BDC Championship Show 2 November 2024 2024 Judged by Charlotte Jenvall (Denmark) & Mr John McCarthy
British Dalmatian Club Championship Show

2nd November 2024


Junior Veteran
1st Small’s IR CH Alioth Moonlight Surprise
- Appealing liver spotted male with a lot of power, a bit to the heavy side, Correct proportions, nice neck and topline, well-marked withers. The head could be more elegant and have more parallel lines. Scissor bite. Lovely eye colour. Well set ears. Well laid shoulder and well angulated in front and behind. Nice ribcage. Correct paws and pastern. Moves fluently and with sufficient drive. Nice colour and spotting. Friendly temperament. Well showed.

2nd Neath-Coyne & Baker’s CH Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW VW Swiss VCH - Eye-catching boy of correct size. Blackspotted. Correct proportions. Nice head with fine lines, scissor bite. Lovely eye colour. Well set ears. Nice neck and topline standing, on the move it could be more straight. Correct shoulder but a bit straight in overarm. Good ribcage. Acceptable angulations in behind, I prefer a bit more bend of stifle. A bit loose paws. Lovely colours and spotting. Super temperament and very well showed.

Senior veteran
1st Gardinor’s Jamelsey Pyracantha At Dakata JW
- Lovely old boy with a lot of expression. Blackspotted. So typical for the breed. Correct overall proportions. Lovely head and expression. Well set ears. Lovely neck and topline, correct tailset. Good brisket. Very well angulated in front and behind. Sufficient muscle mass for the age, movies still with energy and drive. Very nice spotting and colour. Lovely temperament, very well showed.

Minor puppy
1st Wilkins’ Salvadorada King Of Hearts
- Blackspotted dog with a nice head and expression, Topline standing ok, but moving it must develop stronger and straight. Overall a bit heavy. Scissor bite, well set ears, loose lips. A bit short in neck. Sufficient marked withers. Well angulated in front and behind, nice feet, a tendency to stand french on the front legs. Nice brisket for the age. The topline disturb the movement. Lovely colour and spotting. Nice temperament, very well shown.
2nd Whincup’s Tamilanda Vintage Gold - Liver spotted puppy with a nice outline, a rather heavy head. Typical white face expression. Scissor bite, nice ears, correct ears. Lovely eye colour. Nice neck, withers and topline, correct tail set. The brisket could be deeper. Well laid shoulder. Normal angulations in front and behind. Correct feet and pastern. Sufficient movements, but a bit lack of drive. Lovely spotting, very dark liver colour. Typical outgoing temperament, perfectly handled.

1st Cattermole’s Hafwenna Dumbledores Army For Kalvadene
- Lovely liver spotted youngster with a lot of expression, beautiful head with parallel lines and appealing spotting. Lacks a very little pigmentation on the nose. Lovely eye colour, well set ears. Beautiful neck, marked withers, good back and tail set. The topline must and will grow stronger. Excellent angulations all over. Nice brisket. Forechest very well developed for the age. Nice feet and correct pastern. Moves fluently with a lot of drive. Nice colours and beautiful spotting. Lovely temperament and brilliantly handled. Really a dog with a lot of potential. Best Puppy In Show
2nd Wilkins’ Salvadorada King Of Hearts
- Copy as judged before

1st Cattermole’s Hafwenna Dumbledores Army For Kalvadene
- Copy as judged before
2nd Stocks’ Dalmark’s Jubilations At Nospar JW - Very nice liver spotted young male, well developed for the age. Nice head and expression, lovely eye colour, scissor bite. Well set ears. Correct neck and topline. Correct tail set. Well angulated in front and rear. Nice brisket, enough fore-chest. Correct feet. Lovely movement. Lovely spotting, nice colours. Happy temperament, well handled. A young boy with a promising future.

1st Davies & Corcoran’s Hafwenna King John At Teghafren
- Very nice male with a perfect outline. . Nice head and expression. The nose part of the skull should be more even. Scissor bite, nice eye colour, correct ears. Lovely neck and topline, correct tail set. A bit loose neck skin. Well-developed brisket with a nice forechest. Well laid shoulders. Well angulated in front and behind. Nice feet, sufficient bend in pastern. Rather small spots but well distributed. A few skin issues right now. Moves very nice, lot of drive. Nice temperament; brilliantly handled.
2nd Dinsdale’s Dotlun Apache Running Bear JW - Appeling liver spotted boy of correct size. Lovely head and expression. Nice eye colour, scissor bite. Correct ears with lovely spotting. Nice neck and topline. Very well angulated front and behind. Enough brisket, nice forechest. Correct feet, a bit strait in pastern. Moves very well Lovely spotting and beautiful colours. Unfortunately not in the best skin condition today. Happy temperament, very well handled.

1st Cattermole’s Hafwenna Dumbledores Army For Kalvadene
- Copy, was judged under puppies.
2nd Whincup’s Tamilanda Vintage Gold - Copy, was judged under minor puppies.

1st Wright’s Millbelle Thunderfire JW
- Very convincing boy of top quality. Nice size. Liver spotted. Very nice head, correct stop. Lovely eye colour, well set ears with beautiful spots. Correct neck and topline. Correct tailset. Just enough brisket. Well angulated in front and behind. Enough forechest. Correct feet with well-developed pastern. Moves very strong and fluently with a lot of drive. Beautiful big brown spots on a clean white coat. Lovely temperament, very well handled. DCC. Best In Show

2nd French’s Tamilanda Instant Envy
- Strong black spotted boy. Quite big dog. Nice outline, but the head could be more elegant. Very nice dark eye colour. Scissor, well set ears. Strong neck, nice topline, but lack a little in the withers. A bit low tail set. Lovely brisket, nice forechest. Well angulated in front, ok behind. A bit loose paws. Moves fine. Nice colours, a bit heavily spotted. Nice temperament, very well handled.

Post Graduate
1st Alexander’s Offordale Grenadier
- Strong black spotted quality dog with nice proportions. Expressive head, with a bit short muzzle. Correct stop, nice eye colour, scissor bite, strong well arched neck goes into an excellent topline and tail set. Well laid shoulder, quite straight and a bit short overarm; nice body. Strong well angulated hindquarters. A bit soft paws on front legs. Moves very nice with excellent drive. Happy temperament, very well handled.
2nd Wootton’s Tolkain Caliban - Nice black spotted dog, correct size. Nice head and expression, correct eye colour, scissor bite, correct ears. Nice neck and topline, correct tail set. Ok shoulder, but rather straight overarm making the front movement quite loose. Nice brisket of good length, but a lack of forechest. Sufficiently angulated behind. Moves nice, but lacks some drive. Nice spotting and colour. Lovely temperament, very well shown.

Mid Limit
1st Wilkins’ Salvadorada Heads Will Roll JW
- Lovely liver spotted dog of excellent type, quite big, but very well proportioned. Nice head and expression, dark amber eyes, lovely spottet ears, well set. Nice neck and topline, correct tail set. Well angulated in front, acceptable behind. Moves nicely. Nice feet. Lovely spotting and colours. Excellent temperament, very well handled.
2nd Crookes’ Dalberry The Starburst - Nice liver spotted male of good size. Lovely expression. Correct stop, lovely eye colour, well set, a bit large ears, scissor bite. The underjaw could be marked a bite more. Nice neck, a bit weak in withers, even topline and correct tail set. Well angulated in front and behind. Nice forechest. The paws could be firmer. Moves nicely. Lovely spotting and colours. Lovely temperament, very well handled.

1st Hobbs & Whiting’s Rapanooey Ranunculus
- Well balanced liver spotted dog with excellent proportions. Lovely head and expression, perfect stop. Scissor bite, nice eye colour. Beautiful ears. Lovely neck and topline, very well angulated in front and behind. Nice fore chest, nice brisket. Correct feet. Lovely spotting and good colour. Not so happy in the ring, but works fine. Excellent handling.
2nd Richards’Mediolanum Winterfell For Hafwenna (IMP SRB) - Very strong black spotted male. Correct proportions in the head, but a few more spots had given more character. Correct stop, nice eye colour, scissor bite. A bit short neck, nice topline and tail set. Well laid shoulder, nice angulations in front, excellent behind. Strong developed ribcage. A bit loose paws. Moves excellent with a lot of drive. Needs a bit self-confidence, well handled.

1st Kuipers & Aben’s NL CH Namara’s In For A Shock
- Absolutely lovely liver spotted male of good size. Nice head with a lovely expression. Correct eye colour, Scissor bite, well placed ears w. nice pigmentation. Nice neck and topline; the withers could be stronger. Correct tail set. Enough angulations in front, fore chest could be a little more out filled. Very well angulated behind, good spring of hocks. Correct brisket, deep and perfect length. Moves very well with a lot of drive. Beautiful spotting, nice colour. A little miscaptions colouration on ears. Lovely temperament, well handled.
2nd Locke-McFadzean’s Caprillis Panache Over Sassafras (IMP USA) - Lovely eye-catching black spotted male. Strong, max size for my taste. Lovely head with correct proportions, nice expression, dark eyes. Beautiful spotted ears. Scissor bite. Nice neck and topline, correct tail set. Very well angulated in front and behind. Nice fore chest. A bit short brisket. Nice feet, nice angulated pastern. Lovely pigmentation, lovely colours. Moves from the side very efficient, but rather cow hooked. This makes the placement. Happy temperament, excellent presentation.

Special Memorial Open
1st Williamson’s Decoda’s Captain Tom
- Excellent type, liver spotted male with bilateral patch. Good size and perfect proportions. Big, but nice sculptured head. Lovely neck and topline. Perfect tail set. Lovely fore chest. Very well angulated in front and behind, moves very nice, but a bit tugged up. Correct feet. Lovely spotting and colours besides the patch. A private star. Happy temperament, very well handled.

Charlotte Jenvall (Denmark)

Bitch report

My grateful thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and allowed me the privilege of expressing my opinion of their wonderful Dalmatians. It was an honour.

I was deeply honoured 4 years ago when the club members voted me this Appointment.

I am most grateful for the assistance and help provided by the three stewards: Sarah- Jane Finch, Clair Parker, and Grace Rutherford who not only gave up their day but also kept me on track throughout a long day Judging. What would the Club do without our magnificent helpers.

I also commend Josi Karl and Janet Saunders for their seamless oversight of the event.

Today I was spoilt for choice, in every class I had competitors who met each of my markers. In the larger classes I made first cuts to get a closer comparison before placing in order. When it came to the challenge, I had a line of exhibits which made me proud of our breed and exhibitors. They were an almost an interchangeable group of girls in size, construction and quality of decoration This was going to be a difficult choice, they were all truly representative of the breed and sex as described in the standard.

I kept six for a final look over and my choice was made. Mid Limit winner Chris Pickup’s 18month old Dotlun English Rose at Roadcoach who had coped with changing handlers and runners without faltering had won the day. I called in 2nd from the class, Tolkain Morning Star. She had been a very close second in Mid Limit. But a final look around and I had to award RCC to the winner of Special Memorial Open class Jenny Alexander’s Offerdale Santtini. Unknown to me this RCC qualified her for a 5 RCC ticket which if I heard correctly gives makes her up. A delightful and totally unexpected consequence and I congratulate both her owner and handler.

The Best Puppy Bitch award went to Elaine Tillson,s Tamilanda Rose Gold at Elabri who won both puppy classes.

The Best Veteran in show was won By Sarah Morgan with her home bred Malbreow Wish Upon a Star,who shone brightly in in the ring today

Class 15 Baby Puppy Bitch. 1.
1st Howard Riddle’s: Shydally Stars Aligned. Sparkling 4-month-old B/W Beautifully made and confident. Lovely head and clean bite, attractive ears, correctly set and carried. Well grown and muscled for age, correct angles front and back. Beautifully schooled moved freely with drive had no doubts about placing her first and later with my co- judge in agreement awarding Best Baby Puppy In show.
2nd Richard’s: Arthica You’ll Be in My Heart at Hafwenna
. A bit smaller than I and not as well decorated. Head still developing, good shoulders, but will need more, controlled, exercise to develop the correct volume and flexibility of muscle overall. Good legs and feet all round. Just needs time.
3rd England’s Silverspot Allure of the Sea.

Class 16 Special Junior Veteran Bitch

This class has stepped up a gear since I last judged, the quality and number competing in open classes has led to a transfer to junior veteran of bitches who would normally have stayed in Open or Special Open. Is It time to consider a Champion class?
1st Morgan’s: Malbreow Wish Upon a Star: Only just a veteran and in superb coat and condition. Strong attractive head, good ears and eyes, good clean bite, elegant neck into well set and developed shoulders. Correct length of back, muscled quarters, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. She presented a powerful, attractive picture. On the move everything fell in place and she flowed easily round the ring at correct pace with drive, a beautiful picture. Was in competition for the ticket. Easily Best Veteran bitch and with agreement Best Veteran in Show
2nd Watts & Jackson-Peatling’s: Ch Tamilanda Continental Song JW
. Once again only just a veteran. In excellent coat and condition. A little finer in the head and a little lighter all round than 1 but showed and moved like the champion she is. Unlucky to have been in the same class.
3rd Neath-Coyne & Baker’s : Ch Buffrey Hanky Panky by Dalleaf JW

Class 17 Special Senior Veteran Bitch
1st Dawson’s: Washakie Endless Summer
. 11year old. A classic bitch from this line like most Washakie their breeding can be recognised from across the ring. The coat and decoration still clean and clear in good condition carrying a little weight on shoulder but still moving at a controlled trot. I fell in love with this line nearly 50 years and they still bring a smile to my face
2nd Hartley & Griffiths’: Creaganbrec Glory Be at Miragua. Another 11-year-old and again easily identifiable breeding. Not as eye catching as 1 but fit healthy and willing to compete moved freely
3rd Bardey’s Dalcross Caro Emerald

Class 18 Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Tillson’s Tamilanda Rose Gold ay Elabri
. What a gorgeous young lady. Beautifully decorated 8month old, lovely head and ears which she used to effect, good bite, good colour eyes, long clean neck, well set shoulder leading into level topline and tail carried properly. Well constructured body, super front legs and tight cat feet. At the back well angled powerful drive, a beautiful picture. Schooled to perfection, Friendly, happy moved at an even trot keeping pace with her handler. A delight to see and judge, Best Puppy Bitch
2nd Alexander & Collier’s Offordale Jazz
: lovely young lady, with a skilled handler, a little younger than 1 and still developing her muscle and drive but will be competing on level ground soon. Excellent coat and decoration lovely head on a good strong neck, developing body, deep brisket, well boned, tight feet and neat nails, good quarters and drive
3rd Donnelly’s Tamilanda Golden Leaf

Class 19 Puppy Bitch
1st Tillson’s Tamilanda Rose Gold at Elabri
2nd Neal’s Tolkain Watseka
: Good size shape and make. Attentive at the stand well decorated clean head, well used ears and eyes, lovely neck, level topline and well spotted tail. Well-muscled square stand but a bit over enthusiastic on the move, will soon settle into the job.
3rd Richards’ Hafwenna Just as Sane as I Am

Class 20 Junior Bitch
1st Quayle’s Cubalibre Wishing Star
: A very attractive liver Bitch good size and stature. Well spotted lovey face, strong legs, tight feet, neat tuck-up, well-defined quarters was being a bit mischievous today
2nd Stocks Sophtspot Sparkler at Nospar: Shorter coupled then 1. Good head, well bodied for size, topline and angulation very nice, tight feet. Would like more tuck- up
3rd Bridge, Meyer & Britton’s Akoni Buttery D’Or

Class 21 Yearling Bitch
1st Christie’s Sophtspot Sugar Plum
: Well developed and tidily spotted young lady. She has dark well shaped eyes, beautifully set and decorated ears, good stop, clean neck to shoulders loads of heart room, deep well developed brisket, strong legs and tight well maintained feet, lovely tuck up with well muscled quarter. Tail set and carried correctly ,nice bend of stifle moved as freely and strongly as you would expect from this construction both coming and going. Has a promising future.
2nd Hurst’s Dvojica Firefly for Finnidal: Well developed young lady with clean lines. Good head, slightly shorter than 1. Well muscled, which spoke of plenty of exercise. Moved with drive and put up a strong challenge for this class. Splitting hairs, I preferred the decoration of 1.
3rd Stevenson’s Dallyador White Snowflake at Macula

Class 22 Novice Bitch
1st Sampson’s Dalstorm Just Waltzing JW
Such an attractive picture. Alert and responsive, she never takes her eyes off handler. Lovely head atop a really clean neck down to good shoulders. Would like a little more fore chest. Great depth of brisket and elbows well tucked in. Neat tuck up well constructed thighs which were well muscled. Clean tall which she used on the move. On stand she fills your eye, on the move the time and effort spent on training and exercise was clear to see. Decoration was not chocolate box but was very attractive.
2nd French’s Tamilanda Instant Sass: Good tight construction with everything in the right place. A little bigger then 1 and richly decorated. good head and neck lovely level topline and a long straight tail. Good depth of body a picture both standing and moving
3rd Donnelly’s Tamilanda Golden Leaf

Class 23 Graduate Bitch
1st Sampson’s Dalstorm Just So Salsa
: Immediately reminded me of what was referred -to as a good brood bitch slightly longer and heaver type than the winner of the last class (litter sister) and totally different decoration with well distributed smaller liver spots. Lovely head neck and shoulder, slightly longer in back. Really well-developed quarters. Strong legs all round and a good strong tail.
2nd Barnett’s Salvadorada Happy Go Lucky: Just short of 2 years old this is a well developed Bitch. Attractively decorated, good bone, well-muscled and fit. Head ears and neck sits comfortable on a sound body standing or moving she looks a happy girl.
3rd Hurst’s Dvojica Firefly for Finnidal

Class 24 Post Graduate Bitch
1st Neath-Coyne & Coyne’s: Kelevra Pickle My Fennel with Buffrey JW Swiss JCh
. Beautiful full on liver girl. Skilfully handled and presented in sparkling condition. Stands square and looks you straight in the eye, nothing shy here. Decoration is of the modern large spot, a rich chocolate. Movement as always is smooth, free, balanced, both she and the handler know their way round the ring.
2nd Tysterman’s Carodal: Jacobs Ladder A slightly smaller and lighter Bitch. Again, a liver well decorated in a less dramatic style than 1. Lovely picture standing. I would try to lower her head a touch by baiting little lower down and standing further back. Great topline, long tail. Moving looks a picture.
3rd Davies’ Tamilanda Continental Boom

Class 25 Mid Limit Bitch
1st Pickup’s Dotlun English Rose at Roadcoach
. I make this girl just over 18 months old so I think she still has a bit of filling out to do. Nevertheless, she commands her space in the showring. Attractive beautifully decorated head, ears to die for. Every part of her carried and used to best effect. Clean neck set in to well-balanced shoulders. Lovely forechest takes you to honest strong legs and sound pasterns. Deep capacious chest down to elbows well tucked in. Neat underline. Hindquarters, developed, strong and balanced. A long well carried tail provides balance and steering. First and second thigh well developed, good bend of stifle and hocks well let down. As she fills out this picture can only improve Standing, she is completely with her handler. On the move they are one. She moves around as if she owns the ring. Strength drive and balance coming from within. BCC
2nd Neal’s Tolkain Morning Star
. A bit older and more mature than I yet so alike in many respects. This became more obvious when I studied photos from the show, very similar head neck and ears. A bit less decoration on the face. The body a touch shorter, marking visually stronger on the black but same level and proportion of white, Hind quarters very close match. Movement, both move with similar drive and pace. Very attentive to handler. Easily earned her placing
3rd Locke-McFadzean & Lopes’ Fortuna Phoenixx Rising Over Sassafras JW (IMP USA)

Class 26 Limit Bitch
1st Kembrey’s Dalmark The Ash Blonde
: Lovely size and colour. As always with this kennel came in beautiful condition. Handler presented her perfectly. Super head well decorated face, good colour eyes, strong neck and great front. Correct depth of brisket and sound quarters standing or moving very attractive all-round.
2nd Stocks’ Nospar’s Gin and Tonic JW: So many lovely liver girls in this class and in the show! A very pretty and well-presented, slightly lighter decorated girl. Nice head, long neck, front looks very good, immediate impression is good square well made Bitch. Overall stands out and demands attention. Moved well coming and going.
3rd Quayle’s Cubalibre on One

Class 27 Open Bitch
1st Chance & Dodds’ CH/SWISS/IR CH Dotlun Apache Inch Perfect JW
: Full sister to the CC winner. A glorious liver Bitch lovely rich decoration profusely applied. Love her head and neck, body clean and well muscled. Correct strong shoulders, all four legs well boned, tight feet short nails, square set at the back and a tail that means business. She has a presence which is unmistakable. Super temperament. Moves freely, drives hard. Just missed top honours today by a heart beat.
2nd Kuipers & Aben’s NL CH Namara’s Lets Get It On. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before. Lovely rich colour. Good overall size, nice head and ears. Evenly distributed, slightly smaller spotting then 1. Deep capacious chest correct to elbows, strong legs, good feet. Strong body to hind quarters which were well-developed with good second thigh. Excellent tail which she used on the move. Today she looked very comfortable moving at a easy trot, lovely long stride.
3rd Thorner’s Alphadal’s Sweet Dreamer of Naracoopa

Class 28 Special Memorial Open Bitch
1st Alexander’s Offordale Santtini
Very pretty 2 year Bitch. Beautiful feminine head with neat stop. Correct bite, dark eyes and ears which she used well. Clean neck, correct well- made shoulders, great topline and tail set. Deep chest, clean underline, well boned legs, tight feet, level topline into lovely tail well used. Strong quarters good muscle and defined second thigh. Well let down hocks and clean tidy feet. On the move with her excellent young handler she is smooth and free with powerful drive, no energy wasted. Comes to a natural square stop. Lovely temperament. A pleasure to go over. Delighted to award RCC.
2nd Williams & Tanswell’s Nalderhill Aphrodite at Waltzaway
: well-constructed liver Girl Lovely decorated head and ears, long neck, Substantial body, good bone, great ribs and chest, level topline and tail. Sound quarters, moves freely and effortlessly
3rd Quayle’s Cubalibre On One

Class 29 Brace
Judged Jointly
1st Miss E Kuipers & Mr LC
2nd Ms M Kembrey

Judge John Mccarthy (Kilndandy)