West of England Ladies Kennel Society
Vet D (4,2)
1 Alexander's Ch Offordale Chevalier JW. Lovely balanced, muscular dog. Clean outline and well proportioned and masculine headpiece, high set ears and square muzzle. Elegant neck, super feet, long ribs and level back. Moves with ease, firm from all angles and in super condition. Res CC
2 Whincup and Sibson's Ch Tamilanda Vintage Pink JW. Masculine dog, level head planes and ears close to cheek. Good bone, body and substance. Preferred shoulders on winner. Moderate, muscular rear, cat feet.
MPD (6,1)
1 Sampson & Handyside's Dalstorm Future Formula. mature dog for age, clean outline and balanced skull with slight stop. Clean neck, super tight feet. Deep chest, holds his outline well. Needs to settle in front, unexaggerated rear, a nice type.
2 Holland and Millington's Capearlla It's On Ice. Another well balanced dog, slightly finer build than the winner. Neat ears, oval dark eye. Still to develop in body and firm up in topline. Nice condition and temperament.
3 Finlay's Dalfin Actual Fact
PD (7)
1 Quayle's Millbelle Kicking Horse At Cubalibre. Clean outline, good skull with a nice eye and well placed ear. Good lay of shoulder, strong bone and neat feet. Would prefer longer ribs, holds backline well at all times. Nice type with free profile movement.
2 Cobb's Kalokairie Eddie The Eagle. Another smart dog with a clean outline. Elegant neck, needs to fill in front. Well sprung ribs, energetic mover with free profile movement. A close decision.
3 Sampson & Handyside's Dalstorm Future Formula
JD (5)
1 Quayle's Millbelle Kicking Horse At Cubalibre
2 Millington's Capearlla Pure Diamonds. Quite immature in this class, but is well proportioned throughout. Level head planes and a nice expression with a dark, oval eye. Feet could be tighter, firm topline. Once settled is free and unexaggerated, has a slight roll but will tighten with maturity.
3 Page's Rapanooey Calvin Klein By Winflash.
YD (9,3)
1 Millington's Capearlla Pure Diamonds
2 Baker and Stoke's Maddidalli Echo's Hot Spot. Balanced headpiece and high set ear, a little throaty. Deep chest but needs more fill. Level back with moderate angles, just felt the winner used his rear better in profile.
3 Staff's Brentorview Hercules
ND (8)
1 Quayle's Millbelle Kicking Horse At Cubalibre
2 Millington's Capearlla Pure Diamonds
3 Cobb's Kalokairie Eddie The Eagle
PGD (7,3)
1 Hernandez' Dalminshi Starlite Express JW. Moderate dog throughout, nicely balanced head and high set ears, would prefer tighter lips. Deep chest, with good fill in front. Places feet well on the move, ribs could be longer, steady mover and in lovely condition.
2 Barry's Kalokairie's Crowd Pleaser. Taller and rangier dog, masculine skull with strong cheekbones. Good body and ribs, would prefer neater feet. Lovely and energetic, eye could be darker.
3 Southwood & Tofield's Rapanooey Solar Solstice
LD (14,5) Nice class with depth throughout.
1 Cobb's Kalokairie's Carbon Copy JW. So well balanced with a clean and symmetrical outline. Super detailed head, excellent front assembly and a deep chest with strong backline. Free from all angles, nice type.
2 Whincup's Tamilanda Midnight Lilly JW. Similar shape and proportions. Balanced headpiece, well placed ears. just preferred the front of the winner. Good ribs, muscular loin and powerful rear with strong hocks. Tight feet, nice type and in excellent condition.
3 Gibbs' Phadante Mr Blue Sky JW
OD (8) Super class, liked all five.
1 Neath-Duggan & Baker's Ch Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW. Really splitting hairs between 1 and 2. Winner has a super head and expression, refined muzzle and good ears. Long arched neck, well constructed front with good proportions. Good turn of stifle and hocks vertical, deep chest with good ribs. His powerful action in profile makes him easy to watch. Super condition throughout, a lovely example of the breed. Well spotted. CC and BOB
2 Christie's Ch Sophtspot Gold Dust JW. Lovely dog with lots to like. Masculine head and defined cheeks. Holds his shape at all times. Firm muscle tone and solid body. Moderate balanced angles with a sense of endurance. Nice type.
3 Dunnachie's Ch Dvojica Vendetta
Special Beg D (5)
1 Evans and Baker's Big Addo. Moderate dog throughout, needs a little more strength in muzzle. Good bone and feet, good proportions. Firm condition, would prefer better tail carriage.
2 Evans and Baker's Lokasenna At Troikadal
3 Southwood and Tofield's Rapanooey Solar Solstice
Special Beg B (3,1)
1 Davies' Maddidalli Embers Glow. Feminine bitch, good skull and elegant neck. Has nice fill in front and nicely under body. Neat feet, good profile movement, needs to strengthen in rear. BSpP
2 Sampson's Dalstorm Eternal Promise JW. Nicely proportioned bitch, a little heavily marked. Nice eye and ear placement, preferred ribbing of the winner. Powerful mover but loses her outline, lovely coat and condition.
Vet B (5,1)
1 Page's Ch Winflash Born To Be Wild JW. Lovely and unexaggerated veteran bitch. Balanced and feminine head, high set ears. Uses her front well, with long ribbing and firm topline. Lovely rear with powerful movement, nice type.
2 Thorner's Ch Tolutim Drambuie Sh CM. Super condition for 10. Level head planes with square muzzle, similar proportions to the winner. Holds her back well on the move, low set vertical hock, good loin. Nice type.
3 Gibbs' Ch Phadante Dixie Lily JW
MPB (5,1)
1 Watts & Jackson-Peatling's Tamilanda Continental Song. Eyecatching youngster, still raw bur lovely type, high set ears and oval eye. Clean neck and shoulders, super body and ribs. Unexaggerated and steady movement, a nice bitch.
2 Howard Riddle's Shydally Wish Upon A Star. Feminine head with good proportions. Clean outline with moderate angles. Still needs to fill out but has nice carriage.
Lovely tight cat feet.
3 Howard's Shydally Brightest Star
PB (7)
1 Wright's Millbelle Fernie. BP & BCC. Very nice puppy, and super balance and outline. Lovely to go over, level head planes and bright, expressive eyes.
2 Page's Winflash Miss Dior. Well proportioned bitch, feminine head with nice expression. Neat feet. Needs to develop in front but overall is a nice package. Good ribbing, nice rear and low set hocks. Steady mover.
3 Hajee & Tidcombe's Castletop Summer Breeze
JB (3)
1 Hobbs & Whiting's Rapanooey Rascallion. Level head planes with square muzzle, nice expression. Compact feet, tight and strong, needs a bit more body to her. Free steady side gait with no exaggerations.
2 Clement's Perdita's Penelopea. Alert lady, not quite fully settled on the move. Moderate neck. Firm topline, prefer stronger hocks, deep chest and strong bone. Balanced headpiece with oval eye.
3 Littler & Kembrey 's Dalmark The Kir Royale
YB (13,3)
1 Neath-Duggan & Baker's Buffrey Hanky Panky By Dalleaf JW. Very nice class, super shape and proportions. Excellent headpiece, ears could be smaller. Lovely front assembly, neat feet. Long ribcage with moderate balance angles, strong side gait. Lovely type and full of quality.
2 Gardner's Dvojica Chilli Chutney For Wrendragge JW. Slighly taller bitch with a clean outline. Feminine head and and expression, elegant neck, front assembly bone and feet are lvely. Carries herself well on the move. Low set hocks, steady mover and a close decision.
3 Pratt's Sophtspot In A Heartbeat
NB (4)
1 Wright's Millbelle Fernie
2 Townson & Pardoe's Daymadals Wish Me Luck. Well proportioned bitch with level head planes and moderate stop, ears could be higher. Nice fill in front and deep chest. Firm body, prefer more width in rear on the move. Solid condition.
3 Hobbs & Whiting's Rapanooey Rascallion
Res Kalokairie Decadent Diva At Kintegus
PGB (17,6)
1 Probert's Millbelle My Precious At Ribot. Very honest, balanced bitch, feminine head piece. Lovely front assembly, nails could be shorter. Big ribs, moderate angles, free mover from all all angles, nice type.
2 Brennan's Daymadals In The Mood JW. Slightly taller girl to the winner. Balanced head, good bone. Strong forechest, ribs and feet. Lovely condition, just preferred rear on the winner. Overall a nice bitch.
3 Finch and Bonner's Sophtspot Hocus Pocus At Dalticino
LB (14,4)
1 Croft's Kalokairie's Barberella From Koroyza. Challenging class. Winner in a lovely outline and free from exaggeration. Lovely head and expression, elegant arched neck, neat feet and well ribbed with lovely back and tailset. Could have more width in rear movement, but overall nice type and balance.
2 Whincup's Tamilanda Pick-A-Lilly JW. Lovely clean outline, flat broad skull and perfect square muzzle. Lovely clean outline, bigger frame than the winner, but liked her conformation. Good chest, hocks could be stronger. Profile movement good, firm condition. Close call between 1 and 2.
3 Eden's Dalens A Spot Of Trouble JW Sh CM
OB (10) Challenging class with quality in all placings.
1 Gardner's Ch Dvojica Black Again At Wrendragge JW Sh CM. Res CC. 1 and 2 could swap places on another day. Typy bitch with a balanced head and good planes, slight stop. Super ribs. bone, loin and tail. Tip top condition, sound mover from all angles with good action, well spotted.
2 Christie's Int Ch Jezebel The Astonishing Sophtspot Jw (Imp Nld) . Very nice head, elegant neck with good fill in front and feet. Muscled loin, level back and lovely profile, just preferred the rear on the winner. Lovely type and full of quality, shown in muscular condition throughout. Two quality bitches which were hard to separate and worthy Champions.
3 Page's Winflash Prada Candy Kiss
Gavin Robertson