East of England 2015 Judged by Ms P Wills
East of England Ch. Show 2015


Thank you to all exhibitors. This was a busy weekend with a club championship show the following day so I was delighted with the entry in both quantity and quality. Whilst we had an adequately sized ring with shading, the conditions underfoot were very poor with ruts and loose sand. I was very pleased that no one lost their footing.

MPD (2, 0)

1. Hopkin and Hobbs’ Rapanooey Rasputin. 7 months. Very promising young male, excellent pigmentation with clear spotting, good round bone, correct lay of shoulder and straight topline, angulations correct enabling good driving movement, longer cast so covered the ground well.
2. Christie’s Sophtspot Gold Dust, 6 months baby at his first show, confident happy temperament, clear liver spotting, plenty of bone, head yet to develop, correctly constructed but still a little loose on the move. I will be interested to follow the progress of both puppies.

PD (3, 0)

1.Hopkin and Hobbs’ Rapanooey Rasputin
2. Stocks’ Nospars Shaded Lanson
, lost out to 1 on movement, lacked drive from hind quarters today, clear spotting, masculine head with correct ear carriage, excellent bone, straight front, held topline on move.
3. Christie’s Sophtspot Gold Dust

(5, 1)

1. Goff-Leggett’s Washakie Shoshone Chief. A young dog, just moved in to junior, I have admired from the ringside so was interested to lay hands on him. Masculine head with excellent pigmentation and clear spotting. Well- muscled and balanced, covered the ground well, steady driving movement. Good depth of brisket. Level topline, correct tail carriage.
2. Alexander’s Offordale Picasso. Another top quality young male. Just preferred head and more masculine overall appearance of 1. Correct angulation both fore and hindquarters, level topline, good tail carriage. Moved well.
3. Donnelly’s Tamilanda Berry Ice Lilly

(5, 1)

1.Cadden’s Phadante Jambalaha JW. Dark pigmentation with clear spotting, masculine head, long neck leading into lean withers and level topline. Well- muscled, correct angulation both fore and hind quarters. Drove well around the ring. Handler worked hard to get the best out of him. Well done.
2. Brett’s Stardally Prince Charming. More lightly spotted and less masculine but good overall make and shape. Lovely long neck. Excellent tail carriage. Moved steadily and well with good length of stride.
3. Donnelly’s Tamilanda Berry Ice Lilly

(8, 2)

1. Gardinor’s Jamelsley Pyracantha at Dakata JW. One I have admired before, he has matured well. Masculine but with no coarseness. Excellent clear spotting, good head shape and proportions. Excellent lay of shoulder, correct angulations, well- muscled, covered the ground with ease.
2. Tingey’s Dallyador Aramis. Moved with great driving action and long stride. Clear liver spotting. Good head proportions, ears carried well and beautifully spotted. Elegant neck, good topline and tail carried well both standing and on the move.
3. Brett’s Stardally Prince Charming

(9, 4)

1.McCarthy’s Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy JW. Best topline and lay of shoulders in this class. Clear liver spotting. Correct head proportions with good sized ears, nicely spotted. Well- muscled with correct angulation both front and rear. Moved with purpose. Slightly proud of his tail today.
2. Kembrey’s Dalmark the Pinot Grigio. Slightly shorter coupled than 1 but moved with drive on well-muscled hind quarters. Some wrinkling over withers. Excellent clear spotting and pigmentation.
3. Lamb’s Dalpetro Decaprio

(9, 1) Three outstanding males that were difficult to separate and who will change places on another day.

1. Dunnachie’s Ch Dvojica Vendetta DCC. A real stallion dog, masculine but with no coarseness. Correct head proportions, lovely expression, clear black spotting. Well- muscled, correct angulations. Handler sometimes pushes his head back which causes wrinkling over withers but when he stands naturally withers are clean with level topline and correct tailset. Long driving strides, covered the ground with ease.
2. Casey’s IR CH Buffrey Pop Goes the Weasel at Moyglass Jun CH RCC. Also outstanding example of the breed. Not as mature as 1 and a little unsettled today. Moved with great freedom due to hard muscle tone and overall correct conformation. Less masculine in head but elegant. Clear black spotting. Lovely happy temperament. Handler gets the best from him.
3. Beeres’ CH Anmadeke’s All Over the World

(6, 2)

¬ 1. Christie’s Sophtspot Glitterati BP. Just 6 months old at her first show but not phased at all. Lovely driving movement and well balanced for such a youngster. Straight front, good angulation. Tail set and carriage correct. Excellent clear spotting, feminine expression.
2. Whincup’s Rapanooey Miss Continental By Tamilanda. Another top quality puppy, didn’t have the drive on the move of 1 today but they could change places on a different day. Clear spotting, lovely feminine head with correct ear carriage. Good round bone, straight front. Correct proportions and balanced. Well- schooled and handled.
3. Hobbs and Whiting’s Rapanooey Shimmerglisten

(5, 1)

1. Christie’s Sophtspot Glitterati BP
2. Whincup’s Rapanooey Miss Continental By Tamilanda
3. Graham’s Dotlun Sorellas Phancy

(5, 0) I ¬really enjoyed this class with the first 3 all worthy of top awards.

1. Tingey’s Dallyador The Enchantress. This young lady is really maturing and coming in to her own. Floated over the ground effortlessly today due to correct conformation and good muscle tone. Some might find her at the top end for size but she has overall balance and correct proportions. Good pigmentation and clear spotting. Great personality. Not overshown.
2. David and Saunders’ Dalticino Interlagos from Dallyadyl. A new find for me. Lovely make and shape on this liver bitch. Long elegant neck. Moved so soundly covering the ground well. Correct angulations, good lay of shoulder and in very fit condition.
3. Alexander’s Offordale Larissa

(8, 0)

1. Tingey’s Dallyador The Enchantress
2. David and Saunders’ Dalticino Interlagos from Dallyadyl
3. Dawson’s Washakie Endless Summer
(8, 2)

1. Thorne’s Castletop Penderyn JW. Sound bitch not overdone in any way. Long elegant neck, feminine head, eye and expression. Clean withers and level topline. Moved out well. Correct angulation front and rear, excellent muscle tone. Worked well with handler.
2. Thornthwaite and Patrick’s Spiral Desdemona Very feminine bitch with pretty spotting. Elegant make and shape. Well balanced. Moved with freedom and drive.
3. Samkin’s Portunes Oasis

(13, 1) The most impressive class of the day with real depth of quality throughout, some lovely exhibits left without a prize card.

1. Gardner’s Dvojica Black Again at Wrendagge JW SHCM. Beautiful, feminine, elegant bitch. Excellent head and expression, well decorated ears used well. Long neck, clean withers, correct tail set and carriage. Well- muscled and correctly angulated. Moved soundly covering the ground with ease.
2. Quayle’s Cubalibre Follow On JW. Similar type to 1 and a close decision between these 2. Clear black spotting, long elegant neck. Strong hindquarters. Straight front, good lay of shoulder. Correct proportions and well balanced on the move.
3. Dunnachie’s Dvojica Volition

(5, 2, 1W/D)

1. Emmett and Simons’ Ch Dalliviro Reba Mac at Ellemstra JW SHCM BCC BOB Grp 4. Delighted that this outstanding bitch was placed in the group today. Shows with great personality. Lovely head with correct proportions, ear set framing her expression. Correctly angulated with good tailset and carriage. Shown in hard condition. Free driving movement. Well balanced.
2. Stocks’ Ch Kalokairie’s Lady Bollinger at Nospar JW. Feminine bitch with beautiful clear spotting. Long elegant neck, level topline. Straight front, well angulated and muscled hind quarters. Today just didn’t move out as well as one.

Penny Wills .