Joint Clubs Show 2015 Judged by Naomi Forrest & Mr A Smirthwaite

I would like to thank my Stewards for the day Hazel and Maria, as they disappeared before I could thank them. Also many thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and accepted my placings.
Overall I was very pleased with the quality of the entry; temperaments were mostly excellent with only a few shying away, but not a single grumble all day. The quality of coats was quite wide, with off white and coarseness unfortunately appearing too often. A few of the younger exhibits had no turn of stifle, not a good thing in a breed that is designed to trot for long distances.


1st: Harrison – Stratford’s Dalkereve Dark Duchess
, BW, A good head shape with dark eyes and well set broken ears, good straight front with plenty of bone to grow into, correct tail set, good turn of stifle, moved easily across the ring, she stood alone today but should be worthy of high awards in larger classes.

PUPPY 6/1abs

1st: Alexander’s Offordale Larrissa
, lovely black and white puppy with a coat and markings that stood out on the day, pretty face with good dark eyes, ears that are correctly set and broken, well shaped neck leading into a level topline and onto a correctly set tail that wags all the time, good clean shoulders and straight front, nice tight feet, good turn of stifle, on the move she was straight and easy in her gait, an obvious choice for Best Puppy Bitch and a worthy winner of BPIS.
2nd: Bardey’s Dalcross Caro Emerald
, lovely liver spots on a good white coat, pleasing head, nice oval amber eyes, showed with a level topline good tail set and a good turn of stifle, moved easily round the ring.
3rd: David and Saunders, Dalticino Interlagos From Dallydyl


1st: repeat of 2nd in puppy
2nd: Edens The Ice Queen At Dalens Sh.CM
, pleasing expression, ears set nice and high and well broken, good straight front, and level topline, moved freely across the ring.
3rd:Peterson’s Daedalus Cliff Angel.


1st: Quayle’s Cubalibra Follow On
, a young bitch that is only going to get better and win top awards, a clear white coat with lovely black spotting, super femine head with correctly set ears, a strong neck leads to a level topline, correct shoulder and a good front with round feet, well rounded ribs and a strong loin. Well muscled hind with correct angulation. All this put together she had to move well and she did. A super bitch correctly handled, just had to give her the Res Bitch CC.
2nd: Hartley and Griffiths Creaganbrec Glory Be at Miragua
, BW, lovely head and expression with good dark eyes, nice level topline and correct tail set, slight spring at the pastern and tight feet, well muscled rear quarters with correct angulation, she could swop places with 1st on another day easily.
3rd: Neath – Duggan’s Buffrey Hey Diddle Diddle.

Post Graduate 14/3

1st: Suggett’s Dalesbred Geebee Gold For Kintegus
, a lovely marked liver and white with nice amber eyes, good straight front with round bone, a level topline with correct tail set, hindquarters are well muscled but not over done, moved with good drive around the ring.
2nd: Hernandez’s Dalminshi Mystic Star, BW, good dark eye of the correct shape, front was good and straight with spring in the pastern, nice level topline and tail set, moved straight and with ease.
3rd: Ford’s Kayjule Olympic Gold

Mid Limit 6/2

1st: Gardner’s Dvojica Black Again at Wrendragge
, BW, excellent spotting on lovely white background, femine head with a good expression framed by well placed ears, clean neck leading into a level topline, front quarters of round straight bone with round feet, hind quarters are well muscled but clean and well angulated, moved with a good true gait.
2nd: Baker’s Klarkeson Royal Mint, BW with nicely carried broken ears, good straight front bone and tight feet, level topline and good rear angulation.
3rd: Ely’s Wintermine Flamenco.

LIMIT 15/4

1st: Moate’s Leiahart Honolulu Honey at Sundowndal JW
, lovely white coat with dark black spots, nice shaped head with good ear carriage, clean neck and level topline, good straight front with round feet, well sprung ribs, hindquarters well muscled with a good turn of stifle, moved true with enthusiasm.
2nd: Addy’s Creaganbrec Evie Rose, BW, lovely head with a good dark eye, good clean neck and neat shoulders, level topline and well angled rear quarters, moved with drive and balance.
3rd: Lamb’s Dalpetro Diva JW.

Open, 14/1

1st: Stocks’s Ch Kalokairies Lady Bollinger At Nospar
, a lighter marked but still a pure white with deep black spots, super feminine head with a lovely expression framed by broken ears carried nice and high, good clean arched neck leading into correctly laid shoulders, good front with slightly sprung pasterns, good depth of rib with plenty of room, strong loin, correctly angled hindquarters that are strong and clean, round cat feet, showed non stop and moved as a Dalmatian should. A close decision in this class of quality bitches. Bitch CC. Referee gave BOB to the dog, but I am sure there will be other BOB’s.
2nd:Quayle’s Ch Cubalibra Spot On JW, another quality bitch with lovely black spots on a clear white coat, lovely expression with well broken ears, clean neck and level topline giving a correct tailset, front of straight round bone with a slight spring in the pastern, rear is well muscled but clean and well angulated, moved with drive.
3rd: Emmett and Simmons’s Ch Dalliviro Reba Mac At Ellemestra JW ShCM,

Sp Junior Veteran 8/3

1st: Neath – Duggans Ch Buffrey Sprig O Mint
, BW, just about to move into the senior vet class but still showing her quality, lovely head shape that carried her nicely spotted ears, clean neck and shoulders, good straight front and level topline.
2nd: Tingey’s Ch Phaeland Pheonix Phorever By Dallyador JW. LW, A bitch that I gave the third ticket to a few years ago, still has the quality but did not show as well as 1st today, lovely colour liver on a good white coat, nice amber eyes and well broken ears, plenty of good straight bone in the front, level topline and correct tailset, good rear angulation, still moves easily across the ring.
3rd: Kaal’s Caldecacre Celsie Von Schunikka

Sp Senior Veteran 3/1

1st: Bardet’s Multi Ch Cibrith Pepper ‘N’ Salt
, nearly 13 years old but still wants to show, good head and ears, good straight front and correct rear angulation, on the move she could not be beaten, smooth and free, covering the ground with minimal effort. Best Veteran.
2nd : Wills’s Dallyvista Scandalous Risk
, BW, another elderly show girl still liking the ring, nice head with well held ears, good front bone and tight feet for the age, good rear and a nice wagging tail.

Brace 4/0 : Judged jointly with Naomi

1st: Quayle’s 2nd: Thorner’s 3rd: Tingey’s 4th: Neath – Duggan’s

Judge BITCHES: Mr Alan J Smirthwaite




My grateful thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Joint Dalmatian Clubs for inviting me to judge the dogs. I had a most enjoyable day. I would also like to extend my thanks to my two excellent stewards; it was a pleasure to meet you both and your assistance was invaluable throughout.
I was greeted in the main by happy, outgoing dogs, but one or two were reluctant to be gone over and this did affect my placings in some of the early classes. I was disappointed to see a number of poor fronts and tail sets remain a matter of concern, but feet on the whole were better than on the last occasion I judged and heads in general were much improved.


1. Goff-Leggett’s Washakie Shoshone Chief. Most attractive 7-month old b/w with excellent bone. Beautiful dark pigment and clear, well-distributed spotting atop a sparkling white coat. Nicely put together, with good front and well placed shoulders, but just a little high over the back end at the moment as he goes through a growth stage. Still such a baby on the move, but will watch his development with interest.

PUPPY DOG (6, 2)

1. Richardson’s Mapplewell Dynamite. Compact 10-month old l/w of good overall make and shape and the best mover in this class today. Attentive to his handler and his lovely amber eyes and well-carried, nicely broken ears give him a very appealing expression. Nice depth of chest, well-muscled rear, good bend of stifle and correctly set on tail. Kept his level topline as he made the most of the good-sized ring. BPD
2. Donnellys’ Tamilanda Berry Ice Lilly
. 10-month old b/w dog of good size. Very nicely decorated and in good coat. Elegant head, lovely dark eye, reachy neck and good tight feet. Today was unsettled on the move but did demonstrate drive.
3. Smith’s Alphadal Ask Me Why.

(8, 3)

1. McCarthys’ Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy . Young l/w dog of beautiful colour with excellent bone. Handsomest of heads and well-arched neck. Good front and shoulders, lovely tight feet and well angulated rear. Still developing and is a little high over the back end at the moment, but showed himself to advantage and took the class on his powerful movement.
2. Ellarbys’ Daedalus Alfie Boe. Attractive and nicely decorated b/w dog who unfortunately did not seem particularly happy in the ring today. Scored well in head and eye colour and has a good reach of neck. Narrower in front than 1 and feet could be tighter, but nice level topline and well-angulated rear.
3. Cadden’s Phadante Jambalaha.

(7, 1)

1. Gardinor’s Jamelsley Pyracantha at Dakata JW. Quality b/w dog who took my eye immediately. Not in his best coat today, but his spotting is well defined and he has excellent pigmentation. He is balanced throughout and his attractive head, well-arched neck, good front and strong rear quarters meant he looked a picture standing and, although he took time to settle, he showed power and drive on the move.
2. Cadden’s Phadante Jambalaha. B/w dog of good size and well off for bone. Attractive masculine head with excellent dark eye and beautiful decoration. Strong front and good depth of chest. Well set on tail and level topline.
3. Thompson & Boagey’s Dalamanti Black Moon.

(4, 0)

1. Croft’s Koroyza Secret Weapon. Masculine, strongly-boned b/w dog in good hard condition. Well-defined and attractive spotting. Pleasing head and good reach of neck. Good depth of chest, level topline and nicely muscled rear quarters. Moved soundly when settled.
2. Hajee & Tidcombe’s Rainbeau of Hope. Attractive b/w dog built on a much finer frame than 1, but well proportioned and balanced. Nicely decorated. Well carried ears and pleasing expression. Good topline and tail set.
3. Hursts’ Philcarthom Xcaliber at Finnidal

(6, 0)

1. Scott-Allen & Davis’s Tolutim Yaffle. Honest b/w dog who needs to be gone over to appreciate him fully. Ideally, I would like to see him carry a fraction more weight. Workmanlike rather than flashy; he is attractively marked and in hard muscular condition. Elegant head and beautifully arched neck. His front and back quarters are correctly angulated and he uses these to show off his powerful movement.
2. Cutts’ Kilndandy Casanova. Lovely l/w dog who today unfortunately was rather unsettled. Beautifully marked and most appealing head and expression. Very well balanced in outline and nicely angulated. Good depth of chest, topline and tailset.
3. Boutenneux Baby Buco avec Rapanooey

(9, 1)

1. Green & Sears’ Tolutim Yves St Laurent at Judally. Elegant top quality l/w dog of great balance and good colour. Shown in tip-top condition. Classic head, reachy neck, excellent front, well-angulated shoulders, strong hind quarters and correct tail set. Really comes into his own as soon as he begins to move. Sound construction and easy yet powerful drive allow him to cover the ground effortlessly. Thought long and hard when it came to the challenge, as my 2nd in Open showed his socks off, but in the end movement won out and I was delighted to award him the RDCC.
2. Lamb’s Dalpetro Decaprio
. Smaller, more compact l/w dog with most attractive, elegant head and good eye colour. Well balanced and pleasing in outline. Good front and depth of chest, lovely tight feet, good bend of stifle and tail set.
3. Alphadirato Kalokairie CJW13 Ir J Ch.

(5, 1)

1. Baker’s Dalleaf Devils Disciple JW. Was very pleased to award this lovely l/w dog the RCC when he last came under me as a youngster. Since then he has continued to mature into an excellent dog with plenty of ring presence and I had absolutely no hesitation in presenting him with top honours today. Beautifully decorated, with most attractive head and neck, correct angulation fore and aft, deep chest and tail set – in fact, good in every department. He combines elegance with masculinity and his overall balance and sound construction enable him to move freely and effortlessly as he covers the ground with ease. Could have happily watched him move all day! DCC and overjoyed to see him awarded BIS by the Referee.
2. Whincup’s Ch Tamilanda Panther Lilly JW Sh.CM. Eye-catching and elegant b/w dog who cannot be faulted for his showmanship. Well balanced dog of good size and substance, attractively decorated. Appealing head with good dark eye which gives him lovely expression. Good front and well angulated fore and aft. Good feet and correctly set-on tail. Good shoulders. Closely considered for the RCC, but he could not match the drive and free-flowing movement of my Limit winner. However, was very pleased to award him Best Black.
3. Cuthbertsons’ Ch Kalsidoni Cameo.

(4, 0)

1. Tingeys’ Holderness Hillbilly by Dallyador JW. Well made 7-year old l/w dog of good colour and attractive spotting. Handsome head, good front, excellent feet, well-angulated rear quarters and correct tail set. Covered the ground with purpose. BVD and later my co-judge and I were pleased to award him BVIS.
2. Goff-Leggett’s Ch Washakie Nutcracker Prince JW. Smaller 7-year old b/w dog with elegant head and eye-catching decoration. Good dark eye, lovely reach of neck, very nice feet, level topline and correct tail set. Sound and steady on the move.
3. Hartley & Griffiths’ Ch Creaganbrec the Favourite at Miragua JW.

(2, 1)

1. Cutts’ Ch Kaytian Kalypso to Marzelina. Beautiful 10-year old l/w dog in excellent coat and still showing his socks off. Well balanced all through. Most elegant of heads, reachy neck, holding his topline well, good tail set.

BRACE (4, 0) Judged jointly with my co-judge Alan Smirthwaite.

1. Quayle’s. Two beautifully matched b/w bitches who kept together well on the move.
2. Thorner’s . Close decision between 1 and 2 as this was another pair of b/w bitches who moved as one around the ring.
3. Tingey’s

Naomi Forrest

(Judge - Dogs)