Bath 2017 Judged by Mary Sparks


I always consider it such an honour to be ask to judge our lovely breed, firstly I would like to thank you all for entering and allowing me to go over your beautiful dogs and not to forget the dogs for all the waggy tails and kisses and to you for so graciously excepting my placings, I found all dogs to be happy , outgoing and of good temperament, unfortunately some coats were suffering from dallie rash and I noticed a lot of high tails which really does spoil and detract from the outline of this lovely breed, but on the whole the breed is looking sound. I was very pleased with all my winners and some of my placings were very close and could change position on another day . I was delighted when my BOB was awarded Group 2. I had a really lovely day judging at Bath and for that I thank you all.

Minor Puppy Dog no entries

Puppy Dog 6 entries 1 absent

1st Small's Alioth Moonlight Surprise. Very nice 10mth old liver spotted dog of good size and shape lovely head and expression nice dark eye, good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, good depth of brisket, nice front and rear quarters, moved well and with drive.
2nd Wheaton.s Buffrey The Last Word at Acinonyx. 11Mth old b/w dog good make and shape, handsome head, good shoulders and level topline, good front and nice hind quarters, moved well.

Junior dog 1 entry

1st Small's Alioth Moonlight Surprise.

Novice Dog
1 entry.

1st Wheaton Buffrey The Last Word at Acinonyx.

Post Grad
9 entries 1 absent.

1st Whincup'sTamilanda Midnight Lily JW. Smart upstanding young lad masculine head, well arched neck, level topline,strong front and rear quarters, well muscled and with plenty of bone,shown beautifully.
2nd Green's Boshendal Simply Red at Judally. Nice young dog good rich liver colour, noble head and good eye colour, well placed shoulders and good front and rear again well muscled throughout. Moved and shown well.

Limit Dog. 7 entries.

1st Vockings & Smethurst Portunes Green Day, Judged this smart liver dog when he was a youngster and he has matured well, mascline head without courseness, nice rich liver spotting,good reach of neck,level topline held on the move,strong front and rear, moved well covering the ground with ease.
2nd Todhunter Robinson & Robinson's Millbelle Young Gun JW. Liver spotted dog of good colour make and shape , pleasing head and expression, well balanced throughout and moving well around the ring.

Open Dog 10 entries 1absent.

1st Dog CC , BOB & Group 2. Frandsen's DK Ch Int Ch N Ch Est Ch Skvaa Luxury Item. Superb dog rich liver spotting, gorgeous head and kind expression, good dark eye colour, lovely reach of neck and well laid shoulders, level topline held on the move, excellent front and rear quarters and good bend of stifle correct tail carriage, best mover of the day, didn't put a foot wrong, best mover of then day.
2nd & Res CC Mr ,Mrs & Miss Page's Winflash Hugo Boss. A really lovely young dog of good size which I have loved since seeing him as a puppy. Dense black spotting on a pure white coat. Handsome head and soft expression , lovely body proportions and well balanced throughout, moved well covering the ground with easy strides.

Veteran 1 Entry.

1st Burrow's Ch Daedalus Deacon Blue at Shacarlu. 9 yr old black spotted dog still showing and moving well, obviously enjoying his day out, well done.

Minor puppy bitch 1 entry

1st Littler's Dalmark The Kir Royal. Very pretty 6mth old liver spotted baby, feminine head, compact body well, put together was quite settled when going over her and moved steadily, still very much a baby.

Puppy Bitch 11 entries 3 absent.

1st & Best Puppy Neath-Duggan & Baker's Buffrey Hanky Panky by Daleaf. Smart well proportioned black spotted bitch of 11 mths, lovely feminine head, dark eye, good bone and substance, good width to the front and nice rear quarters, maturing nicely shown in lovely condition and moved at one with her handler.
2nd Lamb's Dalpetro Diamond. Another very smart puppy well marked with dense black spotting pretty head and well balanced throughout could easily change places with above on another day,. moved really well around the ring

Junior Bitch 12 entries.

1st Harrison Stratford's Dalminshi Dark Dakota at Dalkereve. Very pretty 16mth old bitch , good reach of neck, level topline, tidy front and good rear quarters showed with animation and moved easily around the ring in step with her hanler, well presented.
2nd Neath-Duggan & Baker's Buffrey Hanky Panky by Daleaf.

Novice Bitch 8 entries 1 absent.

1st Neath-Duggan & Baker's Buffrey Hanky Panky by Daleaf,
2nd Fellows Millbelle Hasta L' Vista Baby
. Attractive black and white spotted young bitch, good body, bone and muscle and held her topline beautifullywhilst moving steadily around the ring.

Post Grad 12 entries 2absent.

1st whincup's Tamilanda Pick-A-Lily JW A good looking young bitch with deep black spotting, feminine head good eye colour and well carried ears, nice flow of neck, good front assembly , plenty of bone, well animated and beautifully presented.
2nd Healey's Dalmark The White Witch at Hebemor. Good solid well grown liver bitch , lovely dark eye and rich liver spotting nice head, neck and topline, good angulation, tight feet, moved well and with drive.

Limit bitch 9 entries.

1st Mr Mrs & Miss Page's Winflash Prada Candy Kiss. Very attractive black and white bitch, lovely feminine head, full of quality throughout, good bone and substance, shown, moved and presented beautifully.
2nd The Late Mr Neath-Duggan & Mrs Neath-Duggan's Buffrey Hey Diddle Diddle. Another good quality B/W bitch, sweet head and expression, clean neck, good topline, deep brisket, well muscled body ,good feet, moved well.

Open Bitch 8 entries 3 absent.

1St & Bitch CC (in a quality class) Christie's Ch Sophtspot Glitterati JW. Super quality black spotted bitch, typical feminine head, good neck flowing into level topline and strong front, well angulated rear quarters, good tail carriage ,tight feet, moved with power and drive.
2nd & RCC Emmett's Ch Dalliviro Reba Mac at Ellemstra JW Shcm. Another lovely bitch well deserving her title , all the attributes of above just thought 1 moved and showed herself off better on the day.

Veteran bitch 5 entries 1 absent.

1St & Best Veteran Thorber's Ch Tolutum Drambuie Shcm. Very smart and spritely black spotted lady of 9yrs , feminine head and kind expression, well balanced throughout, moved really well,beautifully handled and presented.
2nd Gibb's Ch Phadante Dixie Lily JW. Attractive B/W 8yr old of good make and shape showed and handled well moved easily around the ring.

Judge Mary Sparks (Dalimar)