Manchester 2019 Judged by Rob Sansom
DALMATIAN Manchester

A fabulous entry of 117, full of quality. Having recently read a show report on males, I was quite concerned. I can honestly say there were about ten males I would have signed a CC for. Perhaps a different entry.

MPD (2)
1 Emmett & Simons' Ellemstra Against All Odds. Rising 9 mths, very good size on this black, he has a very pleasing head and eye, good ears, scored in neck and front, good quarters, topline needs to settle, bold spotting, very good quarters, moved well out and back.
2 Williams' Tolkain Storm King From Phadante. Another good puppy who scored on size, good body and topline, well spotted, moved well in profile with good tail set, needs to firm up behind

PD (3)
1 Locke-McFadzean's Caprillis Panache Over Sassafras TAF. Very eyecatching and very continental in shape. He has a lovely head, good eyes and ears, excellent neck and front, good bone and body condition, well developed throughout, he moved very steady, lovely coat, spotting and condition. BPD
2 Mather's Taliory Saddleside Legend
. A good youngster of a pleasing size, very pleasing head and eye, excellent neck and front, sound in bone and body with good quarters, he moved well.
3 Alcock's Kayjule Kepler At Dalspartan

1 Millington & Holland's Capearlla Its On Ice. This young black was a little unsettled to handle, I could see past this. He is a lovely boy, very good size and shape, very pleasing head and eye, good body condition, sound quarters, moved very well both ways and good in profile.
2 Sims' Mullabuoy Magic Man For Snowspeeder. Another good black, again he was good for size, liked his head and eye, sound in topline, moved very well, just lacking in body condition.
3 Finlay's Dalfin Actual Fact.

1 Todhunter Robinson & Robinson's Millbelle Rocky Mountain. A lovely young liver boy, liked his size, he has a lovely head and eye with good pigment and colour, excellent body shape, good bone and feet, well ribbed, sound quarters, he moved very well. I'm sure his day will come.
2 Gardinor's Dakata Duranta. This 2 yr old black was very impressive for shape, very pleasing head and eye, good neck and topline, well spotted with good profile movement, liked his quarters, just a little slack in front.
3 Alexander's Offordale Griffin

1 Quayle's Millbelle Kicking Horse At Cubalibre JW. 19 mth old liver, litter brother to first in PG. Ideal size and great substance, lovely head, eye and pigment, good ears, excellent neck, adequate front angulation, excellent bone and feet, well ribbed, good topline and excellent quarters, stands well, he powers round the ring with elegance, lovely spotting, delighted to award him
the CC, and his crown.
2 Hopkin's Rapanooey Red Rose JW. This black pushed the winner all the way, scored in outline, excellent bone and body, lovely head, eye, great condition and moved well.
3 Gibbs' Phadante Mr Blue Sky JW ShCM

(7) Excellent class.
1 Page, Page & Page's Winflash Hugo Boss. Never really been a Hugo fan but today he filled my eye. Loved his head and eye, excellent front, good rib and topline, good bone and body, stands on good feet, he was so steady today and looked the part. RCC
2 Neath-Duggan & Baker's Ch Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW
. Well known Ch who is so impressive on the stand, lovely head and eye, clean front, good body, well spotted, good coat, moved well in profile, not as firm behind as first.
3 Christie's Ch Sophtspot Gold Dust JW

1 Barrett & Fort's CH Shulune Ice Phantom Of Dalamanti ShCM. This 9 yr old black took myt eye, loved his head, excellent neck and front, good bone and body, excellent coat and condition, he moved really well and was showing well.
2 Todhunter Robinson & Robinson's Ch Millbelle Young Gun JW. 8 yr old liver who won the RCC at Crufts under me, still think him lovely but not as steady as first today.
3 Whincup & Sibson's Ch Tamilanda Vintage Pink JW

(12, 1) Lovely class of babies.
1 Dunnachie & Philip's Dvojica Daisy Diamond. This one brought back many memories of her famous bitch line. Lovely size, excellent head and eye, good neck, excellent front and bone, good feet, lovely body and sound quarters, still a baby but such a lovely one. BPIB
2 Christie's Checkmate Iz Terletskoy Dubravy By Sophtspot (Imp)
. Unlucky to meet first, again lovely size and excellent head, good bone and body, well ribbed and good quarters, moved steady and showed well.
3 Neal's Tolkain Morning Star

1 Christie's Checkmate Iz Terletskoy Dubravy By Sophtspot (Imp)
2 Petersen's Daedalus Grand Finale
. Lovely size, very pleasing head and eye, excellent neck and front, moved really well with good drive, liked her pigment and dense spotting.
3 Eden's Dalens Dancing Queen

(7, 2)
1 Watts & Jackson's Tamilanda Continental Song. 15 mth black, lovely size and excellent outline, loved her bone and body, excellent coat and spotting, stands on good feet, moves very well out and back, just needs to settle in topline. Quality bitch.
2 Morgan's Malbreow Wish Upon A Star. Another good bitch who pushed first, lovely size and substance, lovely outline, good spotting, excellent mover, she just lost interest. 3 Eden's Dalens Dancing Queen

(10, 3)
1 Dinsdale's Roadcoach Rejoice With Dales bred. Loved this liver on the stand, giving a classic outline, lovely head and eye, excellent neck and front, good rib and quarters, in good coat, went very well out and back.
2 Pratt's Sophtspot In A Heartbeat Of Lyndalla ShCM. Lovely size black, very pleasing head and eye, excellent outline, moved very well with good quarters, very out of coat.
3 Wareham's Tamilanda Valentina Lilly At Dotsadaisy

(21, 3) Mind boggling class full of quality.
1 Patrick's Spiral Desdemona ShCM. This 3 yr old bitch was quite classic in head and eye, excellent neck and front, good rib and topline, very good quarters, her profile was quite lovely, good spotting, liked her a lot.
2 Lamb's Dalpetro Diamond JW. This 2 yr old black is a lovely size, excellent head and eye, good bone and body, well ribbed, good front and quarters, moved and showed well.
3 De Rozario, Webb & Chrystal's Jemblewood Jelly Bean (Ikc)

(10) Fabulous class.
1 Dodds & Pearson's Ch & Ir Ch Int Ch Kelevra Classic Cliche JW ShCM. Classic by name classic by type. Today this bitch filled my eye with her clean outline, classic head, good bone, body and coat, her movement was smooth, steady and elegant, in excellent condition and deserved her win. CC and BOB
2 Ch Sophtspot Glitterati JW another very good bitch
. I love everything about her, head, bone, body, substance, excellent mover. RCC
3 Finlay's Ch Dvojica Black Swan At Dalfin ShCM

(5, 1)
1 Haywood-Ridgway's Ch Luccombe Strawberry Dream JW. This veteran pushed the winners all the way. An excellent type and in very good condition, she moved and showed well. Loved her.
2 Lamb's Dalpetro Diva JW. Another very good veteran. Good type, excellent body condition, lovely head and eye, moved well.
3 Neal's Tolkain Portobello Belle

Rob Sansom