Thank you to the members and committee for inviting me to judge this show again, also for the warm welcome I received. Congratulations to the committee for delivering such a well organised event. Thank you to my most efficient stewards Elaine and Carla. We had a good sized ring to operate in. We were aware time was a factor today, so we had to crack on.
I was talking to a lady recently, who judges several breeds at championship level.
She told me judging dalmatians was one of the hardest appointments she had carried out. I asked why, she replied, because they are all so different, no uniformity, so many shapes and sizes.
It is true what she said, we are losing breed type. Some other observations. I was surprised to find so many short tails, tails carried high or curling over the back. Dirty dogs, dirty teeth, long nails. I also encountered a few that had mud up their legs. Remarkable!
That said, I was very pleased with my final line ups except for once or twice where I had no other options. Some dogs present will no doubt be champions in the future.
Unfortunately, I encountered a bad tempered minor puppy dog in my first class. I informed the handler that the dog had no place in the showring. I did not ask the handler to remove the dog as it would have been a most unpleasant start to the day. I note the dog was not taken into the championship show later on.
I had no issues with the other ninety four dogs I went over. In fact a couple of handlers actually thanked me for being so gentle as their bitches had encountered inconsiderate judges in the past and therefore were apprehensive.
Minor Puppy Dog (2)
1. Hebemor Adonis Blue By Dakata NAF TAF, Wooton and Gardiner. A heavily spotted BW. Balanced in profile, moved quite well but unsettled. Immature. Very erect tail carriage on the move.
2. Salvadorada Jabbawockee Mrs K Wilkins. Cobby individual, plenty of bone, moved adequately.
Displayed undesirable temperament when handled.
Puppy Dog (3)
1.Dotlun Apache Running Bear, Mrs D Dinsdale. Well made young dog of good size, masculine attractive head, good reach of neck , correct topline and tailset, defined wither. Plenty of bone. Moved with a steady gait around the ring. Well schooled.
2. Sadiedel Let Your Heart Decide, Miss N.L. Moss & Mrs L.E. Pleasing decoration, elegant neck and good topline. Finer type, would like to see more substance. Preferred masculinity and type of first.Well handled.
3. Hafwenna Oranges & Lemons
Junior Dog (5,1)
1.Millbelle Thunderfire, Miss J .M.Wright
Just out of puppy. Handsome young dog. The most wonderful deep rich liver colour. Not overdone in any way. Super head and kind expression. Elegant neck tapering into correct topline, excellent tailset. Good forehand. Looked good in profile. Moved correctly fore and aft, displayed good reach and drive. Still maturing, he has plenty of time to come into his own. BLD
2.Kalsidoni Blue Gemstone, Mr A &Mrs M Cuthbertson. BW Very different type to winner. Strongly made, masculine head, has a depth of chest, width of thigh. Good front assembly. Moved true with a rhythmic steady gait. Preferred the make and type of winner.
3 Dalberry that Boy is Mine
Yearling Dog (3,1)
1.Kelevra Chive Talking With Dalleaf JW, Miss S Baker. Again, two very different types here. Heavily spotted BW. Compact type, level topline, deep chest, decent bone, strong hindquarters. Paddled coming towards me.
2.Schunikka Ifor Dream JW, Miss J.M.Kaal. Well distributed spotting, cobby type, good chest, heart and lung room. tight feet. Moved true in all aspects.
Novice Dog (3)
1.Kalsidoni Blue Gemstone.
2.Dalkiss Paper Back Writer, Mrs B.A & Mr G.L Quigley. Another strong type plenty of bone and substance, unsettled when moving.
3.Rodengrove Rudolph
Post Graduate Dog (10,2)
1.Shydally Ultimate Edition JW, Williamson. BW, ears well set, masculine head, dark eye, level topline. Well bodied, deep chest. Moved soundly but his tail on the move is most undesirable.
2.Nospars Drambuie. JW, Pilgrim. Striking liver colour on a clean white coat, well presented. A finer type, but has a depth of chest and a reasonable bend of stifle. Moved true, but another one carrying his tail too high. Showed well, competent handling.
3.Dalstorn Incan Mission
Limit Dog (8)
1.Jasquarella Edge Of Winter, Robbins & Hensman Miss V & Mr M. BW dog is the correct size for me, pleasant decoration on a clean white coat. Beautifully balanced in profile. Masculine head, well set ears, dark eyes, flowing elegant neck into correct topline. Tail slightly proud. Just right for bone and substance, moved true fore and aft, had reach and drive, he floated around the ring both here and in the challenge. Steady and unhurried, he never put a foot wrong in the showing department all day. Very attentive to his handler at all times. Well schooled, and most competently shown. Congratulations. BIS.& BBD
2.Tolkain Storm King From Phadante JW, Williams & Tanswell Mr K & Ms C. BW has a pleasing well balanced profile Attractive decoration, good black on clean white, kind expression, dark eye, well broken ears. excellent topline and tailset. Moved with a rhythmic gait but not the reach and drive of first. Competent handling.
3.Rapanooey Sugar Donut at Spotamour JW
Open Dog (6)
1.Kaytoni Oh What A Night At Daymadals, Towson & Pardoe Mr G. D & Miss S.E. BW Strongly built, heavily spotted, super topline and tailset, prominent sternum and correct front assembly. Capacious deep chest, width of thigh, round bone. Powered around the ring, true in all aspects, does not possess the elegance and fine lines I prefer.
2.Millbelle Crazy Horse JW, Miss J.E Wright. A very attractive BW, once again the correct size, make and shape for me. Nothing exaggerated about this boy. Masculine head, kind appealing expression, dark eye, lovely well set ears, clean flowing neck into super topline and tailset, the right amount of bone, plenty of lung and heart room. Moved very true if a little unsettled. His school report reads, can do better! I will watch his future with great interest.
3.Tamilanda Air Force One
Special Junior Veteran Dog (4,1)
1.CH Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW, VW, SWISS VCH, Neath-Duggan & Baker. BW Striking stallion dog, he is such an eyecatcher. Deep black on a pure white coat. Good masculine head, strong powerful neck into super topline and tailset. Plenty of substance, round bone, correct front assembly. True coming and going, strode out with reach and drive. An impressive showman, very well handled. RBD, RBIS and BVIS
2.CH Tamilanda Midnight Lilly JW, CW23, Whincup. BW Well made type, strong body, masculine head, reach of neck into good topline and tailset depth of chest, width of thigh. Moved out well.
3.Bellili’s D’Amore De Loin ShCM, ShCEx,VW
Senior Veteran Dog (2)
1.INT/FR/IR CH Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy JW, McCarthy. LW 10 yrs old, Presented in great condition. I liked his make and shape, correct size, masculine head, good reach of neck into super topline.
2.Dalleaf D’Accord Avec Jemblewood, De Rozzario. 14 yrs old, fantastic old boy, brought a tear to my eye. Well constructed and strode out well considering his age.
Minor Puppy Bitch (9,5)
1.Cubalibre Wishing Star, Mrs B Quayle. LW is so well balanced for one so young, great in profile, attractive feminine head, well set ears, appealing spotty face, good front assembly and lay of shoulder, round bone. Moved very soundly with excellent reach and drive. Never stopped showing, so very promising. BPIS
2.Hebemor Careless Whisper From Dakata, Mr C & Mrs A.E Healey & Miss L Wheaton. Very much a finer type than winner, Very feminine sweet bitch lightly spotted good topline and tailset. Moved quite well but did not match the first.
3. Sophtspot Sparkler at Nospar
Puppy Bitch (5)
1.Dvojica Fizzy Pop, Valentine Mrs S & Mr K. BW very well schooled, quality bitch, good presentation, dark black on pure white, very feminine, deep chest, good front, clean lines, well made, moves true, displayed reach and drive. Promising.
2.Sadiedels Arab Girl, Miss N Pace. Another good youngster, feminine, pleasing decoration, well made, depth of chest, width of thigh, good topline. Moved in a steady controlled manner.
3.Cubalibre Star Attraction.
Junior Bitch (10,1)
1.Fortuna Phoenixx Rising Over Sassafras (IMP USA), Locke-McFadzean & Lopes Mrs A & Mrs J. BW a super sweet quality bitch, smaller type, excellent make and shape. She strode around the ring with impressive drive and lots of enthusiasm. A most promising type.
2.Sharcalu Bee Happy, Burrows Mrs C. BW another quality bitch, so difficult to choose between the first and this one. Feminine, well made, fit condition, good depth of chest, tight feet, moved with powerful reach and drive. I did prefer the head of the winner. Again, such a promising young lady.
3. Steyndal Princess of Wales.
Yearling Bitch (4,1)
1.Offordale Santini, Mrs J.E Alexander. BW a real eyecatcher, another quality dalmatian from this breeder. Smaller type than some. Beautifully presented, dense black spotting on pure white. Appealing head and expression, dark eye, well set ears, pretty feminine head, well muscled, firm topline. She moves so well but is slightly over enthusiastic, wanting to get on with things which caused her to choke on the lead when going fore and aft. However, she was still my BBIS & BBB
2.Kelevra Pickle My Fennel With Buffrey JW SWISS JCH Neath Duggan & Coyne Mrs S.A & Mr S.
LW, excellent colour, feminine head appealing expression, elegant neck flowing into correct topline, deep chest, good underline. Not the movement of the winner.
3.Luccombe Strawberry Ripple.
Novice Bitch (7,1)
1.Cubalibre Star Attraction, Mrs B Quayle. LW well made, robust type, decent decoration, has a good forechest and well off for bone, reasonable width of thigh. moved true.
2.Hebemoor Careless Whisper From Dakata.
3.Sophtspot Sparkler at Nospar.
Post Graduate Bitch (10,2)
1.Decoda’s Toffee Apple, Williamson & Howard Mrs E.L & Mrs H.J. A perfect example of my point about the difference in shapes and sizes. LW very well presented. A taller and finer type here today than many, that said, she is feminine, elegant, well muscled and balanced. She looks super in profile. She moves well, straight and true and with reach and drive, holds her topline on the move. quiet, unhurried, competent handling. BLB
2.Kallierbelle Pink Saphire, Collier & Collier. Feminine pretty head arched neck into firm topline. Good front assembly, deep chest, decent bone. Sailed around the ring with excellent reach and drive.
3.Frankish Tete a Tete.
Limit Bitch (10,3)
1.Nospars Gin and Tonic, Mrs T Stocks. LW deep rich liver colour on pure white, feminine head, amber eye, well set ears, Balanced, sound construction, good bone, depth of chest, excellent width of thigh, good tail set. Moved with purpose, competent handling.
2.Winflash Mirage, Moss Mrs L.E. BW feminine bitch, shown in very good condition. Good headpiece, finer type, moved with reach and drive, attentive to her handler. Showed well, preferred winners overall make and shape.
3.Tamilanda Continental Boom.
Open Bitch (14,2)
1.CH Wrendragge Rainbow Dream, Valentine Mrs S & Mr K. BW caught my eye immediately standing in the line, beautifully balanced, all in proportion, very feminine , lovely head , dark eye, well set ears , elegant neck flowing into super topline and correct tail set. positive and correct coming and going , flowed around the ring with reach and drive . pushed very hard for top honours , well handled and presented. RBB
2.Ellemstra Tough Cookie At Sharcalu, Burrows Mrs C. BW excellent happy outgoing bitch, shown in great condition, hard fit. Evenly spotted, feminine girl, well set ears, pretty head, tapering neck to firm topline and well set tail, good angles, correct front assembly , plenty of bone. Strode around the ring with purpose and drive. A real showgirl, not much between these two super bitches.
3.Cubalibre On One.
Special Junior Veteran Bitch (5,1)
1.CH Buffrey Hanky Panky By Dalleaf JW, Neath-Duggan &Baker Mrs S.A.& Miss S. BW 7yrs, well made feminine bitch attractive head with dark eye, reach of neck into firm topline, correct tailset. good front, plenty of bone, depth of chest width of thigh, tight feet, moved with reach and drive, well handled.
2.Luccombe Strawberry Kisses, Jenkins & Ridgeway Miss S & Mrs S. BW vocal girl 8 yrs, another quality bitch, good profile, well balanced , plenty of substance and bone, deep chest. Moved and showed well.
3.Dotlun Sorellas Phancy at Ravold.
Special Senior Veteran Bitch (3)
1.Tamilanda Blue Water Lily At Dotsadaisy ShCM Wareham Miss N.J. BW another vocal girl, strongly made, deep chest good front, round bone, width of thigh, moved correct coming and going, had reach and drive on the move.
2. Creaganbrec Glory Be At Miragua, Hartley & Griffiths Mrs .F.C.T & Mr J.M. BW liked her size and balanced outline, good proportions, attractive even spotting, moved well with a steady gait, and was well handled.
3.Washakie Endless Summer.
Ken Probert (RIBOT)
BDC Feb Open Show 2024 Judged by Mr K Probert
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