I can’t begin to thank the Crufts committee for the invitation to judge at this show , and the Dalmatian exhibitors for giving me a high quality entry and a day I will never forget . Using the old saying..... I wish I had more cards to award ! Every class was full of lovely Dalmatians, temperament was outstanding, coats in lovely condition. I was delighted with both the dog and bitch challenges . At the end of the day I was amazed at the overwhelming cheer as the bitch was awarded BOB .
Veteran 8/ 3abs
1 HULTINK & HOIE - Int Ch . SOLBO'S KAYO - what a lovely dog to start this amazing day ! Rising 9 and showing no signs of age , this upstanding B/S of excellent proportions , he has the most lovely head and eyes , strong neck and excellent forehand, firm in topline and tailset, well developed quarters, top quality coat with even spotting, this dog comes into his own on the move , maintains a super outline and excels out and back . Best veteran.
2 DODDS & PEARSON - KELVARA HUDSON HAWK - this 8 years B/S was in a smaller frame than 1 , he has a lovely proportioned head , strong neck with excellent bone and front, deep chest and strong loin , it's a well set tail , he moves well in all directions, in a quality well spotted jacket .
3 CROFT -DOUBTWELL SHOW STOPPER JW - liked the size and proportions of this 8 year old , stands out with his bold black spotting , liked him in head and eye , strong in front and excellent ribs , move well with a very impressive profile.
Minor Puppy. 3 /0
1 BAKER & STOKES -MADDIDALLI ECHO'S HOT - a well grown 9 mth liver , scored well in head and eye , he has an excellent neck and front with strong bone , well developed body with good spotting, clean outline and good mover .
2 LAMB - DALPETRO DIGBY - another 9 mth this time B/S built on a smaller frame than 1, pleasing head and eye, scores well in body, good bone, moves very well , nice spotting, coat needs to clear .
3 WHEATON -BUFFREY THE LAST WORD AT ACINONYX - I really liked this 9mth B/S , he is a great size scoring in head and eye , strong neck and good front , well developed body and good quarters , lovely coat and spotting , I thought he was going to be an easy winner , but he decided not to play game on the move !
Puppy . 7/0
1 CHRISTIE -SOPHTSPOT IN SYNC - very impressive 9mth B/S , lovely size , his head and eye are quite lovely, great neck ,good bone , front and feet, well developed body with good ribs with strong quarters, he has a super well spotted coat , moving he is very positive and a good profile and a lovely temperament . Best Puppy.
2 GARDNER -DAKATA DURANTA - 10 mth B/S , such a handy size , he has a very good head , excellent neck and front , sound bone , good feet ,well made body , in good coat and spotting , he moved lovely in profile scoring over 1 with tailset , just a little lazy out and back.
3 HEALEY - DOSHABURI THE CLOUD DRAGON AT HEBEMOR - I liked the size and substance of this 9mth L/S , very pleasant head and eye , excellent neck and front, good bone and body, moved well.
Junior 11/0
1 CROFT & COBB-McGILL - KALOKAIRIES BULLET PROOF - very impressive 16mth richly pigmented L/S , he has a lovely balanced head and good eyes , scores in neck , strong bone , good front and feet , good rib and topline , well developed quarters, his well spotted coat was in good order , super outline and great mover .
2 SOUTHWOOD & TOFIELD -RAPANOOEY SOLAR SOLSTICE - this 12 mth youngster really pleased , he has a lovely clean head , enough neck , great bone and front , short in back and good ribs he looked lovely on the move .
3 WHINCUP -TAMILANDA MIDNIGHT LILLY JW - very well schooled 14mth B/S , great size , excellent balance of head , scored in neck and front, well ribbed with sound bone , coat was good and dense spotting, looked good moving.
Yearling 13/2
1 NEATH DUGGAN & BAKER -CH. BUFFREY INCOGNITO BY DALLEAF JW - this 23mth B/S was one of the contenders in the challenge, he is a great size and has the most lovely head , scores in neck and front, great bone and substance, he has a very balanced outlook , his coat was in pristine condition and well decorated, a very sound mover , quality all through.
2 MARLEY & LIBBEY - BELLILI'S D'AMORE DE LOIN - I really liked this 18mth B/S , in a lighter frame than 1 , he pleased very well in head properties, excellent neck with good bone and front, sound rib and quarters , good coat and spotting, he kept a very tidy outline and impressive on the move .
3 OLSEN & LARSEN - TRE FALKE'S THOR (ATC ) - this 20mth B/S has such a lovely head and eye , he has an excellent neck and topline , in great condition. Another great mover keeping a lovely outline, liked him a lot .
Post Grad . 19/1
1 HOPKINS &HOBBS -RAPANOOEY RASPUTIN - really nice B/S He is a great size with a lovely head. He has excellent bone and body, liked his topline and tailset A good well spotted coat , well ribbed and muscled quarters that powered him on the move keeping the best of outlines .
2 ELLARBY -DAEDALUS ALFIE BOE - another good B/S. who pushed 1 all the way , he has a lovely head , excellent bone and front, loved his body , excellent coat and spotting on the move he kept a lovely profile, could just be a little firmer behind.
3 DONNELLY -TAMILANDA BERRY ICE LILLY - another lovely B/S of 2yrs , I liked his size and an excellent mover, he has a lovely head, good bone and body in good coat, quality dog .
Mid Limit 7/0
1 VOCKINGS & SMETHURST - PORTUNES GREEN DAY JW - this 4yrs L/S is of an excellent size , he has a classic head and eyes , he excels in neck and front, good rib and depth, keeps a lovely topline and impressive profile, well bodied and bold spotting he moves very well both ways , like him a lot .
2 ALEXANDER - OFFERDALE PICASSO - again a B/S of lovely size , scored in head , excellent neck and front with very good body condition. Well spotted and a great mover , keeping a easy on the eye profile.
3 BOLT & ROWLEDGE -GEMMONT SECRETARAIT BY FAKENHAM - this L/S Had slightly more scope about him , he has a very good head , scores in bone and body, good condition and spotting, he has a lovely outline that he keeps on the move.
Limit. 6/0
1 TODHUNTER & ROBINSON-MILLBELLE YOUNG GUN JW - this 6yrs Lightly spotted liver is all quality, he has an excellent head , firm neck , strong bone and excellent front , great depth and good rib , excellent quarters , good coat and colour, very eye catching outline , this dog is every inch the athlete I thought him quite lovely and happily awarded him the RCC in hot company.
2 GARDINOR -JAMELSLEY PYRACANTHA AT DEKATA JW - a very good B/S of 3yrs , he is an ideal size , very pleasing head , he excels in neck and front , goes very well in front , he has a lovely body and sound quarters , very good coat in top condition, moves with ease .
3 HOBBS &WHITING-BOUTONNEUX BABY BUCO AVEC RAPANOOEY JW - again this 4yrs B/S is of excellent size , very pleasing head , excellent neck and topline , great bone and body moving with purpose.
Open 17/4
1 DUNNACHIE -CH . DVOJICA VENDETTA - this 4yrs B/S was the one on form today, he is a great size , a combination of substance and elegance, he has a masculine classic head , scores in front assembly with strong bone and good feet , he is deep and well ribbed leading into powerful quarters, tail well set , a clear well spotted coat , he moves with no effort , holding a great profile, last time he won the RCC from junior this time he upped the stakes to be awarded the Dog CC .
2 BEERES - CH. ANMADEKE'S ALL OVER THE WORLD - a very impressive 6yrs B/S he is a great. size and has a lovely head , excellent bone and front firm topline , liked his body and quarters , lovely spotting, great mover keeping a lovely outline, considered him hard for the RCC .
3 SPISSINGER -CH , NOEMUS DU BOIS DU BAYEHON - another good sized B/S , he has an excellent profile, masculine head with good eyes , liked his bone and front, he has a super body , clear coat with bold spotting, looked great on the move quality dog .
Good Citizen. 13/0
1 EDENS -DALENS HOT GOSSIP - I was very taken with this 5yrs B/S , he is off lovely type , loved his head , strong neck excellent front, great body , lovely spotting, a very impressive mover , he was a strong contender in the challenge.
Veteran 11/5
1 NICHOLLS - INT. CH . DEVINE COMEDY DE PUECH BARRAYRE - I really fell for this 9yrs B/S , she was a lovely size , scoring so well in heed , excellent bone and body. Muscled quarters , she moved like a dream .
2 THORNER -CH . TOLUTIM DRAMBUIE SHCM - another lovely B/S of 8 yrs , she was on form today , lovely head, great neck and front, good bone and firm body condition, another great mover keeping a lovely outline.
3 GIBBS -CH PHANDANTE DIDIE LILY JW - this 8yrs B/S was also on form , very nice head , strong front and bone , moved very well out and back and super profile.
Minor Puppy 3/0 The following 3 puppies were all lovely.
1 LAMB - DALPETRO DIAMOND - a 9mth densely B/S , she has a super head , excellent neck and front, lovely bone , well developed body and lovely quarters, I loved her profile going round I'm sure a bright future for all 3 . BPB
2 QUAYLE - CHIZZMIC CARRY ON WITH CUBALIBRA - another 9mth lovely B/S , very pretty head , excellent neck and front, great body and quarters went really well .
3 NEATH-DUGGEN & BAKER -BUFFREY HANKY PANKY BY DALLEAF - the third of 3 lovely girls , at 8 mths this B/S has a lovely head, scored in neck , well developed body , moved well with a lovely profile.
Puppy 10/2
Junior. 17/0
1 ALTBERG & HOIE -MIDLETON'S DAPHNE DREAM SPOTNIK - I was very interested in this lovely 16mth B/S , I just adored her balanced outline on the move , she was an ideal size with a long head , excellent neck and front with balanced quarters , to top it she had a pristine well spotted coat .
2 FELLOWS -MILLBELLE HASTA L'VISTA BABY - I have liked this 16mth B/S for a while , I loved her size , scored in head , liked her front , she was more chunky in body than 1 , good topline and well muscled, coat and spotting in good order , she moved really well.
3 WHINCUP - TAMILANDA PICK A LILY JW - another lovely bitch , absolutely feminine in head , she has an excellent front. good bone and body and a smart mover .
Yearling 13/1
1 THOMAS - BUFFREY MAGIC MOMENTS WITH PHILCARTHOM - I was well impressed with this 23mth B/S , absolutely classic outline , sporting a very nice head , totally balanced in body , she was in lovely coat and spotting, won this class on her outstanding movement.
2 STEVENSON - MACULA MOONLIGHT MYSTIQUE JW - another impressive bitch , slightly bigger frame then 1 , she has a lovely head. excellent neck and front , liked her bone and body condition, spotting was good and a really good mover .
3 WRIGHT - OFFERDALE ANASTASIA AVEC MILLBELLE JW - this B/S appealed greatly for type , excellent neck and front , body was in good order , in good well spotted coat , sound honest mover .
Post Grad 18/0
1 WILKINSON - GWYNMOR HIGH FIVE TO HUNACRES - Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that from this P/G class a bitch I had never seen before would touch me so much ! With still 4 classes to judge had I found my benchmark...... A beautiful bitch, for me she is an ideal size, I just adored her head, so balanced with lovely eyes, clean neck, excellent forehand, good bone, front and feet, her body is just reaching maturity, strong quarters and tail well set, her coat was lovely to touch with excellent spotting, I loved her profile going round and she was so accurate out and back . She was naughty but I was captivated. Bitch CC & BOB
2 LINDSAY - SOPHTSPOT GOLLY GOSH AT APPENNINE - I really liked this 2yrs L/S she is a great size , has a lovely head and eye , good colour and well spotted, she has a great neck and front, well made body and a lovely profile on the move .
3 MATHER -SHULUNE DRAGON RYDER - slightly bigger framed bitch she has a very appealing head , excellent bone and body, good spotting, impressive mover .
Mid Limit 14/1
1 PAGE -VIVIENNE WESTWOOD BY WINFLASH - this 18mth B/S is of an ideal size , she has a lovely head , excellent neck and topline , good depth of body , on the move she has excellent reach and drive, quality coat and spotting, just a youngster and needs a little more chest but she ranked highly in my consideration for top honours.
2 THORNTHWAITE& PATRICK - SPIRAL DESDEMONA SHCM - this 3yr B/S was very similar to 1 in type , sporting a lovely head , excelling in size and balance. Another great mover with a lovely outline .
3 NEATH-DUGGAN -BUFFREY HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE - another very nice B/S , pleasing well in head , first class bone and body , lovely outline and moving very well.
Limit. 11/0
1 CHRISTIE - SOPHTSPOT GLITTERATI JW - this 2yr B/S is very much the ideal, she is of excellent breed type, I just loved her head , excellent neck and front, well ribbed and good depth, perfect topline and tailset , her movement was sound and steady holding a lovely outline, to top it she has a lovely decorated coat , she was pushing all the way and I loved her , RCC.
2 FILLINGHAM - TAMILANDA BLUE WATER LILLY AT DOTSADAISY - don't think I have ever seen this lovely B/S before, at 5 she has reached maturity, classic head excellent neck and front,great body and quarters, lovely coat and spotting another great mover, really like her ...
3 DORE - DALIDOR MISS HULA HULA GIRL - this 3yr B/S has a lovely head, sporting a lovely outline, her body was in super condition, good coat and spotting, moving very well and keeping a good outline.
Open. 11/2
1 FINLAY - DVOJICA BLACK SWAN AT DALFIN SHCM - his 4yr B/S was looking bang on form today , slightly taller but wonderful balance, she has a classic outlook in head , reaching neck Straight front and good feet , liked her mature body conditioning, she scored in quarters, lovely spotting and coat , a fluent easy mover keeping a lovely outline .
2 DODDS & PEARSON - CH . KELVARA CLASSIC CLICHE JW SHCM - a quality 3yr B/S , very similar to 1 in a smaller frame , again she has a lovely head, very good neck and front, in good body condition. Well spotted coat , another good mover .
3 DUNNACHIE - DVOJICA VOLATION - this 4 yr L/S was of a good size , different head type , I loved her body and bone , well spotted coat , and very easy on the eye in profile movement, looked good out and back .
Good Citizen. 10/1
1 MORGAN - WINFLASH OLYMPIC STAR JW SHCM - this 5yr B/S is a neat size , she has a very nice head , good bone and body, well spotted and good coat, she is a powerhouse on the move .
2 BARRET- DALMANTI ICE RUBY JW SHCM. - liked the size of this B/S pleasing head , good bone and body, pleasing spotting, moved very well .
3 BARDEY- DALCROSS CARO EMERALD - a taller sized 2yr L/S , very good bone and body pleasing head and sound topline, moved well keeping her outline.
Judge : Mr Rob Sansom
Crufts 2017 Judged by Rob Sansom
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