Thank you to the society for giving me the opportunity to judge our lovely breed. Thanks too to the exhibitors for giving me the highest entry in the Utility Group.
There was a heat wave inland but at Bournemouth we were lucky enough to have a cooling breeze blowing up from the harbour. Even so, it was still warm so we had a cooling station with a paddling pool of water in the waiting area by the steward’s table.
I was looking for carriage dogs that were fit for purpose. Elegant, lean, well-muscled without being over-done. A balanced dog capable of covering the ground with an easy, powerful movement that would enable them to trot all day.
I was very pleased with my main winners. They did the breed proud in the Groups and in the Veteran Stakes.
MPD (3 entered, abs 0)
1 Whincup’s TAMILANDA INSTANT ENVY. Boldly decorated young black immediately caught the eye, just 6 months, beautiful head and ear carriage, nice topline and tail set, good angulation front and rear, deep chest with brisket to elbows, ribbed well back, still a little roly-poly with puppy fat as expected at his age but he will firm up, true on the move. Lovely to watch.
2 Christie’s SOPHTSPOT PERFECT STORM. A lean 9 month black, well up for size, lovely spotty ears framing intelligent expression, fewer decorations than 1 although all of good size and spread, good topline and set of tail, moved well.
PD (7, 2)
2 Davies’s MADDIDALLI'S CAUSING A STORM. Lightly decorated 11 month black with well distributed individual black spots of ideal size, masculine head, white face with good markings, eager expression in dark eyes framed by lovely well-set ears, strong neck on firm shoulders, good topline with well-defined withers flat back and good tail-set, good rear angulation. Tail down in the heat, but picked up on the move. Moved well.
JD (5)
1 Croft’s KOROYZA VIKING VOYAGER. Cracking 15 month liver presented in excellent condition, rich liver pigmentation of spotting kept it’s beautiful colour all the way back, masculine head, lovely eyes of correct shape and colour framed by well broken ears, strong neck into powerful shoulders, excellent width and depth to chest, strong round bone to cat feet, good front and rear angulation, lovely flow of neck through topline and tailset, nice tuck-up and strong loin, moved with reach and drive, strong contender for top award.
2 Porter’s COTTERSPOT SIR WENSLEYDALE. Honest 14 month black with kindly expression, good head and ear-set, well up for size, level topline and good front angulation and deep chest with plenty of heart and lung room, attentive to handler, he moved well.
3 Bridge, Meyer & Britton’s AKONI ATHOS COMTE DE LA FERE
YD (6, 1wd)
1 Robbins’s JASQUARELLA EDGE OF WINTER. Handsome young black, well presented, super skull shape, attractively marked, lovely spotty ears well set on, excellent angulation, well defined withers, strong loin and good tuck-up, tight feet with short nails, rather proud of his tail on the move today, moved well with an easy assured stride.
2 Richards & Davies’s HAFWENNA WE WILL ROCK YOU. Attractively decorated black, dark eyes framed by well broken ears, looked good in the stand, with excellent topline, heavier in build than 1st and was carrying a little too much weight for me today, carried his tail high on the move.
GD (6,2)
1 Wilkins’s JAQUARELLA FIRE'N'ICE AT SALVADORADA. A liver of excellent colour, a warm shade of pigmentation throughout, one doesn’t have to look twice to confirm his colour, pleasing expression on good head, well set broken ears, well defined withers, good topline and tailset, excellent forequarters with well-muscled and well angulated shoulders, strong straight bone, good width and depth to chest with ribs carried well back, would have preferred a better tuck-up and shorter nails. Moved well.
PGD (2,1)
1 Blissett’s KYSTUNO WARNERS KING. On his own today, a very handsome 3 1/2 yr. black presented in tip top condition, excellent shape of skull, dark intelligent eyes framed by exquisitely fine markings on face and well set spotty ears, not a trace of coarseness to him with elegant neck set on well angulated shoulders, good top-line, back longer than some, good rear angulation, but tail was rather down today probably due to the heat, a little lively on the move but moved well enough once he settled. A well-deserved 1st
LD (6,2)
1 Townson & Pardoe’s KAYTONI OH WHAT A NIGHT WITH DAYMADALS. Attractive boy, almost 4, his bold black spotting on an immaculate white coat immediately drew the eye, very good shape to skull, strong muzzle, a head with markings that looked beautiful enough to have been hand painted, darkest of eyes, strong neck set on good shoulders, nice depth of chest with ribs carried well back, moderate angulation front and rear, tight well-manicured feet, nothing overdone, he was an accomplished showman who’s handler knew how to move him at just the right pace to bring out the best in him. Very well handled.
2 Sampson’s DALSTORM GOLDEN GUINEA JW. A 3 1/2 year old of excellent shape and type, finer than 1 and with spotting not quite as bold, he was presented in excellent condition, good topline and tailset, lovely tuck-up, very attentive to his owner who showed off his superb silhouette in the stand, he was not quite settled on the move today otherwise these two could easily change places
OD (8, 3) One of the best classes of the day. All dogs of outstanding quality.
1 Locke-Mcfadzean’s CH CAPRILLIS PANACHE OVER SASSAFRAS (IMP USA) . A compact 4 year old black of high quality who commanded my attention, admirable construction throughout, masculine head of correct proportions, kindly expression in dark eyes, well set lacey ears with well-defined spots, excellent fore-quarters, strong bone to cat feet, deep chest ribbed well back, strong loin, good tuck-up, well-muscled rear quarters, good angulation, low hocks, well-manicured tight feet. A dog built this well should move well and he did not disappoint. Well handled, he moved at a rhythmic pace with reach and powerful drive which indicated that he could run all day and still have more to give. I gave this boy his first RCC when he was just out of Puppy. Delighted with his progress, very pleased to award him DCC & BOB
2 Whincup’s, TAMILANDA AIR FORCE ONE. A well-presented 3 year old black, lean and in hard condition, slightly longer in back than 1st, bold spotting, very good head, darkest of eyes, dark broken ears well set on, excellent angulation front and rear, strong neck set on powerful shoulders, well-defined withers, flat back, tail a little down in the heat, deep chest, elbows to brisket, good tuck-up, cat feet. Expertly handled to show off his movement, another who could trot all day. RCC
3 Richardson’s POCKET ROCKET
VD (1)
1 Neath-Duggan & Baker’s, CH BUFFREY INCOGNITO BY DALLEAF JW. Presented in pristine condition, majestic in a perfect stand, strikingly marked with bold black spotting on a pure white coat, excellent head, dark eye, good ear-set, strong neck, flat back, good rear angulation, tight feet, excellent on the move, hard to believe he is a veteran. What a Showman. A well-deserved BV. Delighted he went on to win the Best Veteran Stakes
SBD/B (7)
1 Whiting’s, SUMAIYA DEE JAI. Feminine 4 year old b/s bitch of good shape and type presented in excellent condition, attractive markings, good set to well broken ears, lovely outline with elegant neck, good topline and tail set, happy to be here her tail didn’t stop wagging, nice tuck-up, excellent rear angulation and tight feet, moved well. BSB. Congratulations on going on to win SBG2
2 Porter’s DAME TULIP OF COTTERSPOT. Nicely handled 4 year old black, carrying just a tad too much weight today, level topline and tail-set, moderate rear angulation, spotty tail carried correctly on the move but dropped in the stand. Nicely handled to show off her movement.
MPB (5,1) What a fabulous class of quality exhibits.
1 Alexander’s, OFFORDALE KALINDA. Everything to like about this 8 month puppy. Very well made she was impeccable in the stand with a superb silhouette, flowing lines from feminine head through gracefully arched neck, well defined withers, level back, nice croup and tailset, excellent angulation front and rear, straight round bone to fine spring of pastern and tight feet, good depth to chest, elbows in line with brisket, lovely tuck-up, all beautifully decorated with dollar sized black spots evenly spread on a pure white coat. Deftly handled to show off her excellent movement. Surely a puppy this good must have the brightest of futures. BPIB & PG 3
2 Whincup’s TAMILANDA INSTANT STAR. Another cracking puppy. At only 6 ½ months she was less developed than 1st, but with excellent head, darkest of eyes framed by beautifully lacey ears, nice neck to good shoulders, a little longer in body than 1st but with good topline and tailset, good depth to chest with ribs carried well back, moderate angulation fore and aft, already a good second thigh, a spot on her tail was the finishing touch. Well handled, she moved well for such a youngster. Given time she will firm-up to be a stunning bitch. Definitely one to watch.
PB (10,3)
2 Richards & Davies, HAFWENNA BLACKBIRD. An 11 month old with lots to like, attractive markings, nice topline and tailset, good rear angulation, excellent tight feet all round, however, when she gets close and looks up to the handler’s face she can spoil her topline and set of shoulder, still a puppy she has time to learn the finer points. Moved well.
JB (6,1)
1 Scott-Allen & Davis’s, DALLYDYL CODE BREAKER. Quality liver bitch of excellent construction, 18 months old, spotting had just the right shade of pigmentation on spotless white coat, excellent head with super facial markings, correct amber eyes framed by well broken ears, her intelligent gaze never wavered far from her handler, fabulous topline flowing from elegant neck to correct tailset, very good angulation front and rear, good underline too with elbows to brisket and good tuck-up to strong loin. Moved very well. Much to like about this young bitch.
2 Locke-Mcfadzean’s ALPHADIRATO RISING STAR OVER SASSAFRAS (IMP EST) . A 13 month old liver of good construction, darker shade of liver and a little longer in back than 1st, good spring of rib carried well back allowing plenty of heart and lung room, good topline, moderate angulation, low hocks, completely unfazed by the hot weather she moved very well with reach, drive and enthusiasm. Well handled.
YB (3,1) Only two exhibits in the ring, but both of high quality.
1 Bolt’s FAKENHAM FONTANELLA. Distinctively spotted young black with fabulous ears, nice head with good skull shape, dark intelligent eyes, those beautifully marked ears were well set on, good neck flowing to well-muscled and well-angulated shoulders, good width and depth of chest, excellent rear angulation and low locks, in fit condition she moved very well indeed, at one with handler.
2 Richards & Davies’s HAFWENNA ALL THAT JAZZ. Another black with fabulously marked ears, at 22 months old she was presented in excellent condition, pleasing expression in dark eyes framed by those beautifully spotted ears, well defined withers, good topline and tailset, nicely waisted with good tuck-up, strongly muscled rear quarters. I found it a little odd that the handler should stand the bitch the opposite way to the rest, facing into the sun and down the slope of the ring. Moved true.
GB (9,2)
1 Scott-Allen & Davis’s DALLYDYL CODE BREAKER. As JB
3 Richards & Davies’s, HAFWENNA BONFIRE
PGB (5,2)
1 England & Edens’s DALENS QUEEN OF THE SEAS AT SILVERSPOT. Elegant 2 year old black of good make and type with classic outline, good head, great ears used to good effect, lovely topline and tailset, tight feet, moved with graceful style. Well handled.
2 Whiting’s TYRODAL ANGELS ASSIGNMENT. A three year old liver in hard condition, shorter coupled than 1st, lovely spotty ears, correct eye colour, strong forequarters, straight round bone to tight feet, good depth to chest, great tuck-up. Was rather lack-lustre in the previous class but really pulled out the stops in this class. Showed her socks off.
LB (11,4) Lovely class of quality exhibits.
1 Hopkin’s DVOJICA EVANGELISTA JW. Loved this quality black, a nearly 2 year old bitch of substance, bold spotting on a compact and well-made body, excellent head, good ear-set, well defined withers, lovely topline and tailset, slight spring of front pastern and low hocks complimented her super angulation front and rear, plenty of width to the deep chest, good underline with nice tuck-up, she moved very well. Nothing to dislike about this balanced girl. Strong contender for CC, but had to settle for RCC today. Her time will come.
2 Howard – Riddle’s SHYDALLY STAR ATTRACTION. An elegant girl with sweet expression in feminine face framed by lovely lacey ears used to good effect, nearly 3 years old she is a little longer coupled than 1st, good angulation and tight feet, her decorations are evenly distributed with deep black pigmentation and spots of ideal size, excellent on the move but tail a little down in the stand today. Pushed 1st hard overall. Well handled.
OB (6,1) The best class of the day.
1 White’s SOPHTSPOT LA DE DA AT BELSMARD SHCEX. Stunning 2 ½ year old presented in pristine condition, lightly decorated with dollar sized spots of the deepest black on a brilliant white coat, very well-muscled without being overdone, hands-on confirmed that she was supremely toned without an ounce of surplus fat, built for endurance and ready for work, well angulated fore and aft, lithe coupling, she powered round the ring with reach, drive and an assured elegance. Her handler showed this girl’s qualities off to perfection. She came here to win and that win could not be denied. Very pleased to award her the BCC. I’m sure that there will be more top placings to come.
2 Richardson’s CH MAPPLEWELL LIMITED EDITION. Another outstanding black presented in fabulous condition, 3 years old, I loved her bold spotting and super construction, lovely topline and tailset, excellent angulation, beautiful underline flowing from deep brisket to excellent tuck-up and strong loin, superb movement out, back and in profile. She pushed 1st hard and these two could easily change places on any other day
VB (5,3) A lovely class of elegant ladies.
1 Patrick’s SPIRAL DESDEMONA SH.CM. A 9 year old black in excellent condition, pleasing decoration, well broken ears, even a spotty tail, very feminine head, intelligent expression, nice ears well set on, graceful neck, level back to good tailset, moderate angulation, tight feet with well-groomed nails.
2 McManus’s BOSCHENDAL ASHES OF ROSES. A happy 7 year old who’s wagging tail showed she was delighted to be here, well decorated with black spotting she had the darkest of eyes in a sweet face, well-muscled forequarters with good angulation, decent movement but carrying just a tad more weight than 1st today. Well handled.
Bournemouth 2022 Judged by John Moate
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