My thanks to the exhibitors for their entries (with a low absentee rate) and sporting acceptance of my decisions; the officials of the Dalmatian Club of Scotland for their warm welcome and kind hospitality throughout the day; and to my efficient stewards Bill and Jane Gregory. I really enjoyed my day.
For the second year this show was run in conjunction with Border Union Championship Show and was definitely a show run for exhibitors. The ring was even with a slight slope from top to bottom and had been well mown to provide an ideal grass surface. This was a particularly warm day and the decision to provide a gazebo in the ring, to offer shade for exhibits, was an excellent idea. The weather appeared to cause some exhibits to flag a little maybe having already been shown earlier in the day.
I found more evidence of good feet than when I last judged and temperaments were all very good. I can only continue the appeal for shoulder angulation to be addressed – those correctly constructed really reach out on the move.
Unfortunately, the dreaded ‘rash’ was in evidence in some exhibits and cost them higher awards.
MPD (Entries 0, 0 Absent)
PD (2,0)
1 Wheaton’s Buffrey The Last Word at Acinonyx Well marked 11.5 mths b/w. Gentle head with appealing expression. Ears set on and carried correctly. Elegant neck. Level topline and good tail carriage. Moved steadily. A smart youngster. BPD RBPIS beaten by his sister!
2 Newton & Newton-O’Brien’s Chizzmic What a Carry On Lots to like about this 11.5 mths l/w boy. Balanced outline and well boned without losing elegance. Didn’t give of his best on the move. Unfortunately, despite his handler’s encouragement, was not showing himself to best advantage, possibly feeling the heat.
JD (4,0)
1.Cobb’s Kalokairie’s Carbon Copy Upstanding, elegant b/w of 16 mths. Attractive markings with depth of pigmentation. Good head and expression with correct ear carriage. Reachy neck into well laid shoulders. Well boned but not to excess. Slightly longer in loin but not out of balance. Good angulation fore and aft assisted his long striding, free movement. In the final challenge he was not as focussed on his handler.
2.Lamb’s Dalpetro Digby b/w just turned 12 mths. Shorter coupled than 1 with clean outline and good angles in fore and hindquarters. Good depth of chest. Moved soundly with drive but not quite the rhythmic stride of 1. Giving a lot away to age and maturity today.
3 Wheaton’s Buffrey The Last Word at Acinonyx
YD (2,0)
1 Whincup’s Tamilanda Midnight Lilly JW What a smart young man! Eye-catching b/w, 19 mths old, with a constantly wagging tail, appearing unaffected by the heat. Masculine but elegant. Attractive markings on a good coat. Keen expression, completely focussed on handler. Lovely arched neck. Forelegs straight down into tight feet. Plenty of heartroom. Lovely rounded hindquarters. Well off for bone, but not to excess. Sound on the move, striding out with reach and drive. A very promising youngster. RDCC.
2 Barclay & Sampson’s Dalstorm Eternal Flame Well balanced l/w boy,16 mths of age. Well up for size but not overdone in any aspect. Well bodied and moved well. At this stage, not quite the finish of 1.
MD (1,0)
1 Newton & Newton-O’Brien’s Chizzmic What A Carry On
ND (1,0)
1 Wheaton’s Buffrey The Last Word At Acinonyx
GD (2,0)
1 Cobb’s Kalokairie’s Carbon Copy
2 Wheaton’s Buffrey The Last Word At Acinonyx
PGD (7,2)
1 Croft & Cobb-McGill’s Kalokairie’s Bullet Proof Well balanced, elegant l/w of good colour, 19.5 mths old. Lovely head with keen expression enhanced by correctly carried ears and warm, amber eyes. Strong bone into cat feet. With correct angles fore and aft he excels in movement with a rhythmic, powerful action. Very well handled. Absolutely on his toes today – a serious contender, but in the challenge looked just a little immature – his day will come! BLD
2 Marley & Libbey’s Bellili’s D’amore De Loin 20.5 mths b/w shown in hard condition. Shorter coupled boy with good depth of chest. Sound on the move. Was unfortunate to meet 1 in such sparkling form.
3 Fryday’s Cragvallie Chance On Me
LD (7,2)
1 Thompson & Boagey’s Dalamanti Black Moon Tight jet black and white coat gleaming in the sun. Dark eyes with good ear carriage framing his face. Short coupled with good angulation front and rear. Correct slope o¬¬ver croup. Steady on the move – clearly enjoying his day, but felt he had more to give - may have been the heat.
2 Newton & Newton-O’Brien’s Chizzmic Chase Me L/w presented in good condition. Slightly longer cast but retaining balance. Constant wagging tail – really on his toes. Positive on the move. Focussed on handler.
3 Alcock’s Creaganbrec Face Of Beau At Dalspartan Sh.CM
OD (4,0)
All four Dalmatians in this class had real depth of quality.
1 Goff-Leggett’s Ch Washakie Shoshone Chief JW Mature showman, very attentive to his handler who utilised this to advantage. Jet black on white with a good head and expression enhanced by dark eyes and correct ear carriage. Good bone with straight forelegs into tight feet. Correct angulation fore and aft. Firm muscles all through with well-defined hindquarters. Powerful balanced stride with reach and drive. Very appealing both when standing and on the move. He really presented himself well. Delighted to award him the CC – later to discover he had taken the same award at Border Union a few hours earlier! BBD DCC. In the final challenge awarded BOS RBIS.
2 Neath-Duggan & Baker’s Ch Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW Eye-catching b/w with real depth of pigmentation. Attractive head into elegant neck. Dark eyes and well carried ears giving intelligent expression. Stood four square with clean lines throughout. Moved effortlessly with a long stride. Handled quietly but effectively to display all of his virtues. Close up for reserve certificate.
3 McCarthy’s Fr Ch Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy JW
VD (5,2)
Veteran classes confirm the longevity of our breed with mature Dalmatians still actively competing. The boys in this class were clearly enjoying their day out.
1 Barrett & Forts’s Ch Shulune Ice Phantom of Dalamanti Sh.CM Very exhuberant b/w of 7 yrs 3mths. Still presenting like a youngster. Well proportioned with clean lines. Strode out well on the move. BVD BOSV.
2 Hartley & Griffiths Ch Creaganbrec The Favourite At Miragua JW b/w 10 yrs 1 mth. Just beginning to show his age, but still exhibiting his many qualities. Very good bone and substance. Sound on the move. Coat not so clear today.
3 Alcock’s Creaganbrec Face Of Beau At Dalspartan Sh.CM
OD Stakes (0,0)
MPB (2,1)
1 Bain’s Dunnydals Abira The Strong B/w, 8 mths old, still very much a baby and just becoming familiar with the show ring. Even spotting. Level topline with well set on tail. Moved away and back steadily. Look forward to seeing her as she matures.
PB (5,1)
1 Neath-Duggan & Baker’s Buffrey Hanky Panky By Dalleaf Well schooled b/w of 11.5 mths. Good head, retaining femininity, into elegant well shaped neck. Lovely dark eyes. Straight forelegs into tight feet.Moved effortlessly with good angulation front and rear enabling long reach and drive. Good topline both standing and moving. Very well handled to advantage. Her maturity carried her through the puppy challenge beating her litter brother. A very promising youngster. BPB BPIS.
2 Quayle’s Chizzmic Carry On With Cubalibre 11.5 mths b/w with good construction throughout giving overall balance, standing and on the move. Level topline into good tailset. Moved soundly but lacked the overall presence of 1 today.
3 Tolkain Gold Star For Kilndandy
JB (9,2)
1 Sampson’s Dalstorm Eternal Promise 16 mths l/w presented in very good condition. Tight coat absolutely gleaming. Well balanced head with dark eyes. Clean outline with neat tuck up and good angles in fore and hindquarters. Good depth of chest. Tail well set on and carried. Moved positively with reach and drive. Handled calmly but effectively. Has a maturity that belies her age. Definitely one to watch.
2 2 Neath-Duggan & Baker’s Buffrey Hanky Panky By Dalleaf
3 3 De Rozario, Webb & Chrystal’s Jemblewood Jelly Bean (IKC)
YB (9,0)
1 Sampson’s Dalstorm Eternal Promise
2 Cuthbertson’s Ellemstra Little Mix With Kalsidoni Compact 18.5 mths old b/w. Another quality girl. Has substance but maintains elegance. Lovely dark eye. Good depth of chest. Holds her level topline on the move. Good angulation front and rear enabling purposeful movement. Didn’t appear to be affected by the heat, showing enthusiastically throughout. Hard decision – 1 just had the edge in presence today.
3 Tamilanda Pick-A-Lilly JW
MB (4,0)
1 Quayle’s Chizzmic Carry On With Cubalibre
2 Dinsdale’s Roadcoach Rejoice With Dalesbred 13 mths old l/w with good depth of pigmentation. Well broken ears. Lovely arched neck. Good depth of chest and neat tuck up. Rounded hindquarters which she used to drive on the move with a good length of stride. Still very much a youngster.
3 Pickup’s Roadcoach Racy Lady
NB (6,0)
1 Quayle’s Chizzmic Carry On With Cubalibre
2 Dinsdale’s Roadcoach Rejoice With Dalesbred
3 Pickup’s Roadcoach Racy Lady
GB (3,0)
1 Evans Tyrodal Legacy Of An Angel Just turned 2 yrs this l/w was just asking to be noticed. Well balanced head with keen expression enhanced by well carried ears. Very clean lines with good depth of chest. Correct, balanced, front and rear angulation gave a pleasing picture standing and enabled reach and drive on the move. Not overdone in any area. Very calm handling enabled her to give of her best. In the challenge, she looked a little immature against the older girls, but she has time on her side!
2 Thomas’ Buffrey Magic Moments With Philcarthom JW 2 yrs 2.5 mths smart and compact b/w shown in good condition. Feminine head into elegant neck. Clean lines throughout. Moved soundly but couldn’t match the reach and drive of 1 today. Showed really well, not appearing to be affected by the heat. Very responsive to her handler who ensured she displayed her virtues.
3 Pickup’s Roadcoach Racy Lady
PGB (9,4)
1 Stevenson’s Macula Moonlight Mystique JW Just turned 2 yrs old. Shown in very good condition with bold, jet black spotting on a pure white coat which gleamed. Delightful expression with dark eyes and good ear carriage. Strong round bone, with straight forelegs down to tight feet. Sound construction throughout giving overall balance, standing and on the move. Moved effortlessly with steady purpose. Quietly handled to advantage.
2 Hartley & Griffiths’ Creaganbrec Glory Be At Miragua A more compact b/w, correctly constructed. Feminine but with substance. Gentle head with kind expression. Level topline held on the move. Well angulated front and rear. Moved steadily. Very much in tune with her handler. Couldn’t match the overall presence of 1 today.
3 Neilson’s Sassafras Black Current At Bariscot
LB (12,2)
This was a strong class with several bitches of very good quality to consider. The winners were all in excellent condition and were good examples of the breed.
1 David & Saunders’ Dalticino Interlagos From Dallydyl JW Sh.CM Very stylish and attractively marked young l/w lady right on her tip toes today. Judged her when she was a 6 mth old baby and she has fulfilled all of the early promise – and is now much more focussed on the job in hand! Feminine all through but with substance. Good liver colour. Well balanced head with deep amber eyes, framed by lovely spotted ears. Elegant neck. Sound construction fore and aft giving overall balance, standing and on the move. Strode out around the ring with drive and purpose. Delighted to award her the CC – later to discover she had taken the same award at Border Union a few hours earlier! BLB BCC. Went on to take BIS.
2 Dawson’s Washakie Endless Summer Very smart jet black on white. Compact construction, unfortunate to meet 1 on top form today. Dark eyes with correctly carried ears enhancing kind expression. Elegant neck into good shoulders. Well angulated rear quarters ensuring very positive movement.
3 McKenzie’s Mapplewell Waterfall
OB (6,2)
A class of quality bitches, all of whom met the standard and could only be separated on fine points.
1 Finlay’s Dvojica Black Swan At Dalfin Sh.CM Feminine b/w in extremely good condition – jet black spotting on a tight white coat which gleamed in the sunshine. Well balanced head. Reachy neck. Clean lines and well-muscled but not to excess. Plenty of heartroom. Well-proportioned throughout. Moved efficiently with drive, covering the ground well. Very focused on handler, quietly responding to every request but clearly enjoying her day. BBB RBCC.
2 Petersen’s Ch Daedalus Cliff Angel JW Another very good tight coat, jet black on pure white. Dark eyes enhancing her expression. Balanced front and rear angulation with good bone. Moved effortlessly with reach and drive. Shown in very good condition. Best puppy last time I judged her and has held all of her early promise – a worthy title-holder but still a challenge for her handler! Close up to 1 who just had the edge today.
3 Christie’s Ch Sophtspot Glitterati JW
VB (4,0)
1 Quayle’s Ch Cubalibre Spot On JW 7 yrs 9 mths A well marked, quality b/w bitch still in her prime. Keen expression enhanced by well carried ears. Everything is balanced both in construction and on the move.
Moved at just the right speed to display her reach and drive. BVB BVIS
2 Dore’s Ch Daldior Ace of Diamonds JW 8 yrs 11 mths attractive b/w. Feminine and elegant with good depth of chest. Level topline, standing and on the move, with well set and carried tail. Moved soundly but not matching the reach and drive of 1 today.
3 Barrett’s Marricdale The Gold Digger Of Dalamanti Sh.CM
OB Stakes (2,0)
1 Pickup’s Roadcoach Reine Des Roses A good quality b/w with an attractive head and neck. Strong bone without losing elegance. Good angulation fore and aft enabled her positive movement. Balanced throughout. Level topline, standing and on the move, with well set and carried tail. Towards the end of a very warm afternoon she was still animated.
2 Wilkinson’s Gwynmor High Five To Hunacres JW (Imp) A stylish bitch of good quality with correct conformation – nothing overdone. Well broken ears. Moved soundly but not the overall presence of 1 today. Lost some interest during the class - maybe feeling the heat.
Lesley Sugget (Judge)