Thank you for all your entries on a busy week in the show calendar. My stewards Linda Jones and Marion Carter did a great job as always. The ring was a bit bumpy and on a slope but with a bit of moving around it worked and gave ringside and myself a good view of the dogs to their best advantage.
Temperaments were good, just loved to see quite a few free standing on a loose lead, without the need to constantly feed them.
1st Christies Sophspot Gold Dust What a lovely 8 month old baby to start the classes. A confident happy quality liver and white, he has a kind expression, with dark amber eyes and good head shape, used his ears well and correct shoulder placement. Good round bone and cat feet, excellent angulation , well set on tail finished with good colour even spotting, moving out well . Very promising puppy.
2nd Hopkin and Hobbs Rapanooey Rasputin A nice 10 month old black and white who has a super head and dark eye, well placed shoulders round bone and tight feet a little apprehensive to start with but soon settled to move well with a reachy stride, both puppies of correct size for age.
PD 3 (1)
1st Sophtspot Gold Dust
2nd Littler Dalmark the Wizard of Oz Liver and white well muscled upstanding young man good shoulder placement clean neck and firm topline, good rear angulation . Well off for bone, moved with purpose, nice colour and even spotting.
JD 4(1)
1st Alexander Offordale Picasso This young black and white boy has everything going for him, such ring presence, keen to please with a kind head and darkest of eyes, clean neck into good shoulders level topline and well developed hindquarters, round bone into good feet and even spotting, great reach and drive on the move
2nd Donnelly Tamilanda Berry Ice Lilly Black spotted dog with a pleasing expression, good dark eye, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders firm topline. Strong quarters very well muscled, attractive spotting on a tight white coat and he covered the ground well.
3rd Ward Shulune Fantasy Red Dragon
YD 6 (1)
1st Cadden Phadante Jambalaha Strong well made black and white in tip top hard condition . Balanced dog with clean shoulders firm topline tailset good , even bold spotting on a sparkling white coat. A very sound dog with a good length of stride.
2nd Wallington Rovinjal dare to dream ShCM Liver and white with a good head and expression, strong topline and correct tail set, good feet a very fit active dog with a good stride covering a lot of ground.
3rd Ellarby Daedalus Alfie Boe
ND 3
1st Sophspot Gold dust
2nd Tamilanda Berry Ice Lilly
3rd Pace Big Addo
GD 2
1st Hurst Philcarthon Icaliber at Finnidal Black spotted dog of good type, handsome head with darkest of eyes, round bone and tight cat feet, clean neck and withers, level topline well muscled and moved with a good long stride very sound.
2nd Hajee Tidcombe Rainbow of hope Smaller type than winner, black spotted, a little straight in shoulder, has a firm topline and plenty of depth to him but just lacks the reach and drive needed. Well handled and turned out.
PGD 4(1)
1st Hopkin Rapanooey Rasul Pleasing head and excellent eye colour used his ears well has a good length of neck, well held topline. Attractive black spotting a balanced dog with good reach and drive, nicely handled.
2nd Tingey Dalyador Aramis Quality liver spotted dog to go over, well muscled throughout well shaped head and good eye colour, strong level topline with clean neck and shoulders, strong hindquarters with well let down hocks correct colour even spotting moved with purpose.
LD 6
1ST Counsins Kalokaires Lord Ladies Man at Dallywest Liver dog of good type has a pleasing head and dark eye, carried himself well with a fluent easy going stride, held his topline , correct tailset, shoulder and hindquarters, good decoration and shown well
2Nd Scott Allen & Davis Tolutim Yaffle Black dog of substance and quality in great muscular condition . Good front on this dog correct l topline and excellent well developed second thigh. Powerful movement at one with handler
3rd Williams Phadante Brighton Rock
OD 4 (1)
1st Whincup Ch Tamilanda Panther Lily JW ShCM Such a worthy champion in hard condition have judged him before as a baby and loved him, today he is the finished carriage dog, great head and expression and dark eye, arched neck into good shoulders, firm topline good hind angulation well developed second thigh strong round bone, cat feet covered the ground with purpose and drive a very sound Dog CC
2nd Baker Dalleaf Devils Disciple JW A beautiful liver dog who has all the makings of a champion, today he did not put a foot wrong but did not give me the wow factor , he is so sound and honest with a lovely head and eye colour. Rich liver spotting on a tight white coat, super bone and feet excellent type. Res CC
3rd Croft Doubtwell Show Stopper JW
Veteran dog 1
1st Hartley & Griffiths Ch Creaganbrec The Favourite at Miragua JW A truly great champion dog has the kindest expression and darkest of eyes on that spotty face He always gives 100% in the ring even after 8 years of showing he loves it. His bold black spotting on a white coat make him so striking and is such an ambassador for the breed. Best Veteran
MPB 6 A super class of babies all with quality and type.
1st Christie Sophtspot Glitterati Such an attractive feminine bitch good dark eye used her ears well , clean neck and good topline, for a baby, well set on tail liked her depth of brisket and overall substance finished off with clear black spotting. BP
2nd Whincup Rapanooey Miss Continental by Tamilanda Another black spotted pup with great promise sweet expression and head, substance with quality nice turn of stifle and well set on tail, good bone and feet even spotting loved this class all so confident
3rd Talbot Rapanooey Vanishing World at Leaveslake
PB 6(1)
1st Sophtspot Glitterati
2nd Rapanooey Miss Continental by Tamilanda
3rd Rapanooey Vanishing World at Leaveslake
JB 6(1)
1st Alexander Offordale Larissa A feminine bitch who fits the standard to the letter, classic head with attentive expression, dark eyes and using her ears beautifully, clean elegant neck into well laid shoulders level topline, good tailset balanced all through move with a good length of stride and purpose Res CC
2nd Morgans Gwynmor Heledd A quality black spotted bitch with a pleasing head and dark eye, nicely tapered neck into correct shoulder placement , firm topline, strong bone and tidy feet. Nicely decorated moved with a steady stride.
3rd David and Saunders Dalticino Interlagos from Dallydyl
YB 4
1st Petersen Daedalus Cliff Angel JW Striking ultra feminine bitch with bold black spotting, kind alert expression darkest of eyes clean neck into good shoulders and topline, has so much ring presence and moves with a long stride handled well to show off her lovely outline.
2nd Dore Daldior Miss Hula Hula Girl Good overall make and shape giving a good outline with a correct topline and good depth to her, excellent bend of stifle and good bone and feet, moved out well
3rd Bonner Dalticino Eau Rouge
NB 4
1st Sophtspot Gliterati
2nd Rapanooey Miss Continental by Tamilanda
3rd Rapanooey Vanishing World at Leaveslake
GB 5
1st Tingey Dallyador the Enchantress Liver bitch with a lovely outline very elegant head and neck well laid shoulders good strong hindquarters, good in topline, rich liver spotting positive movement, well handled
2nd David and Saunders Dalticino Interlagos from Dallydyl A quality liver of good type and colour very fit young lady and it showed in her positive ground covering stride firm topline good depth of brisket and strong round bone with good feet
3rd Hobbs Rapanooey Rhapsody
PGB 6 (1)
1st Dallyador the Enchantress
2nd Hernandez Dalminshi Mystic Star What an honest happy girl with the boldest black spotting has such a wonderful expressive look and darkest eyes held her topline and can move with the best. Well muscled throughout
3rd Thorne Castletop Penderyn JW
LB 7
1st Christie Jezebel the Astonishing Sophtspot JW So much quality and breed type I in this lady, well put together, great shoulders and hindquarters substance but so feminine has plenty of reach and drive in her ground covering movement
2nd Moate Leiihart Honolulu Honey at Sundowndal JW Well constructed black in super condition very attractive feminine head good eye colour clean neck into well laid shoulders firm topline good depth of brisket strong hindquarters , good feet, even clear spotting.
3rd Finlay Dvojica Black Swan at Dalfin
OB 5 (2)
1st Emmett & Simons Ch Daliviro Reba Mac at Ellemestra JW ShCM I felt this beautiful bitch is the ultimate showing machine, never put a foot wrong in a very hot day. She never let up all done on a loose lead. Presented in immaculate condition the bond between owner and dog is a joy to see. She has a beautiful expression attentive and kind and the darkest of eyes uses her ears at all times. So well constructed fore and aft level topline good tail set Hard muscle tone throughout round bone and good feet her movement is breathtaking. BCC and BOB Thrilled to see her win Group 2
2nd Thorner Ch Tolutim Drambuie ShCM Such a close to the standard black spotted elegant bitch, full of quality and type beautiful expression and clean neck into well laid shoulders firm in topline good depth throughout and clear even spotting at one with owner moving with a good rhythmic long stride
3rd Barrett Marricdale the gold digger at Dalamanti Sh CM
1st Barrett Marricdale the gold digger at Dalamanti ShCM Loved this sound liver I had to look at her age afterwards she really looks half her age just powered round the ring a real credit to her owners o attentive and and loved her day out . Golden but not an oldie by any means
2nd Saunders Caprillis Genuine Gift to Dallydyl ShCM A lovely type happy black spotted bitch with substance and super pigmentation, a great pair of girls