Firstly thank you for bringing your lovely dogs for me to go over. Judging is hard when you have to disappoint so many but I very much appreciated the sporting manner in which most of the exhibitors accepted my decisions. It was so pleasant to hear the applause for the winners. My friends in other breeds tell me that no clapping from the ringside and tickets handed out in silence now happen. I hope that this will never occur in our lovely breed and that exhibitors who are incapable of treating our hobby in good grace might be better off finding alternative pastimes. The overall quality of the dogs was of a high standard but I was surprised to find so many flat feet. Please try to breed for decent feet they are essential for a road going dog. Temperaments were generally fine but I did have one growler. I think there has been a vast improvement in the males - I found some nice ones.
VD (6)
1 Todhunter & Robinsons Takesti Moondancer. Old favourite, strongly made medium size, moves round with real reach and drive
2. Lewis Man About Town at Hunterswood. Very honest sort and of good type, sound all through moves with accuracy.
3. Bakers Oneowun Ohio. Taller type, elegant outlook, dense pigmentation, in lovely condition.
SPD. (10)
1. Gardinors Jamesley Pyracantha at Dakata. Very eye catching boy, looks really promising, developing a nice shape with good angles. Attractive spotting. Moving and showing well BP.
2. Landrons Alphadirato. Lion Heart. Liver of good make and shape, well boned with kind head and expression, moved out very well.
3. Crofts Koroyzas Secret Weapon. Completed a nice trio. Plenty of bone and substance, good body lines, stands on great feet, showing beautifully and moving with power.
SJD (10,1abs)
1.Vockings & Smethurst. Portunes Green Day. Liver, eye catching outline, good head and well carried ears, firm over back, decent front. Great Showman.
2. Lindsays Cubalibre Stride on at Appenine. Well marked black, heavier in bone and body than1, good head, dark eyes, excellent feet, gave of his best.
3. Graham Wealls Theakston Touch of Class of Phidgity. Well spotted black, nice round bone, did enough but was not as settled as 1 & 2.
YD. (11,1)
1. Gartons Jabbawock The Golden Snitch. Classy outline on this nice liver, presented in lovely order and well handled. Good in head, nice to go over, firm over back. Moved steadily.
2. Bakers Klarkeson A Kind of Magic. Nice head and eye on this black, good length of neck, fair front, nothing overdone, heavier build than 1, moved out well.
3. Hirsts Philcarthom Xcaliber at Finnidal, more compact dog, good topline and tail set, would like a little more turn of stifle, lovely temperament.
PGD. (10)
1. Drewitt Barlows Boutonneux Heaven Can Wait for Van Helsing, nice sized black, good lay of shoulder, nice turn of stifle, clean neck, pleasing in head with nice flat skull. Did everything right to take this class.
2. Cousins Kalokairies Lord Ladies Man at Dallywest, beautifully marked liver, nice lay of shoulder, good head and ears, longer in back than 1, feet could be better. Showed and moved well.
3.Todhunter & Robinsons Millbelle Young Gun. Rangier liver with good quarters and attractively marked well rounded muscular thighs. Went round with easy stride.
MLD (8,1)
1.Whincup & Sibsons Tamilanda Vintage Pink. Elegant liver of good size and type, in lovely coat, moved out well keeping a good topline. Did just enough to earn his place but very close decision.
2. Pratts Gwynmor Finch Hatton at Solostar, beautiful markings on this well constructed black, lovely head and firm body condition. Everything is there and he is a very good mover but not really concentrating on his job today, but should make up.
3. Clelands Candidals. King of the World by Deovolante. A very different dog being much taller, very best of spotting lovely kind head, good depth to chest. Very happy chappy enjoying his day out .
LD (14,2)
1. Whincups Tamilanda Panther Lilly. This dog looked the part today, last judged him as a puppy and is now coming to his best. Lovely make and shape with a clean outline, great spotting, kindest of heads with an intelligent expression and well carried ears. Lovely to go over, should make up. RCC.
2. Wrights Millbelle Lithium. Just over two years, this lovely dog is heading for the top. Right amount of bone and substance combined with touch of elegance, reachy neck, and firm over back, well set on tail. Very well handled, close decision.
3. Dunnachies Dvojica Vendetta. Very smart looking black, good bone and substance, well bodied and muscle tone. Drove round with reach and power, should make up. Three good dogs.
OD (17,3)
Best class of the day. Had to send out some good ones and would have been happy to give any of my short list a first!
1. Hultink & Hoies Ch/Multi Ch Solbos Kayo, one of the best dogs I have ever gone over, hard to fault. Wonderful head and expression, good ear set, clean well held neck and he has a proper front. Good along back, well ribbed and well let down hindquarters. Tail simply perfection and he is a moving machine, flowed round the ring with easy long strides. I thought he looked superb in the group CC. BOB.
2. Alexanders Ch. Offordale Chevalier. Have given this gorgeous dog a ticket and BoB, so obviously I like him. Presented as always to perfection. He has a most lovely head and the bone and substance I like. Today just pipped by his half brother Kayo - he will have better days.
3. Goff Legetts Ch. Washakie Nutcracker Prince. I like this beautifully spotted dog as he has a lovely outline with a pleasing make and shape. He is all quality and is obviously passing on his many attributes as he is the sire of the two puppy winners.
GCD (8)
1.Eden Dalens Hot Gossip. Spotty black. Compact with good outline, kind in head and shows well. Would like more width of stifle.
2. Hirsts Philcarthom Xcaliber at Finnidal.
3. Barratt Shulune Briarmist Fantasy Firefly. Liver in nice muscular condition, good feet, would like a bit more depth to forechest.
VB (12,3)
1. Dunnachies Ch. Dvojica Voodoo. The breed record holder here on her tenth birthday. Everything has been said before. She was in fabulous condition and still moving with that reach and drive that took her to her many achievements. Sadly there was no award for BV - her owner must be so proud of her.
2. Scott Allen & Davis Tolutim Zaffre. Pleasing make and shape with good front and decent width of thigh. Good head, firm topline.
3. Addys Creaganbrec Rosie Cotton, compact cobbier type, nice length of neck, firm back - showing her socks off and enjoying her day out.
SPB (8)
1. Neath Duggans Buffrey Hey Diddle Diddle. Perhaps the most forward in development here, good bone sweet head, nicely marked playful girl
2. Alexanders Offordale Amethyst Flashy black baby with everything as I would want it at this stage. Already has a look at me attitude. This kennel is producing some good ones and look out everyone here comes another!
3. Quayles Cubalibre Follow On Aptly named as she has many of her lovely dams qualities. It is all there to come and predict she will follow in her Mum’s footsteps. It will be interesting to watch the five placed here as they battle it out! Really nothing between them today. All show promise.
SJB (15,4)
1.Gardners Dvojica Black Again at Wrendragge. Maturing into a lovely specimen. Excellent type, sweet head with nice flat skull. Good along topline and well angled quarters. Moved out with reachy strides - definitely fit for function.
2. Philips Dvojica Bubble n Chic at Nordalset. Litter sister to 1 and of same quality. Good depth of chest, clean over shoulders another who can move
3. Goodmans Theakston Twinkling Star, good overall make and shape, slightly finer in build than 1 & 2 but a nice example. Little strong in head for me.
YB. (15,2)
1 Morgans Winflash Olympic Star. Eye catching black, good head and well carried neck. Decent front, attractive spotting- really asked for the class. Never let up showing
2. Cousins & Cobb McGills Kalokaires Lady Godiva. Close decision here, beautifully spotted, scored in head with nice reach of neck. Has a stamp of quality about her
3. Sampsons Dalstorm Black Orchid. Nice type, very sound and honest plainish face. Would like better feet but she moved well.
PGB (16,1)
1. Webb & Crystals Heaven Sent Des Dalmats La Pierre Sacree. What a name! A size larger than I would like but she is balanced and beautifully put together. Good lay of shoulder, sound strong hindquarters, comes into her own on the move.
2 Bowers & Knight. Tyrodal One Step Ahead. Spotty liver, pleasing outline with a good depth of chest and good feet.
3. Fillinghams Tamilanda Blue Water Lily, well marked, real showgirl and liked her make and shape. Well muscled up. Nice Trio.
MLB (14,4)
1. Whitings Chance Encounter at Cragvallie. Lovely type. Dense pigmentation, gleaming with condition. Sweet head with the darkest of eyes. Sound as a bell, moved with accuracy and purpose.
2 Rourkes Tamilanda Wild Lilly, lighter marked black, another who can move. Has a nice head, good coloured eye and good depth to chest
3. Landrons Lacrima-Christi Coffee Cream. Liver, fairly lightly marked, nice body lines. Stands on excellent feet.
LB (14,2)
1. Stocks Kalokairie Lady Bollinger at Nospar. This lovely bitch has been knocking on the door for some time. She has a lovely outline, beautiful in head, elegant in neck, good over withers and top, firm in body with good ribbing. Nice straight legs and tail was well carried. Looked a picture going round and took my eye completely. CC, her first, I hope the other two will soon follow.
2. Martlands Kalokairie Lady Eleanor at Deefadal. Litter sister and similar comments. Perhaps a tad longer along back. Was well handled to show off her qualities and should gain her title with luck
.3.WhitingsChance E at C.
OB (21,4)
1.The biggest class of the day but a bit of a headache as there were so many different shapes and sizes and it was impossible to judge to type. The five placed bitches were all of high quality and worthy of top honours but they were all different.
1. Pages Winflash Born To be Wild, absolutely clean in outline, no lumps or bumps here. She has breed type and is well constructed throughout with a decent front and well turned hindquarters. Firm, well muscled body good to go over, everything fits right. She moved with reach, drive and impulsion. She never let up showing and was very well handled. I gave her a first the last time I judged her, this time RCC.
2. Quayles Ch. Cubalibre Spot On. Have given this lovely bitch a ticket and am one of her biggest fans. Beautiful in head with good body lines and on first glance thought she would be my winner but she didn’t really put anything into her movement today and I have seen her go better .She will have better days I’m sure.
3. Thorners Tolutim Drambuie. She is such a well made bitch and a very good mover. Has a good ring attitude and gave of her best. Presented in excellent condition with just her right amount of weight, level topline which she held on the move.
GCB (7)
1 Sampsons Dalsorm B Orchid.
2. Forts Shulune Fantasy Snapdragon Scopey type of liver, well off for bone has good spotting, liked her head with good eye colour. Great feet.
3. Barratts Marricdale the Gold Digger of Dalamanti. Shorter coupled and slightly finer in bone. Excellent showgirl and lovely waggy tail
Diane E Dinsdale (Judge)
Crufts 2014 Judged by Diane Dinsdale
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