LKA 2016 Judged by Mrs J Saunders
LKA 10 December 2016.

I would like to thank the Ladies Kennel Association for inviting me to award CCs for the first time at this prestigious show. I was blessed with a numerically large entry to assess and I thank those exhibitors for allowing me to go over their beloved dogs. I would also like to thank you for your patience whilst we were allocated a different ring as ours was far too small. Being second in the ring, this did create a small delay but I was pleased that my Best of Breed was still able to get to the group on time. I would like to thank my able and efficient stewards for keeping things running smoothly for me as we were aware of the time constraints.

Whilst much has been said over the years regarding steep shoulders, this is still a problem, though exaggerated hindquarters and long loins are creating the additional problem of weak toplines and crabbing. I was looking for a good moving, well balanced Dalmatian who could cover the ground with ease and constructed in such a way as to prevent crabbing or inefficient movement. I look for substance but some exhibits, even the bitches, are far too heavy. I was pleased that I was able to find what I wanted in most cases and very pleased with my top winners.


7 (4a)

1st Healey’s Doshaburi The Cloud Dragon at Hebemor. 6 month old raw but very much a baby. Well up for size. Nice head and expression with arched neck into correct shoulder. Good round bone and tight feet. Well set hocks. Roly poly on the move but true fore and aft with good effortless stride won him this class.
2n d Christie’s Sophtspot In Sync. B/s strong upstanding young male. Mature for age and well schooled. Dense bold spotting on a crisp background. Nice head, good lay of shoulder. Muscled hindquarters and tight feet, powered around the ring with a nice side gait.

PD 7 (2a)

1st Barclay & Sampson’s Dalstorm Eternal Flame. L/s powerful youngster. Handsome head with kind expression. Strong in shoulder, well placed with good length of upper arm. Equal strength in excellent width of thigh giving a good balanced dog. Good tight feet. Capacious heart and lung room and strong topline held well on the move. Moved with good reach and drive was a pleasure to watch. Nice decoration completed the picture. Loved him. BPD. Later found is litter brother to the BPB.
2n d Christie’s Sophtspot In Sync. Also second in previous class.

JD 9(1a)

1st Gibbs’ Phandante Mr Blue Sky. This b/s boy doesn’t sell himself particularly well but nevertheless is a good honest type. Nice spotting on a bright white background. Kind face, good shoulder and defined wither. Nice forechest and depth of brisket. Adequate width of thigh. Clean on the move with no fuss.
2n d Whincup’s Tamilanda Midnight Lilly JW B/s boy enjoying a successful show career and a lot to like. Very showy and handled well. Well up for size.Nice head and expression with a kind face. Deep chest, well bodied with strong hindquarters and good bend of stifle. Correct feet. A bit untidy on the move fore and aft today which cost him the class.

YD 2 (0a)

1st Neath-Duggan & Baker’s Buffrey Incognito by Dalleaf JW. Super b/s boy fills the eye when standing. Bold dense spots. Handsome head. Moved out with a rhythmic stride.
2n d Green & Sears’ Boschendal Simply Red at Judally. L/s different type to one. Nice head and expression. Heavier in shoulder, slope at croup just spoils his topline a little. Moved well just needs to show himself off a bit more particularly on the stand.

PGD 9 (1A)

1st Wallington’s Rovinjdal Dare to dream ShCM L/s with a lot to like. Plain in the face but with nice expression. Moved out well covering the ground with ease. Correctly placed elbows, would like a little more lay of shoulder, held his topline well. A handsome dog.
2n d Donnelly’s Tamilanda Berry Ice Lilly. B/s nice type who is maturing well. Handsome head and well decorated body. Moved cleanly fore and aft. Nice dog.

LD 7 (2a)

1st Todhunter-Robinson & Robinson’s Millbelle Young Gun JW L/s nicely decorated, masculine but elegant boy who I first judged as a puppy. He has matured well. Handsome head and excellent shoulder placement, defined wither and strong level topline. Elbows neatly placed to the body. Plenty of bone and tight feet. Good width of thigh and bend of stifle, nicely let down hocks. Powered around the ring with purpose and ease, covers the ground well, gave me goosebumps. So well balanced. Pleased to award him the CC.
2n d McCarthy’s Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy JW
. Another who is maturing well. Handsome boy. Rich liver on a clear white coat. Nice shoulder placement, good depth of brisket. Strong in thigh. Moved around the ring with ease, though a little proud of his tail but overall a nice dog.

OD 9 (1a)

1st Page’s Winflash Hugo Boss. B/s nice size and type. Compact dog with handsome spotty face. Nice shoulder and length of upper arm allowing good reach. Effortless stride driven by a good thigh. Loved his flowing movement and pleased to award him RCC.
2n d Green & Sears’ Tolutim Yves St Laurent at Judally
L/s favourite of mine but not quite on form today. Handsome head and good neck. Correct shoulder and strong thigh which powered him around the ring. Nice honest dog of good type. A worthy champion.

VD 4 (0a)

1st Hartley & Griffiths’ Ch Creaganbrec The Favourite at Miragua JW B/s popular champion now 9yrs old but in good form. Nice spotty face and kind expression. Good shoulder, heavier in build but nice type to standard height. Good round feet, moved with ease.
2n d Whiting’s Cibrith Captain Kirk JW ShCM Bold upstanding male who does not look a veteran! Nicely decorated, bold spots on an immaculate background. Handsome face. Nicely built, covers the ground well. A very showy boy.

GCD 5 (0A) Considering this is supposed to be the clever class, they were the naughtiest of the day.

1st Evans & Baker’s Lucky Prince of Oaks Farm at Troikadal B/s, lightly decorated finer in type, moved well enough and best schooled in the class today.
2nd Wheaton’s Dalamanti Phantom Medal at Acinonyx Boisterous b/s boy enjoying his day out. Not easy to assess on the move but did enough to get his place. Not the cleanest of decoration but nice type and size.


8 (0a)

1st Gardner’s Dvojica Chilli Chutney for Wrendragge Quality l/s girl caught my eye immediately. Lovely clean lines, mature for her age. Attractive face and expression. Correct shoulder angulation and hindquarter angulation complimenting each other to provide a balanced bitch. Nice tight feet. Moved with purpose and covered the ground well. Surely a superstar of the future.
2n d Leach’s Doshaburi The Crescent Moon B/s lively young lady with deep pigment. Kindest face and expression. Well put together, nice shoulder placement and correct rear angulation. Difficult to assess on the stand but could not resist her once she moved and displayed her effortless rhythmic movement. Should go far with some schooling. Learned she is litter sister to MPD winner.

PB 11 (2a)

1st Sampson’s Dalstorm Eternal Promise L/s bitch, heavier spotted but nicely distributed. Love her type. Attractive head, white face with a lovely liver ‘dipped’ muzzle gives her face lovely character. Good length of neck into correct shoulders. Good length of upper arm and correct elbow placement. Straight front legs into tight feet. Deep chest and level topline. Excels in thigh which propels her effortlessly around the ring. Substantial but feminine in every way. She is maturing beautifully. Loved her. BPB and BPIB.
2n d Richardson’s Mapplewell Ely Brown
. Another liver but different in type to 1. Attractive bitch, pretty head framed by nicely broken ears. Good shoulder and forelegs. Good topline held well on the move. Happy showgirl, well handled

JB 10 (1a)

1st Croft’s Kalokairie’s Barbarella from Koroyza Lovely girl richest of liver spotting, nicely decorated. Substantial but feminine. Good shoulder placement and reach of neck, defined wither. Excellent width of thigh, tight cat feet. Moved around the ring with ease.
2n d Cuthbertson’s Ellemstra’s Little Mix with Kalsidoni. B/s substantial bitch, heavier in type but without losing elegance. Feminine head and kind expression. Capacious chest, moved with ease, clean fore and aft with correct tracking.

YB 5 (1a)

1st Wright’s Offordale Anastasia avec Millbelle. Another b/s quality bitch, nicely decorated. Lovely head and expression. Good forechest and fill. Powered around the ring but needs to slow down to show off her attributes to advantage. Good feet and hindquarters.
2n d McManus’ Boschendal Ashes of Roses. Bold b/s substantial bitch, well bodied, good thigh and held topline well on the move once settled. Maturing nicely.

PGB 12 (2A) Some nice bitches who could have changed places for top honours.

1st Wilkinson’s Gwynmor High Five to Hunacres JW Striking b/s bitch nicely decorated. Feminine head with kindest expression. Correct shoulder and elbow placement, level topline and good width of thigh and rear angulation. Not overdone in any way. Substantial but totally feminine. Well schooled today which enabled her to show off her attributes. Moved with drive and purpose though a little excitable. Happy show girl.
2n d Cooper’s Charmidals Pussy Galore. What a nice b/s bitch. Really liked her. Feminine, very pleasing to the eye. Well off for bone, good shoulder and nicely angulated hindquarters. Deep chest, good feet and moved with drive, effortless. Unlucky to meet 1 on good form today.

LB 12 (3A)

1S T Christie’s Sophtspot Glitterati JW Quality b/s bitch not overdone in any way. Has substance but feminine through and through. Excellent shoulders, deep chest and good hindquarters with correct angulation. Straight front legs down to nice round feet. Well balanced and covered the ground with ease. Pushed hard in the challenge. RCC
2n d McKenzie’s Mapplewell Waterfall
. b/s bitch different in type to 1 and heavier in build, but pleasing with lots to like. Not quite as showy but an honest type. Sound movement beautifully handled.

OB 7 (1a) Quality class of varying types, could change places on another day

1st Finlay’s Dvojica Black Swan at Dalfin ShCM B/s quality showgirl sympathetically handled to perfection. Lovely attentive expression, dark eye and feminine head. Elegant neck into good shoulder placement and defined wither. Level topline. Adequate depth of chest and good width of thigh. Well angulated hindquarters with good bend of stifle. Round feet. Moved with ease and purpose. Pleased to award her CC and BOB
2n d Peterson’s Ch Daedalus Cliff Angel JW
Densely b/s bitch of lovely type. Good strong body, well placed shoulders with good depth of chest. Strong hindquarters moved with ease. Loved her since a pup and didn’t disappoint. Worthy Champion.

VB 8 (1a)

1st Scott Allen & Davis’ Tolutim Zaffre B/s bitch in good condition. Admired her as a youngster and still showing well. Good clean lines, moved around the ring with drive and purpose and clean fore and aft. BVIB
2n d Gibbs Ch Phandante Dixie Lily JW
Lively b/s bitch, lovely type. Nicely decorated. Good head and expression. Legs a little busy on the move, she doesn’t realise she’s a veteran!

GCB 6 (0a)

1st Sampson’s Dalstorm Eternal Promise. My winner of puppy bitch. Placed further down the line in Junior as she flagged but by the time she came back in came into her own again. Well schooled, moved effortlessly.
2n d Bardey’s Dalcross Caro Emerald. L/s smaller in type but nevertheless a nice bitch. Compact but with substance, attentive to handler and sound on the move.

Judge Janet Saunders (Dallydyl)