Boston & District Canine Society 11/01/2020
I was really pleased with the quality of the breed today.
Since I last judged 4 years ago I found that the males had improved being a more standard size.
Temperaments were excellent with “happy tails” throughout both males and females.
The puppy classes had quality throughout, I was very pleased to see that the best puppy gained Best puppy in group. Quite an achievement for an 8 month old Puppy.
Minor Puppy Dog (Entries 9/ Abs 1)
1. Mr K & Mrs DL Whincup – Tamilanda Air Force One, A striking well boned puppy elegant head and dark eyes standard size a confident positive mover.
2. Mrs J Alexander – Offordale Nijinski, Similar construction with very little to choose from these two promising puppies. Could Change places at Future Shows
3. Mrs J Christie – Sophtspot Jive Bunny
Res. Ms R Croft – Kalokaires Great Gatsby at Koroyza.
PD (11/1)
1. Mr K & Mrs DL Whincup – Tamilanda Air Force One
Repeat Comments of Min Puppy Dog.
2. Mrs Richardson – Mapplewell Pocket Rocket. Another promising puppy I forecast an exciting season for the puppies.
3. Mrs J Christie – Sophtspot Jive Bunny
Res. Ms R Croft – Kalokaires Great Gatsby at Koroyza.
JD (5/0)
1. Mr GD & Miss SE Townson & Pardoe – Kaytoni Oh What A Night At Daymadals, Another striking well balanced young dog. Well boned with good laid back shoulders, moved with confidence.
2. Dr E & Mr W Sampson – Dalstorm Golden Guinea, Well boned with good lay of shoulder.
3. Mrs AP & Bliss & Pearson – Kelevra What A Guy.
Res. Mrs LM McMillan – Keiradal Captain Jack For Dalyance.
YD (2/0)
1. Mr K Williams – Tolkain Storm King from Phadante JW, A strong young boy, good hindquarters with no exaggeration. Moved Well. Classic Head.
2. Mrs EJ & Mr CN Emmett & Simons – Ellemstra Against All Odds JW, Another promising boy, strong quarters which he used to drive him around the ring.
PGD (5/1)
1. Mrs TA Gardinor – Dakata Duranta, Lovely head and expression, well boned, strong hind quarters, calm with good pigment.
2. K & S Harrison-Stratford – Dalkereve Dark at Midnight, A lively boy, good head and expression
3. Mrs C O Connor Dalamanti Diamond Raider
4. Mrs JS & Mrs JA Green & Sears – Alphadal Aint Misbehaving at Judally JW.
LD (9/2)
1. Miss J Sims – Mullabuoy Magic Man for Snowspeeder JW, An elegant male with excellent head, well laid back shoulder, used his hindquarters to drive around the ring DCC & BOB
2. Miss TA Gardinor – Jamesley Pyracantha at Dakata JW, Strong hindquarters which he used to drive around the ring , calm temperament.
3. Mrs EA Fryday – Craigvallie Chance on Me
Res Miss N Pace – Big Addo.
OD (6/0)
1. Mrs SA & Miss S Neath-Duggan & Baker – CH Buffrey Incognito by Dalleaf JW, A striking male with excellent bone, well laid shoulders, strode out around the ring. RDCC
2. Mrs J Hopkin – Ch Rapanooey Red Rose JW, Close up. Classic Head, well laid shoulders, strode out.
3. Mr & Mrs J McCarthy – Int/Fr/Ir CH Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy JW.
Res Mrs J Christie – Ch Sophtspot Gold Dust JW.
VD (3/0)
1. Mr K & Mrs D Whincup & Sibson – Ch Tamilanda Vintage Pink JW, A lovely Liver veteran which I had previously awarded a CC. Still a good mover but had to give way to a young dog.
2. Miss C & Ms M Hobbs & Whiting – Boutonneux Baby Buco Avec Rapanooey JW, Finer built than 1st and moved very well.
3. Miss N Pace – Big Addo.
SBD (4/0)
1. Mrs EA Fryday – Craigvallie Chance on Me, Good strong hindquarters, moved well, dark eyes.
2. Mrs LM McMillan – Keiradal Captain Jack For Dalyance, Close up to 1st. Promising junior, well balanced.
3. Miss N Pace – Big Addo.
GCD/B (6/0)
1. Miss N Pace Dalcatori Morganite Rosa, A liver youngster enjoying her day, good hindquarters, confident mover.
2. Dr E & Mr W Sampson – Dalstorm Golden Guinea, Well boned with good lay of shoulder.
3. Mrs CC Pickup – Roadcoach Ray of Sunshine.
Res Mrs W & Miss E Pratt & Pratt – Gatfulls Honey Bee of Lyndalla (Imp Swe)
MPB (9/0)
1. Mrs J Christie Sophtspot Josephine – Very promising puppy with excellent pigment, good bone and well laid back shoulder, moved really well, pleased to hear she won the puppy group BPIB PG1
2. Mr GK O Connor – Doodledally Nancy Drew AM Dalseren, A calm puppy, nice head, eyes and correctly carried ears.
3. Miss LJ Barrett – Dalamati Hidden Glory.
Res Mr SP & Mrs MDM Donnelly – Tamilanda Memphis Belle.
PB (8/0)
1. Mrs J Christie Sophtspot Josephine – Repeat
2. Mrs Richardson – Mapplewell Limited Edition , Another promising puppy good bone and angulation.
3. Mr GK O Connor – Doodledally Nancy Drew AM Dalseren
4. Miss LJ Barrett – Dalamati Hidden Glory.
JB (7/3)
1. Mrs S Haywood-Ridgeway – Luccombe Strawberry Fizz, A well balanced junior with plenty of substance, lovely dark eyes, good bone and shoulders, moved with drive.
2. Mr C, Mrs AE & Miss L Healy & Wheaton – Hebemor Ruby Tiger from Acinonyx, One of the few livers here today, feminine head and expression, firm hindquarters, balanced and moved well.
3. Miss L Porter – Dame Tulip.
Res Mrs M Thomas – Dalstorm Golden Galaxy for Magikala.
YB (10/1)
1. Mrs J & Mrs M Christie & Scott – Checkmate IZ Terletskoy Dubravy by Sophtspot (Imp Rus), Well balanced hind quarters, well laid back and shoulders, good bone and feet, moved with drive.
2. Mrs C Burrows – Ellemstra Tough Cookie at Shacarlu, Well laid shoulders and hindquarters, moved with drive.
3. Miss N Pace Dalcatori Morganite Rosa
Res. Miss C & Ms M Hobbs & Whiting – Rapanooey Ragdoll.
PGB (9/1)
1. Mrs H & Mr G Patrick – Cohavrick Symphony, Well-proportioned head, dark eyes, balanced hind quarters allowing good movement.
2. Mr J & Mrs K Wilshaw – Tamilanda Callalilly, Lightly spotted, dark eyes, moved well.
3. Miss N Pace Dalcatori Morganite Rosa
Res. Mr C, Mrs AE & Miss L Healy & Wheaton – Hebemor Ruby Tiger from Acinonyx
LB (11/2)
1. Miss JM Wright – Offordale Anastasia Avec Millbelle JW, Lovely Head & Shoulders with deep pigment, strode out confidently, so I had no hesitation with awarding her the Bitch CC
2. Mrs D Dinsdale – Roadcoach Rejoice with Dalesbred, Good head and expression, well laid shoulders and moved well around the ring.
3. Mrs FCT & Mr J Hartley & Griffiths – Creaganbrec Glory Be ab Miragua.
Res. Dr J & Mrs S Stevenson – Macula Moonlight Mystique JW
OB (10/2)
1. Mr K & Mrs DL Whincup – CH Tamilanda Pick-A-Lilly JW, Lovely balanced head, well laid back shoulders, dark pigment and strong hind quarters. Headed a class of really good bitches RCC
2. Mrs J Christie – CH Sophtspot Glitterati JW. Strong well developed hind quarters, Dark eyes and pigment, very good mover.
3. Miss JM Wright – Ch Millbelle Fernie
Res. Dr WJE & Mrs JM Gardner- Ch Dvojica Chilli Chutney for Wrendragge JW.
VB (2/0)
1. Mr M & Mrs AM Finlay – Ch Dvojica Black Swan At Dalfin ShCM, Good head and laid back shoulders with dark pigment. Excellent mover.
2. Mr L & Mrs L Thorner – Ch Tolutim Drambuie ShCM, Strong hindquarters with correct tail set. Classic head and moving well.
SBB (10/3)
1. Mrs H & Mr G Patrick – Cohavrick Symphony- Typical head with good expression. Well defined hindquarters allowing her to move positively around the ring.
2. Miss N Pace – Dalcatori Morganite Rosa, Attractive girl enjoying her day. Nice head and strong hind quarters.
3. Mrs K Brennan – Daymadals in the Mood JW ShCM.
Res. Mrs M Thomas – Dalstorm Golden Galaxy for Magikala
Pat Wilson