Joint Dalmatian Clubs 2023 Judged by Mrs S Neath-Duggan & Mrs M Cuthbertson

Firstly I wish to thank the Officers and Club Committees for helping to make this, the last ever Joint Clubs Show a memorable occasion.. It’s such a shame to lose this opportunity for all our breed clubs to come and work together and enjoy our hobby. Cake and wine were served to all attendees as a celebration of what has been going on for many years.

Judging the bitch classes proved to be an honour and a pleasure. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of most exhibits. There were a few who were a little daunted by the experience, but I do think we ask a lot of our Dalmatians, especially the youngsters. Mouths were all good, with good clean dentition and correct bite. Eye colour in some was correct but some lacked the dark eye asked for in our Breed Standard. Tail set and carriage still needs to improve for some as do feet. That said I appreciated going over some beautiful exhibits and thanks go to you all.

Special thanks also go to the Officers and Committee for running this show, also to my very experienced and capable Ring Stewards, Mrs Lesley Suggett and Mr Stef Kazana who worked hard keeping the ring rolling and the paperwork immaculate.

Class 11 Minor Puppy Bitch 3
1st Alexander’s Offordale Santtini. Black spotted 8 month old. Such a gorgeous example of the breed. Even at this age she excelled in all departments. Already well muscled with plenty of bone and substance, so typical of this kennel. Shown in superb condition, sparkling white coat with evenly spaced dense black spots. Lovely front with deep chest, strong legs on tight feet. Strong rear enabled her to move with purpose and with confidence to complete the picture. Best Puppy in Breed and RBCC

Class 12 Puppy Bitch
1st Jenkins & Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Ripple. Liver spotted well grown 10 months old. Another confident youngster who has plenty to offer. Strong make and shape to give overall balanced picture. Lovely spotted ears carried correctly to frame a nicely developing head with dark eyes. Has a lovely forechest and a good spring of rib. Level firm topline, well muscled thighs to give positive hind action. Tail well set and carried. Tight feet.

Class 13 Junior Bitch 9
1st Vocking’s Bellehound Tipple at Portunes NAF Liver spotted 17 months old. Ideally sized. Attentive to handler. Won this class with her excellent movement. Feminine throughout with nice head, reachy neck with strength over wither. Has good depth of chest and spring of rib. Moved with purpose, drives from strong hocks. Tail set correctly.
2nd De Rozario & Brookes’ Black spotted 16 month old. Shown in great condition, bold black spots on bright white coat. Lovely make and shape with plenty of muscle tone. Ideal size. Strong legs and tight feet. Moved well with good reach and drive.
3rd Townson & Pardoe’s Sophtspot Phantasia for Daymadals.

Class 14 Yearling Bitch
1st Lamb’s Dalpetro Dotty JW Black spotted 20 months old. So much to like about this top quality young lady. She really impressed me, never stopped showing for her handler. She is the ideal size for a dalmatian bitch and is balanced throughout, giving a perfect picture. Feminine head framed with well set ears, dark eyes complete her delightful expression. Shoulders set correctly, chest deep with well sprung ribs, level back carried well to strong croup. Well muscled thighs and beautiful shape to undercarriage. Once settled with her handler, moved with excellent reach and drive. No hesitation to award BCC and later, together with my co-judge Best in Show
2nd Scott-Allen & Davies’ Dallydyl Code Breaker
23 months old. This liver bitch is also top quality. She is a good liver colour and is nicely decorated with good spotting. Longer cast than first but is sound in all departments. Dark eyes, her head is well developed with long muzzle, has a feminine feminine, kind expression, she has a really good forechest and her chest is deep with ribs well sprung. Plenty of bone and muscle. Level topline carried well on the move. Shown in hard condition.
3rd Wallington’s Ailsadot Astral Lyra

Class 15 Post Grad. Bitch
1st Kembrey’s Dalmark the Ash Blonde. Top quality bitch of sound construction. Strong bone and muscles. Nicely marked bitch with rich liver spots on clean white coat. Attractive head with dark eyes and well placed and carried ears. Reachy neck into well placed shoulders. Elbows tucked in. Moved with purpose and drive from soundly constructed rear.
2nd Collier’s Kallierbelle Bluebelle. Quality black spotted bitch of good proportions. Balanced throughout with strong bone and muscle tone. Has a long clean neck, level topline and well muscled rear. Moved with plenty of reach and stride. Excellent feet.
3rd Haywood & Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Fizz.

Class 16 Mid-Limit Bitch
1st Nicholson’s Steyndal Simply the Best at Dibynn Black spotted bitch shown in lovely condition. Well developed feminine head with kind expression. Ears carried well. Good length to muzzle. Nice length of neck into well placed shoulders. Strong legs and tight feet. Ribs well sprung , deep chest and good undercarriage. Good width of thigh with strong well developed muscles. Once settled she moved with good reach and drive holding her topline well.
2nd Hughes’ Carodal Coast to Coast. Liver spotted, shown in excellent condition. Lovely feminine head with dark eyes making a kindly expression. She is well constructed, has good muscle tone and strong bones. Moved well round the ring showing plenty of reach and drive.
3rd Wills’s Dalmark the Jewel of the East for Dallyvista. Black

Class 17 Limit Bitch
1st Howard-Riddle’s Shydally Star Attraction. Eye catching smart black spotted bitch, well presented in excellent condition. Lovely head with dark eyes, lengthy muzzle with clearly defined stop. Ears used well giving delightful expression. Long neck with clean lines over withers into level topline held on the move. Strong loin and correct tailset. Strong hocks and tight feet
2nd Burrows’ Ellemstra Tough Cookie at Shacarlu. Black spotted bitch who oozes quality. Wonderful make and shape who demands attention all the time. Needs a little more time to recover from maternal duties but could not be denied her place for her show quality.
3rd Foster’s Perdita’s Tomorrowland JW

Class 18 Open Bitch
1st Richardson’s Ch. Mapplewell Limited Edition Black spots evenly distributed over sparkling white coat. Shown and handled perfectly. She is a soundly constructed bitch who is not overdone in any way. Lovely feminine head with dark sparkling eyes and well spotted ears she uses well. Strong neck flows into a strong body. Deep capacious chest, firm topline and strength over croup with well let down hocks enabling her to move with a powerful action.
2nd Whincup’s Ch Tamilanda Continental Gold. Well decorated liver of lovely colour. Well presented and moved true coming and going. Is well constructed, has a good forechest, strong well defined wither into level topline which was held well on the move. Is well angulated and gives a good outline wen standing.
3rd Hobbs & Whiting’s Ch. Sophtspot Knockout at Rapanooey

Class 19 Jnr.Vet. Bitch
1st Patrick’s Spiral Desdemona ShCM black. Nine and a half. Well made and presented black spotted bitch with still lots to like about her. Shown in hard condition, Has a lovely feminine head with dark eyes, well set ears to give a soft friendly expression. Kept her topline level on the mov, strode out well.
2nd McManus’ Boschendal Ashes of Roses. 10 year old lady who overall is a good make and shape. Well balanced with good pigment, dark eyes and well spotted ears framing a feminine head. Such powerful movement displaying good reach and drive.
3rd Jenkins & Ridgway’s Luccombe Strawberry Kisses. 10

Class 20 Senior Vet. Bitch
1st Gardner’s Ch Dvojica Black Again at Wrendragge JW ShCM Well known champion bitch still showing off her many virtues. Moved with a sprightly trot.
2nd Morgan’s Whinflash Olympic Star JW. ShCM. Shown in remarkable condition, belying her age as she moved steadily around the ring. Compliments to her owner.

Class 21 Brace 4 Judged together with my co-judge.
1st Kembrey’s Brace
2nd Chappell & Williams Brace.
3rd Collier’s Brace

Mrs Margaret Cuthbertson. Kalsidoni