Thank you to everyone who entered and honoured me with the opportunity to go over your Dalmatians. As it turned out we had a perfect day weather wise, a good level ring well prepared, giving everyone the opportunity to show to their best. I was delighted with the quality of my main winners.
I was looking for a confident and balanced dog with good conformation who could move effortlessly with reach & drive, some elegance, in good coat and well muscled condition. There were a pleasing number to choose from, and in some classes placings were closely contested.
Temperaments were good, only one exhibit refusing to have teeth examined. Several owners asked to show their dog’s teeth and mentioned to me that their youngsters were now hesitant having been roughly handled at a recent show.
It easy to be critical when judging, so I will be brief. During the vital 30 seconds that you are moving your dog, do please remember to follow what the judge asks – move straight up and down means exactly that – several exhibitors seemed to forget and missed the opportunity to show their dog to its best.
1. Pace’s Big Addo Evenly decorated liver spotted dog. Moved confidently around the ring with easy action and well held topline. His outline is excellent with good balance front to rear, and well muscled frame.
2. Eden’s Dalens Hot Gossip JW Sh.CM Painted a striking picture on the move with easy even stride and tracking true. Appealing head, good front and depth of brisket. Overall well made dog, close result but lost to 1 on bend of stifle.
3. Hurst’s Pilcarthom Xcaliber At Finnidal
1. Blisset’s Kystuno Warners King Promising young dog with deep chest and good length and spring of rib, level topline. Moved out with confidence and good co-ordination. Shows much promise for the future.
1. Townson & Pardoe’s Kaytoni Oh What A Night With Daymadals Strikingly marked youngster looking quite mature for his age (10 months) and who moved out strongly with impressive reach and drive. Excellent front and good bone throughout. Sufficiently impressed to award BEST PUPPY
2. Green’s Perdita’s Almirez Deep liver pigmentation, well distributed spotting over a well muscled frame and with strong bone. Moved out well and exhibiting co-ordinated movement in profile. Strong competition for 1 but just edged for overall build.
3. Wilkinson’s Gwynmor Lewellyn To Hunacres (Imp NLD)
1. Emmett & Simon’s Ellemstra Against All Odds JW Boldly and evenly spotted dog with ring presence who moved out strongly, tracking truly. An easy action seen in profile with drive and reach showing great confidence and balance. Overall paints a picture of quality with everything in such good proportion. He has an appealing head, excellent neck flowing into well defined withers and powerful level topline which was well held on the move. Strong bone and muscle he paints the perfect picture of a Dalmatian fit for purpose. DOG CC
2. William’s Tolkain Storm King From Phadante JW Shared many of the attributes of 1 with appealing outline. A strong mover with rhythmic action he has an excellent front and bend of stifle and is appealingly marked. I preferred the head of 1 which I felt was more in balance with the overall build. Strong challenge though!
1. Millington & Holland’s Capearlla Its On Ice JW Good movement with drive and reach in harmony and easy going confidence. This well shown dog is boldly and evenly marked. I particularly liked his strong front and well held outline on the move. Well boned and muscled with everything in proportion.
2. Green & Sears’s Alphadal Aint Misbehaving At Judally JW Confident young liver dog with excellent deep pigmentation evenly distributed over a muscular frame and well angulated. Withers are well defined, good spring of rib and well boned. This confident mover was a joy to watch as he strode around the ring.
3. Finlay’s Dalfin Actual Fact
1. Alexander’s Offordale Picasso Excellent make & shape with overall elegance, nothing overdone. Appealing head and nicely arched neck down to well defined withers. Excellent outline, well held when moving, powerful loin and correct tailset. A strong and even mover with good reach and drive. He flowed around the ring with presence and confidence. Worthy recipient of Reserve Dog CC
2. Green & Sears’s Boschendal Simply Red At Judally Excellent deep liver spotting, evenly distributed on this elegant dog. Strong front and correct lay of shoulder complimented by well defined withers and correct topline and tailset. Moved around the ring with presence and purpose and good length of reach and drive.
3. Page’s Big Addo
OPEN DOG 6 (2)
1. Ch Tamilanda Midnight Lily JW Appealing and friendly expression and dark eyes. Elegant neck, strong front with deep brisket. Overall strong bone and muscle and looked the part of a fit carriage dog. Moving he covered the ring with ease and power.
2. McCarthy’s Fr Ch Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy JW Striking liver with appealing head and overall outline. Good front and hindquarters reflected in strong movement holding a good topline and head carriage.
3. Christie’s Ch Sophspot Gold Dust JW
1. Emmett & Simons Ch Dalliviro Reba Mac At Ellemstra JW Sh.CM I loved this elegant bitch when I judged her nearly 5 years ago and so it was a delight to see her again in the ring showing the same sparkle as before. She has lost nothing with age. Appealing head with dark eyes, well set on ears, neck held well forward on the move and flowing onto well defined withers. Deep brisket, ribs well sprung, Strong round bone, and tight cat like feet completed the picture. Pleased to see her go on to win the Veteran Group. Best Veteran In Breed.
2. Eley’s Wintermine Flamenco Boldly spotted, smaller cast than 1 but very feminine. Moved well but without the drive and presence of 1
1. Whiting’s Sumaiya Dee Jai So feminine, sleek and appealing. Nicely marked, good bone and muscle in keeping with her frame, lovely head and clean neck into withers. Correct depth of brisket and topline, she moved correctly both in profile and up and down. Best Special Beginner
2. Pace’s Dalcatori Morganite Rosa Liver who shared many of the attributes of the class winner – nicely decorated & with good pigmentation, she moved freely and with purpose displaying positive reach and drive. Just preferred the overall balance and outline of 1
3. Howard’s Shydally Brightest Star
1. Holland’s Capearlla Apres Ski Appealing outline and decoration, and displaying good front and rear angulation, this puppy put in a sprightly performance on the move, with confident movement, displaying promise for the future.
2. Steventon’s Kystuno Jasappel Friendly feminine expression, balance and good angulation are the main attributes of this puppy. At the moment she lacks the better developed body of 1, but has time on her side. Put in a spirited display in the ring.
1. Brennan’s Kaytoni Have You Seen Her Friendly expression and well presented, having an appealing head and clean lines. Withers are well defined and topline carried well on the move. Correct bend of stifle and lay of shoulder meant that her movement did not disappoint..
2. Blissett’s Kystuno Rosemary Russett Well distributed liver spotting and pleasing outline are the attributes that attract attention to this well constructed youngster. Her movement was difficult to fault, easy flowing and purposeful. Unfortunately her spotting was less than clear and this let her down on the day
3. Porter’s DameTulip
1. Tingey’s Dallyador Secret Addiction A lovely bitch to look at and to watch moving, well constructed and nicely decorated. She moved straight and true and seen in profile she moved freely with excellent stride, in harmony between front and rear. Lovely head with friendly expression and well held ears, clean neck to well defined withers and correct topline and tailset. Good bone and muscle tone for a youngster. A promising future is in prospect and I had no hesitation in awarding her Reserve Bitch CC
2. Burrows Ellemstra Tough Cookie At Shacarlu Striking, strong well made youngster who was well handled and moved with enthusiasm and purpose. Difficult to fault on movement, displaying positive and true drive and tracking, maintaining a good outline and tail carriage and with head held well forward.
3. Page’s Dalcatori Morganite Rosa
1. Stocks’s Pandamax Lady Martini To Nospar Boldly marked with deep black pigment. Neck flowing smoothly into withers. Well made with good spring of rib and depth of brisket. Put on a good show on the move with positive well matched reach and drive.
2. Edens’s Dalens Spot of Trouble JW Sh.CM Impressive and well presented this nicely decorated bitch has a lovely head and clean well balanced outline. Moved strongly and purposefully, tracking truly.
3. Howard-Riddle’s Shydallys Annie Power
1. McCarthy’s Tolkain Gold Star For Kilndandy Liver with well distributed markings, put together with strong front matched by good rear proportions and angulation. Nice head with friendly expression. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Moved out with purpose and drive and covered the ring with ease.
2. Stevenson’s Macula Moonlight Mystique JW Elegant, feminine and nicely proportioned, painted an appealing picture. Bold spotting evenly distributed. Strong front and rear in proportion, withers well defined and correct bend of stifle. Topline well held on moving which she did with good drive and reach.
3. Wareham’s Tamilanda Blue Water Lilly at Dotsadaisy
1. Gardner’s Ch Dvojica Chilli Chutney For Wrendragge JW This really is the dog that the judge would like to take home from the show. Impressed as soon as I saw her standing in the ring and did not disappoint in any way whilst being gone over or on the move. So feminine and with a lovely outline. Liver spotting, well distributed. Friendly expression and well shaped head, good neck into withers, topline and tail excellent and held well on moving. Moving up and down she tracked as she should with just the right convergence, whilst from the side it was a joy to watch her easy purposeful movement. Pleased to watch her shortlisted in the group. BEST OF BREED
2. Whincup’s Ch Tamilanda Pick A Lily JW Lovely head and expression, good neck and withers well defined. Overall appealing picture and sharing many attributes of 1. Expertly handled she moved out displaying an easy rhythmic balanced drive and reach covering the ground with ease. Well distributed spotting of correct size completed the picture of a Dalmatian in top condition.
3. Wright’s Ch Millbelle Fernie JW WW18
Richmond 2019 Judged by Paul Hipkiss
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