North of England Dalmatian Club Ch Show
9th November 2019
Dogs: Sarah Dandy (Dandale)
My grateful thanks to the NOEDC for their warm hospitality and to my two competent and hardworking stewards, also the most sporting manner in which all my decisions were accepted by exhibitors. I consider it a great honour to judge a Club Show and I enjoyed my day with your wonderful Dalmatians immensely.
Overall, I found a very pleasing final male dog line up comprising some excellent and true to type examples of the breed, with a good degree of uniformity and some promising youngsters amongst them. My main observations on the males was that lateral movement is impressive overall with many displaying an efficient and powerful gait in profile. Tracking however was not quite so true with rather too many moving close behind. I was impressed by some super typical and masculine heads today but on the other hand a few had rather high tail carriages when on the move. Condition and muscle tone was good but a few looked heavy, carrying too much weight which affected a couple of placings. Temperament on the whole was pleasing, I went over many outgoing characters today, it is so lovely to see a dog’s personality when judging, when they show off to advantage in the ring it certainly is that ‘icing on the cake’.
I was delighted to co-judge BIS today with Diane Dinsdale. We agreed, most affably, to disagree on BIS, and the Referee Alan Smirthwaite awarded BIS to the dog, Ch. Buffrey Incognito by Dalleaf JW. We agreed on all the other awards with RBIS the Bitch Ch Sophtspot Golly Gosh At Appennine; BPIS the dog O Malley Des Dalmats De La Pierre At Dalmark and BVIS the bitch Ch Phadante Dixie Lily JW.
Class 1 Special Junior Veteran (8,2 abs)
1st Cuthbertson’s Ch Kalsidoni Cameo. B/W veteran in great form. Best mover in this class, sound and true with a super ground covering stride in profile, retaining his topline on the move. Lovely typical head and expression with a good reach of neck into a very soundly constructed forehand matched with well angulated hindquarter used most effectively on the move, standing on good legs and feet, nice bone. Shapely with a length of body and very well balanced proportions, liked his overall moderation and size. Great showman in fit order with plenty of ring presence. BVD
2nd Sibson & Whincup’s Ch Tamilanda Vintage Pink (JW) . Attractively decorated, handsome L/W with a clean balanced outline. Lovely masculine head with good expression and strong reach of neck. Sound well matched quarters, with a firm topline, a depth of brisket and good underline with strong loin. Essentially masculine of pleasing size, well boned and bodied with a depth of brisket, shorter coupled than 1. Perhaps carrying a little too much weight today. Makes a pleasing picture both standing and moving, a positive and true mover both in profile and tracking with good driving action.
3rd Vockings & Smethurst’s Portunes Green Day (JW)
Class 2 – Senior Veteran No entries
Class 3 Minor Puppy (7, 4)
1st Page’s Bleize De Montjuic At Winflash (IMP USA) . B/W puppy with a pleasing outline and overall symmetry. A good head and reach of neck into a clean wither, flowing topline, croup and tailset, balanced with super underline, a length and depth of body and strong loin. Scores in forehand with a layback of shoulder, length in upper arm and defined sternum, balanced with sound hindquarters and a second thigh, standing on good legs and feet with lovely bone and hocks well let down. Moved soundly, positively and precisely both in profile and fore and aft, holding his shape well for a youngster. Quite a mature minor puppy, up to size but very promising.
2nd Croft’s Kalokairies Great Gatsby At Koroyza. Another well-made puppy that handles very well when you go over him. An attractive head with a length of neck, I liked his size & balanced body proportions with a firm topline and sound well matched quarters. Shapely with a length of body and correct underline. Has tendency to carry his tail a little high. Moved out freely covering the ground in profile, has plenty of drive and tracked OK.
3rd Hobbs & Whiting’s Guru S Nevskih Ostrovov At Rapanooey (Imp Rus)
Class 4 Puppy Dog (7, 2)
1st Kembrey’s O Malley Des Dalmats De La Pierre Sacree At Dalmark. A most attractive youngster with much to like who stood out for his sound effortless ground covering movement. Attractive, good colour liver spotting. Lovely size, make and shape he presents a super clean flowing outline, with nothing overdone. Well-proportioned classical head with good eye and expression, a length of neck into clean well defined wither, excellent flowing topline with defined croup balanced with good underline. Scored in this class on front assembly, matched by a very sound hindquarter used to effect on the move. Impressed moving, with excellent reach, drive and tracking, very together for one so young. Nice to go over, with good bone and feet. Has quality and is very sound. BPD & BPIS
2nd Sampson’s Dalstorm Golden Guinea. Another nicely made youngster with much to like. B/W with an appealing head and expression, a reach of neck into clean wither, good flowing topline, croup and tailset. A clean balanced outline with well-matched, very soundly constructed quarters standing on good legs with nice bone and tight feet. Pleasing moderate size, with a lovely covering and muscle tone, just a little shorter coupled than 1. Moved out very well in profile, not quite as true up and down as 1 today.
3rd Croft’s Kalokairies Great Gatsby At Koroyza.
Class 5 Junior Dog (2,0)
1st Williams’ Tolkain Storm King From Phandate (JW) . Eye-catching junior, good overall stamp, nicely marked and moderate all through with a pleasing outline and very well balanced body and quarters. Masculine head of good proportion, with dark eye. A strong reach of neck into a well-defined clean wither, correct firm topline and good tailset. Sound forehand assembly with well laid shoulders, shapely bodylines with a depth of brisket, good underline with firm loin and well developed hindquarters. Positive and sound mover who extended well in profile and tracked true.
2nd Townson & Pardoe Kaytoni Oh What A Night With Daymadals. Attractive black spotting & dense pigmentation presenting a clean and balanced outline. Pleasing head and expression and strong reach of neck. Soundly made with angulated quarters, a good topline, croup and tailset well matched with an excellent underline of good length. Nice shape, size and covering with rounded bone. Opened up really well in profile with plenty of reach & drive, tracked OK.
Class 6 Yearling Dog (4,0)
1st Emmet & Simons’ Ellemstra Against All Odds (JW) . A most stylish B/W youngster with much to like, well-proportioned he makes a very pleasing picture, super in outline, make and shape and well presented, he really stands out. A typical head, he scored in front assembly with a good lay back of shoulder and sternum, balanced with well-developed hindquarters with good turn of stifle, width of thigh and hocks well let down, standing on good legs and feet. Excellent cleanly defined wither, topline, croup and tailset, well bodied with lovely substance throughout, with a depth of brisket, spring of rib and good underline with firm loin. Moved out freely with forward reach and drive in profile, covering the ground with ease, tracking very true.
2nd Locke-McFadzean’s Caprillis Panache Over Sassafras (Imp USA) . Another to move out well in profile around the ring, an appealing well marked black spotted youngster with good bodylines and in fit order. Quite a showman who makes the most of himself and has much to like. Appealing head with good expression and proportions atop a reach of neck into a cleanly defined wither, firm topline with a nice length of body matched with a good underline. Angulated forehand balanced with well-developed hindquarters used to effect on the move. Sound profile movement with good extension and drive, just not the tracking of 1.
3rd Sims’ Mullabuoy Magic Man For Snowspeeder (JW)
Class 7 Maiden (3, 2)
1st Williams’ Tolkain Storm King From Phandate (JW). Placed 1st in Junior.
Class 8 Novice (2,2)
Class 9 Graduate Dog (1, 0)
1st Alcock’s Kayjule Kepler At Dalspartan. Pleasing size with defined black spotting of good pigmentation. Attractive masculine head with a reach of neck, body of good proportion with clean lines and a sound topline. Good bone, feet and muscle tone. Positive mover who covered the ground.
Class 10 Post Graduate Dog (9, 4)
1st Holland & Millington’s Capearlla It's On Ice (JW) . Best mover in this class, with a confident demeanour and plenty of ring presence. Has quality, with pleasing bodylines and attractive densely pigmented black decoration, he appealed greatly for his type and moderation, I liked his overall balance. Lovely typical head and expression with a good reach of neck set into correct topline, croup and tailset well matched with good underline. Scores here in forehand with a length in upper arm, balanced with well-developed hindquarters, standing on good legs and feet with nice bone and well let down hocks. Uses his angulation to advantage on the move, with sound, ground covering free movement and best tracking in class.
2nd Newton’s Chizzmic What A Carry On. Appealing masculine head with good expression on this stylish liver boy, with a strong reach of neck into well defined wither. Balanced quarters with sound topline, croup and tailset. Pleasing underline, well bodied with a depth of brisket and a spring of rib. Shapely outline, in fit order with excellent muscle tone and good bone. Positive profile mover who used his hindquarters to effect on the move to give drive, not quite the forward reach of 1.
3rd Cole’s Keiradal Le Coup De Foudre.
Class 11 Limit Dog (10,3)
1st Fryday’s Cragvallie Chance On Me. Very striking with great overall appeal and quality. Beautifully conditioned he caught my eye on his first lap around the ring. Very sound angulation at both ends giving him effortless movement, displaying super reach and drive and accurate tracking both fore and aft. Correct flowing topline, croup and tailset held well on the move with good depth and length of body and firm loin. Super head and expression with lovely B/W decoration & dense pigmentation. Well-constructed all through he makes a very pleasing picture and was a real contender today, just could do with more animation, but super in outline, make and shape and appealed for his overall moderation. I really liked this dog, I think the handler could perhaps make more of him.
2nd Stocks’ Nospar's Shaded Lanson (JW) . A well-made liver that handles very well when you go over him, not overdone in any way and shows to his full potential. Earned his placing here with his excellent profile movement around the ring with a good stride using his quarters to great effect. Not quite as true up and down as 1 today. Lovely head with kind expression. Balanced in outline and of pleasing size with firm topline matched by good underline, good legs and feet with nice bone.
3rd Gibbs’ Phadante Mr Blue Sky (JW, Sh.CM)
Class 12 Open Dog (5,0)
1st Neath-Duggan & Baker’s Ch.Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf (JW) . One I have judged and admired before as a youngster and so delighted to see he has reached his full potential. Striking B/W in cracking form who totally commands the ring with his style and ring presence. Such a joy to watch on the move, extending so well in profile around the ring, demonstrating free and easy driving movement with a powerful ground covering stride and so fit for purpose. Really super to go over and presented immaculately with beautiful muscle tone, he holds himself so well standing and on the move. Everything just fits and flows on this masculine dog, with super body proportions and angulation. Some dogs are just born to be stars and he is one of them, his 22nd CC I believe. DCC, BBD, & BIS
2nd McCarthy’s Int Ch, Fr Ch, Ir Ch Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy (JW) . What a handsome boy and another presented in great form and condition. A smart unexaggerated liver that appeals for type and size, with beautiful coverage and muscle tone. Delightful classical head of excellent proportion and expression. Correct topline with defined coup and well set tail, matched with a very good underline with a depth of brisket giving plenty of heart and lung room. Particularly liked his overall balance with very well-matched soundly constructed quarters and good bone, legs and feet to finish the picture. Moved freely holding his shape well, with excellent reach and plenty of power using his strong backend to great effect to give drive. Presented in immaculate order, such a classy dog with much style. BLD
3rd Hopkin’s Rapanooey Red Rose (JW)
Class 13 Champion Dog (3,1)
1st Whincup’s Ch. Tamilanda Midnight Lilly (JW) . Lovely make and shape, this smart B/W scores in outline and balance. Looks a picture standing and does not disappoint on the move, his ideal angulation at both ends gives him free and easy movement with a ground covering stride and accurate tracking. Masculine but moderate, with an appealing head, super reach of neck into wither and a correctly proportioned front assembly and well filled fore chest. So well put together with a super topline, equally matched with an excellent underline with pleasing body and rib, strong loin and well-made hindquarters. In super condition, keen showman and handled with great empathy. He stepped it up a gear in the challenge and I was pleased to award him a hotly contested RCC. I awarded him puppy dog last time I judged and was pleased to see he has also fulfilled his promise, another excellent representative of the breed. RDCC
2nd Quayle’s Ch. Millbelle Kicking Horse At Cubalibre (JW) . A classy liver dog of excellent merit moving and showing well. Super masculine head of good proportion & expression, strong reach of neck into the firmest of toplines, held so well on the move matched with good underline. Another to excel in profile movement, he strode out effortlessly with great drive using his hocks to advantage. Not quite the tracking of 1. Well boned and bodied with good substance and excellent muscle tone, in great shape. Lovely disposition.
Class 14 Spec Beginners (3,0)
1st Fryday’s Cragvallie Chance On Me. Placed 1st Limit Dog.
2nd Cole’s Keiradal Le Coup De Foudre. B/W with pleasing clean outline and of nice moderate size. Appealing head with sound topline and underline, with a depth and length of body. Sound angulated quarters with good legs and bone. Well covered. Moved out well keeping a firm topline.
3rd Pace’s Big Addo
Dog Judge: Sarah Dandy
Bitch Report
I would first like to thank everyone who entered and allowed me the opportunity to meet their lovely bitches. A good entry numerically and as the standard was high I had to split hairs in some classes.
Some were not in good coat and this affected their placings. One or two concerns. Firstly some are quite short in rib. This is not correct. Dalmatians should have a good length of rib and they should not be too short coupled. The length to height ratio is slightly longer than tall. They should not be a boxy shape like a Poodle. I am not obsessed with perfect spotting but tick spotting spoils the overall appearance of a good exhibit if it is too heavy. Few are unavoidable but heavy ticking detracts. Once you get ticking in your line it is hard to breed out.
Finally the Standard clearly states strong muscular and active. I struggled top find any muscle tone on quite a few. Temperaments were delightful.
My co judge Sarah Dandy and I happily agreed to disagree for BIS and the Referee gave the nod to the very handsome dog. We were in complete agreement on the remaining awards.
CC and RBIS Christies Ch Sophtspot Golly Gosh at Appenine
RCC Morgan's Malbreow Wish upon a Star
BPB Richardsons Mapplewell Limited Edition
BVB and BVIS Gibbs Ch Phadante Dixie Lily
SJVB (4,2)
1 Haywood Ridgways Ch Luccombe Strawberrey Dream JW Lovely headed lady with kind expression and clean muzzle Well off for bone She has a nice front and a good turn of stifle Well marked and moved steadily
2 Morgan's Winflash Olympic Star In a slightly smaller mould but plenty of bone and substance Very smart spotting Gorgeous dark eyes In fab condition
SVB (4,1)
1 Gibbs Ch Phadante Dixie Lily Presented in first rate condition Nice dark eyes Good angles fore and aft Level along top Boy can she still move Really drove out BVIS
2 Neath Duggan Ch Buffrey Gift Wrapped JW Sh CM Slightly older than 1 but still giving her all Very much still the showgirl Still retains sound bone and substance Well turned stifles
3 Hobbs Winflash Loopy Loo
MPB 6(1,)
1 Richardsons Mapplewell Limited Edition Roly poly black baby All as it should be at this stage Sweet head and eye Well carried ears which she used Enough bone and good tail set A long way to go but shows promise BP
2 Barry and Cobb Kalokairie Guilty Pleasure A different type Higher on the leg and rangy at the moment Good eye colour and length of neck Built on nice lines Really enjoying herself Moved out happily
3 Bakers Mapplewell Just My Style at Dalmaigheo
PB 4(1,)
1 Repeat
2 Millingtons Capearila Après Ski Well boned black with good eye colour Nice make and shape but pulled out on the move so was hard to assess
3 M Just My Style at D
JB 12 (3,) Strong Class
1 Patersons Kelevra What a Storm Striking black Took my eye Beautiful spotting Really fetching in head with superb balance Plenty of bone On the move she is outstanding and has a good length of stride and reach and carries her tail so well As she matures will get her act together as she can look bored
2 Haywood Ridgways Luccombe Strawberry Fizz Another promising youngster Best of spotting Good firm body with nice bone and substance V attractive in head and eye Good along back and loin Close up but a little out of coat
3 Tingeys Dallyador Secret Addiction
YB 14(2,) A lovely class
1 Burrows Ellemstra Tough Cookie at Shacarlu Very smart and showy Eye could be darker Dense spotting clean dry neck good along top and well turned stifles Full of naughtiness but settled enough to nab this strong class
2 Hughes Taliory Take Aim Fusilier 19 months and a good strong mover Sensible head with well broken ears Good ribbing and muscle tone Showed and moved well and tracked up true
3 Petersens Daedalus Grand Finale
NB 5(1,)
1 Kaal and Rance Dallydyll Dream of Manderley to Olbero Happy showgirl Smaller type of spotting Level top Good width of stifle Ex feet
2 Chappell Nalderhill Aphrodite at Waltzaway Darker type of liver Decent enough front Happy outlook but carrying too much weight
3 Cole Kieradal Syrena
GB 8(2)
1 Morgan Malbreow Wish upon a Star Absolutely fell for this lovely black Beautifully presented with great condition and tone Fit and athletic. Attractive head with dark eye, reachy neck Nice little front , strong along back and we'll let down behind Moved very well and close to top honours A touch more maturity will complete the picture Loved her. RCC
2 Christie and Scott Checkmate Iz Terletskoy Dubravy Sophtspot Heavens what a name Very attractive and eye catching Delightful head with well broken ears Good front and shoulders A showgirl Not as forward in development as the winner but has all the essentials Just needs time
3 Crookes Dalmark the Ratafia
PGB 11(4)
1 Quayle Chizzmic Carry on with Cubalibre Very showy Quite an compact type Keeps a good outline on the move Good tuck up and tail set Took this class on her positive movement
2 T Take Aim F
3 Crookes D the Ratafia
LB 15(1) Ex class
1 Cuthbertson Ellemstra Little Mix with Kalsidoni Striking black Tremendous depth of pigment V nice head and eye clean neck and shoulders Good tuck up Good turn of stifle and tail set Great mover and pushed hard in the challenge
2 Pratt Sophtspot in a Heartbeat of Lyndalla Sh CM Very smart and showy Nicely constructed throughout Good ribbing Well developed stifles Attractive spotting Sound mover
3 McCarthy Tolkain Gold Star for Kilndandy
OB 9(1,)
1 Christie Ch Sophtspot Golly Gosh at Appenine Headed a wonderful class of beautiful bitches Had to leave some good ones out Thank you This lovely liver didn't put a paw wrong today Stood and showed to perfection and on the move drove around the ring with positive lengthy strides Classy head, clean well fitting lips, ears set on correctly Good length of neck , clean front , well tucked up Strong level top line and tailset Just thought she looked beautiful CC and RBIS
2 Gardners Ch Dvojica Chilli Chutney for Wrendragge Have sung her praises many times Slightly bigger than 1 but beautifully balanced Evenly distributed attractive dark liver spotting Lovely head with kindest expression Very good length to height ratio Firm top line She is such a good example but today she had a phantom and didn't show herself to advantage
3 Wright Ch Millbelle Fernie JW WW18
CB 3( 1,)
1 Whincup Ch Tamilanda Pick a Lily Presented to perfection Striking decoration on this well boned and bodied black Really lovely head with such a sweet expression Firm and well sprung ribbing Strong quarters Stylish mover and a very worthy Ch Was in contention all the time
2 Christie Ch Sophtspot Glitterati JW Good for size and bone V well marked and excellent front and hind assembly Today she wasn't cooperating with her handler and was unsettled Nonetheless a quality exhibit that I have admired from the ringside.
1 Hughes T Take A F
2 Crookes Dalmark the Ratafia Great rapport here with dog and handler Very nice liver with attractive even spotting Good length of back and pleasing tuck up Showed v well and a pleasure to watch
3 Noble Shulune Celtic Snapdragon of Ruebedu
Diane E Dinsdale (Judge)