placed tail, dense pigment and well marked throughout, Moved with freedom and style, very very promising puppy.
2 POLLYPECK PRADA OF LEAVESLAKE (MR A & MRS L TALBOT) Attractive liver, of good colour, quality bitch, with correct front, rib and topline. Very balanced and sound, with a very feminine head, good eye and ear, her heart was not in showing today, but when she is on form will trouble the best.
3.WINFLASH THE FINAL MAGIC (MR I, MRS K & MISS C L PAGE) Black of good quality and make. Sound throughout, scored in head and eye, deep rib and level topline. Good cat feet, round bone and very attractively marked. Completed at trio of very promising babies.
Special Junior - Bitch
Entries: 10 Abs: 0
1.TYNEVALE TAKE THREE TO TANGO (MRS C JOHNSON) Most attractive liver, lots of ring presence, mature and big enough but with real balance throughout. Correct skull and muzzle length, very feminine spotty face, super dark amber eye of good shape. Long arched neck and best of shoulders, straight front with plenty of bone. Well muscled rear, strong loin, moved with reach and drive.
2.BUFFREY GIFT WRAPPED JW (MRS S A NEATH-DUGGAN) Well made black of quality and style, plenty of substance, deep rib and level topline, very sound all through with a lovely wagging tail, but was not as mature as one.
3. DIOCLETIAN'S SCARLETT O' HARA (MR A & MRS J BRYDER) Very very pretty liver of quality and substance, most attractive in head and eye, good correct angulated front and sound rear. Balanced body and level topline, moved very soundly and with good free stride.
Yearling - Bitch
Entries: 18 Abs: 0
1,POLLYPECK PICTURETHAT (MRS C BEADLING) Black, well marked with good dense pigment, very sound in body and temperament. Feminine all through with really good breed type. However I would like just a bit more length of muzzle to balance her head. Plenty of bone and substance, deep rib, well muscled rear and in top condition. Very sound movement, free and easy.
2.KOROYZA CANDY FLOSS AT DALESBRED (MRS D E DINSDALE) black, different type altogether, lovely spotty face, super dark eye, well balanced in head, correct shoulder and firm topline, very feminine and full of mischief, grand tail carriage good feet and free and easy movement, very sound.
3.TAMILANDA PRETTY IN PINK JW (MS J & MR M HUGHES & SMITH) Very classy black, balanced and very sound. Eye and expression to die for, lovely ears, which she uses, would like just a little more stop to finish off head, she still has time. Grand body, shoulder, neck and rib. Strong loin and well angled rear. Moved with reach and drive. Three really promising young bitches.
Post Graduate - Bitch
Entries: 20 Abs: 2
This class was a very mixed bunch in terms of breed type and soundness
1.TAMILANDA HOT PINK (MR K & MRS D L WHINCUP) Easy winner here, so much breed type and so full of quality and elegance. Correctly proportioned feminine head, loved her length of skull and muzzle, arched neck into the best of shoulders, round bone and cat feet with god arch, deep and well ribbed back, strong loin and level topline, well muscled and angulated real good tail placement, never stopped wagging. Clear liver markings of the correct colour. This bitch has come a long way, and her owner is to be congratulated, she is a happy and well adjusted girl, very sound, classy and eye-catching. Her free flowing movement was a joy to watch. Expertly handled. Was very pleased to award her the Res CC later.
2.PHADANTE TAKE A CHANCE ON ME (MR & MRS WILLIAMS) Black, not wonderfully marked however she is really well make, with a truly lovely head, eye and ears. Head proportions just right, body is deep, well boned and balanced. Great cat feet, straight front with good fore chest. Stylish mover with plenty of reach and drive. She won her place here on her very good breed type and soundness.
3.MAPPLEWELL HOT FUDGE (MRS RICHARDSON) Very attractive and feminine liver of good colour, very classic in type, but could do to lose a couple of pounds over her shoulders, never the less she is very sound and typical, with a lovely head and ears, well angulated front and rear and moved effortlessly.
I was very happy with these three bitches.
Mid Limit - Bitch
Entries: 12 Abs: 3
1.TIME TRAVELLER TO TOLKAIN (MISS A NEAL) Medium sized black of quality, scored in head, sound in body, plenty of substance, good legs and feet, correctly placed tail, very sound on the move.
2.DARLING CLEMENTINE AT LEGA (DR R D & MRS P M LAST) black, a bit heavily marked on the face, but did not detract from her lovely expression, good head proportions, sound front and rear. Well off for bone and substance, very sound on the move.
3.CIBRITH SWEET CHESTNUT BY DAKILUJA (MR C & MRS L PALMER) very attractive liver, feminine and pretty, loved her balance and poise, so much to like, sound in body, plenty of substance, great tail, just not so positive in front today as I would have liked.
Limit - Bitch
Entries: 19 Abs: 6
1.KYMVALE SAVANNAH (MRS C POLHILL) Well known attractive black, evenly marked, in good condition, balanced and sound, quality bitch of good size, plenty of substance, feminine in head, dark expressive eye, clean in skull, sound in shoulder, deep rib and fore chest, well ribbed back, level topline, correct tail set. Moved with reach and drive, first of three really lovely dals.
2.ROADCOACH RIBBONS AND ROSES JW (MRS C C PICKUP) Classical elegant bitch, good size with enough bone and substance, very attractive feminine head, with the darkest of eyes and melting expression, uses her ears well, balanced in outline, best feet in the class, level strong topline, correctly placed tail, in great condition, very sound on the move, pushed winner hard, but on the day lost out to the maturity of the other bitch
3.TOLUTIM ZAFFRE (M L & S G SCOTT-ALLEN & DAVIS finishing a trio of very sound and typical bitches, black, full of quality, balanced and sound throughout, perhaps a bit stockier than one and two but feminine, and appealing in head, strong in body, well muscled, moved with reach and drive.
Open - Bitch
Entries: 11 Abs: 4
1.CH KALSIDONI GARNET JW SHCM (MR A T & MRS M CUTHBERTSON) Black of amazing grace and elegance, so classic in her outline, for me she is just the perfect example of a mature Dalmatian bitch of the highest quality, but don’t be fooled by her clean elegant lines, underneath is a very sound and substantial bitch, right for size, head and muzzle in complete harmony. Darkest of eyes and soft expression, uses her well marked ears throughout. Round bone, cat feet ,flexible pastern, plenty of substance, her forequarters are clean, oblique and muscular, ribs deep and well sprung, powerful and level back with strong loin, well developed second thigh, and correct angulation, lovely tail carriage, never stops wagging. All this and really good spotting too! Black of dense colour on a pure white ground. She was in wonderful condition, and her smooth powerful rhythmic action was just a joy to watch, so free and light almost effortless and the big ring so suited her, she has a superb temperament and is the epitome of the show-girl. Expertly handled. I was delighted to award her the CC in a line-up of many really top quality bitches.
2.CH BUFFREY SPRIG O MINT JW (MRS S A NEATH-DUGGAN) Lovely black of much quality and merit, just a little bigger all over than one, but balanced, she has great poise and is very eye-catching, very sound in body with plenty of substance, has great freedom of movement and lots of style.
3.CH HEBE ALEATORY IN HOLDERNESS JW SHCM (MISS J ROACH) So feminine and full of breed type, right for size and substance, sweetest of expression, dark eye, good ears, and lengthy neck into correct shoulders, very sound in body, strong level topline and good tail, very happy showgirl in superb condition, very sound on the move. Three really good bitches
Good Citizen Dog Scheme - Bitch
Entries: 9 Abs: 0
1.DALESBRED MARIETTE (MRS D E DINSDALE) Well marked black of good size and shape, pretty feminine head, god dark eye and expression. Strong level topline, moved soundly
2.DALMARK PANDA THE PEACH (MS M KEMBREY) Evenly marked black of substance, deep rib and level topline, well muscled throughout and in good condition.
3.BRYEDAL MAYBEA (MRS D MORGAN) Medium sized black, well marked and in good condition, strong bone, good outline, moved soundly.
M E Mulholland