I enjoyed my day at the very well organised and beautifully situated Windsor Show. I finally fulfilled the appointment , it having been postponed due to Covid .
Thank you so much to the Officers and Committee who invited me to judge our lovely breed and made me feel so very welcome. Also thank you to my two Stewards who aided in the very large ring.
There was a large entry for me -thank you, and I found that the quality of exhibits to have changed little since my last appointment at this level, with the males excelling in the older classes in particular. The bitches, however were of superior quality and in many classes the placing could have been changed, it was delightful to have found so many lovely dogs and bitches to judge. Thank you to all of you who entered and accepted all of my decisions in a sporting manner.
There were quite a few soft pads, we are a breed that needs a certain amount of road and lead work to maintain the ultimate fitness, this also improves the tightness of the feet and movement. Some of the younger bitches were unsettled due to the strong breeze which was a shame but I couldn't penalise them for this as they will grow through the uncertainties of different ring experiences .
Movement in general, was better in the bitches, this needs to be watched as we have to have good movement in both to keep improving the breed .
Lastly I have to comment on the amount of exhibitors using thin chains to show their dog on. I do not like this and nor - it appeared - do the dogs who sported them. I noticed several exhibits choking and shaking their heads as the chain was far too tight. It does no favours for the dogs to be strung up and objecting to tight, thin chains round their necks it completely throws the balance out. There are plenty of very good leather or synthetic show leads on the market which are much kinder.
Class 2512 SBD/B (9 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6312 PILGRIM, Mrs Marie A NOSPAR'S DRAMBUIE L/D of good proportions for his 16 mnths. Liked his gentle head planes and good eye. Level topline and correct tailset and carriage. Good bend of stifle and tight feet. Moved out and back well and good stride in profile. Sharp clear spotting. Later was told that he had won the SB Utility Group. So happy for him. BSB
2nd: 6268 DAVIES, Miss Trinity Tia Maddidalli River Song Well marked BB of good shape. Feminine head with a good stop and flat skull. Good reach of neck and sporting a good lay of shoulder. Level back into nice tailset and carriage. Excellent bend of stifle and neat feet . Moved well out and back.
3rd: 6332 FRENCH, Mrs Lisa Tamilanda Instant Envy
Res: 6311 PENN, Mr and Mrs J and M DALFELLIN AGAPE
VHC: 6348 WILLIAMSON, Mrs Emma Shydally Ultimate Edition
Class 2513 VD/B (11 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6304 NEATH-DUGGAN, Mrs S & BAKER, I have judged this black boy before and he just gets better and better. Hardly a Veteran - the way he storms round the ring - whether it be large or small, he is perfectly balanced on any ground, exactly how a correctly constructed dog should be. He really drives from his muscled quarters and strong second thigh. With a good neck into straight topline and strong bone, there is no coarseness in his masculinity. Perfectly carried tail, and good spring in his pasterns. BV and was delighted to watch him win the Veteran Group and a well deserved BVIS
2nd: 6294 JENKINS & RIDGWAY, Miss S & S Luccombe Strawberry Kisses. What a smart girl and unlucky to meet 1 today as I really liked her femininity and overall make and shape. Lovely long and well arched neck into level back and correct tailset. Perfect catlike feet. Didn't put a foot wrong and moved out and back with balance and in profile drove well from behind.
2nd: 6294 JENKINS & RIDGWAY, Miss S & S Luccombe Strawberry Kisses
3rd: 6299 MCMANUS, Mrs Joesphine Teresa Boschendal Ashes Of Roses
Res: 6287 HEALEY, Mr C & HEALEY, Mrs A E Doshaburi The Cloud Dragon At Hebemor JW
VHC: 6308 PATRICK, Mrs Hannah & PATRICK, Mr Gavin Spiral Desdemona Sh.CM
Class 2514 MPD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6343 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Salvadorada Heads Will Roll This liver made a perfect outline, balanced and not too big for his age. Lovely even spotting with a quality to his head that carried throughout. Good to see correct angulation on his front and his brisket dropping well. Tight elbows with level topline and correct tailset and carriage on the move. Loved his long, workmanlike stride. A lovely cobby type. Delighted to award him BPIB and very happy to watch him get pulled out in the Puppy Group.
2nd: 6267 CUTHBERTSON, Mrs Margaret & CUTHBERTSON, Mr Alan Kalsidoni Blue Gemstone. Black with super pigmentation. Dark eyes and well placed ears into lovely long neck and straightest of backs. Glad to see another youngster with good front and rear angulation. A little taller than 1 but still well balanced especially on the move. He will progress into a smart adult.
3rd: 6344 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Salvadorada Hasta La Vista
Res: 6315 SAUNDERS, Miss Cally Hafwenna House Of Stark
Class 2515 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6343 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Salvadorada Heads Will Roll . As Above
2nd: 6344 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Salvadorada Hasta La Vista. Another liver and litter brother to 1. He is a bit longer in the leg but has a pleasing head and neck which flowed into goo withers and straight back. Strong quarters for his age and standing on tight feet. Difficult to assess movement as he was unfortunately a bit unsettled
3rd: 6315 SAUNDERS, Miss Cally Hafwenna House Of Stark
Class 2516 JD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6303 BAKER, Miss S Kelevra Chive Talking With Dalleaf Deep pigment on this pleasantly decorated black on clear white background. Quite an upright dog with good shape to head holding darkest of eyes and long neck flowing into a level back, carried tail a bit high but he his young yet. Good round bone. Tightest of feet. When his movement tightens up he will be one to watch.
2nd: 6312 PILGRIM, Mrs Marie A NOSPAR'S DRAMBUIE As above
3rd: 6332 FRENCH, Mrs Lisa Tamilanda Instant Envy
Res: 6315 SAUNDERS, Miss Cally Hafwenna House Of Stark
VHC: 6348 WILLIAMSON, Mrs Emma Shydally Ultimate Editionv
Class 2517 YD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6310 PEARSON, Mr Stuart & PEARSON, Mrs Carole Kelevra Dill Or No Dill Another black of correct size and pigment. Lovely masculine head with dark eye and good stop. Good reach of neck into a straight short coupled back which had enough drop away to set his tail on correctly. Would prefer better angulation front and back.
2nd: 6269 DAVIES, Mrs Hayley Maddidalli's Causing a Storm Lighter spotted than 1 but with a strong head neck and good eye. Masculine neck and well off for bone good back and carried tail correctly. Nice powerful backend and happy to see a strong second thigh, which he was using to pull his handler a bit which made assessing movement difficult.
Res: 6348 WILLIAMSON, Mrs Emma Shydally Ultimate Edition
Class 2518 ND (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6312 PILGRIM, Mrs Marie A NOSPAR'S DRAMBUIE As Above.
Class 2519 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6248 ALEXANDER, Mrs J Offordale Bennett. Black with pleasing head and flowing neck . Strong shoulders with enough angulation. Long, level back into good quarters and nice turn of stifle. Correct tail carriage and catlike feet. But his length of stride won him the class. He was straight out and back and in profile there was good drive from his backend.
2nd: 6318 SMITH, Mrs Angie Rapanooey Sugar Donut at Spotamour JW. Shorter in the leg and shorter coupled than 1 but I loved his size, Strong head with pronounced stop and dark eyes. Good neck front angulation and straight topline, with strong bone and deep brisket. Tail carried well on the move, would prefer a longer stride.
3rd: 6293 HOWARD, Mrs Hilary Jayne Decoda's CrackerJack
Class 2520 LD (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6326 TOWNSON, Mr G & PARDOE, Mrs Sharon Kaytoni Oh What A Night With Daymadals. Quite a strongly marked dog but what a well constructed dog! All male without a trace of coarseness . With a good size and outline and and good reach of neck superb front angulation and bone, standing on perfect catlike feet. Plenty of heart and lung room. Level back and tail. With well round quarters and a great turn of stifle and strong second thigh, it was no surprise to see him move with balance and drive which came from his shoulder and stifle which were working in perfect harmony to create the ideal moving Dalmatian. A joy to watch. CC
2nd: 6291 HOBBS & WHITING, Ms & Miss M & C RAPANOOEY RANUNCULUS. Loved this liver but sadly he really was unsettled today. His overall make and shape fits the standard ideally as does his decoration. With a good male head and elegant neck into nice lay of shoulder and well off for bone. Good feet. Straight topline into well developed stifle and second thigh. Another who knew how to move with co-ordinated stride between front and back.
3rd: 6341 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Gloriandus Petersburg at Salvadorada
Res: 6280 FELLOWS, Mr S J Faernaur Shooting Star For Steyndal
VHC: 6262 CHAPPELL, Ms Carla & WILLIAMS, Mr Kenny Tolkain Storm King From Phadante JW
Class 2521 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6333 WHINCUP, Mrs Donna Louise & WHINCUP, Mr Kevin Tamilanda Air Force One. A black on the taller side but everything where it should be and displaying a good outline. With a good shape to his head and correct reach of neck into good front angulation, flat topline and strong and well turned quarters and stifle. Well sprung ribcage. Tail a bit on the high side today. Good amount of bone but not a hint of coarseness to him. Nice long stride. Much the best mover in the class. RCC
2nd: 6351 WRIGHT, Miss JENNY Millbelle Crazy Horse JW Another black who was Smaller in stature than 1 but presented a excellent shape and balanced in outline. Loved his head shape and size and with a good reach of neck into a level back and good tailset. Correct lay of shoulder and lovely tight feet. Good brisket and high tuckup. I'd prefer a bit more body and slower movement in order to evaluate his gait especially out and back.
3rd: 6313 RICHARDSON, Mrs L Ch Mapplewell Pocket Rocket
Class 2522 GCD/B (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6252 BLISSETT, Ms Valerie Kystuno Warners King . Black male with evenly distributed decoration. Of good size and with a pleasant head correct stop and dark eye. Level back and round bone. Liked his feet which were tight and well arched. Tail carried a the correct angle. Much more settled on his second appearance in the ring so easier to asses him, and his movement was good.
2nd: 6268 DAVIES, Miss Trinity Tia Maddidalli River Song As above.
3rd: 6349 WILLS, Miss P A Dalmark The Jewel Of The East For Dallyvista
Res: 6260 CHAPPELL, Ms Carla & WILLIAMS, Mr Kenny Nalderhill Aphrodite at Waltzaway
VHC: 6284 GROOMBRIDGE MRCVS, Dr Sophie Strayamayt Chorizema
Class 2523 MPB (9 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6319 STEVENSON, Dr John & STEVENSON, Mrs Shelagh DALLYADOR WHITE SNOWFLAKE AT MACULA. What a smashing puppy who belied her young years. Feminine head with stop coming on well, into good reach of neck and a good shoulder placement. Level back and the most delightful arched toes. A perfect size for her age but her super balance movement was of one who could have been older.
2nd: 6324 TINGEY, Mrs Helen & TINGEY, Mr Roy Dallyador White Magnolia. Taller than 1 but also a feminine head and elegant neck and topline. A liver puppy with good angulations both front and rear and correct tailset . Another with good feet. She moved nicely but not as settled, probably due to the wind.
3rd: 6257 BURROWS, Mrs Carol Shacarlu Bee Happy
Res: 6345 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Salvadorada Honestly Maybe
VHC: 6281 FELLOWS, Mr S J Steyndal Princess Of Wales
Class 2524 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
2nd: 6345 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Salvadorada Honestly Maybe. Good colour Liver - a little taller and more cobby. Flat skull and attractive expression. Straight topline and ribcage developing well. Brisket dropping correctly.Liked her quarters and stifle but another who was a little affected with the wind that day. Strode out well.
3rd: 6342 WILKINS, Ms Kelli Salvadorada Gold Fever
Res: 6340 WHITING, Miss E Applodal's Belle De Boskoop
VHC: 6254 BRADLEY, Miss Charlotte Hafwenna Valyria
Class 2525 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6295 JENKINS & RIDGWAY, Miss S & S LUCCOMBE STRAWBERRY RIPPLE. Feminine liver with a lovely shape. Lovely reach of neck flowing into good withers and level back. Deep brisket and beautifully tight feet with firm pads. She has well rounded haunches and perfect bend of stifle which worked perfectly when she moved elegantly round the ring.
2nd: 6305 NEATH-DUGGAN, Mrs S & COYNE, Mr S Kelevra Pickle My Fennel With Buffrey. Well pigmented and decorated - longer in the leg than 1 but with correct front angulation but a bit finer in bone. Nice head and expression, level back and tail set. Enough heart and lung room and good high tuck up. Movement a bit unsettled today.
3rd: 6335 WHINCUP, Mrs Donna Louise & WHINCUP, Mr Kevin Tamilanda Instant Star
VHC: 6284 GROOMBRIDGE MRCVS, Dr Sophie Strayamayt Chorizema
Class 2526 YB (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6249 ALEXANDER, Mrs J Offordale Kalinda. Super black of perfect size and make. Deep pigmentation and spotting distributed evenly. Loved her head and dark eye, Everything in proportion with her front assembly into the deep brisket and topline. Standing on catlike feet. But when she moved she came into her own, she just showed everyone else how to do it. Driving round with her excellent turn of stifle and second thigh. Tapping on the door for the top spot today but had to settle for RCC as she was a bit unsettled in the challenge.
2nd: 6322 STOCKS, Mrs T Nospar's Gin and Tonic. A good liver who had a beautiful head. She was a lovely size and had much quality, and carried herself well with a good reach of neck and front assembly, with tight elbows and a good spring of rib and level back. Strong backend and good tail. Drove well in profile but was a bit erratic out and back.
Res: 6274 EDENS, Dr D & EDENS, Miss Paige Steyndal diamond white at Dalens JW
VHC: 6255 BROOKS, Ms C Jemblewood Jelly Baby
Class 2527 NB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6290 HOANG, Mr Chris & HOANG, Mrs Hayley Rapanooey Rosemary. Pleasing outline on this black. well set on ears onto good shaped head into gently flowing neck. Correct lay of shoulder and tight feet. Carried her tail a bit high.
2nd: 6327 TOWNSON, Mr G & PARDOE, Mrs Sharon Sophtspot Phantasia for Daymadals. Deeply pigmented and well off for her spots, with a good square head and the darkest of eyes and ears well apart. Straight back and nicely rounded quarters standing on excellent feet. Good stifle but on the move it straightened, perhaps to move her a little more slowly would help.
3rd: 6338 WHITING, Miss E Tyrodal Angels Assignment at Applodal
Class 2528 PGB (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6286 HAYWOOD-RIDGWAY, Mrs S Luccombe Strawberry Fizz. Your eye can't help but be caught by this quality black, sporting beautifully placed spots She is of ideal size and outline with a feminine head and flat skull into elegant neck and level topline. Excellent front assembly bone and feet. Easily the best mover in the class, her balance and stride matched her correct construction. She pushed hard for top honours.
2nd: 6317 SCOTT-ALLEN, Miss M L & DAVIS, Mr S G Dallydyl Code Breaker JW. Complexly different to 1 but in her outline she pleased me for different reasons. Larger than 1 but with a lay of shoulder that was impressive and correct. Perfectly straight back into good rounded croup and tailset. With a good liver colour and nicely decorated, she had an ideal rounded ribcage, deep brisket and strong second thigh. Another who showed her construction through her good movement.
3rd: 6264 COLLIER, Mrs Katherine & COLLIER, Mr David & COLLI Kallierbelle Ceithir
Res: 6316 SAUNDERS, Mrs J & DAVID, L Dallydyl Honey Trap JW
Class 2529 LB (14 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6298 LAMB, Mrs R DALPETRO DOTTY JW. This black was an absolute joy to go over, there was real quality in her coat and what was beneath it. Striking decoration and held in a classic dalmatian shape. Loved her head and prominent stop . Her shoulder placement was in complete alignment to her elbow. Well off for bone and plenty of room to breath straightest of backs and although shorter coupled she could really cover the ground with good front extension and plenty of drive behind from well turned stifles.
2nd: 6285 HARTLEY, Mrs F Miragua Heart To Heart. Longer in the back than 1 but this is good in bitches as they have room for puppies. Feminine throughout, she was of good size and with pleasing head proportions into long, gently flowing neck fitting into another with ideal shoulder placement. Well sprung ribs and a strong loin. Tail correct in set and carriage. Loved her free, balanced and natural movement.
3rd: 6325 TINGEY, Mrs Helen & TINGEY, Mr Roy Dallyador secret addiction
Res: 6307 PATRICK, Mrs Hannah & PATRICK, Mr Gavin Cohavrick Symphony
VHC: 6275 ENGLAND, Ms M & EDENS, Miss Paige Dalens Queen of the Seas at Silverspot
Class 2530 OB (9 Entries) Abs: 1
What a delightful class, and so many top quality dogs to go over.
1st: 6336 WHITE, Ms Marina Ch Sophtspot La De Da At Belsmard ShCEx. Well , this girl lights up the ring - her handler just know how to get the best out of this black. Although lightly marked, she has everything a dalmatian should possess in make, shape and presents a clean outline. Lovely to go over with an long arched neck leading to smart and even shoulder assembly. Standing straight and true on good round bone and strong pasterns. A deep brisket and rounded strong loin and lovely set on tail. Stifles well developed as was her second thigh. But when she moved she didn't put a foot wrong and owned the ring. Moving true and straight out and back and in profile she takes your breath away with her perfect co-ordination between front and back strides, effortless drive and her panache. CC and BOB and pulled out in the final 8 in a very strong group.
2nd: 6314 RICHARDSON, Mrs L Ch Mapplewell Limited Edition. Another black in form and excellent condition. Shorter coupled than 1 but with delightful head proportions and feminine expression and good reach of neck. Liked her front and rear angulation. Level back and lovely straight tail which was set on at the correct angle. Tight feet and another who could really drive from the muscled loin and powerful second thigh.
3rd: 6334 WHINCUP, Mrs Donna Louise & WHINCUP, Mr Kevin Ch Tamilanda Continental Gold CW21
Res: 6350 WRIGHT, Miss JENNY Ch Millbelle Fernie JW WW18
VHC: 6282 GARDNER, Dr & Mrs W J E & J M Ch Dvojica Chilli Chutney for Wrendragge JW