Midland Counties Canine Society Championship Show 2016
Thank you all for your entries; it was a great honour and pleasure to judge your beloved Dalmatians. I was delighted with the overall depth of quality of the both the dogs and the bitches and even more pleased that the youngsters are showing such great promise. Because of the quality of the entry, there were some very close decisions, which could be reversed on another day. I was very clear about my interpretation of the standard and I was delighted to find that my winners illustrated the very best in Dalmatian attributes on the stand and combined with their correct movement – they would able to follow a carriage for many miles. Sadly some exhibits were experiencing the dreaded skin problems and they had to be relegated to lower awards. I found many exhibitors’ interpretation and understanding of running a triangle very interesting and I was pleased to find that a little girl executed one of the best triangles of the day!
MPD 6/2
1. Hobbs and Whiting’s Rapanooey Sun Spot. Eight months old and well grown, correct liver colour and nicely decorated, a masculine boy. Attractive head with good eye colour. Substantial bone and correct overall make and shape. Good cat feet and moved well with drive … think he has a great future ahead
2. Carroll’s Sophtspot Hip Hip Hooray. This black spotted puppy with an attractive head and expression. Overall good outline and kept a good topline on the move. Good feet and nicely set tail. Moved well, one to watch…close decision - just preferred1 today.
3. Southwood & Tofield’s Rapanooey Solar Solstice
PD 8/0.
1. Whincup’s Tamilanda Midnight Lilly. Just rising to one year of age and maturing well. Correct make and shape standing with good depth of brisket, well sprung ribs and correct tuck up and good rear angulation. Attractive overall decoration with good dark eye colour. His correct construction means he moved with good reach and drive.
2. Croft and Cobb-McGill’s Kalokairie’s Bullet Proof. Marginally younger than one. Another beautifully decorated dog, this one liver spotted. He has a lovely elegant outline standing and on the move. Good tail set. Moved well, tracked true from the side and away and with appropriate drive – both 1 and 2 are expertly handled and both have extremely promising show careers.
3. Hobbs and Whiting’s Rapanooey Sun Spot
JD 5/1
1. Neilson’s Bariscot Aristarchus Moonet. Appealing 18 month old dog, maturing nicely. Well spotted quality male with good overall outline. Deep brisket, correct rear quarters and good feet. Nice dark eye and pleasant expression. Moved well and kept a level topline. Currently a little immature but I am sure he will do well in the future.
2. Goodswen’s Alphadal’s King of Angels. Nicely constructed and balanced overall- such a happy dog with an outgoing nature. Well put together, nothing overdone and moved well with a nice side profile. Just preferred one today.
3. Green & Sears Boschendal Simply Red at Judally
YD 3/0
1. Neilson’s Bariscot Aristarchus Moonet
2. Neath Duggan & Bakers Buffrey Incognito by Dalleaf. Very attractive black spotted male. Beautifully presented - lovely coat with spotting of deepest black pigmentation. Masculine head framed by well decorated ears. Good overall side profile with good reach of neck. Correct feet and well let down hocks. Moved well keeping his topline, but preferred 1 overall today
3. Pawson’s Cragvallie Vinny’s Chance
PGD 11/2
1. Wallington’s Rovinjdal Dare to Dream. Lighter decorated quality liver spotted male with much to like about him. Good make and shape with elegance as well as substance. Deep brisket, good tuck up and moved with reach and drive. Sound dog throughout with a coat in really good condition. Appealing head and expression
2. Richardson’s Mapplewell Dynamite. Another liver, heavier set and more compact than 1, but none the less he demanded attention as he moved round the ring. Nicely broken ears and attractive expression. Preferred elegance of 1.
3. Blissett’s Shydally’s King Arthur of Kystuno
LD 10/0
1. Christies Sophtspot Gold Dust. Lovely quality young masculine liver dog, on the stand he has a fabulous outline, correct in all departments. An attractive head and kind expression with lovely overall markings with good liver colour. Correct neck and front blending into a deep chest .Good spring of rib. His rear angulation is well constructed with good turn of stifle. He powered round the ring and moved with vigour. He is still a little unsettled on the front movement but this will settle with maturity. DCC
2. Vockings & Smethhursts’ Portunes Green Day. Lovely liver dog with elegance and substance. Nice head and expression. Lovely level topline and correct set tail, which he uses to advantage. He has elegance and substance and is balanced on the stand and on the move. He is also deserving of top honours.
3. Wright’s Millbelle Lithium
OD 10/2
1. Alexander’s Offordale Picasso. Masculine but elegant, this young dog is correct all round. Lighter decoration than some but none the less pleasing. Has good dark eyes and a lovely head and expression. Good front, good spring of rib with deep brisket, good turn of stifle and correct feet. Moved correctly driving effortlessly around the ring and standing was at one with his handler. RCC
2. Goff-Leggett’s Washakie Shoshone Chief. Another male exuding quality and elegance. Muscular, in lovely condition. Handsome masculine head with correct dark eyes. Good reach of neck and level topline, which he kept on the move. Soundly constructed rear quarters, correct cat feet and well set tail. Moved well and standing he has a lovely profile. Very close decision between 1 and 2
3. Whincup’s Ch. Tamilanda Panther Lilly
MPB 5/2
1. Finch & Bonner’s Sophtspot Hocus Pocus at Dalticino. Nearly 9 months old and a promising young bitch with much to like about her. Good overall make and shape. Attractive dark eye and head, a little heavier decorated than some but none the less very attractive with bold black spotting and deep pigmentation. Well set ears. Good front and topline and moved well for a puppy.
2. Talbot’s Wallstan Peppermint with Leaveslake A little younger than 1.Still very much a puppy. Nice overall shape, slightly longer in the loin than1. However overall construction is sound and she was a little unsettled on the move. Very attentive to her handler and showed well –preferred 1 overall today
3. Blisset’s Princess Eve Per Makuli of Kystuno
PB 9/1
1. Whincup’s Tamilanda Pick a Lilly, Lovely black spotted bitch with beautiful white coat and attractive spotting. She has an excellent outline, with good bone but plenty of elegance. A lovely head with dark eye and kind expression, leading into a correct front. Good level topline and correct rear angulation, with well let down hocks means that she can power round the ring with ease. Beautifully presented as was 2. One to watch in the future – BP
2. Crofts’ Kalokarie’s Barberella from Koroyza. Lovely decorated liver bitch with sweet head and expression. Lovely size and with substance and elegance and again as per 1, maintaining femininity. Lovely outline, good front and rear and can move with drive. Could easily have changed places with 1 but preferred 1’s drive to day. Another to watch.- - they should both do well
3. Cuthbertson’s Ellemstra Little Mix with Kalsidoni
JB 2/0
1. Wright’s Anastasia Avec Millbelle .What a show girl! Quality black spotted. , well balanced bitch who shows herself to her best advantage. Happy disposition. Attractive head and ear set with dark eye. Good marking, nice front and topline. Covered the ground with ease.
2. Jenkins & Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Kisses. Another black, nicely decorated. Slightly taller on the leg than one but has an overall elegant outline Pretty head. Nicely handled and moved well for her handler.
YB 4/0
1. Christies Sophtspot Glitterati. Very attractive and stylish feminine black bitch with much to like about her. Lovely head and ear set, clean neck which leads into a correct front. Clean outline with good tuck up. Good rear quarters and good tail set. Moved well with reach and drive and kept a level topline throughout. Incredibly mature for such a youngster. Pushed hard for top honours. RCC
2. Stevenson’s Macula Moonlight Mystique. Another very nice boldly spotted black bitch with the whitest of coats. Feminine and with a kind dark eye. Good construction overall and moved well. Maybe not as finished as1.
3. Thomas’s… Buffrey Magic Moments with Philcarthom
PGB 11/3
1. David & Saunders Dalcitino Interlagos from Dallydyl. A very nicely constructed liver spotted girl. Lovely make and shape. Pretty head with well broken ears, nice amber eyes and overall good decoration. Good front, good depth of brisket and spring of rib. Well defined rear quarters and keeps a level topline both on the stand and the move, she exudes quality. Moved with vigour. Just had a lot of very high quality exhibits today…
2. Wilkinson’s Gyynmore High Five to Hunacres. Another lovely black spotted bitch. Attractive head and ear set. Good front, well laid back shoulders, level topline leading to nicely rounded rear with well-set tail. Good rear angulation. Moves well and keeps her topline and is balanced throughout. Close decision between 1 and 2.
3. Whiting’s Cragvallie Star Chance
LB 9/1
1. McKenzie’s Mapplewell Waterfall. Nicely decorated black spotted girl. Good overall shape with deep brisket and plenty of heart room. Rear angulation is good and she is well balanced through, both on the stand and on the move. Loved her showy disposition and she demanded my attention.
2. 2. Neath-Duggan’s Buffrey Hey Diddle Diddle. Another very attractive black spotted girl who was beautifully handled. Another quality class….this one has a very attractive side profile, nice front and rear and can move with ease, I just preferred one to day
3. Suggett’s Dalebred Geebee Gold for Kintegus
OB 8/2
1. Alexander’s Ch. Offordale Larissa. I have admired this bitch from the ringside and was delighted to find on examination that she was as sound and elegant as she appeared. Beautiful head with darkest eyes set into a lovely front assembly. She has a good spring of rib with excellent lung capacity leading into a good tuck up and then into her strong but not exaggerated rear quarters with good bend of stifle, good hocks and correct tail set. The darkest pigmentation and a glossy white coat enhance the picture standing and when moving, she retains a lovely profile while driving effortlessly around the ring. Absolute femininity and elegance combined with structural soundness. Absolutely loved her. CC & BOB
2. Philip’s Dvojica Bubble N’Chic at Nordalset. Very feminine and attractive black spotted girl. A very attractive head, dark eyes and pigmentation. Good front and rear and overall very well-constructed and therefore moves with drive and maintains balance. Very unfortunate to meet 1 today…am sure will gain her crown soon.
3. Quayle’s Ch. Cubralibre Follow On
Christina C Pickup
Midland Counties 2016 Judged by Mrs Chris Pickup
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