The ring was an adequate size and well laid out apart from the drain in the middle, it appeared to be in a new building that I do not remember being in before, with excellent lighting. A poor entry numerically but I did not expect any other. I did manage to find some quality exhibits which do meet the standard, no mean achievement at the moment. Several exhibits were dirty, unacceptable with any breed in the show ring, with entry fees and fuel at an all time high I find it amazing anyone would not wish to present their dogs in pristine condition. Temperaments were good in most cases, however I did have one exhibit who tried to bite me more than once. In my opinion aggressive dogs should not be shown and more importantly not bred from. A couple were shy, again the breed standard states out going and friendly, if dogs do not enjoy the show ring I see little point in inflicting it upon them.
Minor Puppy Dog (2,1)
1. Scott-Allen & Davis’s Tolutim Yaffle puppy dog just 6mths, dense black spotting on pure white coat. Dark eyes and friendly disposition. Movement erratic, not helped by his handler, some ringcraft would not go amiss. BPD
Puppy Dog (1)
1. Wright’s Millbelle Lithium, 7mth puppy dog, Good feet, nice head and expression. Showed well and attentive to his handler. Moving close behind and not in his best jacket, still very young so hopefully will improve.
Junior Dog (1)
1. Cousin’s Kalokairie’s Lord Ladies Man at Dallywest, lovely colour 16 month liver presented in good clean condition. Would like to see more weight on him as he needs to body up. Good length of neck which he uses and excellent cat feet. Movement in profile ok, good tailset and topline, moves close coming and going, this may improve with maturity.
Post Gradute Dog (2,1)
1. Lamb’s Dalpetro Decaprio liver of 18mths. Lovely outgoing temperament, decoration of good colour. Standing presents a good outline, with a lovely reach of neck which he really uses, topline and tailset ok. Masculine head with kind expression. Movement somewhat erratic, which hopefully will improve with maturity.
Limit Dog (3)
1. Baker’s Dalleaf Devils Disciple JW, of 2 years, last time I judged him I preferred his litter brother, however this dog has matured in body since I last went over him. He has a good depth of brisket and bend of stifle which he uses on the move, good topline and tailset. Movement ok, I considered him for the Res CC however standing he would not co-operate with his handler and paid the price.
2. Webb & Chrystal’s Dalleaf Devil in Disguise at Jemblewood, black litter brother to above. Gave this dog a res CC as a puppy, however he has not matured as I had hoped he would. He is still very young so hopefully could still fulfil his earlier promise. As always beautifully presented, at one with his handler, was not moving with the drive of his brother, has a good reach of neck, level topline and correct tailset. Do prefer his head and expression to the one above.
3. William’s Phadante Brightonrock
Open Dog (4)
1. Alexander’s Ch Offordale Chevalier JW, black spotted dog who I had thought was not my type. On going over him I have changed my mind. He is masculine with an elegance that is sadly lacking in the males at the moment. Even spotting on good white coat. Excellent outline with lovely reach of neck. Super bone, cat feet and bend of stifle really powers round the ring. Lovely disposition and above all enjoys his showing, giving his all to his handler. Pleased to award him DCC & BOB, I understand he was later short listed in the group.
2. McCarthy’s Kilndandy Old Copper, Liver spotted boy presented in excellent condition. Gave me a lovely hug and cuddle as a dally should, Excellent liver spotting on pure white ground, at one with his handler. Moves and shows well, good reach of neck and level topline held on the move, unfortunately could not match the length of stride or powerful movement of the first. RCC
3. Christie’s Ch Sophtspot Abracadabra JW
Veteran Dog (0)
Good Citizens Dog (0)
Minor Puppy Bitch (3,1)
1. Richardson’s Klarkeson’s Driven by you via Mapplewell, sweet black spotted puppy just 6mths, movement ok, shows and is attentive to her handler, bold and easy to handle. Would prefer more bone.
2. Clarke & Shear’s Philcarthom Showtime, same age as above but a totally different type, more long cast and at the ‘up at the rear stage’. Pretty head and expression with dark eyes, dense black spotting on pure white ground. Movement ok.
Puppy Bitch (3)
1. Hipkiss’s Lilal Tiger Lily, Ultra Feminine 11mth puppy bitch. One I have not particularly liked before, the handler has worked really hard with this puppy and it appears to have paid off. Dense evenly distributed black spotting on pure white ground. She has a lovely length of neck, which she really uses, going down into excellent shoulders. Level topline with good bend of stifle. Feminine head and expression. Good feet and sufficient bone. BPB and BPIB
2. Haywood & Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Dream9mth puppy bitch. This exhibit was in really hard condition, dense even black spotting, with dark eyes and excellent cat feet. Level topline which she keeps on the move. Slightly longer cast than one. Shown and presented as always by this breeder in immaculate condition.
3. Blakeley’s Luccombe Chocolate Truffle
Junior Bitch (1)
1. Hobbs & Zemstova’s Gloria S Nevskih Ostrovov (Imp Rus), Pretty liver bitch 16mths. This young lady was difficult to assess as she simply did not wish to be there. She permitted me to go over her but was not happy. Good make and shape, with clear liver spotting, movement ok.
Post Graduate Bitch (11,2)
1. Lamb’s Dalpetro Diva JW, Quality Black with feminine head, dark eyes and lovely kind expression. Cat feet, presents a lovely outline standing. Arched neck into defined wither, good depth of thigh and bend of stifle, moving she presents a balanced picture. Beautifully presented and at one with her handler Res CC
2. Saunder’s Dallydyl Lady of Shalott, Correct colour Liver bitch with appealing head and expression. Excellent bone and cat feet. Arched neck with good shoulder placement, level topline and correct tailset. Has good width of thigh and bend of stifle, moves with purpose.
3. McManus’s Boshendal Lady in Red.
Limit Bitch (7)
1. Petersen’s Dalimese Who’s That Girl at Daedalus JW, black bitch in immaculate trim as always from this exhibitor. Dense black spotting on pure white ground, dark eyes. I liked her as a Junior and she did not disappoint today. Excellent reach of neck, good shoulder placement, level topline kept on the move and can she move. One of the few who has the true driving rear action a Dalmatian should have. The more you move her the better she seems to go. Pleased to award her the BCC, pushed hard for BOB just felt on the day the dog had the edge on showmanship. Sure her third cannot be far away.
2. Gibb’s Phadante Dixie Lily JW, feminine black bitch who fits the standard, dense black spotting on pure white ground, presented in hard condition. Excellent neck, shoulders and level topline, good bend of stifle and width of thigh, correct tailset. Sufficient bone. It was splitting hairs today. I am sure her day will come.
3. Boutonneux Artemis of Millbelle JW ShCM
Open Bitch (3)
1. Alexander’s Ch Offordale White Lady ShCM JW, ultra feminine bitch, good feet and bone, excellent spotting, pretty head and expression, good arched neck going down into correct shoulder placement. Level topline and correct tailset. Correct bend of stifle, really powers round the ring, at one with her handler.
2. Saunder’s Caprilli’s Genuine Gift to Dallydyl, lovely feminine bitch, with a beautiful head and melting expression. Darkest of eyes. Dense black spotting on a pure white coat, motherhood appears to suite her as far as condition is concerned. Arched neck with correct topline and tailset. Moves really well with correct driving action. A great favourite of mine, but also frustrating. On the day she was not co-operating with her handler and standing, well what can I say!
3. Neath-Duggan’s Ch Buffrey Gift Wrapped JW ShCM
Veteran Bitch (2)
1. Neath-Duggan’s Ch Buffrey Sprig ‘O’ Mint JW, well known champion, just over 7 years. As usual from this kennel beautifully presented in good clean condition. Well muscled, with sufficient bone and correct cat feet. Excellent reach of neck, correct shoulder placement, level topline kept on the move, correct tailset. Considered for Res CC.
2. William’s Phadante Bossanova Baby, dense black spotting on pure white ground, lovely feminine expression with dark eyes, a mere 9 years young, excellent make and shape, good topline and tailset. Just moving a shade close behind today. Can show the young ones how to move. I am sure there are many more years of showing still in this one.
Good Citizens Bitch (0)
Lynda Lewis