British Dalmatian Club Ch. Show - 4th Nov.
Judge Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
The British Dalmatian Club Championship Show was held at Stoneleigh
where we had two lovely spacious rings in which the exhibitors had every
opportunity to move their dogs to their best advantage. There were some
very good dogs being exhibited and I was delighted with all my winners.
All the dogs were shown in a clean condition and all the temperaments
were and a credit to the breed. I was a little surprised at the number
who were displaying spread feet, nails that needed attention and the
resulting weak pasterns. Feet can be improved by exercising on hard
surfaces and plenty of road walking. Without the correct feet a
dalmatian cannot be fit for purpose as a carriage dog. short steep upper
arms are still a concern which obviously restrict forward reach.
OVER THE WORLD A true multi-champion, 7 yrs. of age, and presented in pristine
condition who excels in his effortless co-ordinated rythmic movement, a
testament to his sound construction. All the correct breed points are
presentand he is always at one with his handler.
RDCC & RBIS was Alexander's OFFORDALE PICASSO A younger dog with superb conformation and balanced outline and displaying such good muscle tone.He also is outstanding in his free positive movement which was so evident in the enlarged ring.
6mths.b/w and a real treasure with surely a promising future. Good
decoration with clearly defined spotting on sound construction. Correct
size for age, and so well schooled with his young handler enabling him
to show such good movement at this early age.
MPD (3)
1. Millington's Capearlla Pure Diamonds BPD
2. Samkin's Jabitoja Manchado. 8mths. l/w going through the "leggy"
stage, Taller and a little finer in bone than the winner. Pleasing head
, good reachy neck and clean wither and level back. Moving with quite
good co-ordination.
3. Norgrove's Sassydals Red Amour
1. Repeat BPD
2.Cole's Keiradal le Coup de Foudre
10mth b/w masculine head and good pigmentation. His shoulder assembly is
quite good and has a deep brisket, Quite well off for bone and strong
loin. moving out quite well.
3. Thorne's Spotiray Billy Elliot of Castletop.
JD (4)
1. Alexander's Offerdale Griffin
Well presented b/w. Pleasing headpiece with dark eye and nicely broken
ears. He carries a lovely arched neck and topline and deep brisket.
Moves out with a positive action holding a good backline and tail set.
2. Healey's Doshaburi the Cloud Dragon at Hebemor. Well constructed l/w
with good bone and feet. Presented with good muscle tone and nice shape
in profile. He has a masculine head with well carried broken ears. Moved
out with good drive but tail carriage not as good as 1.
3. Wheaton's Buffrey the Last Wordat Acinonyx
YLG (8)
1. Gibb's Phadante Mr. Blue Sky. Well presented b/w with a lovely sleek
glossy coat and bold black spotting. Excellent pigment. He holds a good
backline and tail carriage. Well developed stifle and well muscled.
Moved out with a positive drive. In the final four for the challenge.
2. Hernandez's Dalminshi Starlite Express JW
Good headpiece on this one with dark eye and reachy neck. Well balanced
and stands with good profile. moved out quite positively holding a firm
3. Doshabuti The Cloud Dragon at Hebemor.
N (2)
1. Gardinor's Dakata Duranta
In lovely coat condition with very good black pigment. HE has a nice
reachy neck into a clean wither and level back.Good spring of rib and
moving out really well with well held tail carriage.Handler should be
aware of his stance as he tends at times to stretch out his stifle when
2. Keiradal le Coup de Foudre
G. (3)
1. Dalminshi Starlite Express JW
2.Doshaburi The Cloud Dragon at Hebemor.
3. Dalkiss Harvest Moon
PG (9)
1.Blissett's Shydally's King Arthur of Kystuno. b/w of good type and
size. Carried himself very well round the ring with free rhythmic
stride, Pleasing head, dark eye and nicely marked ears. Has a good front assembly with well developed h/q. Nicely balanced in profile.
2. Forrest's Elabri Esprit Horizon at Spotswood. Dark l/w with good
colour to eye. Spotty face with well framed ears. Quite good shoulder
lay and good spring of rib. Holds a level topline and moved out with a
positive action.
3. Baker's Lancelot Des Landes D' Iroise.
ML (4)
1.Croft & Cobb's Kalokaire's Bullet Proof. Strongly built good coloured
l/w, all male, in excellent muscle tone. Masculine in head, dark eye. A
tad steep in upper arm but strides out with a powerful driving action.
He has plenty of heart room with deep brisket. Carries a firm level
topline and well developed h/q.
2. Hurst's Philcarthom Xcaliber at Finnidal. Good pigmentation on this
one, pleasing head properties, dark eye, and nicely arched neck into a
level topline. Good spring of rib and good straight front. Moved out well.
3. Wheaton's Dalamanti Phantom Medal at Acinonyx.
L (12)
1. Gardinor's Jamelsley Pyracantha at Dakata JW Well consructed b/w
Pleasing masculine head features with dark eye. Good pigmentation, clean
wither, firm topline into good tail set. Well developed h/q. Positive
driving action. Everthing to like about him. In final four for the
2. Wallington's Rovinjdal Dare to Dream Sh. cm. A lot to like about
this liver chap also. Well balanced in profile with good ratios.
Pleasing headpiece with dark eye. Good in shoulder and stands on
straight front legs. Ribs well sprung and carries a firm topline. Moved out on strong h/q.
3. Clarke's Klarkeson One Vision JW
O (7)
1. Beere's Int/BE/NL/DE/LUX/DK/FR Ch. Anmadeke's All Over The World
2. Dunnachie's Ch.Dvojica Vendetta. Strongly built b/w Well boned and good straight
front. Pleasing masculine head properties on a strong neck , and firm
level back. Capacious lung and heart room with deep brisket. Well
developed h/q and strong second thigh. I found him a little heavy on the
shoulder and wither, but he certainly moves out with a powerful driving
3. Goff-Leggett's Ch. Washakie Shoshone Chief JW
Sp. O Mem. (1)
1. Alexander's Offerdale Picasso RDCC & RBIS
JV. (6)
1. Multi-Ch. Beere's Anmadeke's All Over The World DCC , BVIS BIS
2. Harrison-Stratford's Dalkereve Dark Dragon JW, SH Cm. 7yrs with
correct liver colour. One who always seems to do his best. He is a good
honest dog with a very nice head, dark eye and broken ears. He has a
well arched neck into a clean wither and firm topline. Quite good
shoulder lay and straight front legs. well developed h/q and moved out
with good style.
3. Croft's Doubtwell Show Stopper JW
SV (3)
1. Hartley & Griffith'sCh. Creaganbrec The Favourite At Miragua JW
10yrs. b/w A good honest dog who never seems to show his age as typified
in the way he drove round the enlarged ring in the challenge. Presented
in good coat condition , masculine pleasing head features standing on a
good neck and quite good in shoulder. Well developed h/q with well held
2. Tingey's Holderness Hillbilly By Dallyador JW How times flash by I
liked him as a puppy and he is now 10 yrs old. Well presented l/w with
nice head and expression. Good neck, clean wither into level back. Well
developed at rear with good turn of stifle. Moved out very positively.
3. Baker's Oneowon Ohio
It was a real honour and privilege to judge the bitches at this premier show. I was so pleased with my entry and I had some beautiful examples of the breed to assess. My two ring stewards were both experienced and professional and certainly made my job a lot easier, many thanks guys.
On the whole I was very pleased with the quality of the Bitch entry and there was certainly an improvement in the overall standard since I had last judged the breed. I didn’t see any issues with temperament but I did come across a few turned in front feet due to very wide chests and some short / long tails.
Minor Puppy Bitch 2-0
1st Whitings ~ Akaroa Lulu
At 8 mths old this b/w girl is going through the leggy stage of growth. Feminine lightly spotted head with good ear placement into elegant neck and well defined withers. Held a level top line both standing and on the move. Chest needs to develop but good front and rear angulations. Moved smoothly around the ring. BPB & BPIS
2nd Hobbs & Whiting’s ~ Rapanooey Rascallion
6 mth old l/s bitch, more compact than 1 and of heavier build. Pretty head and ears and reachy neck and defined withers. Shorter in the back and over the croup. Shoulder placement is good as is the rear angulations and bend of stifle. Nice tight feet. Moved soundly with the expected “puppy roll” which will go as she muscles up.
Puppy Bitch 1-0
1st Hobbs & Whiting’s ~ Rapanooey Rascallion
As above
Junior Bitch 11-3
1st Gardner’s ~ Dvojica Chilli Chutney for Wrendragge JW
This 17 mth old l/s youngster has a lot of ring presence. Correct dark liver with even spotting. Dark eyes and feminine face. Good reach of neck, pronounced withers and level top line. Well set on tail of correct length. Front and rear angulations are correct as is the bend of stifle and hocks. Moved with good rhythmic powerful drive.
2nd Neath-Duggan & Baker’s ~ Buffrey Hanky Panky by Dalleaf
Another lovely example from this long established kennel. B/s and more compact than 1 with lovely even markings. Correct height to length ratio. Level top line with slight lift over the croup. A good bend of stifle and let down hocks. On the move she was free flowing with strong rhythmic action. At one with her handler.
3rd Littler & Kenbrey’s ~ Dalmark the Kir Royale
Yearling Bitch 10-1
1st Dinsdale’s ~ Roadcoach Rejoice with Dalesbred
L/s bitch with even spotting of the correct dark shade. A pretty feminine head with dark eyes and correct set ears. A reachy neck into defined withers. Correct lay of shoulder, spring of pastern is good as are the tight feet. Rear angles all correct as is the tail length. Moved with powerful ease around the ring. One to watch.
2nd Richardson’s ~ Mapplewell Ely Brown
Another liver spot but slightly smaller and more compact than 1. Elegant head with correct dark eyes. Fair reach of neck, nice level top line which was held on the move. Nothing exaggerated in any way. Move smoothly around the ring.
3rd Littler & Kembrey’s ~ Dalmark the Kir Royale
Novice Bitch 8-2
1st Hipkiss’ ~ Dalkiss La Vie En Rose
A b/s youngster just coming up to 2 y/o and developing nicely. Good dark eyes with correct set on ears. Elegant neck into defined withers and level top line. Going through a bit of a leggy stage and chest still needs to develop more. Good angulations and feet. Flowed elegantly around the ring. Very promising.
2nd Littler & Kembrey’s ~ Dalmark the Kir Royale
Another lovely example from this long established kennel . At 1 y/o this l/s girl is developing nicely. Correct dark liver spotting on a pure white background. Lovely dark eyes and correct set ears. Elegant neck into defined withers. Held her top line on the move and really powered around the ring. Very feminine
3rd Chattaway’s ~ Shydally’s Dahlia
Graduate Bitch 9-0
1st Harrison-Stratford’s ~ Dalminshi Dark Dakota at Dalkereve JW
I have admired this bitch for a long time and watched her develop into a very promising example of the breed. Very even black spotting on a pure white background. Correct height to length ratio with good lay of shoulder, spring of pastern and tight feet. Held a level top line with slight rise over the croup into correct rear angulations and let down hocks. A very happy bitch in the ring who moved with power and purpose. One to watch in the future.
2nd Dinsdale’s ~ Roadcoach Rejoice with Dalesbred
Repeat placing
3rd Whincup’s ~ Tamilanda Valentina Lilly at Dotsadaisy
Post Graduate Bitch 18-1
This was be far the strongest class of the day with some lovely bitches going unplaced.
1st Brennan’s ~ Daymadals In The Mood JW
What a super class to win. This b/s really stood out. Lightly spotted pretty feminine head with correct set broken ears. Fair reach of neck into well defined withers and level top line. Good forechest with correct lay of shoulder, rear angulations and bend of stifle into well let down hocks. She moved with an easy rhythmic action. She was on my mental shortlist for top honours.
2nd Croft’s ~ Kalokairie’s Barberella from Koroyza
Shorter in the back and couplings than 1. Strong liver spotting with lovely dense colouring. Pretty; happy face and dark eyes and more solid ears. Good reach of neck into defined withers and level top line. Correct tail length and set. Nice bend of stifle into well let down hocks. Moved true with strong drive from the rear. In tune with her handler.
3rd Jenkins & Ridgway’s ~ Luccombe Strawberry Kisses
Mid Limit Bitch 6-2
1st Neath-Duggan’s ~ Buffrey Hey Diddle Diddle
A nicely balanced b/s bitch well off for bone and plenty of body. Attractive even spotting on a clear background. Pretty feminine head and well broken ears. Reachy neck into defined withers. Front and rear angulations all good. Correct depth of chest and well sprung ribs. Super tight feet. Moved true with strong drive from the rear covering the ring with ease.
2nd Kembrey’s ~ Dalmark The Crème De Cassis
A finer l/s example than 1 who I feel could do with a bit more body. Pretty feminine head and super dark eyes and well broken ears. Full pigmentation. An elegant neck into correctly defined withers and good top line. Nice bend of stifle and let down hocks. Lovely tight feet and well manicured nails. Moved as one with her handler covering the ring with ease.
3rd Mcmanus’ ~ Boschendal Ashes Of Roses
Limit Bitch 8-1
1st Wareham’s ~ Tamilanda Blue Water Lilly at Dotsadaisy
This b/s bitch really stood out for me. Dense even spotting on clear background. A lovely shape of head with dark happy eyes and well broken, correctly set ears. A reachy neck going into strong withers. A level top line with slight drop away over the croup. Correct height to length ratio. Lay of shoulder and rear angulations both correct. Pronounced forechest, nice spring of pastern into tight feet. She has good bend of stifle and low hocks all coming together to produce a strong rhythmic movement around the ring. She was full of herself in the ring and I was so pleased to be able to award her her first CC & BOS
2nd Dore’s ~ Daldior Miss Hula Hula Girl
Similar type to 1. A b/s example with even spotting. Well off for bone and body. An elegant feminine head, reachy arched neck and defined withers. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Very pretty in outline with correct front and rear angulations. Moved true with strong driving action, covering the ground with ease.
3rd Stevenson’s ~ Macula Moonlight Mystique JW
Open Bitch 8-0
1st Dunnachie’s ~ Ch. Dvojica Volition
Another top quality l/s bitch who is always in contention for top honours. Lovely dense liver spotting of good size on a clear background. A pleasant feminine head and happy expression, dark eyes and well broken ears correctly set. A strong reachy neck into nicely defined withers. Correct front and rear angulations, bend of stifle and strong hocks. Moved with purpose and drive; at one with her handler. Schooled to perfection. RBCC
2nd Haywood - Ridgway’s ~ Ch. Luccombe Strawberry Dream JW
I’ve always liked this girl and now at 5 years old she still exudes quality. Super dense black spotting on a pure white background. Lovely kind expression, expressive eyes and correct set ears. A strong arched neck into defined withers. Held her top line at all times. Good angulations, depth of chest and springy ribs. Feet are tight and well manicured. She moved with powerful rhythmic action around the ring.
3rd Whincup’s ~ Tamilanda Pick-A-Lilly JW
Special Memorial Open Bitch 8-2
1st Tingey’s ~ Dallyador The Enchanteress JW
A slightly larger liver spotted bitch than I would normally choose but one that I couldn’t overlook. Her head and expression were super. Lovely dark eyes and correct set ears. Some of the best, even spotting that I have seen in a liver. Good amount of bone and body, correct lay of shoulder and spring of pastern. Rear angulations all correct and hocks well let down. Moved with purposeful strong flowing action.
2nd Gardner’s ~ Ch. Dvojica Black Again at Wrendragge JW ShCM
A more compact and shorter coupled example than 1 with even black spotting. A kind feminine head with correct set ears into reachy neck and well defined withers. Her top line is level with a lovely tuck up. Correct lay of shoulder and length of upper arm. A well balanced bitch in outline with correct front and rear angulations, defined bend of stifle and low hocks. Moved true both away and back with an easy powerful action.
3rd Alexander’s ~ Ch. Offordale Larissa
Special Junior Veteran Bitch 8-1
1st Thorner’s ~ Ch. Tolutim Drambuie ShCM
An elegant 9 Y/O black spotted lady exuding quality. Strong feminine head with a warm expression. Nicely set ears into arched neck. Her top line was level which she held on the move, going into well muscled rear quarters. She displayed good movment both out and back and a powerful flowing action around the ring.
2nd Gardinor’s ~ Dalispots Dubyana at Dakata
A very nice liver bitch now 7 y/o. Good clear spotting with correct liver shade. An attractive head and ears , fair reach of neck and level top line. Well off for body and muscle. She displayed an easy flowing movement around the ring.
3rd Gibbs’ ~ Ch. Phadante Dixie Lily JW
Special Senior Veteran Bitch 5-4
1st Scott-Allen’s ~ Tolutim Zaffre
A pretty 11 y/o black bitch with good spotting of a clean background. A gentle feminine head with dark eyes and an expression which says “ I have seen it all and done it all”. Well set ears into gently arched neck. Her top line is not as strong as when she was younger but good for her age. She moved true around the ring belying her age. She stood along in the ring but was a worthy winner.
Brace 7-3 (Judged jointly with my co-judge Malcolm Smith)
1st Kembrey’s
This evenly matched Dog/bitch pair moved as one around the ring closely watching their handler
2nd Neath-Duggan’s
Another lovely brace who moved around the ring in near unison at one with their handler.
3rd Thorner’s
Judge ~ Bitches: Stef Kazana (Dalzana)
British Dalmatian Club Championship 2017 Judged by Malcolm Smith & Stef Kazana
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