Border Union Agricultural Society
Minor Puppy Dog 2, 0
1, Wilkin’s Anima Cordis Perfect Lover for Salvadorada, 7m, good sized black for age, nice clean head, eyes could be a little darker, correct bite, nice strong neck into well-defined withers, very attentive to handler, good body leading into strong rear, well defined hocks, moves well.
2, Whyte’s Spotamour Ole Ole, nicely sized black good head and eyes, correct dentition, Patched ear, good front assembly and tight feet, good turn of stifle, just needs to muscle up on rear and movement will improve.
Junior Dog 6, 2
1, Barret’s Dalamanti Duke Legend JW, Supersized Liver, excellent head and expression, good eye colour, correct bite, good strong neck into well-defined withers, Correct front and rear angulations, excellent balance of muscle throughout, good front reach and strong rear propels him to an effortless drive.
2, Dinsdale’s Dotlun Apache Running Bear, another excellent sized liver, clean head and nice eyes, correct dentition, carries ears well, well bodied but still developing, good straight front with tight feet, good turn of stifle, good gait but just preferred movement of 1.
3, Newton’s What You See is What You Get Passionate About for Chizzmic.
Yearling Dog 4, 1
1, Wilkins Salvadorada Heads Will Roll JW, Excellent well-built Liver, super decoration, clean head with lovely expression, correct bite, strong tapered neck into well-defined withers, good depth of chest, straight front with nice tight feet, well angulated and muscled rear gives him effortless motion, RCC
2, Pearson’s Kelevra Dill or No Dill, JW, nicely sized compact Black, shorter cast than 1, lovely dark eyes, very attentive to handler, Good straight front with super feet, nicely tapered neck into well-defined withers, well angulated rear, lovely free movement.
3, Cuthbertson’s Kalsidoni Blue Gemstone JW.
Novice Dog 3, 2
1, Dinsdale’s Dotlun Apache Running Bear.
Graduate Dog 1, 0
1, Grant’s Kevin Dude of The Glen, nicely sized liver with good balance throughout, good head, excellent eyes with good colour, straight front with good tight feet, well bodied with correct rear assembly, good steady movement.
Post Graduate Dog 1, 0
1, Grant’s Kevin Dude of The Glen,
Limit Dog 7, 1
1, Johnson’s Dvojica Evergreen, absolutely superb black boy of excellent balance throughout, lovely head with dark eyes, carries his ears well, strong neck of good length into well-defined withers, correct front assembly with good bone and tight feet, well-muscled rear with correct angulations, good turn of stifle, well decorated, moves with ease and efficiency, Dog CC, BOB. Was happy to hear this was his 3rd CC.
2, Norgrove’s Sassydals Flugel Horn, Super liver boy, slightly longer cast than one, excellent head with kind expression and nice eyes, well placed shoulders with straight front legs and tight feet, good spring in pastern, excellent condition throughout, well angulated rear that gives a really smooth gait.
3, Chance and Dodds Apache Dream Catching at Dotlun.
Open Dog 9,2
1, Philip’s and Dunnachie’s Ch Dvojica Enrique, lovely sized black of excellent balance throughout, super clean head with dark eyes, very attentive expression, strong well tapered neck, correct front angulations, nice tight feet, deep chest, strong well-muscled rear with good turn of stifle and well-defined hocks, moves with ease with good front extension and rear drive.
2 Whincup’s Tamilanda Airforce One, another lovely sized black, well proportioned, excellent head with alert expression and dark eyes, strong neck into correct withers and front assembly, nice spring in pastern, well bodied, strong rear with good angulations, deep chest, close decision but just preferred movement of one.
3, Sampson’s Dalstorm Golden Guinea JW .
Veteran Dog No entries
Minor Puppy Bitch no entries
Puppy Bitch 3, 0
1, Wilkin’s Salvadorada Just for Us, lovely sized black girl with excellent decoration, good feminine head, dark eyes, correct dentition, carries ears well, straight front legs and good feet, correct front and rear angulations, good turn of stifle, moves really well, BP
2, Sampson’s Dalstorm Just Waltzing, Lighter cast liver with lovely feminine head, very attentive to handler, good front assembly, straight legs and tight feet, deep chest, correct rear angulation, good movement, close decision but just preferred one’s tail carriage
3, Hill’s Dalstorm Just a Samba
Junior Bitch 5, 0
1, Philip’s and Dunnachie’s Dvojica Filthy Gorgeous, beautiful black who really stands out, lovely feminine head and dark eyes, attentive expression, tapered neck into well-defined withers, correct front angulations, good round bone and tight feet, well-constructed rear, Excellent decoration with deep pigment, super movement with good front reach and rear drive RBCC
2, Valentine’s Dvojica Fizzy Pop, another lovely black girl, very feminine head and dark eyes, correct bite, nicely tapered neck, good shoulder placement, straight front legs with tight feet, longer in body than one, well rounded rear with good angulations, lovely clean white base coat and deep spotting, excellent fluid movement
3, Christie’s Sophtspot Sugar Plum
Yearling Bitch 4, 1
1, Burrow’s Shacarlu Bee Happy, Lovely sized black girl, excellent head and dark eyes, attentive to owner, carries ears well, Correct front assembly with straight front legs and tight feet, well bodied girl, deep chest, well angulated rear, moves with super rear drive and good front reach.
2, Stevenson’s Dallyador White Snowflake at Macula, Super-sized black, feminine head and nicely broken ears, well tapered neck into correct front assembly, straight round front legs and tight feet, on the move she holds a good topline, good front reach and subtle rear drive to produce and excellent gait, just preferred head of one
3, Pace’s Sadiedels Arab Girl
Novice Bitch 6, 0
1, Pickup’s Dotlun English Rose at Roadcoach, loved this girl, super feminine head with correct eyes, well carried ears and attentive to handler, lovely, tapered neck into well-defined wither, well-constructed front assembly, straight front legs and tight feet, lovely clean white coat with deep liver pigment, nicely rounded rear with correct angulations, her movement was superb with good front reach and a subtle rear drive, BCC
2, Wilkin’s Salvadorada Just for Us.
3, Winter’s Pandora Surprise.
Graduate Bitch 6, 0
1, Pickup’s Dotlun English Rose at Roadcoach
2, Stevenson’s Dallyador White Snowflake at Macula
3, Pace’s Sadiedels Arab Girl
Post Graduate Bitch 6, 0
1, Whincup’s Tamilanda Instant Star JW, lovely sized black girl, excellent decoration with deep pigment, very feminine head with lovely eyes, nicely tapered neck into good withers, correct front angulation, nicely bodied, well-rounded rear with good structure, won class on a smooth efficient gait
2, Ward’s Frankish Tete A Tete, Super-sized black girl, lovely clean head and dark eyes, well angled front assembly, good round bone, nice deep chest, correct rear and good bend in stifle, moves with a good drive and front reach
3, Townson and Pardoe’s Sophtspot Phantasia for Daymadals
Limit Bitch 3, 0
1, Hughes Carodal Coast To Coast, Lovely sized liver girl, excellent decoration with deep pigment, good clean head and correct eyes, strong neck and well angulated front and rear, good turn of stifle, well bodied girl, really moves well holding a good topline and tail carriage.
2, Barrett’s Dalamanti Hidden Glory, longer cast Black than one but well balanced throughout, good head, strong neck into well-defined withers, good front assembly, straight front legs and good feet, strong hindquarters, a good steady rhythmic action on the move.
3, Pratt’s Sophtspot Oops a Daisy of Lyndalla
Open Bitch 8, 0
1, Findlay’s Ch Dvojica Excuse My French at Dalfin, Excellent black girl of good proportions all round, Super head with good eyes and very attentive expression, nicely tapered neck into correct front assembly, good round bone and tight feet, deep chest, strong rear, super movement with good front reach and rear drive, carries tail well.
2, Gardner’s Ch Djvojica Chilli Chutney for Wrendragge, Classy liver lady, longer cast than one, feminine head with lovely expression, long well arched neck into correct shoulder assembly, straight front legs with tight feet, good rear angulations, flowing movement holding a good topline and well carried tail. BV
3, Burrow’s Elemstra Tough Cookie at Sharcarlu
Veteran Bitch 2, 0
1, Lamb’s Ch Dalpetro Diamond, Lovely sized compact black not showing her age, excellent decoration, super head and expression, lovely tapered neck into well Laid shoulders, good round bone and tight feet, moves really well with reach and rear drive
2, Whincup’s and Donnelly’s Ch, nl Ch Tamilanda Pick-A-Lily JW, longer cast than one but a very balanced black girl, super clean head with good eyes and alert expression, nicely tapered neck into front with good angulations, nice tight feet, good well-rounded rear, lovely smooth gait but just preferred movement of one.
Judge Stephen Addy