Birmingham National Dog Show 2019
Judge: Mr John Moate
Thank you to the committee of Birmingham National for their kind invitation to Judge our breed at this prestigious show, such a privilege. Thanks also to my very able stewards, Pete Styles and Joe Smith, for keeping the ring running efficiently in trying weather conditions, allowing me to concentrate on judging the dogs.
A huge thankyou to you, the exhibitors, for giving me a fabulous entry of quality dogs on my first appointment giving CCs and for accepting my decisions in a sporting way.
The weather forecast was for a cold wind, with sunshine and showers. We had all three in abundance. The recently mown grass was wet and could be slippery, in and out of the marquee, so practical footwear was the order of the day.
Exhibits were well presented in pristine condition spite of the weather – with one noticeable exception that had probably just rolled in a puddle. The majority of exhibits were of excellent quality. However, a lack of front angulation, narrow fronts, and short tails were occasionally evident.
I was looking for an endurance dog, elegant yet capable of trotting all day.
Class 1056 SBD (3 Entries Abs: 0)
1st: 2441 Chizzmic What A Carry On - Newton Miss C & Newton O'Brien Miss M - BSBIB. Lots to like about this handsome liver boy of good shape and type, excellent head, well defined withers, good topline and tailset, deep brisket, nice tuckup, well angulated front and rear without being overdone, low hocks, a pleasure to watch him on the move.
2nd: 2400 Cragvallie Chance On Me - Fryday Mrs E. Well-proportioned young black with masculine head, good topline, well-muscled rear, elbows to deep brisket, nice tuckup, pushed 1. hard, proud of his tail on the move today.
Cragvallie Vinny’s Chance – Whiting Mrs I. W/D. Appeared quite unsettled by the marquee flapping in the wind.
Class 1057 MPD (3,0)
1st: 2486 Gwynmor Lewellyn To Hunacres - Wilkinson Mrs S. Happy and outgoing young black boy, nicely decorated, dark eyes framed by beautiful ears, elegant neck flowing to level topline, correct tailset, good angulation for his age, even a spot on his tail, nothing overdone, shows promise.
2nd: 2469 S Kaytoni Oh What A Night With Daymadals - Townson, Mr G & Pardoe Ms. Well decorated young b/s, dark eyes in a good head, level topline, well angulated rear, beautiful tight feet, had the wind under his tail on the move today.
3rd: 2433 Keiradal Captain Jack For Dalyance - Mcmillan Mrs L
Class 1058 PD (3,0)
1st: 2402 Tolkain Storm King From Phadante - Williams Mr K. Well-proportioned for his age this young black boy has a pleasant expression, nicely broken ears, good head, neck, topline and tailset, lovely tight feet, a little loose on the move but that’s to be expected in a puppy.
2nd: 2486 Gwynmor Lewellyn To Hunacres - Wilkinson Mrs S. Repeat.
3rd: 2433 Keiradal Captain Jack For Dalyance - Mcmillan Mrs L
Class 1059 JD (6 ,3)
1st: 2427 Caprilli's Panache Over Sassafras (Imp) Locke-McFadzean Mrs A – RCC. I did like this lovely black spotted young boy, looked fabulous in the stand and did not disappoint on the move, excellent masculine shape to head, intelligent expression in dark eyes, beautifully spotted ears, elegant neck well set on, well laid shoulder balanced with matching rear angulation, low hocks, good spring of rib, brisket in line with elbows, nice tuckup, flat topline, strong coupling, strong round bone to tight feet, pleasing decoration throughout. A young boy made like this should move well and he was beautiful to watch, smooth and effortless, gave me goose bumps to see him flow. Still young, I think he has a very bright future. Definitely one to watch.
2nd: 2394 Ellemstra Against All Odds - Emmett, Ms E J & Simons Mr C N. Another attractively decorated young black, very good rear angulation, topline and tailset, like many other males was rather proud of his tail on the move today.
3rd: 2373 Kayjule Kepler At Dalspartan - Alcock Miss J
Class 1060 YD (4,1)
1st: 2396 Dalfin Actual Fact - Finlay Mrs A M & Mr M. Very pleasantly decorated black with beautifully spotted lacy ears and a spotty tail, well angulated hind quarters enabled him to move with drive, tail high on the move today.
2nd: 2451 Ch Millbelle Kicking Horse At Cubalibre JW - Quayle Mrs B. Richly coloured liver in superb muscular condition, well-shaped masculine head, amber eyes, good rear angulation, tight feet, moved well but dropped his tail on the move.
3rd: 2437 Mrs R Capearlla Its On Ice - Millington, Miss L L & Holland
Class 1061 ND (2,0)
1st: 2434 Capearlla Bubbles And Fizz - Millington Miss L L. Black lad with attractive head, dark eyes set in Ghost face, good silhouette with nicely arched neck, well defined withers, level back, correct tailset, his well angulated rear gave him plenty of drive.
2nd: 2373 Kayjule Kepler At Dalspartan - Alcock Miss J. Striking black spotting on a pure white coat, darkest of eyes, clearly developed withers, good topline and tailset, moderate angulation, moved well.
Class 1062 GD NO ENTRIES
Class 1063 PGD (7, 1)
1st: 2441 Chizzmic What A Carry On - Newton, Miss C & Newton O'Brien Miss M. Repeat.
2nd: 2410 Doshaburi The Cloud Dragon At Hebemor JW - Healey Mr C & Mrs A E. Well balanced liver boy with moderate front and rear angulation, nice head and expression, amber eyes framed by well broken ears, good topline and tailset, not overdone in any way. Moved well, held his topline.
3rd: 2464 Spotiray Billy Elliot of Castletop - Thorne Mrs S
Res: 2377 Lancelot Des Landes D'iroise (Imp) - Baker Ms P
VHC: 2478 Buffrey The Last Word At Acinonyx - Wheaton Miss L
Class 1064 LD (10,1) A strong class of excellent dogs who could easily change award places on another day.
1st: 2419 Rapanooey Red Rose JW - Hopkin Mrs J. Well decorated black spotted in prime condition, dark eyes, strong yet elegant neck, sturdy with well-developed withers, flat back, correct tailset, good angulation, well-developed second thigh . Hard pressed by 2 today.
2nd: 2401 Phadante Mr Blue Sky JW Sh.CM - Gibbs Mrs M. A black presented in excellent condition, masculine head, strong muzzle, muscular neck, good topline and angulation, evenly decorated, lovely spotty ears, even a spot on his tail, moved well, very well handled.
3rd: 2460 Nospar's Shaded Lanson JW - Stocks Mrs T B
Res: 2400 Cragvallie Chance On Me - Fryday Mrs E
VHC: 2457 Tolutim Yaffle - Scott-Allen, Miss M L & Davis Mr S G
Class 1065 OD (7,1)
1st: 2392 Ch Dvojica Vendetta –Dunnachie Mr M – DCC, BVIB & BOB. His presence with an elegant yet assertive stance caught my attention from the start, snowy white coat and deep black spots, he was well presented in firm condition but without being over developed, he had a super silhouette in the stand, kindly expression, masculine head, long reaching neck well set on powerful shoulders, well-defined withers, flat back, good tailset, good spring of rib with plenty of heart and lung room, elbows tucked in level with brisket, strong loin, good angulation and firm second thigh. A dog built this well should move well and he did with powerful rhythmic stride and good reach. A worthy winner.
2nd: 2439 Ch Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW - Neath-Duggan, Mrs S & Baker Miss S. Strikingly handsome dog, distinctively marked with dollar size spots of deep black pigment on pure white coat, dark eyes framed by black ears, level topline, well angulated rear but a little overstretched in the stand, tail a little high on the move – like most of the males today - and he was constantly looking sideways at his handler as though afraid she would slip on the wet grass which threw his movement off somewhat, non the less a strong contender for RCC. Did very well in an indoor ring later in the day.
3rd: 2479 Ch Tamilanda Midnight Lilly JW - Whincup Mrs D L & Mr K
Res: 2383 Ch Sophtspot Gold Dust JW - Christie Mrs J
VHC: 2388 Kalokairie's Bullet Proof Croft, Ms R & Cobb Miss A
Class 1066 VD (4,0)
1st: 2480 Ch Tamilanda Panther Lilly JW Sh.CM. - Whincup Mrs D L & Mr K. A consummate show veteran, still in excellent shape, head of good proportion, dark knowing eyes, spotty ears, elegant neck into well angulated shoulder, he moved well with an easy flowing grace seemingly impervious to the rain, hard to believe that he is a veteran, he demanded to win his class.
2nd: 2457 Tolutim Yaffle, Scott-Allen - Miss M L & Davis Mr S G. Good honest boy, attentive to his handler, moved well at an assured pace despite the weather.
3rd: 2420 Philcarthom Xcaliber At Finnidal - Hurst Mr & Mrs K.
Res: 2454 SAMPSON Dr E & Mr W Stocklore Wizard Of The Forrest Sh.CM
Class 1067 SBB (6,0)
1st: 2423 Luccombe Strawberry Kisses - Jenkins, Miss S & Ridgway Mrs S. A three and a half year old black spotted, very feminine, expressive dark eyes, well broken ears, long back with plenty of room for puppies, moderately angulated, attentive to handler, moved very well.
2nd: 2406 Castletop Summer Breeze - Hajee Ms F J & Tidcombe Mr M A. Promising two year old black spotted, good front, elbows well under, moved well.
3rd: 2485 Sumaiya Dee Jai - Whiting Miss E
Res: 2382 Nalderhill Aphrodite At Waltzaway - Chappell Mr & Mrs D & C
VHC: 2421 Dvojica Collectors Item At Finnidal - HURST Mr & Mrs K
Class 1068 MPB (4,2)
1st: 2379 Kaytoni Have You Seen Her - Brennan Mrs K – BPIB. Super puppy full of attitude and interested in everything going on about her today, evenly decorated with distinct black spotting, bright eyed, lovely spotty ears with black edging, well set on a good head, excellent reach of neck, good withers & topline, excellent front and rear angulation for one so young, tight feet, moved enthusiastically but true out and back, developing nicely.
2nd: 2458 Castletop Lillie Langtry - Simpson Mrs J. Pretty liver spotted girl, full of puppy enthusiasm, beautiful ears and eyes, good front for a youngster.
Class 1069 PBV (10,1)
1st: 2409 Luccombe Strawberry Fizz - Haywood-Ridgway Mrs S. Quality puppy, with just the right amount of puppy fat for her age, evenly decorated with black 50p sized spots, well set-on spotty ears fringed with black edges, intelligent expression, well angulated without being overdone, not too sure about the rain but moved well once out in it. Looks to have a bright future, pushed hard for top honours. Later learned she has same father as the BPIB, no wonder they looked so similar.
2nd: 2467 Dallyador Secret Addiction - Tingey Mr & Mrs R. Black spotted, more lightly decorated than 1., beautiful ears, dark eye, good tailset, moved well.
3rd: 2384 Checkmate Iz Terletskoy Dubravy By Sophtspot (Imp) - Christie Mrs J
Res: 2393 Dvojica Daisy Diamond, Dunnachie - Mr M & Philip Mrs L
VHC: 2444 Dalcatori Morganite - Rosa Pace Miss N
Class 1070 JB (13,3) An energetic class.
1st: 2461 Pandamax Lady Martini To Nospar - Stocks Mrs T B – RBCC. Well-proportioned but not overdone, pleasingly decorated with black spotting, feminine head, dark eyes, lovely angulation fore and aft level topline, well arched toes, well set-on tail that simply did not stop wagging, moved beautifully with precision and drive to match her construction, expertly handled in the rain, a real show girl absolutely on form today.
2nd: 2449 Daedalus Grand Finale - Petersen Mrs J & Mr D. Well-proportioned young bitch, broader in front than 1., black spots of good size, Ghost face, darkest of eyes, sweet expression, good rear angulation, moved very well with an assured elegance.
3rd: 2407 Miragua Heart To Heart - Hartley, Mrs F C T & Griffiths Mr J M
Res: 2381 Ellemstra Tough Cookie At Shacarlu - Burrows Mrs C
VHC: 2398 Kayjule Kamaria - Ford Mrs J A
Class 1071 YB (7,2)
1st: 2482 Tamilanda Continental Song JW - Watts, Miss J & Jackson Mr J. Such a pretty 20 month old b/s girl, evenly decorated she looked lovely in profile with good angulation front and rear, level topline, super dark eye, well-handled, good to see such quality coming through.
2nd: 2406 Castletop Summer Breeze, Hajee - Ms F J & Tidcombe Mr M A. Another pretty bitch, she was of good type and make, nice pigmentation, dark eye, low hocks and graceful movement.
3rd: 2485 Sumaiya Dee Jai - Whiting Miss E
Res: 2372 Philcarthom Suger And Spice - Addis Miss E
Class 1072 NB (5,1)
1st: 2444 Dalcatori Morganite Rosa - Pace Miss N. An evenly decorated liver spotted girl of balanced proportions, I liked her symmetrical construction, not overdone in any way, moved well.
2nd: 2438 Tolkain Morning Star - NEAL Miss A. Longer back than 1., beautiful expression, nicely decorated ears, good rear angulation, low set hocks and tight feet, attentive to handler.
3rd: 2412 Hebemor Ruby Tiger From Acinonyx - Healey, Mr & Mrs C & Wheaton Miss L
Res: 2436 Zuliquorish Daiquiri Ice Of Capearlla - Millington Miss L L
Class 1073 GB (6,3)
1st: 2461 Pandamax Lady Martini To Nospar - Stocks Mrs T B. Repeat
2nd: 2473 Frankish Chatelaine - Ward Mrs P M. B/S girl, intelligent expression, tight feet, moved well enough but would like to see a little more muscle on her.
3rd: 2488 Mannoroy Made To Misbehave - Williams, Miss C & Brookes Mr C
Class 1074 PGB (5,2)
1st: 2477 Tamilanda Valentina Lilly at Dotsadaisy - Wareham Miss N J. Lovely b/s girl, lightly decorated , dark eyes framed by delightfully spotted ears edged with black, just the right shape for a bitch she had a topline that flowed from graceful neck to a perfect tailset, round bone to a nice spring of pastern, good depth of rib, nice tuckup, a well angulated rear and tight feet all round completed the picture, she moved beautifully on a loose lead, expertly handled in the rain. Considered for RCC.
2nd: 2421 Dvojica Collectors Item At Finnidal - Hurst Mr & Mrs K. A b/s a little more decorated than 1., softest expression in dark eyes, with lovely black edging on lips and around eyes she looked as if she had been to a beauty parlour, nice rear, super tight feet but preferred topline and movement of 1 on the day.
3rd: 2488 Mannoroy Made To Misbehave - Williams, Miss C & Brookes Mr C
Class 1075 LB (20,2) The largest class of the day, full of quality exhibits.
1st: 2490 Offordale Anastasia Avec Millbelle JW - Wright Miss J M. What a pleasure to go over such a well-developed b/s bitch, in prime condition she was a beautiful example reflecting quality in depth, she exuded confidence from every pore, totally focused on her handler she looked as though she was really enjoying being in the show ring, well angulated and with plenty of muscle she was powerful with plenty of drive from the rear, she had such energy and vitality that her handler must be wary of allowing her to move too fast in the ring though I’m sure she could trot all day and ask for more. Her time will soon come.
2nd: 2386 Sophtspot Golly Gosh At Appennine - Christie Mrs J. A dark liver colour, with good front and rear assembly, very pretty ears, dark amber eyes, a good depth of brisket and spring of rib, elbows in line with brisket, heavier hind quarters than 1., when she stood well she could look stunning but she went off the boil easily, moved well, expertly handled.
3rd: 2411 Dalmark The White Witch At Hebemor - Healey Mr C & Mrs A E
Res: 2459 Macula Moonlight Mystique JW - Stevenson Dr J & Mrs S
VHC: 2452 Chizzmic Carry On With Cubalibre JW - Quayle Mrs B
Class 1076 OB (11,6)
1st: 2489 Ch Millbelle Fernie JW WW18 - Wright Miss J M - BCC. I have seen this girl from afar but never had the opportunity to go over her, she did not disappoint, beautiful and feminine of classic proportions, good lay of shoulder with strong round bone to cat feet, flat back, correct tail carriage, good turn of stifle, well developed second thigh, pleasing liver spotting of good colour and distribution, she moved really well with drive and elegance, a dog that could trot all day and enjoy the journey no matter what the weather. A very worthy winner.
2nd: 2487 Ch Gwynmor High Five To Hunacres JW (Imp) - Wilkinson Mrs S. A pretty girl with kind expression, intelligent dark eyes in Ghost face, with her nicely arched neck flowing to level back and correct tail-set she looked every inch the graceful carriage dog, well angulated front and rear she moved with an easy elegance, considered for RCC.
3rd: 2397 Ch Dvojica Black Swan At Dalfin Sh.CM - Finlay Mrs A M & Mr M
Res: 2465 Tolutim Evensong At Naracoopa Sh.CM - Thorner Mr & Mrs L
VHC: 2415 Dalkiss La Vie En Rose - Hipkiss Mr P
Class 1077 VB (5,0)
1st: 2426 Dalpetro Diva JW - Lamb Mrs R. An easy winner of her class, it was lovely to see this veteran taking everything in her stride completely unfazed by cold wind and rain, calm in the stand and measured on the move, a vet but still looking as though she could trot for miles, good angulation front and rear, neck still gracefully arched, topline still firm to the touch, a very admirable veteran.
2nd: 2455 Dalstorm Black Orchid Sh.CM - Sampson Dr E & Mr W. Earnestly focused and oblivious of anything other than her handler, she gave all that was required and was ready to give more, still pretty with dark eyes, black pencilled eye rims, framed by well broken ears, well angulated front and rear, she moved well.
3rd: 2466 Ch Tolutim Drambuie Sh.CM - Thorner Mr & Mrs L
Res: 2416 Lilal Tiger Lily At Dalkiss - Hipkiss Mr P
VHC: 2422 Jewelruby Queen - Jenkins Miss S
John Moate - Judge