I had been looking forward to this day for a long time and it did not disappoint. I had an entry of 88 making 92 which in today’s financial climate and for a south coast show was excellent and I thank all the exhibitors for their entries and for the sporting way in which they accepted my placings.
I would like to comment that as this is a Championship show I would have expected that the exhibits have had some schooling in the “Dog showing” art but I found that in some of the more junior classes a few of the exhibits would have greatly benefited from practicing at either a ring craft class or by attending a few more Open Shows before moving on to the Championship shows. Do not confuse this with the exuberance of puppies which I love and expect. It does not matter how good the exhibit is; if I cannot go over them then I cannot place them. That said all exhibits displayed excellent temperament but there is a marked increase in exhibits with a poor tail carriage or short tails since I last judged. I’ll end by thanking my two experienced stewards for their support in ensuring that everything flowed smoothly during the day.
Puppy Dog (7-0)
1st Lewis’ – Dalpetro D’artagnan of Hunterswood
A fun loving 10 month old b/s who is already showing all the characteristics which should make him a real winner in the future. Head still needs to mature but has well broken ears and a good reach of neck. Correct shoulder angulations and level top line, well off for bone. Moved true with fair drive. BP
2nd Carvell’s – Lilal Don’t Stop Me Now
A 6 month old b/s at his first show. Slightly larger than 1 with dense well defined clear spotting. Correctly shaped head for puppy, correct lay of shoulder and level top line. Angulations good both front and rear. On the move he had a typical puppy movement with good front reach and drive from the rear. Still has to gain control of all his legs!!
3rd Lamb’s – Kalsidoni Dexter by Dalpetro
Junior Dog (2-0)
1st Whiting’s – Cibrith Captain Kirk
15m/o black with clear even spotting. Nice dark eyes with masculine skull into a good reach of neck. Level top line carried on the move. Good front angulations. Powerful free flowing movement. Would like to have seen a bit more weight on him but should bulk up with age.
2nd Ingham’s – Risdonfarm Rocky
A bigger framed dog than 1 with slightly heavier spotting. Although more or less the same age as 1 he looks altogether older. Fair reach of neck, level top line, well off for bone.
Novice Dog (6-1)
1st Lewis’ – Dalpetro D’artagnan of Hunterswood
2nd Ganter & Thomas’ – Jabbawock Jailhouse Rock
A well grown liver dog. Skull of correct length darkish eyes and heavy spotting around muzzle and eyes. Good reach of neck and well defined withers. Excellent depth of chest and good tuck up. Moved OK.
3rd Townson & Pardoe – Buffrey Follow That Star
Post Graduate Dog (6-2)
1st Christie’s – Sophtspot Abracadabra JW
A black spotted dog of ideal proportions. Head of correct size and shape with lovely dark eyes. Well arched neck into defined withers, level top line and correct tail set. On the move he demonstrated powerful drive from the rear and good reach from the front. At one with his handler who brought out the best in him. RCC and a serious contender for top honours.
2nd Croft’s – Doubtwell Show Stopper JW
Another b/s with a slightly bigger frame and heavier than 1. Masculine head of good proportions, well sprung ribs and good depth of chest, level top line held on the move.
3rd Moate’s – Major Sheer Will at Sundown
Limit Dog (6-2)
1st Tingey’s – Holderness Hillbilly by Dallyador JW
A liver spotted dog with plenty of substance. Correct size and weight. Good reach of neck, top line ok and tail set correct. Moved with purpose, covering the ring with ease. Well handled getting the best out of him.
2nd Gates-Raw & Garton’s – Dalendale Quiet Riot
I was splitting hairs here and could easily have taken 1st. A well grown liver of correct proportions. Coat and eye colour correct. Well arched neck into level topline, correct angulations both front and rear. Moved with a flowing ease and covered the ring nicely. Not quite so even spotting as one.
3rd McCarthy’s – Kilndandy Old Copper
Open Dog (10-1)
1st Stocks’ – Ch. Dalmark The Shaded Moon at Nospar JW
The last time I judged this dog I felt a bit disappointed as he was definitely “out of sorts” and had lost weight, what a difference this time. This correctly proportioned liver has so much to offer. Correct eye and coat colour which is sometimes so hard to achieve in a liver. A masculine head of excellent proportions into a well arched neck. Level topline which he held on the move. Well off for bone with super tight feet. Angulations correct. On the move he displayed drive and rhythm, at one with his handler. This is classic, old style Dalmark breeding and I was pleased to be able to award him the DCC.
2nd Hartley & Griffiths’ – Ch. Creaganbrec The Favourite at Miragua JW
Another top contender with lovely clear black spotting. Correct size and weight. Well arched neck into level top line and correct tail set. Well balanced with correct front and rear angulations. On the move he covered the ring with an easy flowing movement which was a pleasure to watch.
3rd Lewis’ – Man About Town at Hunterswood JW Sh.CM
Puppy Bitch (12-2)
1st Wright’s – Boutonneux Artemis of Millbelle
A really feminine liver youngster with a lovely expression. Clean in outline with good spotting, correct angulations and tail set. Displaying a typical but balanced puppy movement. Promising and one to watch in the future.
2nd Goodswen’s – Tamilanda Pink Angel from Alphadal
Slightly smaller frame than 1. This black spotted bitch has a pretty feminine face with well broken ears. Good reach of neck, well defined withers and reasonable top line. Tail set correct. Moved ok but needs to firm up.
3rd Longworth’s – Dalendale Dakota at Dalorno
Junior Bitch (7-2)
1st Whiting – Winflash Loopy Loo
A correctly proportioned black bitch, pretty feminine head with dark eyes. Fair reach of neck into level top line and correct tail set. Good round bone and correct feet. Well rounded rear providing steady drive whilst on the move.
2nd Page’s – Winflash The Final Magic
A black spotted young bitch with even decoration, correct head proportions, darkest of eyes giving her a very feminine look. Well off for bone. Good reach of neck and a level top line which she held on the move. Front and rear angulations good. Moved with poise and precision.
3rd Gibbs’ – Phadante Dixie Lily
Novice Bitch (8-0)
1st Longworth’s – Dalendale Dakota at Dalorno
A liver bitch of even proportions. Pleasing in outline with level top line. Moved well around the ring.
2nd Clarke’s – Klarkeson Royal Lace
A black bitch which is slightly heavier than 1. Pleasing head with dark eyes. Well off for bone and good angulations. Moved ok
3rd – Healey’s Hebmor Spice Dice
Post Graduate Bitch (11-1)
1st Dore’s – Dalddior Ace of Diamonds JW
A black spotted youngster of correct size and proportions. A lovely feminine head with dark eyes giving her a very pleasing expression. Elegant neck into well defined withers and good top line, tail set correct. Fore and aft angulations correct also a good bend of stifle all leading up to a display of easy rhythmic and flowing movement, well handled. I was pleased to award her the RBCC and I’m sure she will progress to higher awards as she matures.
2nd Cheetham’s – Koroyza Cute As Candy for Dollywood
Another pretty feminine bitch of good size and plenty of substance, well off for bone. Slightly larger frame than 1. Well balanced in excellent condition and moved with purpose and drive. Not quite such a good tail set as 1.
3rd Addy’s – Creaganbrec Raven Black
Limit Bitch ( 8-0)
This class was full of top quality examples of the breed and I was really splitting hairs with the placing and on another day I’m sure the top three could easily change places.
1st – Kembrey’s – Dalmark The Super Sleuth JW
Another quality liver from this kennel. Correct size and shape and very feminine but with plenty of substance. Correct coat and eye colour. Well off for bone and lovely tight well arched feet. Excellent reach of neck into level top line. On the move she displayed all the drive and ring presence I would have expected.
2nd – Whincup’s – Tamilanda Hot Pink
She so nearly won this class, what a prime example of the breed. Even liver spotting, correct proportioned head and well set on ears. A long arching neck into defined withers. Top line held tight and level. On the move she did not disappoint. She moved with the grace and drive of a correctly constructed bitch. I know the handler has worked so hard with her to achieve this level of showmanship and must be commended
3rd – Neath-Duggan’s – Buffrey Gift Wrapped JW Sh.CM
Open Bitch (9-3)
Another excellent class with some fine examples of the breed getting lower placings, on another day…who knows.
1st Moore’s – Ch. Manchando Choc Chip Cookie from Fincham
This beautiful compact liver bitch stood out in the class. A lovely elegant and correctly proportioned head with appealing eyes, her neck is well arched going into defined withers and superb level top line. Correct shoulder placement complementing her rear angulations. A well defined and deep rib cage and good tuck up. A slight rise over the loins, good bend of stifle and defined second thigh. On the move she displayed all the drive you would expect; covering the ground with an even, flowing movement. She had to have the BCC and won BOB over the dog on her freedom of movement.
2nd Christie’s – Ch. Sophtspot Snap Crackle N Pop JW
Another quality contender for top honours. A black spotted bitch with slightly more substance than 1. Beautiful feminine head and appealing eyes. Elegant but with plenty of bone. In outline she displays a correctly proportioned frame with good angulations, lay of shoulder and powerful rear end. On the move she shows how a true Champion should move with a powerful but free flowing, floating gait.
3rd Harrison-Stratford’s – Acland Dark Daughter by Dalkereve JW
Stef Kazana (Judge)
Bournemouth 2010 Judged by Stef Kazana
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