SKC August 2019 Judged by Linda Moore
Scottish Kennel Club

Thank you all for your entry, and putting your dogs food back in your pocket when I asked you to. Once you have walked your dog into its stand there should be no need to keep feeding. Let the dog show itself, it looks so much better. Are Dalmatian exhibitors getting lazy I ask myself?

Looking back since I judged the LKA I have been rattling on about fore and aft movement and dogs moving in a straight line, well no notice has been taken 95% could not move in a straight line, every show you go to the judge will ask you to move in a straight line. All I got was crabbing and the handler jerking the exhibit constantly there is nothing wrong with the dog it’s the handler and some of you paid the price.

This new way of handling with your hand stuffed in the dog’s mouth is very unsightly and disjoints your dog’s neck, again this is down to training just going to ring craft is not enough.

All the exhibits were well-muscled; however their feet were loose, this tells me road work is not part of their exercise regime. Doing road work not only helps keep feet tight it also is the time to train your dog to go in a straight line.

Linda Moore, Fincham

1st Page, Bleize De Montjuic at Winflash (imp usa) , B/S Nice puppy with no exaggerations correct size, enough bone, chest filled, happy, moved steady.
2nd Richardson, Mapplewell Pocket Rocket, B/s very masculine although still very much a baby has a lot of growing into himself to do. Well off for bone, deep chest showing reach and drive.

PD 2/0
1st Bliss & Pearson Kelevra What a Guy, B/S, Promising baby, standard size, appealing expression, laid back shoulders, well ribbed, strong loin. A rare one that can move in a straight line tracking true, side gate had reach and drive. BP
2nd, Richardson Mapplewell Pocket Rocket

1st Mather, Taliory Saddleside Legend, B/s, What I call an honest dog, well up on size however correct shape and balance, well ribbed back strong loin, side gait sound.
2nd Knight, Dalmardi Charmin the Flames, B/s, lightly spotted boy with good demeanour, shapely, moved ok, happy lad.

PG 6/1
1st McVicar, Dalfin Almond Slice, L/S, Had to forgive this boys bad coat condition because he is certainly fit for function. Straight front with good fill, long nicely arched neck into clean withers, classic underline shape, correct width and turn of stifle, his fore and aft movement got him first place and if he had been in better coat he would have been challenging for the top honours.
2nd, Cobb, Kalokairie Eddy the Eagle, L/S, attractive boy, longer cast and narrower than first, appealing head with correct eye colour, holds his topline on the move reaches out well.
3rd, Finlay, Dalfin Actual Fact

1stt Locke-McFadzean, Caprillis Panache over Sassafras (imp usa) , B/S, Quality dog, Balanced, deep chest, good tuck plenty of drive and reach, proud of his tail.
2nd Cobb, Kalokairie’s Carbon Copy, B/s another Quality dog. Attractive head, dark eye appealing expression, Fills the eye when standing classic shape not as steady on the move as 1s.t
3rd Marley & Libbey Bellili’s D’Amore De Lion

1st, Dunnachie, CH Dvojica Vendetta B/S, Worthy champion, balanced head eye dark, fairly long nicely arched neck flowing into a clean wither, deep chest, nice tuck, makes for a good picture. Does not look exuberant on the move however covers the ground with free effortless movement. CC
2nd Neath-Duggan & Baker, CH Buffery Incognito by Dalleaf JW
, B/S, Another worthy champion, so eye catching powers around the ring knows his job just carrying some thickness over the wither. RCC
3rd Croft & Cobb Kalokairie’s Bullet Proof.

1st Mather, Taliory Saddleside Legend, 1st JNR, Congratulations on Best Sp Beginners & SB GP 1
2nd Marley & Libbey, Bellili’s D’Amore De Lion SHCM
, 3rd Limit, B/S happy boy nice shape moved ok just didn’t hold his topline.
3rd Neilson, Bariscot Aristarchus Moonet JW SHCM

1st Richardson Mapplewell Limited Edition, B/S lovely raw baby and one to watch for the future, fits the standard for size, appealing head and expression; fore and aft angles balanced, good turn of stifle, showed reach and drive, gave too much away today in maturity in next class.

PB 3/0
1st Patterson, Kelevra What a Storm, B/S Like the litter brother one that could actually move in a straight line tracking true, fits the standard for size, plenty of heart & lung room and strong loin. Litter brother put in just more effort when came to the challenge for best puppy.
2nd Richardson Mapplewell Limited Edition
3rd Wallington, Kaytoni Isnt She Lovely at Ailsadot

1st Stocks, Pandamax Lady Martini to Nospar, B/S, Fits the standard for size in tip top condition, long neck into clean withers, ribbed well back short strong loin, covered the ground well. Best feet of the day.
2nd Page, Salsusa a Million Dreams at Winflash, much the same attributes as first, was nit picking between the 2 preferred the shoulders on 1st
3rd Dunnachie & Philip, Dvojica daisy Diamond

1st Pratt & Pratt, Sophtspot in a Heartbeat of Lyndalla SHCM, B/S, Attractive young lady, straight forelegs strong round bone, nicely filled chest, moved with reach.
2nd Morgan, Malbreow Wish upon a Star, B/S taller and rangier type, still balanced good shape moved ok
3rd Noble, Ruebedu Sheik Yerbouti.

1st Lamb Dalpetro Diamond JW, B/S, size make and shape all of standard, up on her toes held top line on move driving off from strong hind quarters shame handler only displays the bitches rear to the judge spoiling her chances in the challenge.
2nd Wright, Offordale Anastasia Avec Millbelle, B/S, nicely put together straight front legs long neck clean wither, has a tendency to lean back into her shoulder spoiling her outline slightly moved with a little bit too much vigour. Still a quality bitch
3rd Dinsdale, Roadcoach Rejoice with Dalesbred

1st Christie, Sophtspot Golly Gosh at Appennine L/S, up on size but full of feminine substance, straight front, round bone, totally balanced front and aft carried herself without exaggeration around the ring. CC
2nd Neath-Duggan & baker, Ch Buffrey Hanky Panky by Dalleaf
, B/S a worthy champion Good eye colour giving kind expression, good shape, angles front and rear balanced, moved steady and true,
3rd Croft Ch Kalokairie’s Barberella from Koroyza.

1st Morgan, Winflash Olympic star JW, SHCM, B/S, nice to see this lady in fine fettle, nothing exaggerated, moved with drive with correct tail carriage. RCC & BV, unfortunately after being awarded best veteran another veteran came forward from another class, after a courtesy run around the ring as I had already awarded the prize I was happy to stand by it, nothing is automatic.
2nd Lamb, Dalpetro Diva JW, B/s, still going strong, up to size but not leggy, still moving sound with drive just losing her topline slightly but a credit to her owner.

SBB 3/1
1st Nobel, Shulune Celtic Snapdragon of Ruebedu, L/S Nice head shape with good eye colour, depth of brisket little long in the loin not in best jacket.
2nd Coxon & Coxon, Taliory Serendipity Target, B/s rather large all through, stood rump high but in lovely condition.