NOEDC Championship Show (Bitches)
12th November 2023
Firstly I would like to thank the members for nominating me to judge Bitches at this prestigious show. The committee did a splendid job making it a special occasion with wine and cake, 120 years is some magnificent achievement.
Thank you goes to my stewards for the day namely Stef Kazana and Steve Addy, they kept everything in order and flowing nicely.
I must say temperaments were utterly delightful, as seen of late too many nervous dogs and bitches but today none to be seen, so so pleased, I had lots of licks and kisses and lots of waggy tails, which I see as happy dogs…
All my winners and class placings met the standard required, I was delighted that my open bitch and CC winner went on to get BEST IN SHOW, my co-judge David Cavill had no hesitation and the referee was not called.
Some of the classes were large in numbers and sadly a lot of nice bitches went unplaced, if only there were more cards to give out, you gave me a lot of quality to consider, and as they say another show on a different day and things could be different.
There weren’t to many high tails, let’s hope this is a permanent trend, some absolutely tremendous feet, but sadly some very flat long feet, the standard requires short toes cat type feet with firm pads. Also my main concern was I was seeing a lot of fine narrow fronted bitches creeping in, our breed needs good bone and substance to be able to do a days work behind a carriage, but overall very happy with what came under me, and I thank you all for bringing your lovely spotty girls.
SJV 15 1 ab
1. Lamb - Ch. Dalpetro Diamond JW- A very full on 7.5 yr old b/s , masses of substance and bone excellent feet, very attractive head, holding her top-line well nice and even spotted, very attentive to her handler , powered around the ring.
2. Neath-Duggen & Baker - Ch Buffrey Hanky Panky JW, very different type to 1 , built on a more elegant frame, very pretty head and nice ear carriage, good level top-line, good bone still has a nice tuck up, moved calmly away, with a good rear action.
3. McManus - Boschendal ashes and rose
SVB 5 2abs
1. Hartley & Griffiths- Creaganbrec Glory Be at Miragua, a 10.5 year old , a lighter b/s , femine head with lovely broken up ears, nice topline, correct shoulders, still throughly enjoying her day out, moved with ease around the floor, pleased to award her Best veteran bitch.
2. Morgan - Winflash Olympic Star, always loved this girl, but sadly now looking her age at 11, but takeing nothing away, she has a lovey head soft expression with nice dark eye, good shoulders nice front , and a tuck up, always seems to love her days out, very fit and moved with plenty of drive.
3. Patrick - Spiral Desdemona
MPB ( 10)1 ab
Two super litter sisters, both very happy show girls, but very different in type..
1. Phillips and Dunnachie - Dvojica Filthy Gorgeous .. Delightful at only 7 months old but stands and shows with much more maturity, nice even black spotting, very attractive head nice dark oval eye, uses her ears well such a soft expression, nice neck into correct shoulder’s good round bone forechest nicely developing , correct topline and tight cat feet. Moved really nicely already showing plenty of reach and drive. B/pb and went on to BP in show.
2. Valentine - Dvojica Fizzy pop.. Fizz by name and Fizz by nature. Femine head , beautiful dark eye, even b/s , slightly longer body than her sister, she has a lovely outline, good neck , into correct shoulders level topline , tail never stopped wagging.. just a little untidy in her movement, but I’m sure these two will change places many times.
3. Bridge, Meyer and Britton - Akoni Buttery D’or
P/B (8) 1ab
1. Locke-McFadzean and Lopes - Fortuna Phoenix Rising over Sassafras (imp USA) A dense b/s on the purest of white coat, exquisite head with a lovely soft expression . Correct shoulders nice topline, love her height to length ratio, good round bone excellent cat feet, everything where it should be at this stage of her development, moved with a lovely driving action.
2. Foster - Dallyador White Myrtle ..A l/s evenly marked has a pretty spotty face, nice ears, lovely oval amber eye, nice length of neck into good shoulders, straight topline, has a good tuck up . Not quite as full on as first but everything developing nicely, moved steady at one with handler.
3. Tingey - Dallyador White Magnolia
Junior (4) 1ab
1. Burrows - Shacarlu Bee Happy ..A evenly black spotted bitch of quality lovely head with soft expression, nice dark eye, good neck, correct shoulders, nice round bone, carried her topline and tail carriage nice and level on the move showing plenty or reach and drive in profile
2. Neath-Duggen & Coyne - Kelevra Pickle my Fennel with Buffrey…Beautifully spotted liver bitch , nice head and correct amber eye, good topline, good bone nice feet , a lovely picture on the stand, at one with her handler, moved nice and steady.
3. Wilkins - Salvadorada Gold Fever
Yearling 0 entries
Maiden (4) 2 abs
1. Ward - Louabidora Show Stopper at Frankish..Dense b/s , nice head and lovely dark oval eyes, plenty of substance, forechest developing nicely , good straight topline, just a little unsure when going over her , but time is on her side as she matures, moves with a lovely driving action.
2. Pace - Sadielel’s Arab Girl…A b/s bitch built on a much finer frame. Nice even markings , sweet head and expression, correct topline and tail set, moved nice and steady.
3. Stevenson- Dallyadore White Snowflake at Macula
Novice (8) 4abs
1. Brooks & Derozario- Jemblewood Jelly Baby.. Smart compact b/s, spots evenly distributed, nice head and dark eye, deep chest with good tuck up, lovely turn of stifle, great spotty tail, moved and handled nicely
2. Wilkins - Salvadorada Honestly Maybe…A l/s girl which has substance in abundance, a much bigger frame, evenly spotted attractive head, amber eye, good shoulder placement, level topline, moved effortlessly around at one with handler.
3. Stevenson-Dallaydore White Snowflake at Macula
Graduate (2)
1. Kembrey - Dalmarks Banana Rama..Lovely liver colour bitch but spotting rather small but evenly distributed. Slightly longer cast , but has a pretty head amber eye soft expression with nice ear carriage, correct shoulders , straight topline and a lovely waggy tail which she held correctly on the move .
2. Ward-Frankish Tête-à -tête .. A bigger framed b/s, with bold spotting. pleasing head and expression , deep chest, good topline, nice strong round bone, just didn’t move with the fluidity of 1st.
Post Grad (11) 2abs
1. Scott-Allen & Davis.. Dallydyl Code Breaker JW ..L/S with plenty to like has lovely substance nice round strong bone, attractive head amber eye has a soft expression, good length of neck, into nice shoulders and correct topline, lovely forechest and tuck up. Lovely free effortless movement.
2. Davies-Tamilanda Continental Bloom.. This b/s has an exquisite head framed by the loveliest of spotted ears, nice dark oval eye, good reach of neck, correct shoulders nice level topline, good round bone ..good tail carriage carried correctly with a lovely free flowing movement.
3. Williamson-Decoda’s Toffee Apple
Limit (21) 2
WOW! What a class, some beautiful bitches , and difficult decisions made..
1. Foster - Perdita’s Tomorrowland As soon as I set I eyes on this girl I was smitten and she didn’t disappoint when going over her. Just loved her for size and shape. Nice black spots if perhaps on the lighter side, but evenly distributed, exquisite head and ear carriage a look of mischief in her eye, good shoulders, just enough forechest , deep brisket, nice round bone, great turn of stifle, straight topline correct tail carriage carried nicely on the move with a steady loose lead action showing plenty of forward reach and drive. Very pleased to award her the RCC
2. Morgan - Malbreow wish upon a Star… very different type to 1st, big dense black spots, loved her head good dark eye, nice ears and used them expressively… good clean neck into clean shoulders, straight topline, nice round bone , carried her tail nicely when moved around showing her easy flowing action, lovely clean in a fit condition.
3. Paige’s - Winflash Channel Paris
Open (8)1ab
A class full of quality bitches , so spoilt for choice.
1. Burrows-Ellemstra Tough Cookie at Shacarlu.. This b/s has showmanship and that hey look at me attitude in abundance, but underneath there is a girl that meets the standard, evenly distributed spotting, lovely feminine head framed with nice ears , long clean neck into shoulders, deep brisket, great tuck up, nice round bone and excellent feet, good straight topline, nice turn of stifle, we’ll muscled and in hard condition a tail that doesn’t stop wagging. Moved nicely on a loose lead with a nice action. BCC and best black and went on to get BEST IN SHOW
2. Chance and Dodds-Ch/Swiss Ch DotlunApache inch Perfect JW.. lovely liver spotted with an attractive spotty face , compact in size, nice reach of neck, correct in shoulder, good straight topline, with correct tail set which she held correctly on the move , showing a true flowing action on a loose lead. Could see she is at one with her handler shown in a beautiful condition.
3. Whincup- Ch Tamilanda Continental Gold. A lovely l/s with very attractive feminine head, beautiful oval amber eye, head framed by excellent ear carriage, a lighter shade of liver nice even spotting, correct shoulders topline and forechest, showing a nice tuck up , shown in excellent condition moved with an easy loose lead action
Champion Bitch (2)
Two beautiful Champions who much deserve their title , but two bitches very different type.
1. Rose-Ch. Dalpetro Dotty JW..A compact bitch with plenty of substance, the deepest large black spots, nice forechest, and deep brisket. Has a very attractive head with dark oval eyes, straight topline correct tail sett carried through nicely on the move. She moved correctly but I could see handler struggling to keep up , would have loved to have seen her on a looser lead.
2. White-Ch. Sophtspot La De La at Belsmard Shcex A lighter b/s with fairly distributed spotting, a bitch made on a longer frame than 1st. I would have preferred a broader head but very pretty and excellent ear carriage. Nice length of neck nice straight topline with good tail carriage, good turn of stifle well muscled up and shown in excellent condition, handled nicely and moved with a lovely free flowing action.
SBB (5) 1ab
1. Davis- Tamilanda Continental Bloom
2. Penn-Dalfellin Agape at Dalarissa.. A bitch of medium size, pretty head and expression, correct ear carriage, good black spotting, straight topline , moved with a nice easy stride.
3. Foster-Dallyador White Myrtle
Brace judged jointly with myself and Mr D Cavill
Always a fun class to watch and judge. And we both agreed jointly on our decision.
1. Kembrey. We thought these were much more of a matched pair, in size colour and spotting, and there were more togetherness when on the move
2. Chappell and Williams.. great to watch this pair even though correct dog/bitch pairing, just didn’t match the equal likeness and collectiveness of 1st.
Judge Sharon RIDGWAY (Luccombe)
North of England Ch Show 2023 Judged by David Cavill & Sharon Ridgway
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