Firstly, I would like to thank the Secretary and the committee for putting on an excellent Championship Show. I had a wonderful day and thoroughly enjoyed my judging of the Dalmatians. I was also informed by the show secretary that I had drawn the biggest entries for the entire show. Judging started without delay and I was pleased with the big ring I was given. On a negative point I did notice that the breed is getting a lot of high tails which really does spoil the outline, and also a few need more ring craft training and this was especially noted when I was trying to go over the exhibit. Apart from that I found the Dalmatians were well presented, clean with well-groomed nails. I was more than pleased with a few of my placing and some would exchange places at different shows as they were that close. My BOB did the breed proud and was shortlisted in the group, also my BP was placed 3rd in the puppy group. It was indeed a pleasure to go over so many Dalmatians today and so I thank each and every one of you.
MPD ( 7-4 )
Ist Mrs W & Miss E Pratt. Lyndalla Drops Of Jupiter... Good make and shape, bold dark spotting on clear coat, tight cat feet and once settled moved with drive.
2nd Miss EM Chattaway. Buzzbrook Spellbreaker... good head with correct ear carriage, nice front , good bold spotting and moved well. I will look forward to seeing his progress.
PD ( 6-3 )
1st Dr E & Mr W Sampson. Dalstorm Golden Guinea... Good head and Dark eyes, good shoulders and rib cage with tight cat feet, level top line. When moving around the ring he was effortless. BP and Group 3, excellent win, well done.
2nd Mr Mrs E Pratt . Lyndalla Drops Of Jupiter
JD ( 7-0 )
1st Mrs S Wilkinson. Gwynmor Lewellyn ( IMP-NDL ) ... Strong bold black spotted dog presented in clean excellent condition. Lovely head with a kind expression, dark eyes and good level top line all the way down to his correct tail set. Once settled he moved with drive, good strong class to win.
2nd Mrs S A Norgrove. Sassydals Flugel Horn... Another striking young dog , beautiful liver spotting on tight white based coat. Lovely kind expression and correct eye colour. Great front and shoulder placement, nice reach of neck. Moved with drive and just lost out today against my first , they will exchange places I'm sure as they both get older.
YD ( 3-2 )
1st Mrs M Baker Dalmaigheo Mr Brightside... stood alone in this class but held his own, dark eyes with good ear carriage, moved well.
PGD ( 8-4 )
1st Mrs M OConnor Dalamanti Diamond Raider.... Moved well with handler around the ring good coat and again darkest of eyes, his top line right down to his tail set were great and also he had good second thigh.
2nd Mr Mrs D Dore Daldior Mr Foxtrott Nice Liver quality dog, good spotting on a clean coat.
LD ( 8-5)
1st Mr Mrs RG Hernanandez Dalminshi Starlite Express... Excellent class to win full of quality. Strong dog with plenty of drive moved freely around the ring , well handled and schooled. Good head and ear carriage , nice dark eyes and cat like feet, good spring of rib and second thighs. It was a pleasure to award this my RDCC
2nd Mrs Gibbs Phadante Mr Blue Sky JW SHCH. Good black with very good movement, what I call the old fashioned Cobby style. Good head and great shoulder placement clean lines and pushed hard for first placing.
OD ( 7-1 )
!st Mrs S A & Miss S Neath-Duggan & Baker CH Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW... What a stunning class of Champions to go over.... My winner entered the ring in pole position and I could not find nothing today to lower his colours. His footfall is so accurate and so enthusiastic which is outstanding to the overall balance and his construction. He has the darkest of eyes, good head and correct ear carriage his shoulders and front are second to none, super level top line flowed all the way down to a correct tail set. Overall a first rate specimen of our breed and it was indeed an honor to award him my DCC and BOB and also he was shortlisted in the group. Also been informed that he now has 23 CC's.
2nd Mrs B Quayle CH Millbelle Kicking Horse At Cubalibrer JW Quality Liver dog, very eye catching upon entering the ring, strong bold and movement was excellent , he has a kind expression and correct eye colour. The make and shape of this Champion was a pleasure to go over.
VD ( 7-1 )
1st Mr & Mrs K & Mrs Whincup & Sibson Ch Tamilanda Vintage Pink.. Another quality Champion, correct make and shape and beautiful liver , moved around the ring with his handler effortlessly. A true Veteran of the breed a credit to the breeder. A pleasure to award also BV
2nd Mr Mrs RS Tingey Dallyador Aramis, one I have always liked, yet again these veterans do the breed justice and so nice to see them in tip top condition for their age. He moved again around the ring with such ease and handled well by his owner.
SBD ( 3 )
1st Miss EM Chattaway. Buzzbrook Spellbreaker... This puppy came 2nd is MP so I moved him again and he was well settled by this time and really enjoying his day out and also trying very hard to do everything correctly. He did not disappoint me at all and it was nice to see the thrill on the exhibitors face when I awarded a first in this class. Not only that they went on to the SPB Group and took Group 3 place. Well done indeed....
2nd Mrs EA Friday Cragvallie Chance On Me black spotted with nice dark eyes ,nice make and shape and will easily get better as he matures, she went well with handler.
SBB ( 11-4 )
1st Mrs C Wallington Kaytoni Isnt She Lovely At Ailsadot. Feminine baby, moved well for one so young.
2nd Miss P Lomas Buzzbrook Desert Rose, good mover again for one so young really enjoying her day out Nice head and shoulders to, these two beginners will exchange places no doubt in the future.
MPB ( 9 ) Glorious class of puppies both in this class and the next .
1st Mrs G K O connor Dooodledally Nancy Drew At Dalseren... Good make and shape and lovely dark eyes, just flowed around the ring and took full advantage of it. Correct shoulders and good tail set, lovely reach of neck and showing a good standard outline. A good class to win , well done and she looks promising shall watch her future.
2nd Ms CA & Mr S A Dodds & Pearson Kelevra Mind Your Nebula Another quality puppy and moved with her owner effortlessly, bold spotting on a nice tight white base coat. Challenged hard for first place, very close.
PB ( 7-1 )
1st Mrs Richardson Mapplewell Limited Edition. well this girl caught my eye upon entering the ring and getting my hands on her did not disappoint me.. Lovely kind expression , dark eyes , long reach of neck and well laid shoulders, tail set correct and good second thighs. Movement was good when she settled and it was my pleasure to award her my BPB
2nd Mr G K Oconnor Doodleally Nancy Drew AM Dalseren
JB (14-6 )
1st Mrs S Haywood-Ridgeway Luccombe Strawberry Fizz, Beautiful young bitch and such clean lines. Nice coat and deep black spotting, dark eyes and lovely expression, moved around the big ring in style.. Excellent class to win.
2nd Mr E Paterson Kelevra What A storm. Lots to like about this black bitch, full of substance and quality, nice dark eyes and beautiful expression. Long reach of neck and her level top line excellent. Movement today not as good as 1st but I'm sure they will exchange places at future shows
YB ( 15-2 )
1st Mrs C Burrows Ellemstra Tough Cookie At Shacarlu..this young black bitch was saying as she entered the ring " Look At Me Judge " and boy did she do that she never stopped showing. Movement was wonderful and to see her with her handler made it look so easy and my stood standing the outline was perfect and oh so showy. good head lovely ear carriage and a nice level top line down to a perfect tail set. Good class to win and shall watch her future as I'm sure it won't be long before she is one of our new Champions.. Time will only tell.
2nd Mrs J & MRS M Christie & Scott Checkmate Iz Terletskoy Dubravy By Sophtspot ( Imp Rus ) this bitch pushed hard for the first position, quality lady and also a very good mover. Dark eyes and presented well with the handler. I just today preferred my 1st placing. They again will no doubt exchange placing at a later show.
PGB ( 12-3 )
1stMrs B Quale Chizzmic Carry On With Cubalibre JW. another great moving bitch striding around the ring demanding my attention. There are lots to like about this girl, she has a kind expression and lovely dark eyes, long reach of neck and a great top line, also tail set perfect. A lovely bitch.
2nd Mrs D A & Mr S Morgan Malbrow Wish Upon A Star nice feminine bitch with bold black spotting good well placed shoulders and nice long reach of neck good tail set and moved well to.
LB ( 12-3 )
1st Mrs W & Miss E Pratt & Pratt Sophtspot In A Heartbeat Of Lyndalla SHCH, good strong class of bitches, I've admired this bitch before and watched her progress. She did not disappoint when I got my hands on her. What I call cobby style, beautiful make and shape her outline was all four square. Lovely head and stunning shoulders and good second thighs. In beautiful condition and sparkled and moved with such drive around the big ring taking full advantage. It was a pleasure to award her my RBCC
2ndMrs D Dinsdale Roadcoach Rejoice With Dalsbread . Feminine lovely liver bitch of high quality ,long reach of neck and great shoulders and super level top line right down to the tail set. She was at ease with her handler and just cruised around the ring.. Lots to like about her and I'm sure again she will swap places with my 1st at future shows.
OB ( 14-4 )
1st Mrs J Christie Ch Sophtspot Glitterati JW what a superb specimen of a bitch, she just oozes quality right from stepping into the ring. As to movement she is faultless and at ease with her handler they do so complement each other. Stood standing just looks the picture and such stunning outlines. Beautiful expression, darkest of eyes long flowing neck and correct tail set. It was a pleasure to award her the BCC
2nd Dr WJE & Mrs J M Gardner CH Dvojica Chilly Chutney For Wrendragge JW. This is another quality bitch she has a beautiful kind expression and lovely eyes, well placed shoulders and a great level top line. tail set perfect along with a good second thigh. she moved around the ring with handler making it easy for me to see and so well schooled indeed. I just today preferred my 1st and yes they will definitely change places at future shows.
VB ( 5-1 )
1st Mrs DA & Mr S Morgan Winflash Of Olympic Star JW SHCM bold black spotting on a lovely clean coat, nice dark eye and good mover for the Veteran class, she still has that eye catching attention.
2nd Mrs S Haywood-Ridgway Ch Luccombe Strawberry Dream.. Again a lovely veteran who once again just glided around the big ring... She also still has it, lovely dark eyes along with bold black spotting and in such healthy condition. It's always a pleasure to see the veterans out in force as they can give the young ones a run for their money
BUBA 2019 Judged by Johnathan Goulding
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