I would like to thank the exhibitors for such a lovely entry of 105 Dalmatians. I found temperament to be excellent. It is always pleasing to see new puppies starting out. They are a positive reflection on the breed and I wish them all a successful show career.
Coat conditions were generally good with only a few presenting with Dallyrash. It was pleasing to see so many in good hard condition without being over-muscled. Short upper arms are still in evidence which does limit the forward reach needed for correct movement.
In writing my assessment and placings of the exhibits, I was constantly aware of not only the Breed Standard but also the function of the Dalmatian as an endurance trotting dog.
Minor Puppy Dog 7 (2)
1. Clarke’s Klarkeson One Vision
7 month b/w of good proportions and happy disposition. Well carried ears and dark eyes giving an overall kind expression. Nicely marked with dark spotting. Well laid back shoulders and level topline with defined rear quarters and stifles. These two attributes enabled him to move in a steady and positive manner. Good bone in keeping with his age. Best Puppy Dog.
2. Wright’s Millbelle Lithium
8 month b/w bold evenly distributed spots of good pigment. Well shaped head with good ear pattern. Lovely reach of neck. Well boned with strong forelegs and correct spring of pastern. Good depth of chest to elbow. Slightly longer in loin than 1. Covered the ground well.
3. Scott-Allen and Davis’ Tolutim Yaffle
Puppy Dog 5 (3)
1. Wright’s Millbelle Lithium
2. Newton and Newton-O’Brien’s Chizzmic Chase Me
10 month l/w of good colour. Soft, kind expression. Good shoulder placement leading into strong level topline. Well angulated rear which assisted drive. A little loose in front but I am sure this will tighten in time. Well schooled and handled.
Junior Dog 4 (1)
1. Cousins’ Kalokairie’s Lord Ladies Man at Dallywest
Nice colour l/w. Well matured for his 16 months of age. Attractively marked on head and body. Nicely carried ears giving a pleasing expression. He has an elegant reach of neck and good shoulder placement. Well developed forechest. Good topline and tailset. Strong fore and rear quarters with well angulated stifles which enabled him to move with plenty of drive and in a positive manner. Worked well with his handler.
2. Whincup’s Tamilanda Panther Lilly
12 month b/w, slightly heavier in frame and shorter in loin than 1. A well constructed dog attractively spotted. Pleasing head and expression, very eager to please. Good angulation to his shoulders, nice feet. Strong powerful body and well angulated rear quarters. His movement was sound but would prefer him to have moved a little more slowly to demonstrate a more rhythmic stride.
3. Gardinor’s Dalmark the Pirate at Dakata
Yearling Dog 2 (0)
1. Wincup and Sibson’s Tamilanda Vintage Pink JW
18 month l/w attractively marked with a lovely tight coat. Nicely proportioned head. Soundly overall construction with good forequarters and well defined rear. Tight feet. Moved with reach and drive maintaining his topline. It was a pity that today he was not so co-operative with his handler when standing.
2. Lamb’s Dalpetro Decaprio
18 month l/w of good colour. Attractively spotted and in good coat. Pleasing head and expression. Well proportioned body with good lay of shoulder and presents an appealing outline in profile. Very attentive to his handler. Displayed very good reach in front to draw the ground towards him.
Post Graduate Dog 3 (0)
1. Alcock’s Creaganbrec Face of Beau at Dalspartan ShCM
A strong upstanding l/w of good size and proportions. Pleasant head and good eye colour. Well constructed in all aspects. Good lay of shoulder and strong forelegs. Very good topline and well developed rear quarters. Presented in hard condition Carried his tail correctly both standing and on the move. He moved steadily and with positive drive. Well handled. Genuine contender in the challenge.
2. Taylor and McKinnon’s Frankish Hope and Glory for Kingpippin
B/w with well defined spots. Lovely tight coat in good condition which enhanced his deep pigmentation. Taller in stature than 1. Good reach of neck, shoulders and forequarters. Positive rear drive. Very lively and pleasing personality.
3. Kaal’s Dalmark the Sandman at Schunikka
Limit Dog 12 (2)
1. Farrell’s Chandally Coed Cyfareddol
L/w on top end for size. Good head shape and nicely broken ear pattern. Happy and outgoing disposition. Correct lay of shoulders and very good forequarters. Good topline with correct tailset. Well developed second thigh complimenting his angulated rear quarters. His movement was true fore and aft with plenty of rear drive. Maintained a balanced outline standing and moving.
2. Harrison-Stratford’s Dalkereve Dark Dragon JW
L/w of good proportions. Good eye colour, pleasing soft expression. Excellent shoulder placement and lay of shoulders. Well developed body with good spring of ribs and well muscled rear quarters. Steady rhythmic movement with plenty of drive from the rear. Different in type to 1 but no lesser quality and I felt that 1 just had the edge on movement today.
3. Baker’s Dalleaf Devils Disciple JW
Open Dog 11 (3)
1. Croft’s Doubtwell Show Stopper JW
B/w dog which I have always liked and consider he is often overlooked. A good honest dog of nice size and proportions and not exaggerated in any way. Plainer in face than some, dark eyes and good ear carriage. Attractively decorated and in good coat. Has very good shoulder placement and excellent forequarters leading on to level topline. Well boned with body coverage just about right. Well developed and muscled rear with excellent angulation. He moved in a steady, true and rhythmic manner, reaching out well from the fore and following through with powerful drive from the rear and very fit for purpose. Nicely presented and well handled. Dog CC
2. McCarthy’s Kilndandy Old Copper
Slightly lighter build than 1 but displaying so many of the same attributes. Lovely tight coat sporting evenly distributed spots of an attractive liver colour. Pleasing head and expression. Good reach of neck and excellent shoulder placement. Well boned with a deep chest and good length of loin. Well defined and angulated rear quarters. Moved positively holding his level topline throughout. Res Dog CC.
Minor Puppy Bitch 9 (1)
1. Thomas’s Philcarthom XFactor
7 month b/w although a little overawed by the occasion, presented herself well. Pleasing head shape and lovely dark eyes. Attractively spotted with excellent pigment. Good close coat. Well off for bone displaying a strong forechest and good feet. Well laid shoulders carrying on to level top line. Her movement was basically sound and despite a slight puppy roll was positive and true.
2. Knight’s Jabbawock The Time Turner
8 month l/w of excellent colour. Slightly smaller type than 1 but very well constructed. Already very elegant with a good reach of neck from well placed shoulders. Deep in forechest. Tight feet. Covered the ground well with positive movement. Well schooled for her age. These two puppies could easily change place.
3. Richardson’s Klarkeson Driven By You Via Mapplewell
Puppy Bitch 5
1. Haywood-Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Dream
9 month b/w already mature and confident. Nice shaped head with alert expression. Good angulation fore and aft. Strong forelegs and good feet. Clean lay of shoulder and level topline. Attractively spotted and good set of tail. Moved with plenty of drive and good forward reach, balanced throughout. Well developed rear quarters. Best PIB
2. Hernandez’s Dalminshi Mystic Star
9 month b/w with the darkest of pigment and eye colour. Slightly heavier in markings than 1 and possessing many of the same qualities. Lovely even lines from her withers through to her tailset. Good reach of neck and strong quarters.. Another good mover, driving around the ring. Very attentive to her handler.
3. Croft’s Doubtwell Ebony Night
Junior Bitch 12 (2)
1. Page’s Winflash Elle’s Belle’s JW
13 month b/w nicely decorated. Good head and ear carriage. Elegant neck and lovely dark eyes. Very well balanced when standing. Correct shoulder placement contributed to her excellent reach on the move, to be complimented with powerful drive from well angulated and developed rear quarters. True and positive movement. Well developed and mature in body for her age with deep chest. Working at one with her handler. Held her own against her peers in the challenge. Res CC
2. Moore’s Fincham Dottie Lottie
12 month l/w of appealing colour and nicely decorated. Lovely smooth even lines with good shoulder placement and nicely developed rear quarters with defined angulation. Level topline. Good tuckup. Sporting an excellent coat which added to her pleasing appearance. Positive and steady movement.
3. Bunting and Dunham’s Caldecacre Swab The Decks
Yearling Bitch 11 (2)
1. Page’s Winflash Born To Be Wild JW
20 month b/w half sibling to the winner of the previous class. Bitch of good proportions and darkest of pigment in coat and eye colour. Pleasing head and expression and extremely good reach of neck. Even topline. Well laid shoulders and strong straight front with lovely tight feet. Very well angulated and developed rear quarters. Movement was balanced and true with good rear drive.
2. Lamb’s Dalpetro Diva JW
B/w 18 months slightly taller and longer in loin than 1 but very balanced. Lovely head with soft expression nicely framed with well carried ears. Good shoulder placement and strong straight forelegs. Good depth of chest and well angulated rear quarters. Nicely set on tail. Moved with good forward reach and rear drive covering the ground well. Attentive and alert.
3. Townson and Pardoe’s Shacarlu Bumblebee At Daymadals.
Postgraduate Bitch 12 (2)
1. Gardinor’s Dalispots Dubyana at Dakata
L/w of good colour on a lovely tight coat. Nice shaped head with bright expression. Soundly constructed with good bone. Well developed body with a deep chest and good tuck up. Good shoulder placement and straight forelegs. Level topline, held on the move and with a correct tail carriage. Excellent drive from well developed and angulated rear quarters.
2. Jenkins’ Jewelruby Queen
B/w with the darkest of pigment both in her spotting and eye colour. Nicely proportioned head and well carried ears. Elegant gently arched neck. Deep and well developed forechest with good tuckup. Slightly smaller in build than 1 but of correct balance. Lovely tight coat in excellent condition. Correct tailset. Powerful rear quarters. Moved very well and true.
3. Baker’s Klarkeson Royal Mint
Limit Bitch 16 (3)
This was a class of ‘top drawer’ bitches and I delighted with all five of my places.
1. Gibbs’ Phadante Dixie Lily JW
B/w compact bitch of excellent proportions and so well constructed. Attractive well defined spots on a pure white coat in excellent condition. Pleasing head shape and very dark eyes which complimented her kind expression. Very good reach of neck adding to her elegance. Correct shoulder placement and good length of upper arm which enabled her to reach forward when moving. Strong forelegs and tight feet. Excellent spring and length of rib. Strong loin and level topline maintained on the move. Rear quarters were well developed particularly in second thigh and a good bend of stifle. Her movement was true, displaying balance and drive. CC and BOB. Congratulations on gaining her title.
2. Hobbs and Whitings’ Winflash Loopy Loo
B/w and another of excellent overall proportions and quality. Good head with well defined stop and dark eyes. Carried her ears beautifully framing her face. Elegant reach of neck and lovely lines into her well angulated shoulders and level topline. Nice set and carriage of tail. Well developed forechest. Strong forequarters which she used to advantage to reach out on the move. Good positive rear movement. Covered the ground with effortless drive. Well handled.
3. Johnson’s Tynevale Take Three To Tango JW ShCM
Open Bitch 2
1. Tingey’s Ch Phaeland Pheonix Phorever By Dallyador JW
L/w of good size and colour. Attractive spotting and good coat. Nice shape of head with a very pleasing and kind expression. Attentive to handler. Correct shoulder placement and well defined fore and rear quarters. Soundly constructed and shown in firm fit condition. Deep chest with good tuck up and level top line. Moved in a free and steady manner with reach and drive.
2. Kembrey’s Dalmark The Super Sleuth JW
L/w slightly smaller in frame than 1 though equally sound and well constructed throughout. Feminine head and expression. Correctly angulated forequarters balancing the conformation of the hindquarters. Attractive and well balanced outline working together to provide a smooth positive stride.
Shelagh Stevenson
Midland Counties 2012 Judged by Mrs Shelagh Stevenson
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