SKC 19th May 2023
I was extremely pleased with the entry of 83 dogs, with only 13 absent over 18 classes. I was impressed with the overall quality since my last appointment and some classes gave me a bit of a headache for the right reasons. All dentition was correct, temperaments really good and most in clean coats. I was looking for a Dalmatian that could move economically without ‘flash and dash’, that could work all day. On the whole I found this and was very pleased with my main winners.
MPD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CUTHBERTSON, Mrs Margaret & CUTHBERTSON, Mr Alan. Kalsidoni Blue Gemstone Very smart black spotted youngster of just 7 months and correct height. Handsome head, just a little light of eye at present, but this should come. Good front assembly with elbows neatly placed close to his body, well off for bone, good straight forelegs down to round feet. Good depth of chest, well bodied for such a youngster. Excellent width of thigh and correctly placed hocks. Moved well with purpose, tracks well with correct footfall. Just a little loose in front which I am sure will settle as he develops, but cost him in the challenge.
2nd: TURNBULL, MR Marcus. Spotamour Choicolate Eclair at Drengmar Dense liver spotted 8 month old. Good make and shape, handsome head with correct dark amber eyes. Good depth of chest with well placed elbows. A little shorter coupled and a bit proud of his tail. A bit erratic on the move in this class, but held his topline. Did better in a later class.
3rd: WHYTE, Mrs Laura Anne & WHYTE, Mr George. Spotamour Midget Gem
Class PD (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Class JD (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: PEARSON, Mr Stuart & PEARSON, Mrs Carole. Kelevra Dill or No Dill Black spotted smart boy of 10 months. Bold dense pigment. Kind expression with dark eyes. Well defined wither and level back. Good width of thigh and correctly placed hocks. Moved out well, would just prefer a little longer stride. Stood alone but a worthy 1st.
Class PGD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: SMITH, Mrs Angie. Rapanooey Sugar Donut at Spotamour JW Black upstanding male just shy of his 2nd birthday. Very masculine with dark eyes, a little strong in the head but without being coarse. Plenty of body with good heart and lung room. Arched neck into a level back, but has a tendency to look up to his handler which stacks his neck, which in turn dips his topline., but when he relaxes into the job, makes a nice outline. Well off for bone, strong forelegs down to tight feet. Excellent width of thigh and bend of stifle. In strong, muscular condition behind which powered him around the ring with ease and little fuss.
2nd: WILKINS, Ms Kelli Jaquarella Fire'n'Ice at Salvadorada Liver boy on a completley different frame to 1. Standard size, not overdone. Beautiful head with kindest expression and dark eyes. Well placed elbows with good amount of bone and round feet. Excels in width of thigh, nice round bum, correct hind angulation with good bend of stifle. Moved true and covered the ground well. A little more length of body would make for a more balanced outline.
3rd: PORTER, Miss L Cotterspot Sir Wensleydale
Class LD (9 Entries) Abs: 0
What a smashing class this was. Unfortunately some good dogs went without cards but some could have changed places on a different day.
1st: NORGROVE, Ms S A. Sassydals Flugel Horn Liver male I have given a RCC to in the past. All of the attributes stated last time still stand. Lighter spotted, in leaner condition to advantage since I last judged him. This boy is just a true, honest Dalmatian of quality. He is handsome and just does the job. No flash, just honest sound movement. Covers the ground with effortless, economical strides. Sadly today he was just not feeling it, and didn't give me what I know he can. A bit noise sensitive and tense in the hall, but pleased to see he did better in the following show, once the hall had settled. Pained me not to give him more today, but he topped a cracking class.
2nd: PAGE, Miss C & PAGE, Mr I & PAGE, Mrs K & HOWELL, Olilou Heavenly Hamilton by Winflash Dense black spotted male of excellent make and shape. Handsome head, spotty face and kind expression. Elegant length of neck into defined withers, strong topline held well on the move. Excellent depth of chest, well placed shoulder. Plenty of bone, correct feet. Moved well with excellent drive. Loved his sire and gave him a RCC, and this boy is made on the same lines, just a tad taller. Still a youngster so will only mature. I am sure he has more to come.
3rd: BARRETT, Miss Lisa Jane. Dalamanti Caesars Palace
Class OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
Three lovely males of different types, each a good specimen of the breed.
1st: PAGE, Miss C & PAGE, Mr I & PAGE, Mrs K & HOWELL, Bleize De Montjuic at Winflash (IMP USA) Black spotted male I gave best puppy to in his early career. I have admired him as he matured into a fine young man. Classic clean lines, not always in his best coat, which I am sure sometimes holds him back, but pleased that today it was in good enough condition for me to overlook the slightest blemish. White faced, but with handsome head and dark eyes which give him the kindest expression. A long neck into well defined wither and well placed shoulders and level topline. He has the correct bend of stifle, not exaggerated in any way, and good width of thigh to propel him around the ring with ease. True fore and aft and effortless side gait. Handled well as expected from this kennel. Pleased to award him the CC
2nd: PHILIP , DUNNACHIE, Mrs L , Mr M L ,M. Ch Dvojica Enrique Handsome compact black spotted male on a squarer frame. Handsome head, would like his ears to frame his face a little more to compliment his expression. Well bodied with good thighs. Moved well and covered the ground with ease. As always, handled to perfection and eager to please his handler. A worthy champion, considered for RCC. Pleased to hear he topped an Open stakes class later.
3rd: HANDYSIDE, Miss Selina & SAMPSON, Dr Elizabeth Dalstorm Future Formula
Class VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: GOODSWEN, Mrs Paula & GOODSWEN, Mr Colin. Alphadal's King Of Angels Sh.CM 7 year old black spotted honest type, masculine with no exaggeration. Covers the ground with such effortless ease. Classic outline with well proportioned head and kind expression. Elegant neck into well laid-back shoulder, correct length of upper arm, and well placed elbows, close to his strong body with excellent depth of chest. Level topline, superb tailset and carriage. Strong width of thigh and correct bend of stifle and placement of hocks, along with his correct front, enable him to be balanced and so sound on the move with correct reach and drive. Pleased to award him the class, BVIB and RCC
2nd: NEATH-DUGGAN, Mrs S & BAKER, Ms S Ch Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW Well known and smart black spotted male of 8 years, still in his prime. Eye catching and very much a showman. Handsome head with intelligent and kind expression. Good neck into level topline along to his well placed tail, carried to advantage. Deep chest, good hindquarters and width of thigh. Just preferred the understated movement of 1.
Class SBD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
A very mixed class of makes and shapes.
1st: TURNBULL, MR Marcus. Spotamour Chocolate Eclair at Drengmar Winner of the MPD class. The steadier mover in this class.
2nd: PORTER, Miss L. Cotterspot Sir Wensleydale Black spotted placed 3rd in PGD. Dark eye and kind expression. Good type and well off for bone. Good forechest, made his handler work hard today but did enough to take his placings.
3rd: FOXALL, Mrs Amy. Cotterspot Swaledale Duke
Class GCD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MARLEY, Miss Lisa & LIBBEY, Mr Matthew Bellili's D'Amore De Loin Sh.CM ShCEx VW Black spotted updatnding male with good proportioned head and kind expression. Good shoulders with defined wither, deep chest and well boned, straight forelegs, down to good feet. Moved with purpose holding a level topline.
2nd: FOXALL, Mrs Amy Cotterspot Swaledale Duke Previously unplaced in PG and 3rd in Spec Beginners. Built on a smaller frame than 1. Black spotted with good head and dark eyes. A bit excitable and needs to settle, held his topline well on the move despite this.
Class MPB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BARNES, Mr Sam & OLEARY, Miss Paige. Steyndal Baroness What can I say? What a lovely start to the bitch judging. This liver spotted young lady of perfect size at just 6 months put a smile on my face. Sweetest expression, carries her ears well to frame her pretty face. Correct front with good shoulder placement and upper arm. Elbows well placed to support her lovely body. Good width of thigh with round bum. A little bum high at this stage but this did not impact on her balanced, sound, rhythmic movement. Covered the ground without effort, true fore and aft with a very pleasing side gait. A quality pup through and through. I understand the handler is new to this and appeared to be in awe at his first champ show, but he needn't worry, they will make a formidable team once they settle into the job. She just commanded my attention in the challenges, and just kept giving. I could have taken her home. Pleased to award her BPB and BPIB
2nd: WILKINS, Ms Kelli. Salvadorada Goddess of Chaos Another lovely liver pup just 6 months and a little giddy at times. Pretty head, and good length of neck. Deep chest, good bone and a level topline. Moved out well with a bit of a roll at present, but this should settle and sort itself out once she develops. Quality pup of lovely size.
3rd: SHEPHERD, Miss S Dalfire Harlequin Hue
Class PB (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: NEATH-DUGGAN, Mrs S & COYNE, Mr S. Kelevra Pickle My Fennel With Buffrey Substantial but ultra feminine girl of 10 months but already a seasoned show girl. Pretty head, alert expression but eyes still al little light at present, but time is on her side. Good length of neck into defined wither. Excellent width of thigh, well placed hocks. Round bone, down to good feet. Ultimate showgirl as you would expect from this handler. Would like a little more angulation in front. Missed out in the challenge as rolling a bit over the loin at this stage and not as clean as 1 on the move, but I am sure she has a bright future.
2nd: WILKINS, Ms Kelli. Salvadorada Goddess of Chaos As 2nd in MPB but with a different handler, therefore distracted as Mum was handling another pup in this class. However moved well and worthy of her placing in this class. Lovely pup.
3rd: WILKINS, Ms Kelli Jasquarella All That Jazz for Salvadorada
Class JB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: STOCKS, Mrs T. Nospar's Gin and Tonic Substantial liver spotted girl with a nice feminine head. Good length of neck, good fill of forechest and depth of brisket for a youngster. Excels in width of thigh which are well muscled in hard condition. A tendency to overstretch behind creating exaggerated angles, as long in stifle, which impacts on her balance, but once settled, makes a sound outline. Moved well.
2nd: WILKINS, Ms Kelli Jasquarella All That Jazz for Salvadorada 3rd in PB, dense pigment on this black spotted girl of 9 months. Pretty head, defined pro sternum, level topline and good width of thigh. Moved well.
Class PGB (13 Entries) Abs: 2
A nice class with 3 good bitches topping the class.
1st: NEWTON, Miss Carrie & NEWTON O'BRIEN, Miss Molly. Cotterspot Nidderdale Lady of Chizzmic Dense black spotting on this girl, with spotted face and dark eyes with alert expression. Adequate shoulder and elbow placement. Deep capacious chest, level topline and correct tailset. Good hind quarters with width of thigh and bend of stifle with well placed hocks. Economical and correct on the move. Covered the ground with ease. Love her type.
2nd: VOCKINGS, Mrs Elizabeth & VOCKINGS, Mr Mike. Bellehoud Tipple at Portunes JW Liver spotted longer cast than 1. Elegant girl with excellent length of neck into defined wither. Good angles fore and aft, complimenting each other to offer a balanced profile. Well off for bone, good feet, covered the ground with ease.
3rd: NOBLE, Mrs Sam Ruebedu Ace of Spades
Class LB (13 Entries) Abs: 3
A quality class, my class of the day, in particular 3rd and 4th placings unlucky to meet 1 and 2 in the same class.
1st: CHANCE DODDS, Misses H G & P C. Dotlun Apache Inch Perfect Her name says it all. So much right about this quality liver girl, totally understated. I have admired her since I first competed against her as a pup, and today she did not disappoint. Workmanlike with plenty of substance, yet totally feminine. Attractive spotty face, elegant neck into her level topline and excellent croup. Well laid shoulders, good upper arm proportions giving correct front angulation. Excellent depth of chest, good tuck up gives a pleasing underline. Strong thighs, correct bend of stifle and well placed strong hocks complete the picture of a well balanced Dalmatian. A little unsettled initially, but soon settled to show off her true movement fore and aft. Rhythmic, balanced gait completed this ‘inch perfect’ picture. Thrilled to award her the all important crown today. CC and BOB. Shortlisted in the Group.
2nd: FINLAY, Mrs Ann-Marie & FINLAY, Mr Michael. Dvojica Excuse my French at Dalfin JW This girl really pulls your eye with her smart and beautiful outline, always on her toes. Dense pigment on this black spotted, compact and well put together girl. Judged her as a pup, but she was a slow burner and has matured well. Nicely decorated head, clean lips. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Markings on her back can give the illusion of a dip in her topline, but under hand, she has a strong level back, good tailset above a nice round bum. Excellent bend of stifle. can be a bit eager on the move which makes her legs untidy at times, but her excellent handler gets her settled to show to advantage. RBCC, I am sure her title is not too far away.
3rd: HUGHES, Miss Caroline Carodal Coast to Coast
Class OB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
Three quality bitches.
1st: VALENTINE, Mrs S. Ch Wrendragge Rainbow Dream Black spotted worthy champion. Elegant and classic lady cuts a perfect text book outline. Ultra pretty head, long elegant neck into a superb topline and good tailset and correct carriage. Good lay of shoulder, with complimentary length of upper arm, with good angles, resulting in well placed elbows. Good hindquarters with well placed hocks and tight feet. Moved correctly with ease. Effortless flowing movement kindly handled. A strong contender for RCC.
2nd: BARRETT, Miss Lisa Jane. Dalamanti Ruby Raider Sh.CM Black spotted smaller type with a pretty head and dark eyes. Well placed shoulders and correct angles fore and aft enabled true movement coming and going, covering the ground with ease. A powerhouse, but nothing flashy. In solid condition, under hand it is apparent that she has a free rein to exercise. Every inch of sinew and muscle is solid. Such fit dogs from this kennel are totally fit for purpose, could go all day.
3rd: PEARSON, Mr Stuart & PEARSON, Mrs Carole Kelevra Mind Your Nebula
Class VB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: BARRETT, Miss Lisa Jane. Dalamanti Ice Ruby JW Sh.CM VW Almost 10 year old black in the fittest of conditions. Compact girl with pretty head and dark eyes. Defined wither, good elbow placement, strong front and hind quarters . Kept her handler on her toes and covered the ground with economical drive and clean fore and aft. Very much to type for this kennel and a credit to her owner
2nd: GARDNER, Dr & Mrs W J E & J M. Ch Dvojica Black Again at Wrendragge JW Sh.CM 10 year old black spotted champion I first judged as a youngster. I have loved watching her throughout her very successful career. Pretty head, long neck into well placed shoulders. Plenty of body and deep chest though carrying a bit of extra padding which cost her today. Does not detract from the fact that she is a quality bitch who covers the ground effectively and with ease. Dam of my open bitch winner who is lucky enough to have some of the same attributes.
3rd: SHEPHERD, Miss S Dalfire Ama Gonna Get It
Class SBB (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BRYDER, Mrs Julie. Diocletian Amoret Beautiful and elegant liver bitch with a pretty head, good length of neck, into good front assembly. Strong topline to well set tail. Well muscled thighs, good bend of stifle, but would not want any more. Well let down hocks. Moved well with ease, a waggy happy showgirl. BSB and happy to hear she had SB G4
2nd: DERRICK, Miss Nicola & RYAN, Mr Jamie. KALOKAIRIE'S HOCUS POCUS Feminine liver girl who was unhappy to meet such quality in limit, however her quality saw her gain a higher place in this class. Beautiful head and expression, classic outline, elegant neck and defined wither. Good front angulation and upper arm. Ample width of thigh and good bend of stifle, but to be picky, would prefer a little more strength in stifle. Her window can detract from her lovely silhouette, but she is handled well and moves with purpose.
3rd: PORTER, Miss L. Dame Tulip Of Cotterspot
Class GCB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: STOCKS, Mrs T. Pandamax Lady Martini To Nospar JW Black spotted with pretty spotty face. Well laid shoulder, deep chest and in good muscular condition. Excellent side gait, covering the ground well on nice tight feet.
2nd: WARD, Mrs P M. Frankish Tete A Tete Dense pigment on this black spotted girl. Attractive head with kind expression. Deep chest, strong front legs down to tight feet. Well let down hocks, moved well. Happy showgirl.
3rd: WILLISON, Miss Zoe Cotterspot Cotterdale Lady
Judge: Mrs J SAUNDERS (Dallydyl)