Blackpool 2022 Judged by Mrs E Dunhill
Thank you to my steward, and for a fabulous quality entry, I was spoilt for choice.

1. Christie’s Sophtspot Perfect Storm. Beautiful baby of 7 months, Beautiful balance and outline, clean head dark eye well-placed ears and good proportion muzzle, correct bite good pigmentation. Well constructed all through, good angulations fore and aft, good front, and rear, firm hocks, he is a sound mover, just learning his craft in the ring, on the move, glimpses of his good movement, he needs to get his head carriage up on the move, very promising baby, he just needs practise, improved on the move in the next class to win puppy dog, well handled, BPD.

1. Christie’s Sophtspot Perfect Storm. <
B>2. Kembrey’s Dalmark’s Rhythm and Blues.
10 month old liver dog of good bone and substance, just needing to firm in top line. Pleasing head dark eye of good shape good stop, needs to fill in for face with age, good bite and well-placed ears. Good shoulder and front and good return of upper arm, tight feet, well sprung ribs, well angulated hind quarters well carried tail, accurate on the down and back, and good Reach and Drive in profile. He just needs time to fill his frame.
3. Page/Howell’s Olilou Heavenly Hamilton by Winflash NAF TAF

JD (5,1)
1. Croft’s Koroyza Viking Voyager. 15 month old liver spotted male of excellent proportions type and balance. Super head dark eye, well placed ears, he just needs to fill in foreface with maturity, correct bite and good pigmentation. This dog is well constructed throughout, good shoulder and front excellent top line well carry tail, balance hind quarters, with good turn of stifle and firm hocks, this male comes into his own on the move, he is athletic and balanced, with excellent head carriage and well carried tail. Excellent in profile and footfall perfect on the down and back. In excellent coat and muscular condition.
2. McAloone’s Perditas The Echo Project
. 16 month old male excellent type, larger boy of good balance and proportion Strong head, very broad in back skull, balanced muzzle and good bite well-placed ears. Good shoulder, juvenile front, strong in body and substance, well angulated hindquarters, he is a big dog who needs to firm in back line and his tail needs to settle, he has time on his side to fill his frame, and tighten all through, moved soundly.
3. Wilkins’ Gloriandus Petersburg at Salvadorada NAF (imp RUS).

YD 3(0)
1. Wright’s Millbelle Crazy Horse JW. 20 month old black spotted male, Athletic in type, loved his proportions and balance. Masculine head good stop clean skull, well-placed ears, dark eye of correct shape, proportion muscle, good bite and pigmentation. Clean neck and good shoulder good return of upper arm, good bone and tight feet, needs to drop with age in brisket, excellent top-line and tail carriage, well angulated hind quarters, well let down hocks, I just love this dogs movement, he could work all day, he has elegance with power, he’s clean all through and dynamic on the move with excellent reach and drive. and perfect footfall. He has excellent static and kinetic balance, he is still young and needs to fill his frame, he has much more to come, my RESERVE CC.
2. McAloone’s Perditas The Echo Project. Repeat.
3. Hobbs/Whiting’s Rapanooey Ranunculus.

PGD (3)
1. Holburn’s Glenlion Mystical Mountain. Three-year-old male quite square in outline and balanced angles all through. Strong head matching body type good stop well-placed ears well filled foreface and good under jaw and correct bite , good neck and top-line good tail, set decent shoulder would like more upper arm and fore chest, good bone and feet would like more Angle to rear, however he is balanced fore and aft. He is a very sound mover with a good balanced action, holding a good shape in profile in super body and condition.
2. Wilkins’ Jasquarella Fire ‘n’ Ice at Salvadorada.
Three-year-old liver male, Good type and balance. Pleasing head of good proportion, well-placed ears medium of good shape, good stop, would like more Fill to fore face, correct bite. Muscular forehand, with good depth to brisket, a little short in upper arm, restricting his extension in front, decent top line, strong loin, excellent hindquarters, tail a little high set, in excellent body and condition, sound on the move, Preferred side gait of winner.
3. Gardner’s Wrendragge Stone The Crows.

LD (6,2)
1.Bliss/Pearson’s Kelevra What A Guy. 3½ year old male, I loved his size type and balance, a Dog of excellent proportion. Masculine head, good stop well-placed ears and dark eye, Of correct shape. Good muzzle to head ratio, and correct pigmentation. Good neck and shoulder good return of upper arm, good bone tight feet, good depth to chest good top and underline and correct tail carriage, balanced angulated hind quarters and firm hocks,. This dog is not the most willing showman on the stand, but comes into his own on the move, with excellent footfall, super profile action, holding a great shape with excellent reach and drive, an excellent coat and muscular condition.
2. Norgrove’s Sassydals Flugel Horn.
Three-year-old male, excellent type and balance. Large in build than winner. Masculine head of good proportion, well-placed years good pigmentation fill to fore face. Good reach of neck excellent shoulder and upper arm good bone and feet, good pro sternum development and depth to brisket, excellent top and underline well carried tail, slightly longer in loin than winner, well angulated hind quarters, effortless on the move giving excellent footfall, reach and drive in profile holding his shape, excellent coat and condition.
3. Sampson’s Dalstorm Golden Guinea JW.

OD (6)
1. Quayle’s Ch. Millbelle Kicking Horse at Cubalibre JW. Five year old strong male and excellent bone and substance, strong head fitting his muscular body type, well-placed ears, broad back skull, good foreface and bite. Good neck and shoulder, good spring to rib, he has good width of front, and, good length of upper arm, strong bone and tight feet.He has an excellent body and top-line well carried tail well muscled hind quarters and strong hocks, he is powerful on the move providing excellent reach and drive and accurate rear movement. A quality dog, to be picky in the line up would have liked to have had him in better coat. I loved his athleticism and type, same Kennel as the reserve cc winner.
2. Hopkin’s Ch. Rapanooey Red Rose JW
. Five year old male of excellent type and balance, loved his size. Masculine head, with correct proportionate muzzle , well placed ears, and good bite correct dark eye and good pigmentation. Good neck and shoulder and return of upper arm, good bone and feet, excellent top and underline, well carried tail moderate hind quarters balancing the forehand, he is a little more elegant all through than the winner, he is an exceptional mover in profile holding a good shape and good footfall. In excellent coat and condition. Another quality dog and worthy champion.
3. Christie’s Ch. Sophtspot Gold Dust JW.

VD (2,1)
1. Neath-Duggan/Baker’s Ch. Buffrey Incognito by Dalleaf JW. Seven-year-old stylish male, of excellent balance, size ,type and proportions. On first impressions this dog is an accomplished showman, with a fantastic character and very willing to please his handler. Beautiful masculine head, so balanced and in proportion with the muzzle, well placed ears, correct bite and pigmentation. Clean neck of correct length, leading into excellent shoulder and upper arm, good width to front and depth to brisket, good bone and feet, well sprung rib , short in loin, excellent top and underline, excellent muscular, well angulated hind quarters, well carried tail. This boy comes into his own on the move, he is athletic, and has exceptional reach and drive, defying his age, holding a perfect outline he is in excellent condition and coat. With good black defined spots. I have previously awarded this dog a group, a few years ago and like a fine wine he gets better with age, I can see him trotting under a carriage, his size elegance, and type are copybook. He is not overdone in any way , he gave the youngsters a run for their money on extended gaiting, the cream came to the top CC and BOB.

MPB 5(1)
1. Page’s Winflash Osprey. Beautiful eight month old baby have excellent type and balance. Super feminine head well-placed ears and good for face for age, correct bite and pigmentation. Super neck leading into excellent shoulder, Prosternum developing nicely, good return of upper arm and good bone and tight feet . she has an excellent top line and underline, well carry tail, excellent hind quarters with strong hocks, this girl is a beautiful mover holding her shape at all times, sound on the move with great static balance. It’s super black spotted coat she most certainly has a bright future well schooled and handled.
2. Clement’s Perdita’s Nolana Bell Flower
. Another lovely puppy similar in type to winner at six months old. She has good static balance for a baby, beautiful head and well-placed ears, correct bite and pigmentation. Good neck and shoulder, Prosternum development coming nicely, good bone and feet, good top and underline, well carried tail, in super condition, moved well, she is getting to know her craft, just needs to settle, She is certainly another one to watch, beautiful puppy well handled.
3. Christie’s Sophtspot Peek A Boo.

PB 8(0)
1. Page’s Winflash Chanel Paris. Eight month old puppy bitch with that wow factor. She has femininity with strength, pretty head well-placed ears, good stop good shape to dark eye, well proportioned muzzle, and correct bite. Good neck and shoulder, Pro sternum evident, good return of upper arm good bone and feet, excellent top and underline, strong well angulated hind quarters, perfectly balancing the forehand. This bitch has good substance and elegance, she has an exceptional outline on the move for such a youngster, holding a beautiful shape in profile action, with great reach and drive. She most certainly has a bright future her best is yet to come my best puppy in breed. Another well schooled by this clever handler,
2. Kembrey’s Dalmark`s Banana-Rama.
Another beautiful of a bitch with moderate spotting, with super athletic proportions. Feminine head pretty expression with good pigmentation and a good eye, head needing more development and foreface with age, good shoulder and forechest, good upper arm, and bone and tight feet. Good top-line and tail carriage, just needs to body up a little bit more with with maturity, excellent hind quarters, she moves positively, and great reach and driving profile. Another beautiful puppy with much potential.
3. Melling’s Jemblewood Candy Floss.

JB 11(3)
1. Wallington’s Ailsadot Astral Lyra. 14-month-old beautifully balanced bitch of excellent type in proportions. Strong but feminine head, good stop and well-placed ears, good muzzle, correct bite and pigmentation. good neck excellent shoulder and forehand construction, good return of upper arm and good bone Tight feet. she has excellent ribs and depth to brisket, excellent top-line and tail set well angulated hindquarters, I loved her compact shape. She moved accurately, with great reach and drive in profile holding her top-line and head carriage. she is a super fit young lady, and gave a great account of herself good coat condition and black spotting. She stood out for me in this class with her balance super movement, she was my best junior.
2. Lamb’s Dalpetro Dotty.
Another super bitch at just one year old, loved her type and style. Feminine head well-placed ears, with good proportioned muzzle, Correct bite and dentition. She has excellent body and top line well carry tail good depth forechest decent shoulder but needs to finish in front. Excellent hindquarters, she is an excellent mover for her age, just needs maturity to fill her frame.
3. Noble’s Ruebedu Ace of Spades.

YB 4(1)
1. Hughes’ Carodal Coast to Coast. 13 month old liver a bitch super proportions and type.Feminine head, well-placed ears and good stop, good fill to face correct bite and pigmentation. Good shoulder, juvenile front needing to fill with maturity, good top and underline good tail, set. She moves very well, she doesn’t give her handler her all, but super sound and accurate foot fall with good profile action, she just needs a little bit more verve on the move.
2.Wilkins’ Et Cetera Iz Terletskoy Dubravy of Salvadorada (imp Rus) NAF.
13 month old bitch of good type and balance, strong but feminine head, well-placed ears, dark eyes good pigment, correct bite. Good shoulder and chest development, good bone and feet, good top and underline well carried tail, she moves well with good footfall, and gave a good account of herself in profile with good reach and drive holding correct head carriage and good shape and good coat and condition.
3. Foster’s Perdita’s Tomorrowland (Foster)

PGB (9,1)
1. Hopkin’s Dvojica Evangelista JW. 20 month old bitch super type and balance. Pretty feminine head beautiful eye shape giving super expression, well-placed ears, Good muzzle bite and pigmentation. She is beautifully constructed throughout holding a beautiful shape good top line in good body and condition. She has good legs and feet, excellent angulation to shoulder and good chest, excellent hindquarters very muscular, sound firm Hocks, This bitch is superb on the move with great reach and drive, great head carriage holding her outline at all times, black spotted bitch in super Coat and condition, she has much more to come, my reserve CC winner.
2. Neath-Duggan/Baker’s Buffrey Carry On Emmanuelle with Dalleaf .
Two-year-old elegant athletic bitch of excellent type, feminine head dark eye and well-placed ears, she has a good shoulder and upper arm, good top and underline, correct croup, and tail set, excellent rear angulation, Well ribbed back and strong in loin , she really comes to her own in profile action with scopy ground covering strides, her condition and body is good with correct black spotted coat I think this girl will be at her best rising three, she has much more to come, she excels in side gait , with great reach and drive.
3. Quayle’s Cubalibre On One.

LB 12(1)
1. Horscraft’s Perditas Anastasia at Manchando. 2½ year old bitch beautiful proportion and balance. Strong but feminine head fitting body type, well-placed ears, correcting for face, and muzzle, Good bite and pigmentation. excellent for hard construction, well laid shoulder good return of upper arm, good bone and press sternum development. Excellent top line and tail set, good underline, excellent muscular hind quarters, in good body coat and condition, she is very accurate on the move which one her this class She holds a great head carriage and outline in profile, she comes to her own on the move with great reach and drive, I love her outline and compact shape, she is a beautiful bitch.
2. Pearson’s Kelevra Mind Your Nebula.
Three-year-old bitch beautiful make shape and balance, preferred her head to the winner, very feminine, good stop well-placed years and well proportioned for face, correct bite and pigmentation. Good neck and forehand construction good top line and underline, good depth for chest, I liked her athleticism in profile with good ground covering strides holding a super shape, but she needs more work on the down and back. She is a super bitch.
3. Quayle’s Chizzmic Carry On with Cubalibre JW.

OB (11)
1. Pratt’s Sophtspot in A Heartbeat of Lyndalla ShCM ShCEx. Six-year-old bitch of superb type and balance, she had one of the best tail carriage of the day. She has athleticism with elegance, good bone and substance, excellent for hand construction, beautiful neck top line and tail set, good depth of brisket and chest development, her proportions are perfection, she is accurate down and back really powering from well let down Hocks, She has excellent forehand extension, she holds her outline and head carriage. at all times never breaking a stride in extended gating. This bitch is fit for purpose and fit for her job, I simply loved her, great character, bone and substance with elegance. My CC winner, I can’t believe it is only her second, her third should not be far away. She made a great pair with my dog CC winner it was a joy to watch the move in the best of breed challenge.
2. Wright’s Ch. Millbelle Fernie JW JWW 18
. Another fabulous bitch age 5 years, , beautiful make shape and outline so balanced and feminine. Pretty head well-placed years medium Eye Good pigmentation, well proportioned muzzle and correct bite, she has a beautiful expression, full of character. Excellent forehand confirmation, good depth to brisket and good for chest, good bone and feet, firm top-line ,slight croup and well set on tail. Excellent hind quarters, good muscle tone, firm hocks, This bitch has excellent footfall, good liver spotted coat in excellent condition, She is a very athletic bitch, with great reach and drive in profile, It was a very close decision for the top spot, just kept by the winner by her sharpness of outline on the move on extended gating. Another fabulous bitch.
3. Richardson’s Ch. Mapplewell Limited Edition.

VB (4)
A fabulous class of veterans, which are a testament to the longevity of this breed, super movers excellent condition and mental agility, they are a credit to their breeders and owners.
1. Pearson’s Int/Ir/H/Hr/Ch. Kelevra Classic Cliche JW ShCM. A beautiful nine-year-old bitch, super type balance and outline, very feminine pretty head, well placed years dark eye pigmentation, good balanced muscle, correct bite. Good neck front and shoulder, tight feet and good bone. She holds a beautiful top line and tail sat standing and on the move, how her movement defies her age, good black spotted coat in super condition, she moved with great reach and drive, elegance and style, she has always been one of my favourites over the years, she is a beautiful bitch. My best veteran female.
2. Morgan’s Winflash Olympic Star JW ShCM.
Another beautiful girl at 10 years old, still got her super attitude, very feminine head Well-placed ears, dark eye of good shape, good pigmentation for age. Good bite and muzzle, good neck well laid shoulders and good front, good depths to brisket, excellent top-line and well carried tail, super hind quarters with good angles, and firm hocks, This girl can really move at 10 years old, defying her age, she was thoroughly enjoying her day out, holding a great outline super shape and accurate a movement. In super black spotted coat and condition.
3. Gardner’s Ch. Dvojica Black Again at Wrendragge JW ShCM.

Liz Dunhill